UPM.RO Universitatea"Petru Maior"

upm.ro Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 1,408

Daily Page Views: 2,816

Income Per Day: $9

Estimated Value: $2,160

upm.ro is registered under .RO top-level domain. Please check other sites in .RO zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by Agentia de Administrare a Retelei Nationale de Informatica pentru Educatie si Cercetare. See the full list of other websites hosted by Agentia de Administrare a Retelei Nationale de Informatica pentru Educatie si Cercetare.

The highest website upm.ro position in Alexa rank database was 32201 and the lowest rank position was 991137. Current position of upm.ro in Alexa rank database is 509353.

Desktop speed score of upm.ro (77/100) is better than the results of 63.93% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of upm.ro (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of upm.ro (55/100) is better than the results of 43.86% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


upm.ro Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

upm.ro whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

% The WHOIS service offered by ROTLD and the access to the records in the ROTLD WHOIS database
% are provided for information purposes and to be used within the scope of technical or administrative
% necessities of Internet operation or to remedy legal problems. The use for other purposes,
% in particular for advertising and domain hunting, is not permitted.

% Without prejudice to the above, it is explicitly forbidden to extract, copy and/or use or re-utilise
% in any form and by any means (electronically or not) the whole or a quantitatively or qualitatively
% substantial part of the contents of the WHOIS database without prior and explicit permission by ROTLD,
% nor in any attempt hereof, to apply automated, electronic processes to ROTLD (or its systems).

% ROTLD cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable in case the stored information would prove
% to be wrong, incomplete or not accurate in any sense.

% You agree that any reproduction and/or transmission of data for commercial purposes will always
% be considered as the extraction of a substantial part of the content of the WHOIS database.

% By submitting the query you agree to abide by this policy and accept that ROTLD can take measures
% to limit the use of its WHOIS services in order to protect the privacy of its registrants or the
% integrity of the database.

% The ROTLD WHOIS service on port 43 never discloses any information concerning the registrant.

% Registrant information can be obtained through use of the web-based whois service available from
% the ROTLD website www.rotld.ro

Domain Name: upm.ro
Registered On: Before 2001
Expires On: 2025-05-30
Registrar: ICI - Registrar
Referral URL: http://www.rotld.ro

DNSSEC: Inactive

Nameserver: gate.upm.ro

Domain Status: OK

upm.ro server information

Servers Location

upm.ro desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2018-12-04

Desktop Speed Medium

upm.ro Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 21Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 209KiB (46% reduction).

Compressing and resizing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/logo.png could save 114KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/flags.png could save 49.3KiB (97% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_temp…ila/manifestari_06.png could save 18KiB (15% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_temp…/centrusimulare_02.png could save 13.6KiB (11% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/logo_umf/e-umfst.png could save 5KiB (24% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/office_365_1.png could save 3.3KiB (90% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/reeaLogoNew.png could save 3KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/blog.png could save 2.9KiB (90% reduction).

priority - 3Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 2Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://rec.getsmartlook.com/recorder.js (5 minutes)
https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js (2 hours)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 5KiB (24% reduction).

Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/vhs-assets-o…ousel.js.js?1543596608 could save 1.8KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/owl.carousel.js?1525348324 could save 1.8KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/scrollstart.js?1525348324 could save 503B (44% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/mainNew.js?1542017273 could save 499B (37% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/jquery…tartstop.js?1525348324 could save 235B (41% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/scriptMenu.js?1525348324 could save 175B (27% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 3.6KiB (16% reduction).

Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/style…age2015.css?1542354477 could save 1.1KiB (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/newItems.css?1542096860 could save 509B (13% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/t3colorbox/Reso…olorbox.css?1521031043 could save 498B (35% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/css/9f917ca5f7.css?1525437819 could save 484B (25% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/bootstrap_grids…xslider.css?1521640024 could save 314B (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/vhs-assets-o…eme.css.css?1543596608 could save 285B (28% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/owl.theme.css?1442213518 could save 193B (32% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/owl.carousel.css?1441629991 could save 114B (22% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/…s-basic.css?1525345013 could save 103B (12% reduction) after compression.

upm.ro Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources73
Number of Hosts10
Static Resources58
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources16

upm.ro mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2018-12-04

Mobile Speed Bad

upm.ro Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 48Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 10 blocking script resources and 15 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 22Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 211.9KiB (46% reduction).

