ZIL.INK Website Information

zil.ink Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 6,943

Daily Page Views: 34,715

Income Per Day: $87

Estimated Value: $52,200

zil.ink is registered under .INK top-level domain. Please check other sites in .INK zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by Hetzner Online GmbH. See the full list of other websites hosted by Hetzner Online GmbH.

The highest website zil.ink position in Alexa rank database was 3104 and the lowest rank position was 974337. Current position of zil.ink in Alexa rank database is 196240.

Desktop speed of zil.ink is unknown.

Mobile usability score of zil.ink is unknown.

Mobile speed of zil.ink is unknown.


zil.ink Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

zil.ink whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

The queried object does not exist: previous registration D104685356-CNIC was purged on 2022-02-27T17:19:04.0Z (DOMAIN NOT FOUND)

>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2022-08-03T07:47:29.0Z > IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE DEPLOYMENT OF RDAP: please visit

zil.ink server information

Servers Location

zil.ink HTML validation


The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 6 Column: - 12
"...NS: * html--front.html.twig..." Line: 90 Column: - 12
"...NS: * page--node--page.html..." Line: 97 Column: - 78
"...s/layout/page--front.html.twig..." Line: 115 Column: - 14
"...: * region--top-header.html..." Line: 125 Column: - 13
"...S: * block--aynstagram.html..." Line: 141 Column: - 13
"...S: * field--block-content--..." Line: 148 Column: - 80
"...s/field/field--text-with-summa..." Line: 152 Column: - 78
"...s/field/field--text-with-summa..." Line: 183 Column: - 14
"...: x region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 187 Column: - 82
"...layout/region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 193 Column: - 13
"...S: * block--bootstrap-sass-..." Line: 199 Column: - 80
"...s/block/block--system-menu-blo..." Line: 210 Column: - 12
"...NS: x menu--account.html.tw..." Line: 214 Column: - 84
"...vigation/menu--account.html.tw..." Line: 223 Column: - 82
"...vigation/menu--account.html.tw..." Line: 228 Column: - 78
"...s/block/block--system-menu-blo..." Line: 235 Column: - 13
"...S: * block--mainnavigation...." Line: 241 Column: - 80
"...s/block/block--system-menu-blo..." Line: 252 Column: - 12
"...NS: x menu--main.html.twig ..." Line: 256 Column: - 84
"...vigation/menu--main.html.twig'..." Line: 272 Column: - 82
"...vigation/menu--main.html.twig'..." Line: 277 Column: - 78
"...s/block/block--system-menu-blo..." Line: 281 Column: - 80
"...layout/region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 295 Column: - 14
"...: x region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 299 Column: - 82
"...layout/region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 305 Column: - 13
"...S: * block--bootstrap-sass-..." Line: 310 Column: - 62
"...mplates/block--system-messages..." Line: 313 Column: - 60
"...mplates/block--system-messages..." Line: 317 Column: - 80
"...layout/region--nowrap.html.twi..." Line: 623 Column: - 76

The “banner” role is unnecessary for element “header”.

Line: 106 Column: 9 - 82
"...> <header id="header" class="header" role="banner" aria-label="Site header"> ..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 119 Column: 3 - 48
"...ig' --> <section class="row region region-top-header"> ..."

The “navigation” role is unnecessary for element “nav”.

Line: 200 Column: 1 - 169
"...twig' --> <nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="block-bootstrap-sass-account-menu-menu" id="block-bootstrap-sass-account-menu" class="block block-menu navigation menu--account"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 1 - 140
"...twig' --> <nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="block-mainnavigation-menu" id="block-mainnavigation" class="block block-menu navigation menu--main"> ..."

The “complementary” role is unnecessary for element “aside”.

Line: 289 Column: 17 - 79
"... <aside class="container section clearfix" role="complementary"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “id2” was here.

Line: 508 Column: 41 - 149
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_viber.png" id='id2' class="is-screen is-shadow-light"> ..."


Element “a” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 217 Column: 23 - 103
"... <a href="/user/login" class="nav-link" data-drupal-link-system-path="user/login">ورود</..." Line: 218 Column: 23 - 109
"... <a href="/user/register" class="nav-link" data-drupal-link-system-path="user/register">ثبت نا..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 361 Column: 45 - 106
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-1.jpg"> ..." Line: 362 Column: 45 - 106
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-2.jpg"> ..." Line: 363 Column: 45 - 106
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-3.jpg"> ..." Line: 364 Column: 45 - 106
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-4.jpg"> ..." Line: 369 Column: 41 - 123
"... <img class="is-screen" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/cover-insta.jpg"> ..." Line: 429 Column: 45 - 106
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-1.jpg"> ..." Line: 434 Column: 41 - 137
"... <img class="is-screen is-shadow-light" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen1_1.png"> ..." Line: 435 Column: 41 - 137
"... <img class="is-screen is-shadow-light" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen1_2.png"> ..." Line: 436 Column: 41 - 137
"... <img class="is-screen is-shadow-light" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen1_3.png"> ..." Line: 507 Column: 41 - 152
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_whatsapp.png" id='id1' class="is-screen is-shadow-light"> ..." Line: 508 Column: 41 - 149
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_viber.png" id='id2' class="is-screen is-shadow-light"> ..." Line: 509 Column: 41 - 153
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_messenger.png" id='id2' class="is-screen is-shadow-light"> ..." Line: 514 Column: 45 - 131
"... <img class="is-shadow-light1" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-2.jpg"> ..." Line: 544 Column: 45 - 131
"... <img class="is-shadow-light1" src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen-3.jpg"> ..." Line: 550 Column: 41 - 132
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_twitter.png" class="is-shadow-light"> ..." Line: 551 Column: 41 - 132
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_youtube.png" class="is-shadow-light"> ..."

Element “stop” is missing required attribute “offset”.

Line: 383 Column: 49 - 77
"... <stop stop-color="#4C9EEA" /> ..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “h1” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 420 Column: 33 - 64
"... <div class="has-text-instagram">افزودن..." Line: 451 Column: 37 - 68
"... <div class="has-text-instagram">افزودن..." Line: 481 Column: 37 - 68
"... <div class="has-text-instagram">پیام ر..." Line: 500 Column: 33 - 62
"... <div class="has-text-primary">پیام ر..." Line: 536 Column: 33 - 64
"... <div class="has-text-instagram">شبکه ه..." Line: 566 Column: 37 - 68
"... <div class="has-text-instagram">شبکه ه..."

Duplicate ID “id2”.

Line: 509 Column: 41 - 153
"... <img src="/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/images/screen_messenger.png" id='id2' class="is-screen is-shadow-light"> ..."

zil.ink similar domains

Similar domains:

zil.ink Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.