RADIOCOCOTIER.NC Website Information Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 0

Daily Page Views: 0

Income Per Day: $0

Estimated Value: $9 is registered under .NC top-level domain. Please check other sites in .NC zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by AUTOMATTIC - Automattic, Inc, US. See the full list of other websites hosted by AUTOMATTIC - Automattic, Inc, US.

The highest website position in Alexa rank database was 51895 and the lowest rank position was 999767. Current position of in Alexa rank database is below 1 million.

Desktop speed score of (90/100) is better than the results of 88.96% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.

Mobile usability score of (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of (38/100) is better than the results of 16.76% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.

Advertisement Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

OPT Whois v2.1.1

Domain :
Created on : 2013-05-21T08:00:24.000Z
Expires on : 2025-05-21
Last updated on : 2020-04-27T13:52:17.000Z

Domain server 1 :
Domain server 2 :
Domain server 3 :

Registrant name : GENTET
Registrant type : INDIVIDUAL
Registrant address 1 : LE PETIT LATIN
Registrant address 2 : QUARTIER LATIN

Registrar : MAXIWEB (MAXIWEB) server information

Servers Location desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-02-01

Desktop Speed Good
90/100 Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 3Reduce server response time

priority - 3Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.

priority - 2Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 25% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.

priority - 1Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 6.2KiB (26% reduction).

Compressing…cotier/logo_origin.png could save 6.2KiB (26% reduction).

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:…cotier/logo_origin.png (expiration not specified) Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources4
Number of Hosts1
Static Resources1 mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-07-11

Mobile Speed Bad
38/100 Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 50Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 491.4KiB (58% reduction).

Compressing could save 100.3KiB (66% reduction).
Compressing could save 81.5KiB (61% reduction).
Compressing could save 79.1KiB (64% reduction).
Compressing could save 78.2KiB (62% reduction).
Compressing could save 55.8KiB (68% reduction).
Compressing could save 54.3KiB (58% reduction).
Compressing could save 9.3KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing could save 9.3KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing could save 9.3KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing could save 7.1KiB (20% reduction).
Compressing could save 6.2KiB (26% reduction).
Compressing…pe/theme/new/Amour.png could save 534B (18% reduction).
Compressing could save 486B (22% reduction).

priority - 48Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 6 blocking script resources and 15 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:…ewscripts.js?ver=5.2.2…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2…jquery-ui.js?ver=5.2.2…croll.min.js?ver=5.2.2…-5/js/all.js?ver=5.2.2

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:…ate=11161200&ver=5.2.2…ate=11161200&ver=5.2.2…ate=11161200&ver=5.2.2…query-ui.css?ver=5.2.2…tyle.min.css?ver=5.2.2…eo-popup.css?ver=5.2.2…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2…trap.min.css?ver=5.2.2…/css/all.css?ver=5.2.2…query-ui.css?ver=5.2.2…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2…y/styles.css?ver=5.2.2…ic-popup.css?ver=5.2.2

priority - 35Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)…s/HYPE-648.thin.min.js (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)…s/HYPE-596.thin.min.js (expiration not specified)…pe/theme/new/Amour.png (expiration not specified)…e/theme/new/Argent.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/Famille.png (expiration not specified)…e/theme/new/Retour.png (expiration not specified)…pe/theme/new/Sante.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/Travail.png (expiration not specified)…me/new/Vie_sociale.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/balance.png (expiration not specified)…e/theme/new/belier.png (expiration not specified)…e/theme/new/cancer.png (expiration not specified)…eme/new/capricorne.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/gemeaux.png (expiration not specified)…ope/theme/new/lion.png (expiration not specified)…theme/new/poissons.png (expiration not specified)…heme/new/sagitaire.png (expiration not specified)…theme/new/scorpion.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/taureau.png (expiration not specified)…/theme/new/verseau.png (expiration not specified)…e/theme/new/vierge.png (expiration not specified)…ts/Inter-Regular.woff2 (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)…ts/fa-brands-400.woff2 (expiration not specified)…nts/fa-solid-900.woff2 (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)…8285109132722176_n.jpg (expiration not specified)…0_o-e1562562808876.jpg (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)

priority - 27Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 262.2KiB (83% reduction).

Compressing could save 258.1KiB (84% reduction).
Compressing could save 3.8KiB (54% reduction).
Compressing could save 218B (45% reduction).

priority - 12Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 116.4KiB (38% reduction).

Minifying could save 116.1KiB (38% reduction).
Minifying could save 114B (22% reduction) after compression.
Minifying could save 114B (22% reduction) after compression.

priority - 5Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 48.6KiB (32% reduction).

Minifying…jquery-ui.js?ver=5.2.2 could save 39.9KiB (36% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…j=0016001200&ver=5.2.2 could save 3.1KiB (27% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2 could save 2.6KiB (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…services.js?v=20181023 could save 2.6KiB (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2 could save 478B (25% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 4.4KiB (19% reduction).

Minifying…query-ui.css?ver=5.2.2 could save 1.4KiB (26% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…query-ui.css?ver=5.2.2 could save 1.4KiB (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…s?maj=161200&ver=5.2.2 could save 571B (22% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…ucitron.css?v=20181023 could save 426B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…ic-popup.css?ver=5.2.2 could save 257B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying…ate=11161200&ver=5.2.2 could save 245B (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying could save 128B (19% reduction) after compression. Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources80
Number of Hosts3
Static Resources48
JavaScript Resources22
CSS Resources13 mobile page usability

Last tested: 2019-07-11

Mobile Usability Good
99/100 Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <div id="ascenceur"></div> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <div id="ascenceur"></div> is close to 1 other tap targets. HTML validation


A document must not include both a “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “content-type”, and a “meta” element with a “charset” attribute.

Line: 14 Column: 3 - 71
"...title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> ..."

Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “link”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 100 Column: 1 - 74
"...</script> <link rel='' href='' /> <link..."

A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”.

Line: 114 Column: 1 - 64
"...Frame --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" /> <!--..."

Duplicate ID “arve”.

Line: 125 Column: 9 - 68
"...> <html lang="fr-FR" id="arve" prefix="og:"> ..."

Stray start tag “html”.

Line: 125 Column: 9 - 68
"...> <html lang="fr-FR" id="arve" prefix="og:"> ..."

Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 154 Column: 204 - 293
"...echerche"><button type="submit" class="imgMenuSearch" alt="recherche" title="Rechercher un article"><i cla..." Line: 171 Column: 11 - 152
"... <button type="submit" style="background: transparent;color:white;border : 0px;cursor : pointer" alt="recherche" title="Rechercher un article"><i cla..."