Compressing and resizing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/logo.png could save 116.9KiB (96% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/flags.png could save 49.3KiB (97% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_temp…ila/manifestari_06.png could save 18KiB (15% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/user_upload/tx_temp…/centrusimulare_02.png could save 13.6KiB (11% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/logo_umf/e-umfst.png could save 5KiB (24% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/office_365_1.png could save 3.3KiB (90% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/reeaLogoNew.png could save 3KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/images/blog.png could save 2.9KiB (90% reduction).

priority - 10Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 8Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 60% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.
Click to see the screenshot with only the HTML response:

priority - 2Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://rec.getsmartlook.com/recorder.js (5 minutes)
https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js (2 hours)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 5KiB (24% reduction).

Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/vhs-assets-o…ousel.js.js?1543596608 could save 1.8KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/owl.carousel.js?1525348324 could save 1.8KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/scrollstart.js?1525348324 could save 503B (44% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/mainNew.js?1542017273 could save 499B (37% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/jquery…tartstop.js?1525348324 could save 235B (41% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/js/scriptMenu.js?1525348324 could save 175B (27% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 3.6KiB (16% reduction).

Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/style…age2015.css?1542354477 could save 1.1KiB (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/newItems.css?1542096860 could save 509B (13% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/t3colorbox/Reso…olorbox.css?1521031043 could save 498B (35% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/css/9f917ca5f7.css?1525437819 could save 484B (25% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/bootstrap_grids…xslider.css?1521640024 could save 314B (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3temp/assets/vhs-assets-o…eme.css.css?1543596608 could save 285B (28% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/owl.theme.css?1442213518 could save 193B (32% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/fileadmin/templates/css/owl.carousel.css?1441629991 could save 114B (22% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.umfst.ro/typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/…s-basic.css?1525345013 could save 103B (12% reduction) after compression.

upm.ro Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources75
Number of Hosts10
Static Resources58
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources16

upm.ro mobile page usability

Last tested: 2018-12-04

Mobile Usability Good

upm.ro Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 1Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <div class="owl-pagination"></div> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/e-umf.html" class="internal-link">detalii</a> is close to 3 other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="https://www.um…umf/UMF_ro.pdf">Despre Tîrgu Mureș</a> and 8 others are close to other tap targets.

upm.ro HTML validation


Malformed byte sequence: “e2”.

Line: 14 Column: - 105
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 87
"......" Line: 538 Column: - 36
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 35
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 428
"......" Line: 669 Column: - 22

Malformed byte sequence: “ee”.

Line: 14 Column: - 249
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 67
"......" Line: 538 Column: - 9
"......" Line: 538 Column: - 89
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 19
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 190
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 209
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 276
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 162
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 207
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 421
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 290
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 302
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 533
"......" Line: 584 Column: - 118
"......" Line: 618 Column: - 40
"......" Line: 620 Column: - 17

Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.

Line: 1 Column: 1 - 6
"...<HTML> <head..."

Internal encoding declaration “iso-8859-2” disagrees with the actual encoding of the document (“utf-8”).

Line: 16 Column: 1 - 72
"...student"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"> <scri..."

Malformed byte sequence: “e3”.

Line: 99 Column: - 101
"......" Line: 240 Column: - 102
"......" Line: 274 Column: - 123
"......" Line: 375 Column: - 114
"......" Line: 442 Column: - 93
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 122
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 146
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 17
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 70
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 83
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 109
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 118
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 202
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 274
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 32
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 96
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 131
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 147
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 220
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 126
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 135
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 150
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 160
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 186
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 202
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 223
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 305
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 321
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 385
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 424
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 426
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 556
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 566
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 576
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 579
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 584
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 99
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 127
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 142
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 167
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 237
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 39
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 61
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 141
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 161
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 211
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 327
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 430
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 443
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 455
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 458
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 464
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 481
"......" Line: 584 Column: - 39

Malformed byte sequence: “fe”.

Line: 99 Column: - 102
"......" Line: 110 Column: - 23
"......" Line: 132 Column: - 16
"......" Line: 132 Column: - 27
"......" Line: 223 Column: - 116
"......" Line: 241 Column: - 34
"......" Line: 274 Column: - 124
"......" Line: 306 Column: - 88
"......" Line: 322 Column: - 97
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 116
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 135
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 53
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 98
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 201
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 53
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 175
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 188
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 283
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 144
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 170
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 187
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 239
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 379
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 425
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 550
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 662
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 679
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 217
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 260
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 342
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 186
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 223
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 340
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 352
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 390
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 471
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 499
"......" Line: 553 Column: - 48

Attribute “topmargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

Attribute “leftmargin” not allowed on element “body” at this point.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

The “bgcolor” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

The “text” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

The “marginwidth” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

The “marginheight” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

The “background” attribute on the “body” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 72 Column: 1 - 217
"... </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="images/backgr1.gif" style="background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: url('images/backgr1.gif');"> <tabl..."

