VHV.DE Versicherungen: Kfz, Haftpflicht, Hausrat uvm. günstig versichern bei der VHV

vhv.de Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 5,191

Daily Page Views: 20,764

Income Per Day: $58

Estimated Value: $31,320

This website is located in Germany and is using following IP address See the complete list of popular websites hosted in Germany.

vhv.de is registered under .DE top-level domain. Please check other sites in .DE zone.

Website vhv.de is using the following name servers:

  • pns.dtag.de
  • secondary006.dtag.net

and is probably hosted by SysEleven GmbH. See the full list of other websites hosted by SysEleven GmbH.

The highest website vhv.de position in Alexa rank database was 12488 and the lowest rank position was 958818. Current position of vhv.de in Alexa rank database is 241752.

Desktop speed score of vhv.de (88/100) is better than the results of 85.98% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.

Mobile usability score of vhv.de (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of vhv.de (69/100) is better than the results of 74.36% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


vhv.de Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

vhv.de whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

Domain: vhv.de
Status: connect

vhv.de server information

Servers Location

vhv.de desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-05-13

Desktop Speed Good

vhv.de Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 8Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking script resources and 3 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 2Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://static.doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js (15 minutes)
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-N4N938 (15 minutes)
https://bat.bing.com/bat.js (30 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 2Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 17.2KiB (20% reduction).

Compressing https://vhv.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vhv.de%2Fd…0a7d67a72761048b728b8a could save 4.7KiB (29% reduction).
Compressing https://vhv.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vhv.de%2Fd…f25a4eaf8af39a1f942dc6 could save 4.3KiB (16% reduction).
Compressing https://vhv.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vhv.de%2Fd…d1fe3c5c1c0753424e54fc could save 4.2KiB (19% reduction).
Compressing https://vhv.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vhv.de%2Fd…ee9632139435cc37d45283 could save 4KiB (21% reduction).

priority - 1Reduce server response time

vhv.de Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources49
Number of Hosts17
Static Resources30
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources4

vhv.de mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2016-12-15

Mobile Speed Medium

vhv.de Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 32Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking script resources and 3 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 8Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 49% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.

priority - 4Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://bat.bing.com/bat.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.vhv.de/dam/jcr:d288a8e7-57a2-4c23-8483…peed.ic.2__0Cw2h40.jpg (5 minutes)
https://static.doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js (15 minutes)
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-N4N938 (15 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 1Reduce server response time

vhv.de Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources54
Number of Hosts17
Static Resources35
JavaScript Resources14
CSS Resources4

vhv.de mobile page usability

Last tested: 2016-12-15

Mobile Usability Good

vhv.de Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <li class="tag-service m-…-isolate-scope">Schaden melden</li> and 7 others are close to other tap targets.

vhv.de HTML validation


Attribute “ng-app” not allowed on element “html” at this point.

Line: 3 Column: 19 - 47
"...!IE]><!--><html lang="de" ng-app="vhv"><!--<!..."

Attribute “ng-controller” not allowed on element “body” at this point.

Line: 277 Column: 1 - 30
"...t></head> <body ng-controller="AppCtrl"><noscr..."

Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

Line: 277 Column: 41 - 126
"...<noscript><meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;url='https://www.vhv.de/?PageSpeed=noscript'" /><style..."

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

Line: 277 Column: 41 - 126
"...<noscript><meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;url='https://www.vhv.de/?PageSpeed=noscript'" /><style..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “noscript” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 277 Column: 127 - 133
"...cript'" /><style><!--ta..."

Attribute “cookie-notice” not allowed on element “aside” at this point.

Line: 282 Column: 1 - 55
"...</script> <aside class="m-cookie-notice nocontent" cookie-notice> <p> <..."

Attribute “offcanvas-panel” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 289 Column: 1 - 164
"... </aside> <div class="container" offcanvas-panel ng-init="setRootPath('/docroot/prod'); setHomepage('/'); setRealm(true); initBranchSelection(); hideInactivityLayer(false);"><scrip..."

Attribute “ng-init” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 289 Column: 1 - 164
"... </aside> <div class="container" offcanvas-panel ng-init="setRootPath('/docroot/prod'); setHomepage('/'); setRealm(true); initBranchSelection(); hideInactivityLayer(false);"><scrip..."

Attribute “sticky-header” not allowed on element “header” at this point.