Element “a” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 154 Column: 416 - 427
"...</div><ul><a href="/"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 465 - 495
"...l</li></a><a href="/category/actualites"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 536 - 564
"...s</li></a><a href="/category/pratique"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 607 - 634
"...e</li></a><a href="/category/loisirs"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 672 - 700
"...s</li></a><a href="/category/insolite"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 739 - 768
"...e</li></a><a href="/category/pacifique"><li cl..." Line: 154 Column: 808 - 837
"...e</li></a><a href="/category/rubriques"><li cl..."

Element “ul” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 154 Column: 877 - 880

End tag “div” seen, but there were open elements.

Line: 154 Column: 881 - 886
"...i></a><ul></div><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 16678 - 16683

Unclosed element “ul”.

Line: 154 Column: 877 - 880
"...s</li></a><ul></div>..." Line: 154 Column: 412 - 415
"...div></div><ul><a hre..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 161 Column: 3 - 131
"..._self"> <img src="/wp-content/themes/canvas/images/banner_1.jpg" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;max-width: 1120px; position: relative;"> </a..." Line: 1315 Column: 138 - 288
"...="70013" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70013" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 327 - 477
"...="70014" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70014" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6ed0658384642848156ea1c4215487c003bac9f0.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 516 - 666
"...="70022" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70022" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/999d9f3e02c8b354de55c8153bf66498e738cd50.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 705 - 855
"...="70401" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70401" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/3d462ddc59e75df13cb84b742bf21a6150839978.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 894 - 1044
"...="70312" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70312" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/220a4c60687f858fec4e6f65ab985aaddaa2fa29.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 1126 - 1276
"...="70095" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70095" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5343fe5bb6d4b1e4477db0dd1a070920f668d222.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 1315 - 1465
"...="70188" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70188" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/820bc2d05f5f0bf33e651c1d0f6428b9908a4bef.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 1504 - 1654
"...="70045" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70045" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/adb35951ca4beab97d0ef53e6a9bd5d3ce29de35.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 1693 - 1843
"...="70196" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70196" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b3641e09746609b9b6dd46aba5f4b19a02f91c7b.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 1882 - 2032
"...="70046" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70046" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ba6df00e3842dcff047a756775236760dd69fd3d.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 2114 - 2264
"...="70057" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70057" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/4a61948c0d674a558dfc588f1df2a0efca7c1935.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 2303 - 2453
"...="70007" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70007" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/1fba7e03c366d0d63c93dff9c8bbef5738590ec3.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 2492 - 2642
"...="70047" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70047" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/73558272fd3738dc96b2c047aa1a91da96e88aa1.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 2681 - 2831
"...="70232" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70232" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/467acb82f8c0b1a20239ba186e4b1ee997926e7b.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 2870 - 3020
"...="70086" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70086" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ad609a848991c87ea019a624335a9134dbe3c99c.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 3102 - 3252
"...="70314" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70314" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/fe49a83d05565bc8acfb3e582fef56f7cfde91be.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 3291 - 3441
"...="70089" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70089" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/cb7ede9589f62f0dfd4aed602eaaf77f6f26a355.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 3480 - 3630
"...="70408" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70408" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2b4b075771a1e9bc20a53ba89d76f4dcbbc2f450.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 3669 - 3819
"...="70120" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70120" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/df2bb44add713adbc6f163b8bd1e2fa36c2e9392.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 3858 - 4008
"...="70140" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70140" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2efafd69b9c23c304bfaf35cfaf13f36f84c83ab.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 4090 - 4240
"...="70216" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70216" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5f4e684b41a35c1e365114ff3b948e96e797271c.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 4279 - 4429
"...="70098" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70098" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6d343b0cbc544fb9869a16fd36b542fccdffca3f.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 4468 - 4618
"...="70033" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70033" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/88c6b60e416a3f3874f155bb1e34733cbd89d37e.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 4657 - 4807
"...="70077" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70077" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ef3fd403056ed61976189bbc8e821e00cd2d5654.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 4846 - 4996
"...="70078" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70078" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/0b4ae9176da5eb385d98bb96bd33684354f0fb91.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 5078 - 5228
"...="70001" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70001" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9091aae678bc06fd264986ca6c6c35b045534196.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 5267 - 5417
"...="70094" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70094" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e09fae91d58bb2fb30c4b0fc4f1eaac2c446c6aa.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 5456 - 5606
"...="70080" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70080" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/99e5e1eff945ad57d6f470f71c476102a5d3e4f2.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 5645 - 5795
"...="70065" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70065" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/4ad90cf74e6cacdb43d5b0eb2a4d1e8326056e4b.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 5834 - 5984
"...="70136" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70136" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/00afbc050d028724ec9781a7f9f4fd805cc64ca2.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 6066 - 6216
"...="70048" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70048" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ae78b80d9c75cbe29fc96536e437eab2d5a75d7e.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 6255 - 6405
"...="70114" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70114" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a2b1dd7198afc706ced935a654d5024ae88e919e.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 6444 - 6594
"...="70031" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70031" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5c55d3d1a6791a573e18def09bf1629d0e77da83.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 6633 - 6783
"...="70054" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70054" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e88b033da52911afbf09778e1018501baf88e035.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 6822 - 6972
"...="70244" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70244" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5472dc4ebbf6e5ff6a475dccbaa5ac00cdd7776d.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 7054 - 7204
"...="70050" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70050" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a97a354e6622f2520f9ff0f17b1cbaaf1eb27f64.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 7243 - 7393
"...="70041" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70041" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2dcf86bc705e703fc53753bbeddbfd620d041d0f.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 7432 - 7582
"...="70042" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70042" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/035cbf7b42ad19d4f07a08f28f1be1db52138740.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 7621 - 7771
"...="70064" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70064" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/feb08a56a03469ed68e5f42ee93b550ccdbc5dd6.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 7810 - 7960
"...="70221" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70221" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/d6b0b9639f36371c19ee999073332be678e22bb8.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 8042 - 8192
"...="70037" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70037" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5677b759dc68c6902867fcfb52135696330cc040.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 8231 - 8381
"...="70115" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70115" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/80d317f66666d738dfaef32611caa59ae80e6579.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 8420 - 8570
"...="70243" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70243" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/eb9ec2e14d67e70d8a02a7c1ee897411e86164a7.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 8609 - 8759
"...="70347" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70347" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/12406a8d1ec5bbbda77e61760d00b6979eb84eff.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 8798 - 8948
"...="70074" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70074" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a42446c3fb58be869e83422d1d196f6f1b614984.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 9031 - 9181
"...="70109" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70109" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/27a6292ca43caf836f2a580d8ef1ccab4ccad9dd.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 9220 - 9370
"...="70072" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70072" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b88b1d979081403ae8592794a2821390569dccd2.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 9409 - 9559
"...="70142" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70142" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/773e0f7e48b11ccacce2c43c862556937559b63e.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 9598 - 9748
"...="70248" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70248" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/70520db6174f22fbfd5ad057da28d5ed7ccfcea5.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 9787 - 9937
"...="70138" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70138" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/821f843aaa92e0c7a85a1ee4d4d936ddbde4fa73.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 10020 - 10170
"...="70374" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70374" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/789aa1f9ec1ea190d2f5c4d97ac45eb70c4e9a9b.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 10209 - 10359
"...="70073" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70073" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/1313c9bc49bfc501c8037108508a51e09f6269d1.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 10398 - 10548
"...="70145" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70145" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/7d5967c813f7e8f728dca7ea5bb0bc6c4c344769.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 10587 - 10737
"...="70223" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70223" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/71ce543e8d35b020d5156962ed4d1395f4ac16fd.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 10776 - 10926
"...="70079" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70079" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e9ab7fd812cd7e99b238ec2bff2dfc423a3bc140.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 11009 - 11159
"...="70158" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70158" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/64ef3568e706aa0018057c4ec21c3e24d407a5dd.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 11198 - 11348
"...="70146" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70146" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/0487f706abe647fbed30d6fd2723fc06e9792094.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 11387 - 11537
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"...="70099" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70099" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/44fbe9ceeb3831f6ffbfbe8229e2c3c351287cd0.jpg"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 12187 - 12337
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"...="70097" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70097" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ad93ed5a6d47a41d7e9cd0f03dff6c9a53b033bf.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 12754 - 12904
"...="70217" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70217" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/f5d44979aa614a7dce2a30a2b6fae09a7d2a84ef.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 12987 - 13137
"...="70062" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70062" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/52a9d597b6d3d457800e842403f1b7d35aa33cde.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 13176 - 13326
"...="70332" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70332" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/44514ab477ace19e72b6727afa4144b224604d23.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 13365 - 13515
"...="70061" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70061" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9fe4667de7ca9de914dd5d2e38f36c70cadc9c2e.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 13554 - 13704
"...="70147" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70147" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/453fe9bc17fce19932477a74811185c9c49c2645.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 13743 - 13893
"...="70155" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70155" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/c995782eb4637b5b25a0e8f3dff095fdfefb52c9.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 13976 - 14126
"...="70063" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70063" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/d82770da1a2154ab1387c875560feda13b90f6e5.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 14165 - 14315
"...="70004" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70004" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5fd52d04b6be12ddcbc8859235a033fd82b3e02b.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 14354 - 14504
"...="70316" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70316" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/7e0a4b035d2101bfbf28b8cdff82dc7821af73d1.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 14543 - 14693
"...="70317" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70317" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/aaf23f297cffea77951a05e957d0d5a555a34365.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 14732 - 14882
"...="70318" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70318" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6972b58f3ad8232a16fe1740abf9624fa1123614.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 14965 - 15115
"...="70319" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70319" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/decd5f5d673bd2684755c4928d2ea3f8ea39856f.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 15154 - 15304
"...="70028" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70028" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b2291bb25947646eecb1a7df510118868181b72a.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 15343 - 15493
"...="70027" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70027" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2c06c7afe9d4363e76ad33b3c9ad31c486b64b3c.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 15532 - 15682
"...="70025" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70025" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a707159b3ec12842260180176fa9784bb771ff5f.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 15721 - 15871
"...="70026" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70026" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/86fdb0bd3fd4bbcc9b7e5624dbe942093a6eaae3.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 15954 - 16104
"...="70303" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70303" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/47715a7d2fa7e8a46e40fe42162c83207a619d0f.PNG"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 16143 - 16293
"...="70110" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70110" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/8dea0d85d3e9ba39a13b7936f6480e574883089d.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 16332 - 16482
"...="70220" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70220" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/8f71f45201cbb5afdcb21d569cd90e24b8662a5a.png"></div>..." Line: 1315 Column: 16521 - 16671
"...="70154" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70154" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/08fae21ca841fd18944c72a1664c18d8fd48ee29.png"></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 52 - 137
"...gTvcase" ><img src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png"></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 491 - 682
"...mportant"><img src="" onerror="this.src='/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png' "></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 1229 - 1420
"...mportant"><img src="" onerror="this.src='/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png' "></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 1956 - 2147
"...mportant"><img src="" onerror="this.src='/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png' "></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 2707 - 2898
"...mportant"><img src="" onerror="this.src='/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png' "></div>..." Line: 1318 Column: 3446 - 3637
"...mportant"><img src="" onerror="this.src='/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png' "></div>..."

