TAZ.DE taz.de - taz.de

taz.de Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 584,977

Daily Page Views: 4,679,816

Income Per Day: $4,680

Estimated Value: $5,054,400

This website is located in Germany and is using following IP address See the complete list of popular websites hosted in Germany.

taz.de is registered under .DE top-level domain. Please check other sites in .DE zone.

Website taz.de is using the following name servers:

  • ns3.ipberlin.com
  • ns.ipberlin.com
  • osiris.taz.de
  • tazns01.lwlcom.net

and is probably hosted by TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH. See the full list of other websites hosted by TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH.

The highest website taz.de position in Alexa rank database was 2598 and the lowest rank position was 3092. Current position of taz.de in Alexa rank database is 2605.

Desktop speed score of taz.de (41/100) is better than the results of 15.65% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of taz.de (96/100) is better than the results of 46.59% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of taz.de (55/100) is better than the results of 43.86% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


taz.de Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

taz.de whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

Domain: taz.de
Status: connect

taz.de server information

Servers Location

taz.de desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-05-18

Desktop Speed Bad

taz.de Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 99Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 959.7KiB (57% reduction).

Compressing and resizing http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/Webcam_4-1_04.05..png could save 294.7KiB (98% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/aaaaaaaaaaaqqq.jpg could save 47.9KiB (98% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://i.vimeocdn.com/video/632852188_640.jpg could save 46.8KiB (88% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://i.vimeocdn.com/video/622993606_640.jpg could save 39KiB (86% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/pic_migcontrol_4_zu_1.jpg could save 38.7KiB (97% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/Blutkohle_taz_400px-2.jpg could save 35.2KiB (77% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg could save 35.2KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://i.vimeocdn.com/video/578862919_640.jpg could save 34.7KiB (86% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998229/624/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…100808_7891ffce54.jpeg could save 31.8KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg could save 21.9KiB (92% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1996604/624/dbd25e8b40ca846e…025168_6ab403ea84.jpeg could save 21.5KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/tote20172_01.jpg could save 19.2KiB (72% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998552/624/9a6a2c0727990c0f…110578_f9d17bc878.jpeg could save 18.3KiB (27% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/41592/300/2schwerpunkt_ueberwachung_dpa_01.jpg could save 15.6KiB (58% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1996604/300/dbd25e8b40ca846e…025168_6ab403ea84.jpeg could save 15.4KiB (54% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1977619/140/36f8bef4d7f1f640…294415_06bc23a6e6.jpeg could save 14.4KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998925/624/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…125894_8dcef12742.jpeg could save 14KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1995997/300/7a8b9f60fad65c9d…996591_98b04d1c0b.jpeg could save 12.5KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998229/300/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…100808_7891ffce54.jpeg could save 12.3KiB (39% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/460x229/wochenendtaz_…rundf9f9f9_richtig.jpg could save 11.9KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1996882/300/KlimaTrump18052017_rtr.jpeg could save 10.1KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998244/300/639134206e637ab8…100786_345b96dafe.jpeg could save 10KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1994766/300/0b40fdeffdb4ae66…972669_c8904cdd35.jpeg could save 9KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1996882/192/KlimaTrump18052017_rtr.jpeg could save 8.9KiB (55% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1994535/192/365641ba2f087cbd…930219_1d111c0da4.jpeg could save 8.8KiB (62% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998954/300/8a37269749708d88…125960_0c68fa7aef.jpeg could save 8.7KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998992/624/f818a24dbc3201a3…126393_1a8c6f9154.jpeg could save 8.5KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/DSC_0015_J_Werlitz.jpg could save 7.6KiB (40% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/MD16_Credit_Florian_Trykowski_39_1x1.jpg could save 7.3KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998418/300/0ed029fc6e784bdf…103516_b2ec245d8d.jpeg could save 7.1KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/Chris_Wattie_reuters_Cropped.jpg could save 7.1KiB (24% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1993560/300/c7d2a7028dc374fd…885332_a1e724f013.jpeg could save 7KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/ap_ayol_gazete_1x1.jpg could save 7KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/ebookKatze.png could save 6.9KiB (11% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998244/192/639134206e637ab8…100786_345b96dafe.jpeg could save 6.4KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/42490/300/0133_dpa.jpg could save 6.3KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1986367/300/14e9a9286508cade…680978_88f4383ed6.jpeg could save 6KiB (27% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998780/192/0ed029fc6e784bdf…117779_2e3b4c2d52.jpeg could save 5.8KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1998992/300/f818a24dbc3201a3…126393_1a8c6f9154.jpeg could save 5.8KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1977578/140/16ecbf8b94e2ea71…213862_22f8537a44.jpeg could save 5.6KiB (54% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/ht17-Nuernberg-image_1x1.jpg could save 5KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1982518/140/9a62fac090d8134b…433551_8c93b503de.jpeg could save 4.9KiB (54% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/tzinfo_QueerLecture190517_2-1.jpg could save 3.3KiB (19% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze46.png could save 2.7KiB (73% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1997827/192/0ed029fc6e784bdf…077624_ecadb45127.jpeg could save 2.5KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/pasten_gesamt_1280_2017.jpg could save 2.2KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/70/gazete_logo_online_weis.jpg could save 1.9KiB (47% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1993354/140/c7c3fda54bd33905…874465_aef70b7a95.jpeg could save 1.8KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1671685/300/1a9e665fe6666186…7748093_00d633baed.jpg could save 1.8KiB (15% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/1987481/140/83a11b275c24f145…780202_c5256384da.jpeg could save 1.1KiB (28% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/aachener_domMariu…ker_dpa_Cropped_1_.jpg could save 965B (12% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/70/baustelle.jpeg could save 908B (31% reduction).

priority - 40Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

http://d2t2on23g4lty1.cloudfront.net/yieldlove-header-bidding.js (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/css/local/print.css (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/css/news2017-05-11.css (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/bigWhArrowLeft.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/headerVerlauf.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/icons/icon_video_small.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/paperFoldShadow.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redArrowsRight.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redDownArrow.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redDownArrow2.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redUpArrow2.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/searchShadow.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/smallWhArrowR.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazde63.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze15w.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze46.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_dept.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_dept_w.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/vertRedGrad100.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1671685/300/1a9e665fe6666186…7748093_00d633baed.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1977578/140/16ecbf8b94e2ea71…213862_22f8537a44.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1977619/140/36f8bef4d7f1f640…294415_06bc23a6e6.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1982518/140/9a62fac090d8134b…433551_8c93b503de.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1986367/300/14e9a9286508cade…680978_88f4383ed6.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1987481/140/83a11b275c24f145…780202_c5256384da.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1993354/140/c7c3fda54bd33905…874465_aef70b7a95.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1993560/300/c7d2a7028dc374fd…885332_a1e724f013.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1994535/192/365641ba2f087cbd…930219_1d111c0da4.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1994766/300/0b40fdeffdb4ae66…972669_c8904cdd35.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1995997/300/7a8b9f60fad65c9d…996591_98b04d1c0b.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1996604/300/dbd25e8b40ca846e…025168_6ab403ea84.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1996604/624/dbd25e8b40ca846e…025168_6ab403ea84.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1996882/192/KlimaTrump18052017_rtr.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1996882/300/KlimaTrump18052017_rtr.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1997785/624/Ottendorf_Sachse…momentphoto_Bonss.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1997827/192/0ed029fc6e784bdf…077624_ecadb45127.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998229/300/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…100808_7891ffce54.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998229/624/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…100808_7891ffce54.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998244/192/639134206e637ab8…100786_345b96dafe.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998244/300/639134206e637ab8…100786_345b96dafe.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998418/300/0ed029fc6e784bdf…103516_b2ec245d8d.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998552/624/9a6a2c0727990c0f…110578_f9d17bc878.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998780/192/0ed029fc6e784bdf…117779_2e3b4c2d52.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998925/624/ee5cdc3fce6f39e1…125894_8dcef12742.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998954/300/8a37269749708d88…125960_0c68fa7aef.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998992/300/f818a24dbc3201a3…126393_1a8c6f9154.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/1998992/624/f818a24dbc3201a3…126393_1a8c6f9154.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/41592/300/2schwerpunkt_ueberwachung_dpa_01.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/42490/300/0133_dpa.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/scripts/taz_zahl_ich/css/jquery.qtip.min.css (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/static/images/seite1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/MD16_Credit_Florian_Trykowski_39_1x1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/ap_ayol_gazete_1x1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/192/ht17-Nuernberg-image_1x1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/2016-einnahmen-master-april-neu.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/Blutkohle_taz_400px-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/Chris_Wattie_reuters_Cropped.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/DSC_0015_J_Werlitz.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/aachener_domMariu…ker_dpa_Cropped_1_.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/pasten_gesamt_1280_2017.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/300/tzinfo_QueerLecture190517_2-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/460x229/wochenendtaz_…rundf9f9f9_richtig.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/Webcam_4-1_04.05..png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/aaaaaaaaaaaqqq.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/ebookKatze.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/pic_migcontrol_4_zu_1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/tote20172_01.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/70/baustelle.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/70/gazete_logo_online_weis.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/948/deliveroo_tzi.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js (15 minutes)
https://cdn.krxd.net/controltag?confid=rbcq6b1k8 (20 minutes)
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/lidar.js (60 minutes)
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/osd.js (60 minutes)
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js (60 minutes)
https://c.betrad.com/surly.js (60 minutes)
https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/osd.js (60 minutes)
https://script.ioam.de/iam.js (2 hours)
http://button.flattr.com/loader.js (4 hours)

priority - 10Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 100.8KiB (74% reduction).