Attribute “height” not allowed on element “table” at this point.

Line: 73 Column: 1 - 76
"....gif');"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="220" width="100%"> <tr..."

The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 73 Column: 1 - 76
"....gif');"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="220" width="100%"> <tr..." Line: 87 Column: 1 - 62
"... </table> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 119 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 146 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 149 Column: 7 - 82
"..."> <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> ..." Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..." Line: 519 Column: 13 - 74
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..." Line: 576 Column: 3 - 24
"...0000"> <table cellspacing=10> <tr..." Line: 662 Column: 1 - 62
".../a></div> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..."

The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 73 Column: 1 - 76
"....gif');"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="220" width="100%"> <tr..." Line: 87 Column: 1 - 62
"... </table> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 119 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 146 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 149 Column: 7 - 82
"..."> <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> ..." Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..." Line: 519 Column: 13 - 74
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..." Line: 662 Column: 1 - 62
".../a></div> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..."

The “width” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 73 Column: 1 - 76
"....gif');"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="220" width="100%"> <tr..." Line: 87 Column: 1 - 62
"... </table> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 119 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 146 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 149 Column: 7 - 82
"..."> <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> ..." Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..." Line: 519 Column: 13 - 74
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..." Line: 662 Column: 1 - 62
".../a></div> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..."

The “border” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 73 Column: 1 - 76
"....gif');"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="220" width="100%"> <tr..." Line: 87 Column: 1 - 62
"... </table> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 119 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 146 Column: 1 - 62
"...="1"><br> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..." Line: 149 Column: 7 - 82
"..."> <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> ..." Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..." Line: 519 Column: 13 - 74
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..." Line: 662 Column: 1 - 62
".../a></div> <table width="764" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr..."

The “valign” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 75 Column: 7 - 21
"...%"> <tr> <td valign="top"><img s..." Line: 138 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td width="109" valign="bottom"><img s..." Line: 148 Column: 7 - 46
"...0"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="764" height="330"> ..." Line: 521 Column: 19 - 82
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" height="170" valign="bottom"><a hre..." Line: 524 Column: 19 - 102
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" valign="bottom" background="images/patrate1.gif"><img s..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 75 Column: 22 - 69
"...ign="top"><img src="images/1.jpg" width="764" height="72"><br> ..." Line: 76 Column: 7 - 54
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 415 Column: 39 - 88
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 425 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 428 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 429 Column: 32 - 86
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 435 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 438 Column: 39 - 88
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 444 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 447 Column: 39 - 88
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 465 Column: 39 - 88
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 468 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 469 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></t..." Line: 473 Column: 39 - 88
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"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 488 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 489 Column: 39 - 88
"..."#3266CC"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> ..." Line: 493 Column: 39 - 88
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The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 79 Column: 7 - 16
"...0"> </td> <td align=left> <i..." Line: 89 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="20" align="center" width="144"> ..." Line: 94 Column: 92 - 34
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="98"> ..." Line: 98 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="181"> ..." Line: 103 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="161"> ..." Line: 108 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="175"> ..." Line: 121 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="26" align="center" width="115"> ..." Line: 125 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="168"> ..." Line: 130 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="289"> ..." Line: 135 Column: 89 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="168"> ..." Line: 139 Column: 112 - 34
"...tom"></td> <td align="center" width="80"> ..." Line: 521 Column: 19 - 82
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" height="170" valign="bottom"><a hre..." Line: 524 Column: 19 - 102
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" valign="bottom" background="images/patrate1.gif"><img s..." Line: 664 Column: 7 - 56
"...0"> <tr> <td align="right" background="images/banda_jos.gif"><img s..." Line: 667 Column: 7 - 34
"...tr> <tr> <td height="20" align="right"> ..."

The “height” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 89 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="20" align="center" width="144"> ..." Line: 121 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="26" align="center" width="115"> ..." Line: 148 Column: 7 - 46
"...0"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="764" height="330"> ..." Line: 521 Column: 19 - 82
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" height="170" valign="bottom"><a hre..." Line: 667 Column: 7 - 34
"...tr> <tr> <td height="20" align="right"> ..."