Duplicate attribute “class”.

Line: 170 Column: - 79
" :auto" class="field s" name..." Line: 1310 Column: - 94
"...alplay()" class="TVright" st..."

Attribute “index” not allowed on element “article” at this point.

Line: 210 Column: 2 - 192
"...></div> <article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : column ;cursor : pointer" index="0" onclick="open_article(0,'')"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 24 - 211
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="1" onclick="open_article(1, '' )"><div c..." Line: 264 Column: 185 - 382
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="2" onclick="open_article(2, '' )"><div c..." Line: 276 Column: 195 - 374
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="3" onclick="open_article(3, '' )"><div c..." Line: 286 Column: 177 - 372
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="4" onclick="open_article(4, '' )"><div c..." Line: 297 Column: 193 - 379
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="5" onclick="open_article(5, '' )"><div c..." Line: 304 Column: 184 - 375
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="6" onclick="open_article(6, '' )"><div c..." Line: 350 Column: 189 - 383
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="7" onclick="open_article(7, '' )"><div c..." Line: 385 Column: 192 - 412
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="8" onclick="open_article(8, '' )"><div c..." Line: 405 Column: 218 - 432
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="9" onclick="open_article(9, '' )"><div c..." Line: 420 Column: 212 - 397
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="10" onclick="open_article(10, '' )"><div c..." Line: 445 Column: 182 - 388
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="11" onclick="open_article(11, '' )"><div c..." Line: 457 Column: 203 - 409
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="12" onclick="open_article(12, '' )"><div c..." Line: 474 Column: 203 - 394
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="13" onclick="open_article(13, '' )"><div c..." Line: 491 Column: 188 - 387
"..."hrfine" ><article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row ;cursor : pointer" index="14" onclick="open_article(14, '' )"><div c..."

No space between attributes.

Line: 212 Column: - 97
"...nnabis. title="Une bière sans ..."

Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.

Line: 212 Column: - 145
"...ée au cannabis." src="/wp-cont..."