Compressing http://taz.de/ could save 84.4KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://static.flattr.net/button/button.css could save 13.1KiB (61% reduction).
Compressing https://static.flattr.net/button/button.js could save 3.3KiB (70% reduction).

priority - 8Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 2 blocking script resources and 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 2Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 17.9KiB (22% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/js/2017-05-02_01.js?x could save 15.1KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://static.flattr.net/button/button.js could save 2.1KiB (46% reduction).
Minifying https://script.ioam.de/iam.js could save 715B (12% reduction) after compression.

priority - 1Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 12.5KiB (12% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/ could save 12.5KiB (12% reduction).

priority - 1Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 10.5KiB (28% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/css/news2017-05-11.css could save 10KiB (28% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/css/local/print.css could save 535B (37% reduction) after compression.

taz.de Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources221
Number of Hosts51
Static Resources105
JavaScript Resources59
CSS Resources4

taz.de mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2018-02-08

Mobile Speed Bad

taz.de Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 32Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 2 blocking script resources and 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 25Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/css/local/print.css (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/css/news2018-02-08_1.css (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/js/2018-02-06_1.js (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/hamburger_100.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/icons/icon_video_small.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redArrowsRight.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/smallWhArrowR.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze46.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_30_d50d2e.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_dept_w.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/lib/ch/x/pix/tazze.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2528613/300/19593300.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2545637/624/WahrFruehlingdpa08022018.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2546334/624/Xenia_Stolbowa_und_Fjodor_Klimow_.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2547498/624/19886161.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2547542/624/20003708.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2547678/624/klahn_jesus_juenger.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2548627/624/94676145.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2548778/624/65379892.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2548896/624/0225.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2548911/624/20002947.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2549427/624/19909039.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2549629/624/19681147.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/2549771/624/20011194.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/41192/300/schwerpunkt_irak_syrien_07102014_ap.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/picture/42490/300/0133_dpa.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/132/Logo_Bewegung_clean.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/132/stift_500x500.png (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/14/baustelle.jpeg (expiration not specified)
http://taz.de/uploads/images/624/tzi-Film_300-170.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js (15 minutes)
https://script.ioam.de/iam.js (2 hours)

priority - 23Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 227KiB (33% reduction).

Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2548896/624/0225.jpeg could save 32.1KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg could save 28.1KiB (67% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2548627/624/94676145.jpeg could save 24.4KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2548778/624/65379892.jpeg could save 18.3KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg could save 16.7KiB (74% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2547678/624/klahn_jesus_juenger.jpeg could save 16.3KiB (29% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2548911/624/20002947.jpeg could save 14.3KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2549427/624/19909039.jpeg could save 12.5KiB (28% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2549629/624/19681147.jpeg could save 11.5KiB (26% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2547498/624/19886161.jpeg could save 9.8KiB (21% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2549771/624/20011194.jpeg could save 7.6KiB (27% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/42490/300/0133_dpa.jpg could save 6.3KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2528613/300/19593300.jpg could save 5.9KiB (40% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/41192/300/schwerpunkt_irak_syrien_07102014_ap.jpg could save 5.2KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2546334/624/Xenia_Stolbowa_und_Fjodor_Klimow_.jpeg could save 4.9KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/picture/2545637/624/WahrFruehlingdpa08022018.jpeg could save 3.8KiB (15% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze46.png could save 2.7KiB (73% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_30_d50d2e.png could save 2.6KiB (58% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/hamburger_100.png could save 2.6KiB (86% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/icons/icon_video_small.png could save 383B (33% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/x/pix/tazze.png could save 293B (27% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/redArrowsRight.png could save 191B (45% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/tazze_dept_w.png could save 157B (36% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/uploads/images/14/baustelle.jpeg could save 133B (22% reduction).
Compressing http://taz.de/lib/ch/web/pix/smallWhArrowR.png could save 126B (49% reduction).

priority - 5Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 52.4KiB (73% reduction).

Compressing http://taz.de/ could save 52.4KiB (73% reduction).

priority - 2Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 16.4KiB (20% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/js/2018-02-06_1.js could save 15.6KiB (21% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://script.ioam.de/iam.js could save 874B (13% reduction) after compression.

priority - 1Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 10.1KiB (24% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/css/news2018-02-08_1.css could save 9.6KiB (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://taz.de/lib/ch/moby/css/local/print.css could save 533B (37% reduction) after compression.

priority - 1Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 8.1KiB (12% reduction).

Minifying http://taz.de/ could save 8.1KiB (12% reduction).

taz.de Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources62
Number of Hosts10
Static Resources45
JavaScript Resources16
CSS Resources2

taz.de mobile page usability

Last tested: 2018-02-08

Mobile Usability Good

taz.de Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 3Configure the viewport

Your page specifies a fixed-width mobile viewport. Consider using a responsive viewport to allow your page to render properly on all devices.

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a id="tzi-shackle" href="https://www.ta…nzug/!tzi01;x/">Unabhängigen J…ismus fördern!</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a id="tzi-shackle" href="https://www.ta…nzug/!tzi01;x/">Unabhängigen J…ismus fördern!</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

taz.de HTML validation


Documents should not use “about:legacy-compat”, except if generated by legacy systems that can't output the standard “<!DOCTYPE html>” doctype.

Line: Column: -

Attribute with the local name “xmlns:my” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2 Column: 45 - 72
"...y-compat"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:my="mynames" lang="de"><!-- D..."

The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 11 Column: 609 - 655
"...t-0.3) --><script id="piwik-init" type="text/javascript"> // =..." Line: 209 Column: 12 - 79
"... </script><script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/ch/web/js/2018-06-26_4.js"></scri..." Line: 209 Column: 89 - 119
"...></script><script type="text/javascript"> if( f..." Line: 209 Column: 228 - 279
"...m-0.2) --><script class="piwik-custom" type="text/javascript"> // =..." Line: 317 Column: 24 - 90
"...<!--IVW--><script type="text/javascript" src="https://script.ioam.de/iam.js"></scri..." Line: 317 Column: 185 - 215
"...></script><script type="text/javascript"> // ..." Line: 515 Column: 2321 - 2351
"...</li></ul><script type="text/javascript">(funct..." Line: 522 Column: 82 - 112
"...taz.de --><script type="text/javascript"> ra..." Line: 528 Column: 233 - 272
"...====== --><script xmlns="" type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 535 Column: 245 - 275
"...centered"><script type="text/javascript"> // to..." Line: 575 Column: 683 - 713
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 596 Column: 187 - 217
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 607 Column: 140 - 170
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 618 Column: 2854 - 2884
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 632 Column: 162 - 214
"..."></input><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">filOta..." Line: 632 Column: 5313 - 5343
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 665 Column: 589 - 619
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('..." Line: 681 Column: 671 - 701
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 765 Column: 544 - 574
"...div></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('.s..." Line: 797 Column: 279 - 309
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 821 Column: 362 - 392
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 834 Column: 78 - 108
"...</a></div><script type="text/javascript">(funct..." Line: 842 Column: 2945 - 2975
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 854 Column: 802 - 832
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('..." Line: 869 Column: 2039 - 2069
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 893 Column: 628 - 658
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('..." Line: 908 Column: 2062 - 2092
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 919 Column: 2507 - 2537
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('..." Line: 934 Column: 2128 - 2158
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 949 Column: 31 - 61
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('...." Line: 979 Column: 686 - 716
".../ul></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('..." Line: 994 Column: 550 - 580
"...div></div><script type="text/javascript"> $('.s..." Line: 1028 Column: 1965 - 1995
"...iv></span><script type="text/javascript"> (func..." Line: 1051 Column: 9105 - 9157
"..."></input><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">filOta..."

The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 528 Column: 22 - 125
"...<noscript><img src="/digitaz/cntres/taz.de/ecnt/1551026363.taz/countergif" border="0" width="1" height="1" alt=""></img>..."