Line: 291 Column: 1 - 97
"...</script> <header class="nocontent l-header l-header--home " sticky-header sticky-header-trigger="'.l-content'" sticky-header-offset="40"> <div>..."

Attribute “sticky-header-trigger” not allowed on element “header” at this point.

Line: 291 Column: 1 - 97
"...</script> <header class="nocontent l-header l-header--home " sticky-header sticky-header-trigger="'.l-content'" sticky-header-offset="40"> <div>..."

Attribute “sticky-header-offset” not allowed on element “header” at this point.

Line: 291 Column: 1 - 97
"...</script> <header class="nocontent l-header l-header--home " sticky-header sticky-header-trigger="'.l-content'" sticky-header-offset="40"> <div>..."

Attribute “header-nav” not allowed on element “ul” at this point.

Line: 303 Column: 1 - 37
"...p"> </ul> <ul class="l-header__nav" header-nav> <li c..."

Attribute “split-button” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 309 Column: 1 - 18
"...<ul> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 324 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 338 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 353 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 368 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 383 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 409 Column: 1 - 18
"...<ul> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 424 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 439 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 454 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 469 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 498 Column: 1 - 18
"...<ul> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 513 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 528 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 543 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 568 Column: 1 - 18
"...<ul> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 583 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 598 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 613 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 642 Column: 1 - 18
"...<ul> <li> <div split-button> <butt..." Line: 656 Column: 1 - 18
".../li> <li> <div split-button> <butt..."

Attribute “click-trait-increment” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 318 Column: 1 - 184
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="autoInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-pkw.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 347 Column: 1 - 194
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="motorradInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-alle.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 362 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohnmobilInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-womo.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 377 Column: 1 - 192
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="trikeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-trike.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 392 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="quadInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-quad.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 418 Column: 1 - 197
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="privathaftpflichtInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-phv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 433 Column: 1 - 193
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="tierhalterInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-tierhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 448 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="lehrerInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-lehrerhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 463 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 478 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 507 Column: 1 - 187
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="hausratInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-hrv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 522 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohngebäudeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-vwv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 537 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 577 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauleistungInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 592 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 607 Column: 1 - 214
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauhelferInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauhelfer-unfall.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 622 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="feuerrohbauInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..."

Attribute “click-trait-increment-value” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 318 Column: 1 - 184
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="autoInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-pkw.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 347 Column: 1 - 194
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="motorradInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-alle.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 362 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohnmobilInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-womo.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 377 Column: 1 - 192
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="trikeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-trike.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 392 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="quadInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-quad.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 418 Column: 1 - 197
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="privathaftpflichtInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-phv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 433 Column: 1 - 193
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="tierhalterInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-tierhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 448 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="lehrerInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-lehrerhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 463 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 478 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 507 Column: 1 - 187
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="hausratInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-hrv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 522 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohngebäudeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-vwv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 537 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 577 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauleistungInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 592 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 607 Column: 1 - 214
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauhelferInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauhelfer-unfall.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 622 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="feuerrohbauInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-link” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 318 Column: 1 - 184
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="autoInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-pkw.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 347 Column: 1 - 194
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="motorradInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-alle.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 362 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohnmobilInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-womo.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 377 Column: 1 - 192
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="trikeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-trike.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 392 Column: 1 - 190
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="quadInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-krad-quad.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 418 Column: 1 - 197
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="privathaftpflichtInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-phv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 433 Column: 1 - 193
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="tierhalterInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-tierhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 448 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="lehrerInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-lehrerhv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 463 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 478 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 507 Column: 1 - 187
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="hausratInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-hrv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 522 Column: 1 - 191
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="wohngebäudeInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/tarifrechner-vwv.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 537 Column: 1 - 218
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="haus & grundbesitzInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 577 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauleistungInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 592 Column: 1 - 219
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauherrenInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauherren-haftpflicht.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 607 Column: 1 - 214
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="bauhelferInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauhelfer-unfall.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..." Line: 622 Column: 1 - 211
"...eren </a> <button click-trait-increment="feuerrohbauInterest" click-trait-increment-value="5" fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-angebotsanfrage-bauleistung.htm" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button"> <i cl..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-link” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 333 Column: 1 - 131
"...eren </a> <a fullscreen-overlay-link="/formulare/telematik-anfragen" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button " target="_blank"><i cla..." Line: 1357 Column: 5 - 68
"...</li> <li><a fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-rueckruf-service.htm">Rückru..." Line: 1359 Column: 5 - 66
"...</li> <li><a fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-e-mail-kontakt.htm">E-Mail..."