The “width” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 89 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="20" align="center" width="144"> ..." Line: 93 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 94 Column: 92 - 34
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="98"> ..." Line: 97 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 98 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="181"> ..." Line: 102 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 103 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="161"> ..." Line: 107 Column: 7 - 36
".../p> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 108 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="175"> ..." Line: 112 Column: 7 - 36
".../p> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 121 Column: 7 - 47
"...0"> <tr> <td height="26" align="center" width="115"> ..." Line: 124 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 125 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="168"> ..." Line: 129 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 130 Column: 92 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="289"> ..." Line: 134 Column: 10 - 33
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 135 Column: 89 - 35
"...="1"></td> <td align="center" width="168"> ..." Line: 138 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td width="109" valign="bottom"><img s..." Line: 139 Column: 112 - 34
"...tom"></td> <td align="center" width="80"> ..." Line: 142 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 148 Column: 7 - 46
"...0"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="764" height="330"> ..." Line: 155 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 168 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 175 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 185 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 195 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 201 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 202 Column: 104 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 203 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 204 Column: 104 - 32
"...="1"></td> <td width="161"> ..." Line: 208 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 213 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 219 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 220 Column: 104 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 221 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 222 Column: 104 - 32
"...="1"></td> <td width="161"> ..." Line: 225 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 230 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 236 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 237 Column: 104 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 238 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 239 Column: 104 - 32
"...="1"></td> <td width="161"> ..." Line: 243 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 247 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 253 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 254 Column: 104 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 255 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 256 Column: 104 - 32
"...="1"></td> <td width="161"> ..." Line: 260 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 264 Column: 97 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 271 Column: 97 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 279 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 286 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 296 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 303 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 312 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 319 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 328 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 336 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 348 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 355 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 365 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 372 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 381 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img ..." Line: 388 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 397 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 404 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 413 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 420 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 429 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 439 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 448 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 455 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 466 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 474 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 486 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 494 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..." Line: 510 Column: 94 - 31
"...="1"></td> <td width="26"><img s..."

The “font” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 90 Column: 57 - 78
"...dex.html"><font color="#FFFFFF">Despre..." Line: 95 Column: 61 - 82
"...dex.html"><font color="#FFFFFF">Conduc..." Line: 99 Column: 73 - 94
"...dex.html"><font color="#FFFFFF">Facult..." Line: 104 Column: 60 - 81
"...dex.html"><font color="#FFFFFF">Activi..." Line: 109 Column: 61 - 82
"...dex.html"><font color="#FFFFFF">Evenim..." Line: 122 Column: 75 - 96
"...="_blank"><font color="#3266CC">Admite..." Line: 126 Column: 65 - 86
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Progra..." Line: 131 Column: 69 - 90
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Oficiu..." Line: 136 Column: 63 - 84
"...ndex.htm"><font color="#3266CC">Centru..." Line: 178 Column: 76 - 97
"....ro/old/"><font color="#3266CC"> ..." Line: 206 Column: 19 - 40
"... <font color="#3266CC">Proiec..." Line: 223 Column: 88 - 109
"...et=_blank><font color="#3266CC">Consor..." Line: 240 Column: 71 - 92
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Biblio..." Line: 257 Column: 92 - 113
"...ene.html"><font color="#3266CC">Progra..." Line: 274 Column: 84 - 105
"...="_blank"><font color="#3266CC">Editur..." Line: 289 Column: 73 - 94
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Imagin..." Line: 306 Column: 60 - 81
"...citatii/"><font color="#3266CC">Achizi..." Line: 322 Column: 69 - 90
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Studen..." Line: 339 Column: 72 - 93
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Resurs..." Line: 358 Column: 82 - 103
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">Docume..." Line: 375 Column: 77 - 98
"...dex.html"><font color="#3266CC">�coala..." Line: 391 Column: 96 - 117
"...ice.html"><font color="#3266CC">Concur..." Line: 407 Column: 68 - 89
"...rcetare/"><font color="#3266CC">Concur..." Line: 423 Column: 66 - 87
"...cursuri/"><font color="#3266CC">Concur..." Line: 433 Column: 100 - 121
"...et=_blank><font color="#3266CC">Transp..." Line: 442 Column: 64 - 85
"...gatitor/"><font color="#3266CC">An pre..." Line: 458 Column: 102 - 123
"...ons.html"><font color="#3266CC">Erasmu..." Line: 477 Column: 59 - 80
"...alegeri/"><font color="#3266CC">Aleger..." Line: 498 Column: 7 - 28
"...nk> <font color="#3266CC">Rela&#..." Line: 513 Column: 74 - 95
"...et=_blank><font color="#3266CC">Sindic..." Line: 668 Column: 31 - 51
"...micstart"><font color="3266CC">&copy;..."