Attribute “xmlns” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 528 Column: 233 - 272
"...====== --><script xmlns="" type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 645 Column: 2 - 65
"...3"> <div xmlns="" class="sect sect_service box style_taz first_box"> <d..." Line: 853 Column: 1636 - 1647
"...t auf den <b xmlns=""><a hre..." Line: 890 Column: 326 - 337
"... Mit der <b xmlns="">taz</b..." Line: 890 Column: 345 - 356
"..."">taz</b><b xmlns=""> Bewe..." Line: 890 Column: 466 - 477
"...nbringen. <b xmlns=""><a hre..." Line: 1043 Column: 232 - 243
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Der ..." Line: 1043 Column: 331 - 342
"...inklusive <i xmlns="">taz am..." Line: 1044 Column: 230 - 241
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Für ..." Line: 1044 Column: 293 - 304
"...tlich die <i xmlns="">taz am..." Line: 1045 Column: 232 - 243
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Für ..." Line: 1046 Column: 259 - 270
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Die ..." Line: 1046 Column: 420 - 431
"...gedruckte <i xmlns="">taz am..."

The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.

Line: 632 Column: 162 - 214
"..."></input><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">filOta..." Line: 1051 Column: 9105 - 9157
"..."></input><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">filOta..."

The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.

Line: 632 Column: 555 - 587
"...ding"><h2><a name="Javascript deaktiviert"><span>..." Line: 647 Column: 43 - 102
"...head"><h2><a name="die%20aktuelle%20Ausgabe%20der%20taz" shape="rect">di..." Line: 665 Column: 128 - 152
"...ding"><h2><a name="Bildergalerie "><span>..." Line: 681 Column: 115 - 160
"...ding"><h2><a name="was fehlt" href="/was-fehlt/!p2260/"><span>..." Line: 755 Column: 106 - 128
"...ding"><h2><a name="meistgelesen"><span>..." Line: 760 Column: 107 - 133
"...ding"><h2><a name="meistkommentiert"><span>..." Line: 765 Column: 118 - 155
"...ding"><h2><a name="Karikatur &amp; Toms Touché"><span>..." Line: 811 Column: 127 - 145
"...ding"><h2><a name="zahl ich"><span>..." Line: 820 Column: 107 - 159
"...ding"><h2><a name="taz gazete – das deutsch-türkische Portal"><span>..." Line: 839 Column: 121 - 178
"...ding"><h2><a name="Themen des Tages" href="/Themen-des-Tages/!p15/"><span>..." Line: 839 Column: 2737 - 2778
"...6_hd"><h2><a name="Politik" href="/Politik/!p4615/"><span>..." Line: 853 Column: 128 - 194
"...ding"><h2><a name="Schwerpunkt Brexit" href="/Schwerpunkt-Brexit/!t5313864/"><span>..." Line: 853 Column: 1421 - 1455
"...ding"><h2><a name="Was hier nicht steht ..."><span>..." Line: 854 Column: 242 - 265
"...ding"><h2><a name="Bildergalerie"><span>..." Line: 866 Column: 2101 - 2135
"...8_hd"><h2><a name="Öko" href="/Oeko/!p4610/"><span>..." Line: 883 Column: 119 - 171
"...ding"><h2><a name="Aus der taz  Neues vom linken Medienhaus "><span>..." Line: 890 Column: 102 - 147
"...ding"><h2><a name="Endlich mal politisch aktiv werden?"><span>..." Line: 893 Column: 134 - 157
"...ding"><h2><a name="Bildergalerie"><span>..." Line: 905 Column: 198 - 249
"...8_hd"><h2><a name="Gesellschaft" href="/Gesellschaft/!p4611/"><span>..." Line: 919 Column: 128 - 205
"...ding"><h2><a name="Schwerpunkt Überwachung" href="/Schwerpunkt-Ueberwachung/!t5007813/"><span>..." Line: 919 Column: 1465 - 1495
"...ding"><h2><a name="taz Veranstaltungen"><span>..." Line: 919 Column: 1982 - 2005
"...ding"><h2><a name="Bildergalerie"><span>..." Line: 929 Column: 119 - 186
"...ding"><h2><a name="taz blogs | riotmama" href="http://blogs.taz.de/riotmama"><span>..." Line: 931 Column: 2792 - 2831
"...7_hd"><h2><a name="Kultur" href="/Kultur/!p4639/"><span>..." Line: 979 Column: 127 - 150
"...ding"><h2><a name="Bildergalerie"><span>..." Line: 989 Column: 119 - 189
"...ding"><h2><a name="taz blogs | Comic-Blog" href="http://blogs.taz.de/comicblog"><span>..." Line: 991 Column: 2367 - 2404
"...4_hd"><h2><a name="Sport" href="/Sport/!p4646/"><span>..." Line: 991 Column: 4296 - 4335
"...2_hd"><h2><a name="Berlin" href="/Berlin/!p4649/"><span>..." Line: 991 Column: 6036 - 6079
"...4_hd"><h2><a name="Wahrheit" href="/Wahrheit/!p4644/"><span>..." Line: 994 Column: 124 - 161
"...ding"><h2><a name="Karikatur &amp; Toms Touché"><span>..." Line: 1025 Column: 201 - 236
"...6_hd"><h2><a name="Nord" href="/Nord/!p4650/"><span>..." Line: 1042 Column: 107 - 157
"...ding"><h2><a name="Soviel taz wie sie möchten | unsere Abos"><span>..."

The “link” role is unnecessary for element “a”.