Attribute “confirm-link” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 651 Column: 1 - 168
"...eren </a> <a confirm-link href="https://www.hannoversche.de/risikolebensversicherung?wsrid=1230051000001" class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button " target="_blank"><i cla..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 176
"...eren </a> <a confirm-link href="https://www.hannoversche.de/berufsunfaehigkeitsversicherung?wsrid=1230051000001 " class="m-button m-button--condensed calculator-button " target="_blank"><i cla..."

Attribute “offcanvas-panel-trigger” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 677 Column: 1 - 50
"...iv> </li> <li class="burger-button" offcanvas-panel-trigger> <a hr..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 682 Column: 1 - 94
"...sec-nav"> <li class="l-header__search-button tag-search-button" fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="search"> <a hr..." Line: 688 Column: 1 - 89
".../a> </li> <li class="tag-branch-selection-button" fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="branchSelection"> <a hr..." Line: 1043 Column: 1 - 89
"...sec-nav"> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="branchSelection" class="tag-branch-selection-button"> <butt..." Line: 1049 Column: 1 - 44
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="search"> <butt..." Line: 1083 Column: 1 - 177
"...div> <ul> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__mobile-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1086 Column: 1 - 127
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private' }" class="tag-contact-app"> <a hr..." Line: 1092 Column: 1 - 178
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__desktop-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1095 Column: 1 - 141
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="brokerSearch" fullscreen-overlay-class="l-fullscreen-overlay--hidden-overflow" class="tag-broker-search"> <a hr..." Line: 1238 Column: 1 - 177
"...div> <ul> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__mobile-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1241 Column: 1 - 127
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private' }" class="tag-contact-app"> <a hr..." Line: 1247 Column: 1 - 178
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__desktop-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1250 Column: 1 - 141
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="brokerSearch" fullscreen-overlay-class="l-fullscreen-overlay--hidden-overflow" class="tag-broker-search"> <a hr..."

Attribute “offcanvas-nested-navigation” not allowed on element “nav” at this point.

Line: 695 Column: 1 - 74
"...</header> <nav class="l-offcanvas-navigation nocontent" offcanvas-nested-navigation> <div ..."

Attribute “ng-click” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 699 Column: 1 - 91
"...Menü</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"><i cla..." Line: 715 Column: 1 - 91
"...ngen</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 730 Column: 1 - 91
"... Kfz</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 767 Column: 1 - 91
"...icht</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 804 Column: 1 - 91
"...hnen</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 835 Column: 1 - 91
"... Bau</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 869 Column: 1 - 91
"...eben</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 898 Column: 1 - 91
"...vice</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 919 Column: 1 - 91
"...vice</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 947 Column: 1 - 91
"...zeug</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 985 Column: 1 - 91
"...hmen</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..." Line: 1000 Column: 1 - 91
"...ment</h4> <button ng-click="closeMenu($event);" class="l-offcanvas-navigation__header__close-button"> <i cl..."

Attribute “ng-click” not allowed on element “h4” at this point.

Line: 710 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 725 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 762 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 799 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 830 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 864 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 893 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 914 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 942 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 980 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..." Line: 995 Column: 1 - 32
"..._header"> <h4 ng-click="levelUp($event);"> <butt..."

Attribute “responsive-background” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1055 Column: - 508

Attribute “youtube” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “youtube-video” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “youtube-controls” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “youtube-loop” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “youtube-autoplay” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “youtube-volume” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1056 Column: 1 - 192
"...8fd0' }"> <div class="m-youtube__video" id="stage-video" youtube="stagePlayer.player" youtube-video="1r5BLvA4mfg" youtube-controls="false" youtube-loop="true" youtube-autoplay="true" youtube-volume="0"></div>..."

Attribute “tooltip” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1066 Column: 1 - 72
"...flagged"> <span class="m-tooltip m-button__flag" tooltip tooltip-style="unmasked"> <span..."