The “bgcolor” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 93 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 97 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 102 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 107 Column: 7 - 36
".../p> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 112 Column: 7 - 36
".../p> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="1"><img s..." Line: 124 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 129 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 134 Column: 10 - 33
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 142 Column: 10 - 36
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 154 Column: 5 - 38
"...rows> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 156 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 164 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 167 Column: 6 - 38
".../tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 168 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 169 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 170 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 171 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 174 Column: 5 - 38
"...</tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 176 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 181 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 184 Column: 5 - 38
"...</tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 186 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 191 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 194 Column: 6 - 38
".../tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 195 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 196 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 197 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 198 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 201 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 203 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 208 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 212 Column: 6 - 38
"...tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 213 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 214 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 215 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 216 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 219 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 221 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 225 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 229 Column: 6 - 38
"...tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 230 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 231 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 232 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 233 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 236 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 238 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 243 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 246 Column: 6 - 38
".../tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 247 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 248 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 249 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 250 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 253 Column: 19 - 48
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 255 Column: 92 - 48
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 260 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="1"><img s..." Line: 263 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 264 Column: 97 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 265 Column: 108 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 266 Column: 97 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 267 Column: 97 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 270 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 272 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 275 Column: 163 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 278 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 279 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 280 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 281 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 282 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 285 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 287 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 292 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 295 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 296 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 297 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 298 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 299 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 302 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 304 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 308 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 311 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 312 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 313 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 314 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 315 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 318 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 320 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 324 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 327 Column: 19 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 328 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 329 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 330 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 331 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 335 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 337 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 342 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 347 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 348 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 349 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 350 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 351 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 354 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 356 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 360 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 364 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 365 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 366 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 367 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 368 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 371 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 373 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 377 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 380 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 381 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img ..." Line: 382 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 383 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 384 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 387 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 389 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 393 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 396 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 397 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 398 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 399 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 400 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 403 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 405 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 409 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 412 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 413 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 414 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 415 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 416 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 419 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 421 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 425 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 428 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 430 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 435 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 438 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 440 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 444 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 447 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 448 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 449 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 450 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 451 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 454 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 456 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 460 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 465 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 466 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 467 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 468 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 469 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 473 Column: 7 - 38
"...r> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 475 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 479 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 485 Column: 6 - 38
"...> <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 486 Column: 94 - 49
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" width="26"><img s..." Line: 487 Column: 105 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 488 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 489 Column: 94 - 38
"...="1"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 493 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 495 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 502 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 509 Column: 10 - 38
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 511 Column: 92 - 38
"..."27"></td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 515 Column: 22 - 38
"... </td> <td bgcolor="#3266CC"><img s..." Line: 521 Column: 19 - 82
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" height="170" valign="bottom"><a hre..." Line: 524 Column: 19 - 102
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" valign="bottom" background="images/patrate1.gif"><img s..."

Malformed byte sequence: “c3”.

Line: 140 Column: - 85

Bad value “http://upm.ro/rel_publice/Info/Structura organizatorica, atributiile departamentelor, programul de functionare, programul de audiente UPM.pdf” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in path segment: space is not allowed.

Line: 113 Column: 6 - 200
".../td> <td><a href="http://upm.ro/rel_publice/Info/Structura organizatorica, atributiile departamentelor, programul de functionare, programul de audiente UPM.pdf" target=_blank style="text-decoration:none"> <s..."

The “align” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 138 Column: 37 - 106
"...="bottom"><img src="images/caut1.gif" width="109" height="25" align="absbottom"></td> ..."

The “align” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 149 Column: 7 - 82
"..."> <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right"> ..."

The “frame” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..."

The “rules” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 152 Column: 13 - 95
"... <table width="190" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" frame=box rules=rows> <tr> ..."

Bad value “Centenar UPM.2018.pdf” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in path segment: space is not allowed.

Line: 158 Column: 39 - 70
"...indent10"><a href="Centenar UPM.2018.pdf"><b> <s..."

Stray end tag “font”.

Line: 189 Column: 41 - 47

Row 7 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it.

Line: 211 Column: 6 - 5
".../tr> <tr> <tr> ..."

Row 10 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it.

Line: 228 Column: 6 - 5
".../tr> <tr> <tr> ..."