Line: 632 Column: 1205 - 1363
"...pictured"><a href="/Kommentar-Missbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572228/" ratioURL-ressource="5572228" class="objlink subjective commentary article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 632 Column: 2143 - 2258
"...e leaded"><a href="/Kindesmissbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572245/" ratioURL-ressource="5572245" class="objlink nolead" role="link"><h4>Ki..." Line: 632 Column: 2395 - 2517
"...e leaded"><a href="/Missbrauch-in-der-katholischen-Kirche/!5575942/" ratioURL-ressource="5575942" class="objlink nolead" role="link"><h4>Mi..." Line: 632 Column: 2695 - 2817
"...e leaded"><a href="/Die-katholische-Kirche-und-die-Schuld/!5572970/" ratioURL-ressource="5572970" class="objlink nolead" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 632 Column: 2988 - 3129
"...pictured"><a href="/Seehofer-will-mehr-Abschiebungen/!5572283/" ratioURL-ressource="5572283" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Se..." Line: 632 Column: 3702 - 3845
"...pictured"><a href="/Gipfeltreffen-in-Scharm-El-Scheich/!5575976/" ratioURL-ressource="5575976" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Gi..." Line: 632 Column: 4610 - 4728
"...e leaded"><a href="/Kommentar-Mord-an-Jamal-Khashoggi/!5552153/" ratioURL-ressource="5552153" class="objlink nolead" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 632 Column: 4871 - 4991
"...e leaded"><a href="/Das-Geschaeft-mit-den-Fluechtlingen/!5538504/" ratioURL-ressource="5538504" class="objlink nolead" role="link"><h4>Da..." Line: 643 Column: 243 - 382
"...pictured"><a href="/Baggerbesetzung-in-der-Lausitz/!5572306/" ratioURL-ressource="5572306" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Ba..." Line: 643 Column: 999 - 1128
"...pictured"><a href="/Die-Woche/!5572281/" ratioURL-ressource="5572281" class="objlink subjective column article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 643 Column: 1839 - 1955
"... article"><a href="/Polizeigesetz-in-Berlin/!5572298/" ratioURL-ressource="5572298" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Po..." Line: 643 Column: 2096 - 2213
"... article"><a href="/Studie-zu-Hassverbrechen/!5572239/" ratioURL-ressource="5572239" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>St..." Line: 651 Column: 1 - 76
"...:100px;"> <a role="link" href="/e-kiosk/!114771/" target="_blank" style="margin:0px;"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 299 - 412
"...pictured"><a href="/Galerie/Bilder-der-Woche/!g5575173/" ratioURL-ressource="g5575173" class="objlink pictured" role="link"><h3>Bi..." Line: 681 Column: 302 - 402
"... article"><a href="/Was-fehlt-/!5575941/" ratioURL-ressource="5575941" class="objlink wtf article" role="link"><h4>Wa..." Line: 681 Column: 509 - 609
"... article"><a href="/Was-fehlt-/!5575068/" ratioURL-ressource="5575068" class="objlink wtf article" role="link"><h4>Wa..." Line: 755 Column: 251 - 336
"...trodd "><a href="/Ehemaliger-Trump-Chefstratege-Bannon/!5572918/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Eh..." Line: 755 Column: 438 - 519
"...trodd "><a href="/Florian-Henckel-von-Donnersmarck/!5575939/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Fl..." Line: 755 Column: 644 - 723
"...reven "><a href="/Baggerbesetzung-in-der-Lausitz/!5572306/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Ba..." Line: 755 Column: 830 - 911
"...trodd "><a href="/Seehofer-will-mehr-Abschiebungen/!5572283/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Se..." Line: 755 Column: 1037 - 1120
"...trodd "><a href="/Kommentar-Missbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572228/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 760 Column: 260 - 344
"...trodd "><a href="/Kommentar-Kandidatur-Bernie-Sanders/!5572968/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 760 Column: 459 - 546
"...trodd "><a href="/Lucy-Redler-ueber-Die-Linke-und-die-EU/!5575925/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Lu..." Line: 760 Column: 665 - 735
"...reven "><a href="/Linker-Antisemitismus/!5572949/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Li..." Line: 760 Column: 829 - 906
"...trodd "><a href="/Kommentar-Kompromiss-zu-219a/!5575324/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 760 Column: 1020 - 1100
"...trodd "><a href="/Kommentar-Rechte-Intellektuelle/!5573764/" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 839 Column: 454 - 610
"...pictured"><a href="/Kommentar-Machtkampf-in-Venezuela/!5572341/" ratioURL-ressource="5572341" class="objlink brief subjective commentary article pictured" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 839 Column: 928 - 1066
"...pictured"><a href="/Kindesmissbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572245/" ratioURL-ressource="5572245" class="objlink brief report article pictured" role="link"><h4>Ki..." Line: 839 Column: 1424 - 1568
"...pictured"><a href="/Ehemaliger-Trump-Chefstratege-Bannon/!5572918/" ratioURL-ressource="5572918" class="objlink brief report article pictured" role="link"><h4>Eh..." Line: 839 Column: 2167 - 2397
"...b 2019</a><a href="https://taz.de/lab-2019/Tickets/!p5232/#pk_campaign=lab2019&amp;pk_kwd=trenner&amp;pk_source=online&amp;pk_medium=taz.de&amp;pk_content=kachelticket" target="_blank" class="objlink brief pictured remote story" role="link"><h4>Si..." Line: 842 Column: 304 - 435
"...pictured"><a href="/Spendenaffaere-der-AfD/!5575967/" ratioURL-ressource="5575967" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Sp..." Line: 842 Column: 1094 - 1229
"...pictured"><a href="/UN-Zaehlung-in-Afghanistan/!5575962/" ratioURL-ressource="5575962" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>UN..." Line: 842 Column: 1804 - 1958
"...e leaded"><a href="/Kommentar-Machtkampf-in-Venezuela/!5572341/" ratioURL-ressource="5572341" class="objlink brief subjective commentary article leaded" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 842 Column: 2323 - 2465
"...e leaded"><a href="/Ehemaliger-Trump-Chefstratege-Bannon/!5572918/" ratioURL-ressource="5572918" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Eh..." Line: 853 Column: 500 - 627
"... article"><a href="/Album-Eton-Alive-von-Sleaford-Mods/!5574933/" ratioURL-ressource="5574933" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Al..." Line: 853 Column: 761 - 880
"... article"><a href="/Folgen-der-Labour-Spaltung/!5572055/" ratioURL-ressource="5572055" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Fo..." Line: 853 Column: 1028 - 1172
"... article"><a href="/Kommentar-Spaltung-der-Labour-Partei/!5571019/" ratioURL-ressource="5571019" class="objlink subjective commentary article" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 854 Column: 451 - 565
"...pictured"><a href="/Galerie/Wahlen-in-Nigeria/!g5573938/" ratioURL-ressource="g5573938" class="objlink pictured" role="link"><h3>Wa..." Line: 866 Column: 417 - 537
"...b 2019</a><a href="/Ueber-das-Schaf/!168181/" ratioURL-ressource="168181" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Üb..." Line: 866 Column: 968 - 1136
"...eitung</a><a href="https://www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/medien/412/presserecht-als-waffe-5725.html" target="_blank" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded remote story" role="link"><h4>Vo..." Line: 866 Column: 1543 - 1672
"...hl ich</a><a href="/Einnahmen-im-Januar-2019/!168166/" ratioURL-ressource="168166" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Ei..." Line: 869 Column: 303 - 433
"...pictured"><a href="/Haushalt-der-Eurozone/!5572307/" ratioURL-ressource="5572307" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Ha..." Line: 869 Column: 922 - 1066
"...e leaded"><a href="/Kolumne-Wir-retten-die-Welt/!5575184/" ratioURL-ressource="5575184" class="objlink brief subjective column article leaded" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 869 Column: 1413 - 1553
"...e leaded"><a href="/Indigo-und-Rittersporn-fuers-Shirt/!5575165/" ratioURL-ressource="5575165" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>In..." Line: 883 Column: 381 - 492
"...te story"><a href="/programm/2019/HeimatEuropa/de/schedule.html" target="_blank" class="objlink remote story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 883 Column: 628 - 717
"...te story"><a href="http://taz.de/!164285/" target="_blank" class="objlink remote story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 883 Column: 851 - 955
"...te story"><a href="https://monde-diplomatique.de/zeitung" target="_blank" class="objlink remote story" role="link"><h4>LE..." Line: 893 Column: 343 - 458
"...pictured"><a href="/Galerie/Fridays-for-Future/!g5573886/" ratioURL-ressource="g5573886" class="objlink pictured" role="link"><h3>Fr..." Line: 908 Column: 303 - 442
"...pictured"><a href="/Kindesmissbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572245/" ratioURL-ressource="5572245" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Ki..." Line: 908 Column: 971 - 1104
"...e leaded"><a href="/Franken-Tatort-aus-Bayreuth/!5572994/" ratioURL-ressource="5572994" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Fr..." Line: 908 Column: 1463 - 1592
"...e leaded"><a href="/Stadtfuehrung-in-Berlin/!5572905/" ratioURL-ressource="5572905" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>St..." Line: 919 Column: 544 - 676
"... article"><a href="/Innenministerium-will-Darknet-verbieten/!5575157/" ratioURL-ressource="5575157" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>In..." Line: 919 Column: 821 - 941
"... article"><a href="/Kolumne-Digitale-Sicherheit/!5575044/" ratioURL-ressource="5575044" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 919 Column: 1073 - 1205
"... article"><a href="/Ueberwachungskamera-in-der-Cola-Flasche/!5570969/" ratioURL-ressource="5570969" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Üb..." Line: 919 Column: 2191 - 2308
"...pictured"><a href="/Galerie/Opiumanbau-in-Mexiko/!g5571897/" ratioURL-ressource="g5571897" class="objlink pictured" role="link"><h3>Op..." Line: 929 Column: 423 - 538
"...trodd "><a href="http://blogs.taz.de/riotmama/2019/02/11/fun-but-meaty-topics/" target="_blank" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>My..." Line: 929 Column: 657 - 799
"...trodd "><a href="http://blogs.taz.de/riotmama/2019/02/04/selling-ideas-advertisements-versus-information/" target="_blank" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>wh..." Line: 931 Column: 422 - 559
"...>Salon</a><a href="/taz-Salon-Hannover-2602/!167927/" ratioURL-ressource="167927" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 931 Column: 967 - 1096
"...">Info</a><a href="/Diskussion-2802/!168099/" ratioURL-ressource="168099" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 931 Column: 1518 - 1644
"...">Info</a><a href="/taz-lab-0604/!168149/" ratioURL-ressource="168149" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 931 Column: 2229 - 2358
"...atique</a><a href="https://monde-diplomatique.de/kurzabo" target="_blank" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded remote product" role="link"><p cla..." Line: 934 Column: 303 - 448
"...pictured"><a href="/Buch-ueber-die-Krisen-des-Jahrs-1979/!5572965/" ratioURL-ressource="5572965" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Bu..." Line: 934 Column: 988 - 1126
"...e leaded"><a href="/Florian-Henckel-von-Donnersmarck/!5575939/" ratioURL-ressource="5575939" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Fl..." Line: 934 Column: 1493 - 1637
"...e leaded"><a href="/Australischer-Post-Vietnamkriegs-Roman/!5572907/" ratioURL-ressource="5572907" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Au..." Line: 945 Column: 312 - 358
"... Zuhause"><a class="objlink pictured leaded" role="link"><h3>..." Line: 979 Column: 336 - 451
"...pictured"><a href="/Galerie/Die-Berlinale-2019/!g5573395/" ratioURL-ressource="g5573395" class="objlink pictured" role="link"><h3>Di..." Line: 989 Column: 429 - 543
"...trodd "><a href="http://blogs.taz.de/comicblog/2019/02/16/buch-sticht-glotze/" target="_blank" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Wa..." Line: 989 Column: 649 - 785
"...trodd "><a href="http://blogs.taz.de/comicblog/2018/12/26/verlust-verleugnung-und-kein-toter-riese/" target="_blank" class="objlink" role="link"><h4>Jo..." Line: 991 Column: 448 - 596
"...atique</a><a href="https://monde-diplomatique.de/shop_content.php?coID=100139" target="_blank" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded remote story" role="link"><h4>Bl..." Line: 991 Column: 1001 - 1217
".../">Abo</a><a href="/!166916/#matomo:pk_campaign=taz_tragen&amp;pk_kwd=Kachel&amp;pk_source=Online&amp;pk_medium=taz.de&amp;pk_content=Packshot/" target="_blank" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded remote product" role="link"><p cla..." Line: 991 Column: 1628 - 1767
"...antine</a><a href="/Die-Wochenkarte-vom-2502--01032019/!106584/" ratioURL-ressource="106584" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 991 Column: 2740 - 2880
"...pictured"><a href="/Kolumne-Press-Schlag/!5572328/" ratioURL-ressource="5572328" class="objlink subjective column article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 991 Column: 3459 - 3591
"...e leaded"><a href="/Antisemitismus-im-Fussball/!5572275/" ratioURL-ressource="5572275" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>An..." Line: 991 Column: 3926 - 4048
"... article"><a href="/Bundesliga-Trainer-Peter-Bosz/!5572941/" ratioURL-ressource="5572941" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Bu..." Line: 991 Column: 4661 - 4801
"...pictured"><a href="/Kneipenkollektiv-droht-Rauswurf/!5572337/" ratioURL-ressource="5572337" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Kn..." Line: 991 Column: 5211 - 5345
"...e leaded"><a href="/Mentoren-zum-Karriereanschub/!5572889/" ratioURL-ressource="5572889" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Me..." Line: 991 Column: 5650 - 5775
"... article"><a href="/Kolumne-Teilnehmende-Beobachtung/!5572897/" ratioURL-ressource="5572897" class="objlink report article" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 991 Column: 6402 - 6523
"...pictured"><a href="/Die-Wahrheit/!5573894/" ratioURL-ressource="5573894" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 991 Column: 6822 - 6940
"...e leaded"><a href="/Die-Wahrheit/!5572217/" ratioURL-ressource="5572217" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 1028 Column: 303 - 442
"...pictured"><a href="/Weniger-Rechte-fuer-Heimkinder/!5572946/" ratioURL-ressource="5572946" class="objlink report article leaded pictured" role="link"><h4>We..." Line: 1028 Column: 860 - 987
"...e leaded"><a href="/Prozessbeginn-in-Kiel/!5572960/" ratioURL-ressource="5572960" class="objlink brief report article leaded" role="link"><h4>Pr..." Line: 1028 Column: 1313 - 1469
"...e leaded"><a href="/Kommentar-Housing-First-in-Hannover/!5572109/" ratioURL-ressource="5572109" class="objlink brief subjective commentary article leaded" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 1051 Column: 273 - 354
"... article"><a href="#!g=5575173/" class="objlink leaded pictured remote article" role="link"><h4>Bi..."