Attribute “une” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “bière” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “sans” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “alcool” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “mais” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “parfumée” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “au” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “cannabis."” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Attribute “index” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 217 Column: 2 - 117
"...rticle> <div class="article_hide" index="0" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 242 Column: 895 - 1010
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="1" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 264 Column: 1269 - 1384
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="2" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 276 Column: 1219 - 1334
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="3" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 286 Column: 1260 - 1375
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="4" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 297 Column: 1216 - 1331
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="5" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 304 Column: 1316 - 1431
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="6" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 350 Column: 1263 - 1378
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="7" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 385 Column: 1366 - 1481
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="8" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><di..." Line: 405 Column: 1400 - 1515
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="9" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 420 Column: 1358 - 1474
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="10" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 445 Column: 1309 - 1425
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="11" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 457 Column: 1308 - 1424
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="12" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 474 Column: 1323 - 1439
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="13" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..." Line: 491 Column: 1293 - 1409
"...</article><div class="article_hide" index="14" style="height : 0 ; display : none ; transition : 0.5s all ;line-height: 24px;"><div><..."

Element “pub” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 235 Column: 263 - 278
"...div></div><pub index="0"></pub>..." Line: 260 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="1"></pub>..." Line: 272 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="2"></pub>..." Line: 282 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="3"></pub>..." Line: 293 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="4"></pub>..." Line: 300 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="5"></pub>..." Line: 345 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="6"></pub>..." Line: 377 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="7"></pub>..." Line: 396 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="8"></pub>..." Line: 416 Column: 413 - 428
"...div></div><pub index="9"></pub>..." Line: 441 Column: 413 - 429
"...div></div><pub index="10"></pub>..." Line: 452 Column: 413 - 429
"...div></div><pub index="11"></pub>..." Line: 470 Column: 413 - 429
"...div></div><pub index="12"></pub>..." Line: 487 Column: 413 - 429
"...div></div><pub index="13"></pub>..." Line: 504 Column: 413 - 429
"...div></div><pub index="14"></pub>..."

Element “commentaire” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 235 Column: 578 - 657
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 1499 - 1578
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 2418 - 2497
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 3320 - 3399
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 4237 - 4316
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 5189 - 5268
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 6175 - 6254
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 7162 - 7241
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 8069 - 8148
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 9355 - 9434
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 10321 - 10400
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 11233 - 11312
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 12191 - 12270
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 235 Column: 13110 - 13189
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 726 - 805
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 1667 - 1746
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 2584 - 2663
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 3519 - 3598
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 4464 - 4543
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 5388 - 5467
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 6351 - 6430
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 260 Column: 7270 - 7349
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 736 - 815
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 1650 - 1729
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 2574 - 2653
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 3493 - 3572
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 4432 - 4511
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 5513 - 5592
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 6488 - 6567
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 7407 - 7486
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 8454 - 8533
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 9388 - 9467
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 10312 - 10391
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 11248 - 11327
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 12308 - 12387
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 13315 - 13394
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 272 Column: 14256 - 14335
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 718 - 797
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 1658 - 1737
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 2594 - 2673
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 3577 - 3656
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 4511 - 4590
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 5522 - 5601
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 6467 - 6546
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 7400 - 7479
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 8349 - 8428
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 282 Column: 9269 - 9348
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 293 Column: 734 - 813
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 293 Column: 1687 - 1766
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 300 Column: 725 - 804
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 730 - 809
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 1687 - 1766
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 2645 - 2724
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 3740 - 3819
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 4723 - 4802
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 5696 - 5775
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 6741 - 6820
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 7787 - 7866
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 9022 - 9101
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 10405 - 10484
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 345 Column: 11339 - 11418
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 346 Column: 220 - 299
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 346 Column: 1166 - 1245
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 377 Column: 733 - 812
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 377 Column: 1798 - 1877
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 377 Column: 2732 - 2811
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 377 Column: 4258 - 4337
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 378 Column: 243 - 322
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 381 Column: 289 - 368
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 381 Column: 1275 - 1354
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 381 Column: 2317 - 2396
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 759 - 838
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 1793 - 1872
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 2712 - 2791
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 3679 - 3758
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 4621 - 4700
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 396 Column: 5551 - 5630
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 399 Column: 541 - 620
"...ine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div clas..." Line: 399 Column: 1575 - 1654
"...ine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div clas..." Line: 401 Column: 276 - 355
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 2294 - 2373
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 3215 - 3294
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 4153 - 4232
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 5088 - 5167
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 6094 - 6173
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 7165 - 7244
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 8150 - 8229
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 9138 - 9217
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 10054 - 10133
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 10980 - 11059
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 11917 - 11996
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 12929 - 13008
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 401 Column: 13979 - 14058
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 753 - 832
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 1774 - 1853
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 2731 - 2810
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 3664 - 3743
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 4589 - 4668
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 416 Column: 5517 - 5596
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 441 Column: 723 - 802
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 441 Column: 1717 - 1796
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 441 Column: 2782 - 2861
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 744 - 823
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 1901 - 1980
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 2863 - 2942
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 4081 - 4160
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 5025 - 5104
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 452 Column: 6035 - 6114
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 211 - 290
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 1140 - 1219
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 2111 - 2190
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 3192 - 3271
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 4196 - 4275
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 5159 - 5238
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 6080 - 6159
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 7041 - 7120
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 453 Column: 8002 - 8081
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 744 - 823
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 1692 - 1771
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 2617 - 2696
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 3533 - 3612
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 4580 - 4659
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 5491 - 5570
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 6471 - 6550
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 7379 - 7458
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 8345 - 8424
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 9289 - 9368
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 470 Column: 10242 - 10321
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 729 - 808
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 1717 - 1796
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 2719 - 2798
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 3785 - 3864
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 4757 - 4836
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 5912 - 5991
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 7215 - 7294
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 8467 - 8546
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 9460 - 9539
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 10378 - 10457
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 11356 - 11435
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 12295 - 12374
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 13212 - 13291
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 487 Column: 14204 - 14283
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 504 Column: 737 - 816
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 504 Column: 1742 - 1821
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 243 - 322
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 1719 - 1798
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 2724 - 2803
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 3805 - 3884
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 4819 - 4898
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 5770 - 5849
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 6909 - 6988
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 505 Column: 7823 - 7902
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 292 - 371
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 1275 - 1354
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 2242 - 2321
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 3202 - 3281
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 4142 - 4221
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 5209 - 5288
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 6157 - 6236
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 7215 - 7294
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 8173 - 8252
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 9096 - 9175
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 10017 - 10096
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..." Line: 510 Column: 10953 - 11032
"..."hrfine" ><commentaire style="display : flex ; flex-direction : row " index_comment="0" > <div ..."

Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 242 Column: 212 - 502
"...-end/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Boulouparis est en fête ce week-end." tittle="Boulouparis est en fête ce week-end." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Boulouparis.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 264 Column: 383 - 695
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Attribute “tittle” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 242 Column: 212 - 502
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"...tion/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Des boîtes de Prémilait rappelés par crainte d'une contamination." tittle="Des boîtes de Prémilait rappelés par crainte d'une contamination." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Sans-titre-1-3.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 420 Column: 398 - 774
"...onie/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Grève des pompiers, Air Calédonie fait évoluer son programme de vols." tittle="Grève des pompiers, Air Calédonie fait évoluer son programme de vols." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Aéroport-Magenta-e1524773545277.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 445 Column: 389 - 712
"...fait/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Casse de Kone, une affaire résolue vite fait bien fait !" tittle="Casse de Kone, une affaire résolue vite fait bien fait !" style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/kone.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 457 Column: 410 - 731
"...nche/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="La chasse aux notous et aux roussettes ferme dimanche." tittle="La chasse aux notous et aux roussettes ferme dimanche." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/notous.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 474 Column: 395 - 746
"...anal/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Métisses du coeur, la nouvelle production 100% locale de Canal+." tittle="Métisses du coeur, la nouvelle production 100% locale de Canal+." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/safe_image.php_.jpeg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..." Line: 491 Column: 388 - 708
"...-fol/' )"><div class="imgPostMagazineNew" alt="Caledoclean recherche volontaires pour nettoyer la FOL." tittle="Caledoclean recherche volontaires pour nettoyer la FOL." style="background-image : url(/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/FOL.jpg) ; background-size : cover ; background-repeat : no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%;" ></div>..."

Bad value “” for attribute “name” on element “iframe”: Browsing context name must be at least one character long.

Line: 291 Column: 69 - 387
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src=";title=1&#038;byline=0&#038;portrait=0&#038;autoplay=0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups allow-forms" width="480" height="270"></ifra..." Line: 485 Column: 69 - 398
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups" width="480" height="270"></ifra..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 291 Column: 69 - 387
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src=";title=1&#038;byline=0&#038;portrait=0&#038;autoplay=0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups allow-forms" width="480" height="270"></ifra..." Line: 485 Column: 69 - 398
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups" width="480" height="270"></ifra..."

The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 291 Column: 69 - 387
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src=";title=1&#038;byline=0&#038;portrait=0&#038;autoplay=0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups allow-forms" width="480" height="270"></ifra..." Line: 485 Column: 69 - 398
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups" width="480" height="270"></ifra..."

Bad character “3” after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “&lt;”.

Line: 293 Column: - 2424
"...y vas quand ? <3</div></div><d..."

Bad value “75px” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.

Line: 675 Column: 72 - 228
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('belier', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/belier.png" alt="belier" title="belier" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 330 - 490
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('taureau', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/taureau.png" alt="taureau" title="taureau" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 593 - 753
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('gemeaux', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/gemeaux.png" alt="gemeaux" title="gemeaux" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 865 - 1021
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('cancer', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/cancer.png" alt="cancer" title="cancer" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 1123 - 1271
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('lion', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/lion.png" alt="lion" title="lion" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 1371 - 1527
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('vierge', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/vierge.png" alt="vierge" title="vierge" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 1638 - 1798
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('balance', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/balance.png" alt="balance" title="balance" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 1901 - 2065
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('scorpion', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/scorpion.png" alt="scorpion" title="scorpion" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 2169 - 2337
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('sagitaire', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/sagitaire.png" alt="sagitaire" title="sagitaire" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 2451 - 2623
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('capricorne', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/capricorne.png" alt="capricorne" title="capricorne" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 2729 - 2889
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('verseau', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/verseau.png" alt="verseau" title="verseau" /></div>..." Line: 675 Column: 2992 - 3156
"...leSigne" ><img height="75px" onClick="selectSigne('poissons', 'new');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/poissons.png" alt="poissons" title="poissons" /></div>..."

Duplicate ID “signe”.

Line: 675 Column: 287 - 303
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 550 - 566
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 822 - 838
"...r><tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 1080 - 1096
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 1328 - 1344
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 1595 - 1611
"...r><tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 1858 - 1874
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 2126 - 2142
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 2408 - 2424
"...r><tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 2686 - 2702
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 2949 - 2965
"...></td><td><div id="signe" ><div c..."

Bad value “45px” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.

Line: 677 Column: 62 - 245
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="retour();" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Retour.png" alt="Retour aux signes zodiaquales" title="Retour aux signes zodiaquales" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 294 - 441
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Amour');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Amour.png" alt="poissons" title="Amour" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 490 - 640
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Argent');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Argent.png" alt="poissons" title="Argent" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 689 - 842
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Travail');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Travail.png" alt="poissons" title="Travail" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 891 - 1038
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Sante');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Sante.png" alt="poissons" title="Sante" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 1087 - 1240
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Famille');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Famille.png" alt="poissons" title="Famille" /></div>..." Line: 677 Column: 1289 - 1454
"...MenuType"><img height="45px" onClick="selectType('Vie_sociale');" src="/wp-content/plugins/MaxiwebHoroscope/theme/new/Vie_sociale.png" alt="poissons" title="Vie_sociale" /></div>..."

Duplicate ID “type”.

Line: 677 Column: 261 - 293
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 457 - 489
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 656 - 688
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 858 - 890
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 1054 - 1086
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 1256 - 1288
"...></td><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1011 Column: 3 - 9
""> <style> ...."

Duplicate ID “0”.

Line: 1310 Column: 8 - 178
"...i> <i class="fa fa-step-forward fa-3x TVright" id="0" onclick="$(this).canalplay()" class="TVright" style="float: right;margin-right: 10px;cursor : pointer ; z-index: 100"></i> ..."

Duplicate ID “70013”.

Line: 1315 Column: 138 - 288
"...="70013" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70013" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9dac2742b268c1569377c3733518e870267b3f43.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70014”.

Line: 1315 Column: 327 - 477
"...="70014" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70014" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6ed0658384642848156ea1c4215487c003bac9f0.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70022”.

Line: 1315 Column: 516 - 666
"...="70022" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70022" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/999d9f3e02c8b354de55c8153bf66498e738cd50.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70401”.

Line: 1315 Column: 705 - 855
"...="70401" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70401" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/3d462ddc59e75df13cb84b742bf21a6150839978.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70312”.

Line: 1315 Column: 894 - 1044
"...="70312" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70312" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/220a4c60687f858fec4e6f65ab985aaddaa2fa29.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70095”.

Line: 1315 Column: 1126 - 1276
"...="70095" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70095" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5343fe5bb6d4b1e4477db0dd1a070920f668d222.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70188”.