Malformed byte sequence: “aa”.

Line: 375 Column: - 99

Stray end tag “tr”.

Line: 463 Column: 20 - 19
"... </tr> </tr> ..."

Malformed byte sequence: “ba”.

Line: 537 Column: - 92
"......" Line: 537 Column: - 124
"......" Line: 538 Column: - 43
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 44
"......" Line: 539 Column: - 72
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 265
"......" Line: 541 Column: - 291
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 98
"......" Line: 542 Column: - 226
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 190
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 213
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 242
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 310
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 387
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 455
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 482
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 619
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 640
"......" Line: 543 Column: - 669
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 61
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 133
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 173
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 221
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 306
"......" Line: 544 Column: - 319
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 200
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 329
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 394
"......" Line: 545 Column: - 432
"......" Line: 618 Column: - 49
"......" Line: 620 Column: - 26
"......" Line: 669 Column: - 31

Attribute “background” not allowed on element “td” at this point.

Line: 524 Column: 19 - 102
"... <tr> <td bgcolor="#3266CC" align="center" valign="bottom" background="images/patrate1.gif"><img s..." Line: 664 Column: 7 - 56
"...0"> <tr> <td align="right" background="images/banda_jos.gif"><img s..."

The “align” attribute on the “p” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 532 Column: 7 - 24
"...x"> <p align="center"><br> ..." Line: 534 Column: 7 - 24
".../p> <p align="center">&nbsp;..." Line: 535 Column: 7 - 42
".../p> <p align="center" class="titlumare">O UNIV..." Line: 536 Column: 7 - 24
".../p> <p align="center">&nbsp;..." Line: 537 Column: 7 - 25
".../p> <p align="justify"><span ..."

Malformed byte sequence: “ce”.

Line: 543 Column: - 30

Attribute “target” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 555 Column: 49 - 99
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af1.jpg" width=72 target=_blank> <b..." Line: 557 Column: 54 - 105
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af2.jpg" width=134 target=_blank> <b..." Line: 559 Column: 97 - 148
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af3.jpg" width=147 target=_blank> <b..." Line: 561 Column: 44 - 95
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af4.jpg" width=177 target=_blank> <b..." Line: 563 Column: 52 - 103
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af5.jpg" width=134 target=_blank> <b..." Line: 565 Column: 98 - 149
"...et=_blank><img src="afilieri/Af6.jpg" width=153 target=_blank> <b..."

Bad value “./Anelis banner proiect.jpg” for attribute “src” on element “img”: Illegal character in path segment: space is not allowed.

Line: 570 Column: 52 - 90
"...="_blank"><img src="./Anelis banner proiect.jpg"></a> ..."

Stray end tag “a”.

Line: 594 Column: 89 - 92
"...20)</span></a> </..." Line: 603 Column: 84 - 87
"...10)</span></a> </..."

The “name” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use the “id” attribute instead.

Line: 675 Column: 1 - 83
"...upm2002"> <img name=im src="http://t1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif" height=1 border=0 width=1 alt=""> </a> ..."

The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. Use the “type” attribute instead.

Line: 688 Column: 1 - 33
"...</script> <script language="javascript1.2"> <!-- ..."

Element “area” is missing required attribute “alt”.

Line: 703 Column: 1 - 70
"...me="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="669,42,757,65" href="English/English.html"> <!--..."


The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.

Line: 17 Column: 1 - 30
"...-8859-2"> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- ..." Line: 39 Column: 1 - 53
"...</script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- ..." Line: 677 Column: 1 - 30
"...=""> </a> <script language="javascript"> <!-- ..." Line: 695 Column: 1 - 30
"...</script> <script language="javascript"> <!-- ..."

The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 77 Column: 7 - 82
"...br> <img src="images/3_en.jpg" width="764" height="59" usemap="#Map" border="0"> </td..." Line: 675 Column: 1 - 83
"...upm2002"> <img name=im src="http://t1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif" height=1 border=0 width=1 alt=""> </a> ..."

A table row was 0 columns wide, which is less than the column count established by the first row (5).

Line: 211 Column: 6 - 5
".../tr> <tr> <tr> ..." Line: 228 Column: 6 - 5
".../tr> <tr> <tr> ..."

This document appears to be written in Romanian. Consider adding “lang="ro"” (or variant) to the “html” start tag.

Line: 1 Column: 1 - 6
"...<HTML> <head..."

upm.ro similar domains

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upm.ro Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.