The first occurrence of ID “” was here.

Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..." Line: 665 Column: 1 - 86
"...5"> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_galleries style_galleries shown"><div c..."

Document uses the Unicode Private Use Area(s), which should not be used in publicly exchanged documents. (Charmod C073)

Line: 820 Column: - 119
"...h2><a name="taz gazete ..."

The first occurrence of ID “xid459818” was here.

Line: 908 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 908 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..."

The first occurrence of ID “xid446765” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 106 - 218
"... dep4534"><div role="region" id="xid446765" class="first last odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4615” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 307 - 349
"...en trodd"><a href="/Politik/!p4615/" id="menu_p4615"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4616” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 2899 - 2953
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Deutschland/!p4616/" id="menu_p4616"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4617” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3010 - 3059
"...en trodd"><a href="/Politik/Europa/!p4617/" id="menu_p4617"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4618” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3111 - 3161
"...d treven"><a href="/Politik/Amerika/!p4618/" id="menu_p4618"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4621” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3214 - 3263
"...en trodd"><a href="/Politik/Afrika/!p4621/" id="menu_p4621"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4619” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3314 - 3362
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Asien/!p4619/" id="menu_p4619"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4620” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3414 - 3463
"...n treven"><a href="/Politik/Nahost/!p4620/" id="menu_p4620"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4622” was here.

Line: 839 Column: 3519 - 3573
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Netzpolitik/!p4622/" id="menu_p4622"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4610” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 402 - 441
"...d treven"><a href="/Oeko/!p4610/" id="menu_p4610"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4623” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2252 - 2301
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Oekonomie/!p4623/" id="menu_p4623"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4624” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2355 - 2404
"...en trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Oekologie/!p4624/" id="menu_p4624"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4629” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2458 - 2504
"...d treven"><a href="/Oeko/Arbeit/!p4629/" id="menu_p4629"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4625” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2556 - 2602
"...en trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Konsum/!p4625/" id="menu_p4625"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4628” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2653 - 2700
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Verkehr/!p4628/" id="menu_p4628"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4636” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2754 - 2806
"...n treven"><a href="/Oeko/Wissenschaft/!p4636/" id="menu_p4636"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4627” was here.

Line: 866 Column: 2868 - 2921
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Netzoekonomie/!p4627/" id="menu_p4627"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4611” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 490 - 537
"...en trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/!p4611/" id="menu_p4611"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4632” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 375 - 429
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Alltag/!p4632/" id="menu_p4632"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4633” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 481 - 536
"...en trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Debatte/!p4633/" id="menu_p4633"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5057” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 589 - 653
"...d treven"><a href="https://gazete.taz.de/" target="_blank" id="menu_p5057"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5058” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 709 - 787
"...en trodd"><a href="https://migration-control.taz.de/#de" target="_blank" id="menu_p5058"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4634” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 849 - 905
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Kolumnen/!p4634/" id="menu_p4634"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4630” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 960 - 1014
"...n treven"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Medien/!p4630/" id="menu_p4630"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4635” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 1065 - 1120
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Bildung/!p4635/" id="menu_p4635"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4637” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 1173 - 1231
"...en trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Gesundheit/!p4637/" id="menu_p4637"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4638” was here.

Line: 905 Column: 1292 - 1345
"...d treven"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Reise/!p4638/" id="menu_p4638"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4639” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 594 - 635
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Kultur/!p4639/" id="menu_p4639"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4640” was here.

Line: 931 Column: 2951 - 2998
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Musik/!p4640/" id="menu_p4640"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4641” was here.

Line: 931 Column: 3049 - 3095
"...en trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Film/!p4641/" id="menu_p4641"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4642” was here.

Line: 931 Column: 3145 - 3194
"...d treven"><a href="/Kultur/Kuenste/!p4642/" id="menu_p4642"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4643” was here.

Line: 931 Column: 3246 - 3292
"...en trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Buch/!p4643/" id="menu_p4643"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4631” was here.

Line: 931 Column: 3346 - 3398
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Netzkultur/!p4631/" id="menu_p4631"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4646” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 688 - 728
"...n treven"><a href="/Sport/!p4646/" id="menu_p4646"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4649” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 778 - 819
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Berlin/!p4649/" id="menu_p4649"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4650” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 871 - 910
"...en trodd"><a href="/Nord/!p4650/" id="menu_p4650"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4651” was here.

Line: 1025 Column: 354 - 401
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Nord/Hamburg/!p4651/" id="menu_p4651"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4652” was here.

Line: 1025 Column: 454 - 500
"...en trodd"><a href="/Nord/Bremen/!p4652/" id="menu_p4652"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4653” was here.

Line: 1025 Column: 557 - 603
"...d treven"><a href="/Nord/Kultur/!p4653/" id="menu_p4653"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4644” was here.

Line: 629 Column: 965 - 1008
"...d treven"><a href="/Wahrheit/!p4644/" id="menu_p4644"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4209” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 138 - 176
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Abo/!p4209/" id="menu_p4209"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4206” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 225 - 264
"...en trodd"><a href="/Info/!p4206/" id="menu_p4206"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4288” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 314 - 357
"...d treven"><a href="/Anzeigen/!p4288/" id="menu_p4288"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4271” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 411 - 460
"...en trodd"><a href="/Genossenschaft/!p4271/" id="menu_p4271"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4378” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 519 - 581
"...dd trodd"><a href="https://shop.taz.de/" target="_blank" id="menu_p4378"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5149” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 632 - 679
"...n treven"><a href="/taz-zahl-ich/!p4697/" id="menu_p5149"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5234” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 736 - 770
"...dd trodd"><a href="/!p5226/" id="menu_p5234"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5189” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 828 - 862
"...en trodd"><a href="/!p5188/" id="menu_p5189"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5106” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 920 - 954
"...d treven"><a href="/!p5099/" id="menu_p5106"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5239” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1013 - 1047
"...en trodd"><a href="/!p4233/" id="menu_p5239"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5148” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1107 - 1141
"...dd trodd"><a href="/!p4662/" id="menu_p5148"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4350” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1205 - 1246
"...n treven"><a href="/ePaper/!p4350/" id="menu_p4350"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4366” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1297 - 1338
"...dd trodd"><a href="//blogs.taz.de/" id="menu_p4366"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4715” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1389 - 1432
"...en trodd"><a href="/Bewegung/!p4715/" id="menu_p4715"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4237” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1486 - 1528
"...d treven"><a href="/Kantine/!p4237/" id="menu_p4237"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4718” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1581 - 1631
"...en trodd"><a href="//blogs.taz.de/hausblog/" id="menu_p4718"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4311” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1684 - 1725
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Archiv/!p4311/" id="menu_p4311"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4258” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1778 - 1828
"...n treven"><a href="/Panter-Stiftung/!p4258/" id="menu_p4258"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4310” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 1888 - 1954
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Reisen-in-die-Zivilgesellschaft/!p4310/" id="menu_p4310"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5062” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2031 - 2088
"...en trodd"><a href="/Recherchefonds-Ausland/!p5062/" id="menu_p5062"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4962” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2156 - 2195
"...d treven"><a href="/Nord/!p4962/" id="menu_p4962"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p5171” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2245 - 2287
"...en trodd"><a href="/Podcast/!p5171/" id="menu_p5171"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4387” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2339 - 2389
"...dd trodd"><a href="//monde-diplomatique.de/" id="menu_p4387"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4721” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2457 - 2513
"...n treven"><a href="//www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/" id="menu_p4721"><span>..."