Line: 1315 Column: 1315 - 1465
"...="70188" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70188" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/820bc2d05f5f0bf33e651c1d0f6428b9908a4bef.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70045”.

Line: 1315 Column: 1504 - 1654
"...="70045" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70045" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/adb35951ca4beab97d0ef53e6a9bd5d3ce29de35.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70196”.

Line: 1315 Column: 1693 - 1843
"...="70196" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70196" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b3641e09746609b9b6dd46aba5f4b19a02f91c7b.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70046”.

Line: 1315 Column: 1882 - 2032
"...="70046" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70046" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ba6df00e3842dcff047a756775236760dd69fd3d.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70057”.

Line: 1315 Column: 2114 - 2264
"...="70057" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70057" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/4a61948c0d674a558dfc588f1df2a0efca7c1935.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70007”.

Line: 1315 Column: 2303 - 2453
"...="70007" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70007" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/1fba7e03c366d0d63c93dff9c8bbef5738590ec3.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70047”.

Line: 1315 Column: 2492 - 2642
"...="70047" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70047" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/73558272fd3738dc96b2c047aa1a91da96e88aa1.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70232”.

Line: 1315 Column: 2681 - 2831
"...="70232" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70232" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/467acb82f8c0b1a20239ba186e4b1ee997926e7b.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70086”.

Line: 1315 Column: 2870 - 3020
"...="70086" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70086" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ad609a848991c87ea019a624335a9134dbe3c99c.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70314”.

Line: 1315 Column: 3102 - 3252
"...="70314" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70314" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/fe49a83d05565bc8acfb3e582fef56f7cfde91be.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70089”.

Line: 1315 Column: 3291 - 3441
"...="70089" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70089" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/cb7ede9589f62f0dfd4aed602eaaf77f6f26a355.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70408”.

Line: 1315 Column: 3480 - 3630
"...="70408" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70408" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2b4b075771a1e9bc20a53ba89d76f4dcbbc2f450.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70120”.

Line: 1315 Column: 3669 - 3819
"...="70120" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70120" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/df2bb44add713adbc6f163b8bd1e2fa36c2e9392.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70140”.

Line: 1315 Column: 3858 - 4008
"...="70140" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70140" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2efafd69b9c23c304bfaf35cfaf13f36f84c83ab.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70216”.

Line: 1315 Column: 4090 - 4240
"...="70216" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70216" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5f4e684b41a35c1e365114ff3b948e96e797271c.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70098”.

Line: 1315 Column: 4279 - 4429
"...="70098" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70098" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6d343b0cbc544fb9869a16fd36b542fccdffca3f.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70033”.

Line: 1315 Column: 4468 - 4618
"...="70033" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70033" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/88c6b60e416a3f3874f155bb1e34733cbd89d37e.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70077”.

Line: 1315 Column: 4657 - 4807
"...="70077" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70077" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ef3fd403056ed61976189bbc8e821e00cd2d5654.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70078”.

Line: 1315 Column: 4846 - 4996
"...="70078" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70078" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/0b4ae9176da5eb385d98bb96bd33684354f0fb91.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70001”.

Line: 1315 Column: 5078 - 5228
"...="70001" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70001" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9091aae678bc06fd264986ca6c6c35b045534196.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70094”.

Line: 1315 Column: 5267 - 5417
"...="70094" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70094" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e09fae91d58bb2fb30c4b0fc4f1eaac2c446c6aa.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70080”.

Line: 1315 Column: 5456 - 5606
"...="70080" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70080" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/99e5e1eff945ad57d6f470f71c476102a5d3e4f2.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70065”.

Line: 1315 Column: 5645 - 5795
"...="70065" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70065" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/4ad90cf74e6cacdb43d5b0eb2a4d1e8326056e4b.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70136”.

Line: 1315 Column: 5834 - 5984
"...="70136" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70136" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/00afbc050d028724ec9781a7f9f4fd805cc64ca2.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70048”.

Line: 1315 Column: 6066 - 6216
"...="70048" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70048" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ae78b80d9c75cbe29fc96536e437eab2d5a75d7e.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70114”.

Line: 1315 Column: 6255 - 6405
"...="70114" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70114" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a2b1dd7198afc706ced935a654d5024ae88e919e.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70031”.

Line: 1315 Column: 6444 - 6594
"...="70031" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70031" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5c55d3d1a6791a573e18def09bf1629d0e77da83.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70054”.

Line: 1315 Column: 6633 - 6783
"...="70054" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70054" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e88b033da52911afbf09778e1018501baf88e035.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70244”.

Line: 1315 Column: 6822 - 6972
"...="70244" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70244" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5472dc4ebbf6e5ff6a475dccbaa5ac00cdd7776d.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70050”.

Line: 1315 Column: 7054 - 7204
"...="70050" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70050" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a97a354e6622f2520f9ff0f17b1cbaaf1eb27f64.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70041”.

Line: 1315 Column: 7243 - 7393
"...="70041" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70041" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2dcf86bc705e703fc53753bbeddbfd620d041d0f.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70042”.

Line: 1315 Column: 7432 - 7582
"...="70042" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70042" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/035cbf7b42ad19d4f07a08f28f1be1db52138740.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70064”.

Line: 1315 Column: 7621 - 7771
"...="70064" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70064" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/feb08a56a03469ed68e5f42ee93b550ccdbc5dd6.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70221”.

Line: 1315 Column: 7810 - 7960
"...="70221" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70221" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/d6b0b9639f36371c19ee999073332be678e22bb8.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70037”.

Line: 1315 Column: 8042 - 8192
"...="70037" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70037" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5677b759dc68c6902867fcfb52135696330cc040.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70115”.

Line: 1315 Column: 8231 - 8381
"...="70115" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70115" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/80d317f66666d738dfaef32611caa59ae80e6579.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70243”.

Line: 1315 Column: 8420 - 8570
"...="70243" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70243" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/eb9ec2e14d67e70d8a02a7c1ee897411e86164a7.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70347”.

Line: 1315 Column: 8609 - 8759
"...="70347" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70347" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/12406a8d1ec5bbbda77e61760d00b6979eb84eff.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70074”.

Line: 1315 Column: 8798 - 8948
"...="70074" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70074" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a42446c3fb58be869e83422d1d196f6f1b614984.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70109”.

Line: 1315 Column: 9031 - 9181
"...="70109" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70109" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/27a6292ca43caf836f2a580d8ef1ccab4ccad9dd.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70072”.

Line: 1315 Column: 9220 - 9370
"...="70072" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70072" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b88b1d979081403ae8592794a2821390569dccd2.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70142”.