Attribute “tooltip-style” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1066 Column: 1 - 72
"...flagged"> <span class="m-tooltip m-button__flag" tooltip tooltip-style="unmasked"> <span..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1069 Column: 1 - 53
"...g></span> <div class="m-tooltip__popup m-tooltip__popup--wide"><p>Ber..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 1076 Column: 1 - 107
"...> <aside> <button fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="youtubeVideo" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ videoId: 'WnwwzgeXhxY' }"> <i cl..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-args” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 1076 Column: 1 - 107
"...> <aside> <button fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="youtubeVideo" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ videoId: 'WnwwzgeXhxY' }"> <i cl..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-args” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1083 Column: 1 - 177
"...div> <ul> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__mobile-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1086 Column: 1 - 127
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private' }" class="tag-contact-app"> <a hr..." Line: 1092 Column: 1 - 178
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__desktop-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1238 Column: 1 - 177
"...div> <ul> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__mobile-only"> <a hr..." Line: 1241 Column: 1 - 127
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private' }" class="tag-contact-app"> <a hr..." Line: 1247 Column: 1 - 178
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="contactInformation" fullscreen-overlay-args="{ scope: 'private', informationType: 'damage' }" class="tag-service m-contact-bar__desktop-only"> <a hr..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-link” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1089 Column: 1 - 83
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-e-mail-kontakt.htm" class="tag-contact"> <a hr..." Line: 1244 Column: 1 - 83
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-link="/vhv/formular-e-mail-kontakt.htm" class="tag-contact"> <a hr..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-class” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1095 Column: 1 - 141
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="brokerSearch" fullscreen-overlay-class="l-fullscreen-overlay--hidden-overflow" class="tag-broker-search"> <a hr..." Line: 1250 Column: 1 - 141
".../a> </li> <li fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="brokerSearch" fullscreen-overlay-class="l-fullscreen-overlay--hidden-overflow" class="tag-broker-search"> <a hr..."

Attribute “content-offsetter” not allowed on element “main” at this point.

Line: 1100 Column: 16 - 73
"...></header><main class="l-content l-content--home" content-offsetter> <sect..."

Attribute “twt-bedarfsrechner” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1153 Column: 1 - 38
"...iv> <div> <div twt-bedarfsrechner data-ivmnr=""></div>..."

Element “figcaption” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1194 Column: 1 - 45
"...(this);"> <figcaption class="m-promo-teaser__caption "> <h3 c..." Line: 1204 Column: 1 - 45
"...(this);"> <figcaption class="m-promo-teaser__caption "> <h3 c..." Line: 1214 Column: 1 - 64
"...(this);"> <figcaption class="m-promo-teaser__caption ga-teaser-telematik"> <h3 c..." Line: 1224 Column: 1 - 45
"...(this);"> <figcaption class="m-promo-teaser__caption "> <h3 c..."

Attribute “box-equalizer” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1304 Column: 1 - 96
"...er__nav"> <div class="l-grid" box-equalizer box-equalizer-selector=".test" box-equalizer-breakpoint="767"> <div ..."

Attribute “box-equalizer-selector” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1304 Column: 1 - 96
"...er__nav"> <div class="l-grid" box-equalizer box-equalizer-selector=".test" box-equalizer-breakpoint="767"> <div ..."

Attribute “box-equalizer-breakpoint” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1304 Column: 1 - 96
"...er__nav"> <div class="l-grid" box-equalizer box-equalizer-selector=".test" box-equalizer-breakpoint="767"> <div ..."

Attribute “footer-nav” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1306 Column: 1 - 16
"...12 test"> <div footer-nav> <h5 c..." Line: 1326 Column: 1 - 16
"...12 test"> <div footer-nav> <h5 c..." Line: 1340 Column: 1 - 16
"...12 test"> <div footer-nav> <h5 c..." Line: 1352 Column: 1 - 16
"...12 test"> <div footer-nav> <h5 c..."

Attribute “fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1361 Column: 5 - 53
"...</li> <li><a fullscreen-overlay-app-trigger="brokerSearch">Vermit..."


Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 1150 Column: 1 - 36
".../section> <section class="l-content__section"> <div>..." Line: 1168 Column: 11 - 73
"...</section><section class="l-content__section l-content__section--medium"> <div>..."

vhv.de similar domains

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vhv.de Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.