The first occurrence of ID “menu_p4591” was here.

Line: 618 Column: 2585 - 2625
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Hilfe/!p4591/" id="menu_p4591"><span>..." Line: 618 Column: 2585 - 2625
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Hilfe/!p4591/" id="menu_p4591"><span>..."


Attribute “xmlns:my” not allowed here.

Line: 2 Column: 45 - 72
"...y-compat"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:my="mynames" lang="de"><!-- D..."

Bad value “Content-Script-Type” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 8 Column: 22 - 86
"...:: 4608--><meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"></meta..."

Stray end tag “meta”.

Line: 8 Column: 87 - 93
"...vascript"></meta><meta ..." Line: 8 Column: 147 - 153
"...oarchive"></meta><meta ..." Line: 8 Column: 189 - 195
"...tent="de"></meta><meta ..." Line: 8 Column: 261 - 267
"...ebs GmbH"></meta><title..." Line: 11 Column: 61 - 67
"...szeitung"></meta><meta ..." Line: 11 Column: 212 - 218
"...ssInnen."></meta><meta ..." Line: 11 Column: 312 - 318
"...zeitung "></meta><meta ..." Line: 11 Column: 368 - 374
"..., 0.55; "></meta><meta ..." Line: 11 Column: 570 - 576
"...16596907"></meta><!-- p..." Line: 515 Column: 1180 - 1186
"..."#ffffff"></meta><meta ..." Line: 515 Column: 1255 - 1261
"...x144.png"></meta><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 1380 - 1386

Stray end tag “link”.

Line: 168 Column: 149 - 155
"...nonymous"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 248 - 254
"...h: 49px)"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 303 - 309
"....taz.de/"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 413 - 419
"..."rss.xml"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 493 - 499
"... href="/"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 578 - 584
"...pressum/"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 690 - 696
"...26_4.css"></link><link ..." Line: 168 Column: 789 - 795
"...a="print"></link><!--[i..." Line: 515 Column: 83 - 89
"...7x57.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 162 - 168
"...0x60.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 241 - 247
"...2x72.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 320 - 326
"...6x76.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 403 - 409
"...x114.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 486 - 492
"...x120.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 569 - 575
"...x144.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 652 - 658
"...x152.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 735 - 741
"...x180.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 825 - 831
"...x192.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 906 - 912
"...2x32.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 987 - 993
"...6x96.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 1068 - 1074
"...6x16.png"></link><link ..." Line: 515 Column: 1118 - 1124
"...est.json"></link><meta ..." Line: 515 Column: 1330 - 1336
"..."#d50d2e"></link><meta ..."

Stray end tag “img”.

Line: 528 Column: 126 - 131
"...1" alt=""></img></nosc..." Line: 632 Column: 721 - 726
"... title=""></img><p> D..." Line: 632 Column: 2032 - 2037
"... Jahren)'></img></a><u..." Line: 632 Column: 3610 - 3615
"...sporters"></img></a></..." Line: 632 Column: 4484 - 4489
"...hen Liga"></img></a><u..." Line: 643 Column: 896 - 901
"...uar 2019"></img></a></..." Line: 643 Column: 1596 - 1601
"... im Wind"></img></a></..." Line: 665 Column: 529 - 534
"...rin Pink"></img><div c..." Line: 765 Column: 383 - 388
"...view.jpg"></img></a><a..." Line: 765 Column: 522 - 527
"...view.jpg"></img></a></..." Line: 820 Column: 320 - 325
"... title=""></img><p> ..." Line: 839 Column: 850 - 855
"...einmauer"></img></a></..." Line: 839 Column: 1341 - 1346
"...apst zu."></img></a></..." Line: 839 Column: 1796 - 1801
"...ch unten"></img></a></..." Line: 839 Column: 2585 - 2590
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 842 Column: 1007 - 1012
"... Meuthen"></img></a></..." Line: 842 Column: 1705 - 1710
"...in Kabul"></img></a></..." Line: 853 Column: 271 - 276
"...0513.jpg"></img></a></..." Line: 853 Column: 1599 - 1604
"... title=""></img><p> ..." Line: 854 Column: 741 - 746
"...mmzettel"></img><div c..." Line: 866 Column: 796 - 801
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 866 Column: 1396 - 1401
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 866 Column: 1950 - 1955
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 869 Column: 827 - 832
"...d Hacken"></img></a></..." Line: 890 Column: 303 - 308
"... title=""></img><p> ..." Line: 893 Column: 568 - 573
"... title=""></img><div c..." Line: 908 Column: 887 - 892
"...apst zu."></img></a></..." Line: 919 Column: 309 - 314
"...a_01.jpg"></img></a></..." Line: 919 Column: 1634 - 1639
"... title=""></img><p> ..." Line: 919 Column: 2446 - 2451
"...pflanzen"></img><div c..." Line: 931 Column: 828 - 833
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 931 Column: 1374 - 1379
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 931 Column: 1854 - 1859
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 931 Column: 2601 - 2606
"... title=""></img><div c..." Line: 934 Column: 904 - 909
"...likopter"></img></a></..." Line: 945 Column: 491 - 496
"... title=""></img><scrip..." Line: 979 Column: 625 - 630
"...erlinale"></img><div c..." Line: 991 Column: 864 - 869
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 1451 - 1456
"... title=""></img><div c..." Line: 991 Column: 2245 - 2250
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 3375 - 3380
"...tergrund"></img></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 5127 - 5132
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 6733 - 6738
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 994 Column: 389 - 394
"...view.jpg"></img></a><a..." Line: 994 Column: 528 - 533
"...view.jpg"></img></a></..." Line: 1028 Column: 776 - 781
"... title=""></img></a></..." Line: 1042 Column: 312 - 317
"... title=""></img><p> ..." Line: 1051 Column: 625 - 630
"... title=""></img></a></..."

Bad value “” for the attribute “xmlns” (only “http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” permitted here).

Line: 528 Column: 233 - 272
"...====== --><script xmlns="" type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 645 Column: 2 - 65
"...3"> <div xmlns="" class="sect sect_service box style_taz first_box"> <d..." Line: 853 Column: 1636 - 1647
"...t auf den <b xmlns=""><a hre..." Line: 890 Column: 326 - 337
"... Mit der <b xmlns="">taz</b..." Line: 890 Column: 345 - 356
"..."">taz</b><b xmlns=""> Bewe..." Line: 890 Column: 466 - 477
"...nbringen. <b xmlns=""><a hre..." Line: 1043 Column: 232 - 243
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Der ..." Line: 1043 Column: 331 - 342
"...inklusive <i xmlns="">taz am..." Line: 1044 Column: 230 - 241
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Für ..." Line: 1044 Column: 293 - 304
"...tlich die <i xmlns="">taz am..." Line: 1045 Column: 232 - 243
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Für ..." Line: 1046 Column: 259 - 270
"...="_blank"><b xmlns="">• Die ..." Line: 1046 Column: 420 - 431
"...gedruckte <i xmlns="">taz am..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 575 Column: 57 - 123
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_fireplace_bg" name="fireplace_bg" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 575 Column: 186 - 258
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_fireplace_mitte" name="fireplace-mitte" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 575 Column: 321 - 393
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_fireplace_links" name="fireplace-links" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 575 Column: 457 - 531
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_fireplace_rechts" name="fireplace-rechts" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 575 Column: 595 - 669
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_fireplace_script" name="fireplace-script" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 596 Column: 103 - 173
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_ros_top_rechts" name="ros_top-rechts" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 607 Column: 58 - 126
"...="ad_bin"><div id="ad_zone_ros_top_mitte" name="ros_top-mitte" class="ad_zone"></div>..." Line: 618 Column: 2722 - 2840
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_ros_billboard_1" name="ros_billboard-1" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 632 Column: 441 - 513
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid479555" class="first last odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 632 Column: 935 - 1042
"...;</script><div role="region" id="xid459785" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 632 Column: 5175 - 5299
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_board_1" name="uebersicht_board-1" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 643 Column: 11 - 95
"... </script><div role="region" id="xid490804" class="odd sect sect_leads style_leads evenpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 643 Column: 1622 - 1707
".../ul></div><div role="region" id="xid510501" class="even sect sect_leads style_leads evenpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 643 Column: 2353 - 2396
"...ementary"><div class="rack first_rack" id="xid756513"> ..." Line: 662 Column: 13 - 61
"... </script><div class="rack style_accordion" id="xid698385"> ..." Line: 797 Column: 151 - 265
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_ros_sidebar_1" name="ros_sidebar-1" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 808 Column: 11 - 43
"... </script><div class="rack" id="xid756431"> ..." Line: 820 Column: 13 - 65
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 821 Column: 234 - 348
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_ros_sidebar_2" name="ros_sidebar-2" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 842 Column: 48 - 156
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid489742" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads evenpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 842 Column: 2805 - 2931
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_medrec_1" name="uebersicht_medrec-1" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 853 Column: 11 - 86
"... </script><div role="region" id="xid692517" class="last odd sect sect_spb style_spb "><div c..." Line: 853 Column: 1321 - 1379
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 854 Column: 121 - 200
"...div></div><div role="region" id="" class="last even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 869 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid498685" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 869 Column: 1899 - 2025
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_medrec_2" name="uebersicht_medrec-2" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 880 Column: 65 - 108
"...ementary"><div class="rack first_rack" id="xid779173"> ..." Line: 893 Column: 13 - 92
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 908 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 908 Column: 1922 - 2048
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_medrec_3" name="uebersicht_medrec-3" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 919 Column: 11 - 86
"... </script><div role="region" id="xid721334" class="last odd sect sect_spb style_spb "><div c..." Line: 919 Column: 1365 - 1423
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 919 Column: 1866 - 1940
"...div></div><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 929 Column: 11 - 77
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_rss style_rss "><div c..." Line: 934 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 934 Column: 1988 - 2114
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_medrec_4" name="uebersicht_medrec-4" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 945 Column: 65 - 138
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_videos style_videos "><ul ro..." Line: 979 Column: 11 - 85
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 989 Column: 11 - 77
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_rss style_rss "><div c..." Line: 991 Column: 2469 - 2581
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid472889" class="first last odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 991 Column: 4401 - 4513
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid479997" class="first last odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 991 Column: 6147 - 6254
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid472893" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 991 Column: 7209 - 7241
".../ul></div><div class="rack" id="xid472896"> ..." Line: 1028 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 1028 Column: 1825 - 1951
"...ontentad"><div id="ad_zone_uebersicht_medrec_5" name="uebersicht_medrec-5" class="ad_zone ad_zone_contentad ad_zone_badged ad_zone_sold"></div>..." Line: 1039 Column: 65 - 108
"...ementary"><div class="rack first_rack" id="xid761797"> ..."