Line: 1315 Column: 9409 - 9559
"...="70142" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70142" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/773e0f7e48b11ccacce2c43c862556937559b63e.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70248”.

Line: 1315 Column: 9598 - 9748
"...="70248" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70248" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/70520db6174f22fbfd5ad057da28d5ed7ccfcea5.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70138”.

Line: 1315 Column: 9787 - 9937
"...="70138" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70138" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/821f843aaa92e0c7a85a1ee4d4d936ddbde4fa73.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70374”.

Line: 1315 Column: 10020 - 10170
"...="70374" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70374" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/789aa1f9ec1ea190d2f5c4d97ac45eb70c4e9a9b.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70073”.

Line: 1315 Column: 10209 - 10359
"...="70073" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70073" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/1313c9bc49bfc501c8037108508a51e09f6269d1.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70145”.

Line: 1315 Column: 10398 - 10548
"...="70145" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70145" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/7d5967c813f7e8f728dca7ea5bb0bc6c4c344769.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70223”.

Line: 1315 Column: 10587 - 10737
"...="70223" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70223" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/71ce543e8d35b020d5156962ed4d1395f4ac16fd.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70079”.

Line: 1315 Column: 10776 - 10926
"...="70079" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70079" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/e9ab7fd812cd7e99b238ec2bff2dfc423a3bc140.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70158”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11009 - 11159
"...="70158" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70158" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/64ef3568e706aa0018057c4ec21c3e24d407a5dd.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70146”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11198 - 11348
"...="70146" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70146" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/0487f706abe647fbed30d6fd2723fc06e9792094.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70035”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11387 - 11537
"...="70035" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70035" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/c1251fd360628dba81b8dae5e4f4f02d97cb8f9b.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70148”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11576 - 11726
"...="70148" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70148" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b610156ca6e5b73965c6a9fa3fb5df05a31d1860.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70224”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11765 - 11915
"...="70224" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70224" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/c029aecd73c3dc210181080c13ae340721896eb2.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70099”.

Line: 1315 Column: 11998 - 12148
"...="70099" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70099" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/44fbe9ceeb3831f6ffbfbe8229e2c3c351287cd0.jpg"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70075”.

Line: 1315 Column: 12187 - 12337
"...="70075" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70075" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9c80f34d36a92adfc50618543dcc9f1a6903031c.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70103”.

Line: 1315 Column: 12376 - 12526
"...="70103" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70103" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2af19fde78b5969cd076bbb6a8d5d240482b6caf.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70097”.

Line: 1315 Column: 12565 - 12715
"...="70097" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70097" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/ad93ed5a6d47a41d7e9cd0f03dff6c9a53b033bf.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70217”.

Line: 1315 Column: 12754 - 12904
"...="70217" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70217" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/f5d44979aa614a7dce2a30a2b6fae09a7d2a84ef.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70062”.

Line: 1315 Column: 12987 - 13137
"...="70062" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70062" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/52a9d597b6d3d457800e842403f1b7d35aa33cde.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70332”.

Line: 1315 Column: 13176 - 13326
"...="70332" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70332" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/44514ab477ace19e72b6727afa4144b224604d23.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70061”.

Line: 1315 Column: 13365 - 13515
"...="70061" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70061" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/9fe4667de7ca9de914dd5d2e38f36c70cadc9c2e.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70147”.

Line: 1315 Column: 13554 - 13704
"...="70147" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70147" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/453fe9bc17fce19932477a74811185c9c49c2645.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70155”.

Line: 1315 Column: 13743 - 13893
"...="70155" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70155" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/c995782eb4637b5b25a0e8f3dff095fdfefb52c9.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70063”.

Line: 1315 Column: 13976 - 14126
"...="70063" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70063" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/d82770da1a2154ab1387c875560feda13b90f6e5.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70004”.

Line: 1315 Column: 14165 - 14315
"...="70004" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70004" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/5fd52d04b6be12ddcbc8859235a033fd82b3e02b.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70316”.

Line: 1315 Column: 14354 - 14504
"...="70316" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70316" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/7e0a4b035d2101bfbf28b8cdff82dc7821af73d1.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70317”.

Line: 1315 Column: 14543 - 14693
"...="70317" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70317" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/aaf23f297cffea77951a05e957d0d5a555a34365.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70318”.

Line: 1315 Column: 14732 - 14882
"...="70318" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70318" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/6972b58f3ad8232a16fe1740abf9624fa1123614.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70319”.

Line: 1315 Column: 14965 - 15115
"...="70319" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70319" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/decd5f5d673bd2684755c4928d2ea3f8ea39856f.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70028”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15154 - 15304
"...="70028" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70028" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/b2291bb25947646eecb1a7df510118868181b72a.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70027”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15343 - 15493
"...="70027" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70027" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/2c06c7afe9d4363e76ad33b3c9ad31c486b64b3c.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70025”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15532 - 15682
"...="70025" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70025" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/a707159b3ec12842260180176fa9784bb771ff5f.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70026”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15721 - 15871
"...="70026" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70026" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/86fdb0bd3fd4bbcc9b7e5624dbe942093a6eaae3.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70303”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15954 - 16104
"...="70303" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70303" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/47715a7d2fa7e8a46e40fe42162c83207a619d0f.PNG"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70110”.

Line: 1315 Column: 16143 - 16293
"...="70110" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70110" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/8dea0d85d3e9ba39a13b7936f6480e574883089d.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70220”.

Line: 1315 Column: 16332 - 16482
"...="70220" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70220" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/8f71f45201cbb5afdcb21d569cd90e24b8662a5a.png"></div>..."

Duplicate ID “70154”.

Line: 1315 Column: 16521 - 16671
"...="70154" ><img class="chaineSelect" onclick="$(this).displaycanal()" id="70154" src="/wp-content/uploads/canalplus/08fae21ca841fd18944c72a1664c18d8fd48ee29.png"></div>..."

Unclosed element “section”.

Line: 1315 Column: 15888 - 15921
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D17"><div c..."


The first occurrence of ID “arve” was here.

Line: 5 Column: 16 - 75
"...TYPE html><html lang="fr-FR" id="arve" prefix="og:"> ..."

Attribute “cannabis."” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 212 Column: 4 - 191
"...')"> <img class="imgPostMagazineOne" alt="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis. title="Une bière sans alcool mais parfumée au cannabis." src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bière.jpg" > <d..."

Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.

Line: 210 Column: 2 - 192
"...></div> <article style="display : flex ; flex-direction : column ;cursor : pointer" index="0" onclick="open_article(0,'')"> ..."