Bad value “navigation” for attribute “role” on element “ul”.

Line: 618 Column: 51 - 109
"...ews home"><ul role="navigation" id="globalnavigation" class="navbar"><li cl..." Line: 629 Column: 102 - 158
"...le="head"><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 839 Column: 2814 - 2870
".../h2></div><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 866 Column: 2167 - 2223
".../h2></div><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 905 Column: 290 - 346
".../h2></div><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 931 Column: 2866 - 2922
".../h2></div><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 1025 Column: 269 - 325
".../h2></div><ul role="navigation" class="news navbar newsnavigation"><li cl..." Line: 1051 Column: 668 - 705
"...="footer"><ul role="navigation" class="sitemap"><li cl..."

Bad value “head” for attribute “role” on element “div”.

Line: 629 Column: 72 - 101
"..._page n1"><div class="head" role="head"><ul ro..." Line: 839 Column: 2653 - 2682
"... even n2"><div class="head" role="head"><div c..." Line: 866 Column: 2017 - 2046
"...e odd n3"><div class="head" role="head"><div c..." Line: 905 Column: 114 - 143
"... even n4"><div class="head" role="head"><div c..." Line: 931 Column: 2708 - 2737
"...e odd n5"><div class="head" role="head"><div c..." Line: 1025 Column: 117 - 146
"...t odd n9"><div class="head" role="head"><div c..."

Stray end tag “input”.

Line: 632 Column: 154 - 161
"...chen ..."></input><scrip..." Line: 632 Column: 383 - 390
"...0d2e.png"></input></div>..." Line: 1051 Column: 9097 - 9104
"...chen ..."></input><scrip..." Line: 1051 Column: 9326 - 9333

The “shape” attribute on the “a” element is obsolete. Use “area” instead of “a” for image maps.

Line: 647 Column: 43 - 102
"...head"><h2><a name="die%20aktuelle%20Ausgabe%20der%20taz" shape="rect">di..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 651 Column: 186 - 235
"...eft:0px;"><img class="full" src="/static/images/seite1.jpg"></div>..." Line: 765 Column: 332 - 382
"...="_blank"><img src="/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg"></img>..." Line: 765 Column: 473 - 521
"...ages.php"><img src="/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg"></img>..." Line: 853 Column: 226 - 270
"...xit</span><img src="/picture/1267754/300/16120513.jpg"></img>..." Line: 919 Column: 242 - 308
"...ung</span><img src="/picture/41592/300/2schwerpunkt_ueberwachung_dpa_01.jpg"></img>..." Line: 994 Column: 338 - 388
"...="_blank"><img src="/fileadmin/seite1/kari/kari_preview.jpg"></img>..." Line: 994 Column: 479 - 527
"...ages.php"><img src="/fileadmin/seite1/tom/tom_preview.jpg"></img>..."

Duplicate ID “”.

Line: 755 Column: 1 - 64
"...> <div role="region" id="" class="odd sect sect_shop style_shop "><div c..." Line: 760 Column: 1 - 65
"...> <div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_shop style_shop "><div c..." Line: 765 Column: 2 - 76
"... <div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_tomkari style_tomkari "><div c..." Line: 811 Column: 1 - 85
"...1"> <div role="region" id="" class="first last odd sect sect_number-teaser2 style_bold "><div c..." Line: 820 Column: 13 - 65
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 839 Column: 17 - 79
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_tdt style_tdt "><div c..." Line: 853 Column: 1321 - 1379
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 854 Column: 121 - 200
"...div></div><div role="region" id="" class="last even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 883 Column: 2 - 77
"..."> <div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_seealso style_seealso "><div c..." Line: 890 Column: 2 - 60
"... <div role="region" id="" class="last even sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 893 Column: 13 - 92
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 919 Column: 1365 - 1423
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 919 Column: 1866 - 1940
"...div></div><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 929 Column: 11 - 77
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_rss style_rss "><div c..." Line: 945 Column: 65 - 138
"...ementary"><div role="region" id="" class="first odd sect sect_videos style_videos "><ul ro..." Line: 979 Column: 11 - 85
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_galleries style_galleries "><div c..." Line: 989 Column: 11 - 77
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_rss style_rss "><div c..." Line: 994 Column: 2 - 82
"..."> <div role="region" id="" class="first last odd sect sect_tomkari style_tomkari "><div c..." Line: 1042 Column: 2 - 65
"..."> <div role="region" id="" class="first last odd sect sect_text "><div c..." Line: 1051 Column: 78 - 144
"...</a></div><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_end style_end "><ul ro..."

Bad value “” for attribute “id” on element “div”: An ID must not be the empty string.

Line: 839 Column: 17 - 79
"... </script><div role="region" id="" class="even sect sect_tdt style_tdt "><div c..." Line: 1051 Column: 78 - 144
"...</a></div><div role="region" id="" class="last odd sect sect_end style_end "><ul ro..."

Bad value “Themen des Tages” for attribute “name” on element “a”: An ID must not contain whitespace.

Line: 839 Column: 121 - 178
"...ding"><h2><a name="Themen des Tages" href="/Themen-des-Tages/!p15/"><span>..."

Attribute “ratiourl-ressource” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 839 Column: 454 - 610
"...pictured"><a href="/Kommentar-Machtkampf-in-Venezuela/!5572341/" ratioURL-ressource="5572341" class="objlink brief subjective commentary article pictured" role="link"><h4>Ko..." Line: 839 Column: 928 - 1066
"...pictured"><a href="/Kindesmissbrauch-in-der-Kirche/!5572245/" ratioURL-ressource="5572245" class="objlink brief report article pictured" role="link"><h4>Ki..." Line: 839 Column: 1424 - 1568
"...pictured"><a href="/Ehemaliger-Trump-Chefstratege-Bannon/!5572918/" ratioURL-ressource="5572918" class="objlink brief report article pictured" role="link"><h4>Eh..." Line: 866 Column: 417 - 537
"...b 2019</a><a href="/Ueber-das-Schaf/!168181/" ratioURL-ressource="168181" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Üb..." Line: 866 Column: 1543 - 1672
"...hl ich</a><a href="/Einnahmen-im-Januar-2019/!168166/" ratioURL-ressource="168166" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Ei..." Line: 931 Column: 422 - 559
"...>Salon</a><a href="/taz-Salon-Hannover-2602/!167927/" ratioURL-ressource="167927" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 931 Column: 967 - 1096
"...">Info</a><a href="/Diskussion-2802/!168099/" ratioURL-ressource="168099" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Di..." Line: 931 Column: 1518 - 1644
"...">Info</a><a href="/taz-lab-0604/!168149/" ratioURL-ressource="168149" class="objlink leaded pictured pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>ta..." Line: 991 Column: 1628 - 1767
"...antine</a><a href="/Die-Wochenkarte-vom-2502--01032019/!106584/" ratioURL-ressource="106584" class="objlink leaded pictured leaded story" role="link"><h4>Di..."