Potentially bad value “allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups allow-forms” for attribute “sandbox” on element “iframe”: Setting both “allow-scripts” and “allow-same-origin” is not recommended, because it effectively enables an embedded page to break out of all sandboxing.

Line: 291 Column: 69 - 387
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src=";title=1&#038;byline=0&#038;portrait=0&#038;autoplay=0" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups allow-forms" width="480" height="270"></ifra..."

Potentially bad value “allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups” for attribute “sandbox” on element “iframe”: Setting both “allow-scripts” and “allow-same-origin” is not recommended, because it effectively enables an embedded page to break out of all sandboxing.

Line: 485 Column: 69 - 398
"....250000%"><iframe allowfullscreen class="arve-iframe fitvidsignore" frameborder="0" name scrolling="no" src="" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-presentation allow-popups" width="480" height="270"></ifra..."

The first occurrence of ID “signe” was here.

Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..." Line: 675 Column: 29 - 45
"... <tr><td><div id="signe" ><div c..."

The first occurrence of ID “type” was here.

Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..." Line: 677 Column: 29 - 61
"... <tr><td><div id="type" class="HMenuType"><img ..."

The first occurrence of ID “0” was here.

Line: 1309 Column: 8 - 160
"..."> <i class="fa fa-step-backward fa-3x TVleft" id="0" onclick="$(this).canalplay()" style="float: left;margin-left: 10px;cursor : pointer ; z-index: 100"></i> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “70013” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 106 - 137
"...Block D1"><div class="chaine" id="70013" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70014” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 295 - 326
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70014" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70022” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 484 - 515
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70022" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70401” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 673 - 704
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70401" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70312” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 862 - 893
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70312" ><img c..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 1315 Column: 73 - 105
"...lComplet"><section class="channelBlock D1"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 1061 - 1093
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D2"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 2049 - 2081
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D3"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 3037 - 3069
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D4"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 4025 - 4057
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D5"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 5013 - 5045
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D6"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 6001 - 6033
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D7"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 6989 - 7021
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D8"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 7977 - 8009
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D9"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 8965 - 8998
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D10"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 9954 - 9987
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D11"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 10943 - 10976
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D12"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 11932 - 11965
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D13"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 12921 - 12954
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D14"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 13910 - 13943
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D15"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 14899 - 14932
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D16"><div c..." Line: 1315 Column: 15888 - 15921
"...</section><section class="channelBlock D17"><div c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70095” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 1094 - 1125
"...Block D2"><div class="chaine" id="70095" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70188” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 1283 - 1314
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70188" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70045” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 1472 - 1503
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70045" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70196” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 1661 - 1692
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70196" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70046” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 1850 - 1881
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70046" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70057” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 2082 - 2113
"...Block D3"><div class="chaine" id="70057" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70007” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 2271 - 2302
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70007" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70047” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 2460 - 2491
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70047" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70232” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 2649 - 2680
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70232" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70086” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 2838 - 2869
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70086" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70314” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 3070 - 3101
"...Block D4"><div class="chaine" id="70314" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70089” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 3259 - 3290
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70089" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70408” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 3448 - 3479
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70408" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70120” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 3637 - 3668
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70120" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70140” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 3826 - 3857
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70140" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70216” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 4058 - 4089
"...Block D5"><div class="chaine" id="70216" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70098” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 4247 - 4278
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70098" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70033” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 4436 - 4467
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70033" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70077” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 4625 - 4656
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70077" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70078” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 4814 - 4845
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70078" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70001” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 5046 - 5077
"...Block D6"><div class="chaine" id="70001" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70094” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 5235 - 5266
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70094" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70080” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 5424 - 5455
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70080" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70065” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 5613 - 5644
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70065" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70136” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 5802 - 5833
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70136" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70048” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 6034 - 6065
"...Block D7"><div class="chaine" id="70048" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70114” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 6223 - 6254
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70114" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70031” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 6412 - 6443
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70031" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70054” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 6601 - 6632
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70054" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70244” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 6790 - 6821
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70244" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70050” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 7022 - 7053
"...Block D8"><div class="chaine" id="70050" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70041” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 7211 - 7242
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70041" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70042” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 7400 - 7431
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70042" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70064” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 7589 - 7620
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70064" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70221” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 7778 - 7809
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70221" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70037” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8010 - 8041
"...Block D9"><div class="chaine" id="70037" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70115” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8199 - 8230
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70115" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70243” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8388 - 8419
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70243" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70347” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8577 - 8608
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70347" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70074” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8766 - 8797
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70074" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70109” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 8999 - 9030
"...lock D10"><div class="chaine" id="70109" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70072” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 9188 - 9219
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70072" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70142” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 9377 - 9408
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70142" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70248” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 9566 - 9597
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70248" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70138” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 9755 - 9786
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70138" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70374” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 9988 - 10019
"...lock D11"><div class="chaine" id="70374" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70073” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 10177 - 10208
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70073" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70145” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 10366 - 10397
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70145" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70223” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 10555 - 10586
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70223" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70079” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 10744 - 10775
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70079" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70158” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 10977 - 11008
"...lock D12"><div class="chaine" id="70158" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70146” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 11166 - 11197
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70146" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70035” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 11355 - 11386
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70035" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70148” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 11544 - 11575
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70148" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70224” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 11733 - 11764
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70224" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70099” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 11966 - 11997
"...lock D13"><div class="chaine" id="70099" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70075” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 12155 - 12186
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70075" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70103” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 12344 - 12375
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70103" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70097” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 12533 - 12564
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70097" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70217” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 12722 - 12753
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70217" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70062” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 12955 - 12986
"...lock D14"><div class="chaine" id="70062" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70332” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 13144 - 13175
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70332" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70061” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 13333 - 13364
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70061" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70147” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 13522 - 13553
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70147" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70155” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 13711 - 13742
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70155" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70063” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 13944 - 13975
"...lock D15"><div class="chaine" id="70063" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70004” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 14133 - 14164
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70004" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70316” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 14322 - 14353
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70316" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70317” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 14511 - 14542
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70317" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70318” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 14700 - 14731
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70318" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70319” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 14933 - 14964
"...lock D16"><div class="chaine" id="70319" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70028” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 15122 - 15153
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70028" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70027” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 15311 - 15342
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70027" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70025” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 15500 - 15531
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70025" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70026” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 15689 - 15720
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70026" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70303” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 15922 - 15953
"...lock D17"><div class="chaine" id="70303" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70110” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 16111 - 16142
"...NG"></div><div class="chaine" id="70110" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70220” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 16300 - 16331
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70220" ><img c..."

The first occurrence of ID “70154” was here.

Line: 1315 Column: 16489 - 16520
""></div><div class="chaine" id="70154" ><img c..." similar domains

Similar domains: Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source. TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.