Attribute “debug” not allowed on element “ul” at this point.

Line: 839 Column: 1965 - 2019
"...ddpicts "><ul role="directory" debug="x1" class="corp directory"><li cl..." Line: 866 Column: 219 - 273
"...ddpicts "><ul role="directory" debug="x1" class="corp directory"><li cl..." Line: 931 Column: 221 - 275
"...ddpicts "><ul role="directory" debug="x1" class="corp directory"><li cl..." Line: 931 Column: 1993 - 2047
"...ddpicts "><ul role="directory" debug="x1" class="corp directory"><li cl..." Line: 991 Column: 219 - 273
"...ddpicts "><ul role="directory" debug="x1" class="corp directory"><li cl..."

Duplicate ID “xid459818”.

Line: 934 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..." Line: 1028 Column: 48 - 155
"...le="main"><div role="region" id="xid459818" class="first odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..."

Duplicate ID “xid446765”.

Line: 991 Column: 106 - 218
"... dep4219"><div role="region" id="xid446765" class="first last odd sect sect_leads style_leads first_sect_leads oddpicts "><ul ro..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4615”.

Line: 1051 Column: 894 - 936
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/!p4615/" id="menu_p4615"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4616”.

Line: 1051 Column: 993 - 1047
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Deutschland/!p4616/" id="menu_p4616"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4617”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1104 - 1153
"...en trodd"><a href="/Politik/Europa/!p4617/" id="menu_p4617"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4618”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1205 - 1255
"...d treven"><a href="/Politik/Amerika/!p4618/" id="menu_p4618"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4621”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1308 - 1357
"...en trodd"><a href="/Politik/Afrika/!p4621/" id="menu_p4621"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4619”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1408 - 1456
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Asien/!p4619/" id="menu_p4619"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4620”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1508 - 1557
"...n treven"><a href="/Politik/Nahost/!p4620/" id="menu_p4620"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4622”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1613 - 1667
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Politik/Netzpolitik/!p4622/" id="menu_p4622"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4610”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1734 - 1773
"...en trodd"><a href="/Oeko/!p4610/" id="menu_p4610"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4623”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1826 - 1875
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Oekonomie/!p4623/" id="menu_p4623"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4624”.

Line: 1051 Column: 1929 - 1978
"...en trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Oekologie/!p4624/" id="menu_p4624"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4629”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2032 - 2078
"...d treven"><a href="/Oeko/Arbeit/!p4629/" id="menu_p4629"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4625”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2130 - 2176
"...en trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Konsum/!p4625/" id="menu_p4625"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4628”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2227 - 2274
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Verkehr/!p4628/" id="menu_p4628"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4636”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2328 - 2380
"...n treven"><a href="/Oeko/Wissenschaft/!p4636/" id="menu_p4636"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4627”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2442 - 2495
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Oeko/Netzoekonomie/!p4627/" id="menu_p4627"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4611”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2563 - 2610
"...d treven"><a href="/Gesellschaft/!p4611/" id="menu_p4611"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4632”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2672 - 2726
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Alltag/!p4632/" id="menu_p4632"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4633”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2778 - 2833
"...en trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Debatte/!p4633/" id="menu_p4633"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5057”.

Line: 1051 Column: 2886 - 2950
"...d treven"><a href="https://gazete.taz.de/" target="_blank" id="menu_p5057"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5058”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3006 - 3084
"...en trodd"><a href="https://migration-control.taz.de/#de" target="_blank" id="menu_p5058"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4634”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3146 - 3202
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Kolumnen/!p4634/" id="menu_p4634"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4630”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3257 - 3311
"...n treven"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Medien/!p4630/" id="menu_p4630"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4635”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3362 - 3417
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Bildung/!p4635/" id="menu_p4635"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4637”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3470 - 3528
"...en trodd"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Gesundheit/!p4637/" id="menu_p4637"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4638”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3589 - 3642
"...d treven"><a href="/Gesellschaft/Reise/!p4638/" id="menu_p4638"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4639”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3703 - 3744
"...en trodd"><a href="/Kultur/!p4639/" id="menu_p4639"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4640”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3800 - 3847
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Musik/!p4640/" id="menu_p4640"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4641”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3898 - 3944
"...en trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Film/!p4641/" id="menu_p4641"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4642”.

Line: 1051 Column: 3994 - 4043
"...d treven"><a href="/Kultur/Kuenste/!p4642/" id="menu_p4642"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4643”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4095 - 4141
"...en trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Buch/!p4643/" id="menu_p4643"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4631”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4195 - 4247
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Kultur/Netzkultur/!p4631/" id="menu_p4631"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4646”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4312 - 4352
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Sport/!p4646/" id="menu_p4646"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4649”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4628 - 4669
"...n treven"><a href="/Berlin/!p4649/" id="menu_p4649"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4650”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4729 - 4768
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Nord/!p4650/" id="menu_p4650"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4651”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4822 - 4869
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Nord/Hamburg/!p4651/" id="menu_p4651"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4652”.

Line: 1051 Column: 4922 - 4968
"...en trodd"><a href="/Nord/Bremen/!p4652/" id="menu_p4652"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4653”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5025 - 5071
"...d treven"><a href="/Nord/Kultur/!p4653/" id="menu_p4653"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4644”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5138 - 5181
"...en trodd"><a href="/Wahrheit/!p4644/" id="menu_p4644"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4209”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5505 - 5543
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Abo/!p4209/" id="menu_p4209"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4206”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5592 - 5631
"...en trodd"><a href="/Info/!p4206/" id="menu_p4206"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4288”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5681 - 5724
"...d treven"><a href="/Anzeigen/!p4288/" id="menu_p4288"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4271”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5778 - 5827
"...en trodd"><a href="/Genossenschaft/!p4271/" id="menu_p4271"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4378”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5886 - 5948
"...dd trodd"><a href="https://shop.taz.de/" target="_blank" id="menu_p4378"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5149”.

Line: 1051 Column: 5999 - 6046
"...n treven"><a href="/taz-zahl-ich/!p4697/" id="menu_p5149"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5234”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6103 - 6137
"...dd trodd"><a href="/!p5226/" id="menu_p5234"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5189”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6195 - 6229
"...en trodd"><a href="/!p5188/" id="menu_p5189"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5106”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6287 - 6321
"...d treven"><a href="/!p5099/" id="menu_p5106"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5239”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6380 - 6414
"...en trodd"><a href="/!p4233/" id="menu_p5239"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5148”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6474 - 6508
"...dd trodd"><a href="/!p4662/" id="menu_p5148"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4350”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6572 - 6613
"...n treven"><a href="/ePaper/!p4350/" id="menu_p4350"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4366”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6664 - 6705
"...dd trodd"><a href="//blogs.taz.de/" id="menu_p4366"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4715”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6756 - 6799
"...en trodd"><a href="/Bewegung/!p4715/" id="menu_p4715"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4237”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6853 - 6895
"...d treven"><a href="/Kantine/!p4237/" id="menu_p4237"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4718”.

Line: 1051 Column: 6948 - 6998
"...en trodd"><a href="//blogs.taz.de/hausblog/" id="menu_p4718"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4311”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7051 - 7092
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Archiv/!p4311/" id="menu_p4311"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4258”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7145 - 7195
"...n treven"><a href="/Panter-Stiftung/!p4258/" id="menu_p4258"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4310”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7255 - 7321
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Reisen-in-die-Zivilgesellschaft/!p4310/" id="menu_p4310"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5062”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7398 - 7455
"...en trodd"><a href="/Recherchefonds-Ausland/!p5062/" id="menu_p5062"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4962”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7523 - 7562
"...d treven"><a href="/Nord/!p4962/" id="menu_p4962"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p5171”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7612 - 7654
"...en trodd"><a href="/Podcast/!p5171/" id="menu_p5171"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4387”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7706 - 7756
"...dd trodd"><a href="//monde-diplomatique.de/" id="menu_p4387"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4721”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7824 - 7880
"...n treven"><a href="//www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/" id="menu_p4721"><span>..."

Duplicate ID “menu_p4591”.

Line: 1051 Column: 7952 - 7992
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Hilfe/!p4591/" id="menu_p4591"><span>..." Line: 1051 Column: 8090 - 8130
"...dd trodd"><a href="/Hilfe/!p4591/" id="menu_p4591"><span>..."

The “itemprop” attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.

Line: 834 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 866 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 905 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 931 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 4150 - 4196
"...iv></span><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 991 Column: 5889 - 5935
"...iv></span><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 1025 Column: 20 - 66
"...pt></span><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..." Line: 1051 Column: 21 - 67
".../</script><a itemprop="mainEntityOfPage" href="//!p4608"></a></..."

taz.de similar domains

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taz.de Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.