QUVN.IN Website Information

quvn.in Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 1,094

Daily Page Views: 2,188

Income Per Day: $7

Estimated Value: $1,680

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  • ns1-venus.ewebguru.com

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The highest website quvn.in position in Alexa rank database was 167059 and the lowest rank position was 919745. Current position of quvn.in in Alexa rank database is 655324.

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Mobile usability score of quvn.in is unknown.

Mobile speed of quvn.in is unknown.


quvn.in Alexa Rank

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The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

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"...ed/" /> <script type="text/javascript"> wi..." Line: 1051 Column: 1 - 118
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"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' id='woowl-script-js-extra'> /* <!..." Line: 3232 Column: 1 - 134
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"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/js-cookie/js.cookie.min.js?ver=2.1.4-wc.6.9.4' id='js-cookie-js'></scri..." Line: 3242 Column: 1 - 57
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"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/cart-fragments.min.js?ver=6.9.4' id='wc-cart-fragments-js'></scri..." Line: 3254 Column: 1 - 165
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"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/themes/skin/js/share-selection.js?ver=5.8.6' id='skin_share_selection-js'></scri..." Line: 3274 Column: 1 - 162
"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/selectWoo/selectWoo.full.min.js?ver=1.0.9-wc.6.9.4' id='selectWoo-js'></scri..." Line: 3275 Column: 1 - 116
"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/themes/skin/woo/js/woo.js?ver=5.8.6' id='skin_woo-js'></scri..." Line: 3276 Column: 1 - 60
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"...</script> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://quvn.in/wp-content/themes/skin/js/top-posts.js?ver=5.8.6' id='skin_top_posts-js'></scri..." Line: 3282 Column: 1 - 148
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The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted.

Line: 18 Column: 3 - 25
"...script> <style type="text/css"> img.w..." Line: 38 Column: 1 - 56
"...='all' /> <style id='woo-notification-inline-css' type='text/css'> #mess..." Line: 56 Column: 1 - 58
"...='all' /> <style id='woocommerce-inline-inline-css' type='text/css'> .wooc..." Line: 65 Column: 1 - 59
"...='all' /> <style id='skin_dynamic_styles-inline-css' type='text/css'> ...." Line: 1064 Column: 2 - 24
"...oscript> <style type="text/css">.recen..." Line: 1064 Column: 119 - 168
"...;}</style><style type="text/css" id="custom-background-css"> body...." Line: 1071 Column: 3 - 44
"...png" /> <style type="text/css" id="wp-custom-css"> #m..."

The “bdi” element is not supported in all browsers. Please be sure to test, and consider using a polyfill.

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"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1677 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1710 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1765 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1793 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1839 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1839 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1867 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1895 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1923 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1956 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 1992 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2020 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2048 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2086 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2086 Column: 237 - 241
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2114 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2150 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2178 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2211 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2239 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2267 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2267 Column: 234 - 238
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2303 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2341 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2341 Column: 234 - 238
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2369 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2397 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2397 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2425 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2425 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2466 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2494 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2522 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2522 Column: 234 - 238
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2550 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2550 Column: 234 - 238
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2588 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2588 Column: 237 - 241
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2624 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2652 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2652 Column: 234 - 238
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2680 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2680 Column: 237 - 241
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2713 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2713 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2741 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2777 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2805 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2836 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2857 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2885 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2921 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2954 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 2982 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3010 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3038 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3084 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3084 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3112 Column: 92 - 96
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3112 Column: 235 - 239
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3140 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..." Line: 3168 Column: 68 - 72
"...t amount"><bdi><span ..."

The first occurrence of ID “skin_social_profiles-3” was here.

Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1655 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 3182 Column: 38 - 130
"..."sidebar"><section id="skin_image_banner-5" class="no-bgr widget skin-widget-image-banner content-pad"></sect..."


Attribute “loading” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 1086 Column: 32 - 214
"...quvn.in/"><img width="1728" height="1040" src="https://quvn.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/quvn-logos-for-designing-e1585927442417.png" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" loading="lazy" /></a> ..." Line: 1109 Column: 32 - 214
"...quvn.in/"><img width="1728" height="1040" src="https://quvn.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/quvn-logos-for-designing-e1585927442417.png" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" loading="lazy" /></a> ..." Line: 1297 Column: 32 - 214
"...quvn.in/"><img width="1728" height="1040" src="https://quvn.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/quvn-logos-for-designing-e1585927442417.png" class="attachment-full size-full" alt="" loading="lazy" /></a> ..."

Bad value “http://Premium%20Sweatshirts%20&%20Hoodies” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Invalid host: Illegal character in domain: space is not allowed.

Line: 1172 Column: 128 - 185
"...tem-2425"><a href="http://Premium%20Sweatshirts%20&#038;%20Hoodies">Premiu..." Line: 1343 Column: 108 - 165
"...tem-2425"><a href="http://Premium%20Sweatshirts%20&#038;%20Hoodies">Premiu..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “a” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1638 Column: 217 - 233
"...t/bored/"><div class="txt">Basic ..." Line: 1638 Column: 255 - 279
"... top</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1674 Column: 224 - 240
"...es-quvn/"><div class="txt">Bestie..." Line: 1674 Column: 259 - 283
"...Quvn</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1707 Column: 216 - 232
"...ct/3223/"><div class="txt">Casual..." Line: 1707 Column: 255 - 279
"... top</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1735 Column: 251 - 267
"...-length/"><div class="txt">Comfor..." Line: 1735 Column: 293 - 317
"...ngth</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1762 Column: 219 - 235
"...bedgasm/"><div class="txt">Comfor..." Line: 1762 Column: 259 - 283
"...orts</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1790 Column: 222 - 238
"...-watsup/"><div class="txt">Cute y..." Line: 1790 Column: 267 - 291
"...ress</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1836 Column: 219 - 235
"...moshirt/"><div class="txt">demosh..." Line: 1836 Column: 251 - 275
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1864 Column: 238 - 254
"...weatsnn/"><div class="txt">FIFTY ..." Line: 1864 Column: 282 - 306
"...IRED</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1892 Column: 233 - 249
"...f-tired/"><div class="txt">FIFTY ..." Line: 1892 Column: 277 - 301
"...IRED</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1920 Column: 235 - 251
"...tired-2/"><div class="txt">FIFTY ..." Line: 1920 Column: 279 - 303
"...IRED</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1953 Column: 239 - 255
"...itizers/"><div class="txt">Hand S..." Line: 1953 Column: 277 - 301
"...zers</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 1989 Column: 245 - 261
"...neakers/"><div class="txt">High T..." Line: 1989 Column: 285 - 309
"...kers</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2017 Column: 223 - 239
"...-shorts/"><div class="txt">Mini s..." Line: 2017 Column: 257 - 281
"...orts</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2045 Column: 225 - 241
"...rl-copy/"><div class="txt">Mini s..." Line: 2045 Column: 286 - 310
"...orts</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2083 Column: 218 - 234
"...neakers/"><div class="txt">Sneake..." Line: 2083 Column: 249 - 273
"...kers</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2111 Column: 234 - 250
"...ual-top/"><div class="txt">Sporty..." Line: 2111 Column: 279 - 303
"... top</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2147 Column: 216 - 232
"...ct/dope/"><div class="txt">Sporty..." Line: 2147 Column: 280 - 304
"...lour</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2175 Column: 227 - 243
"...blogger/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2175 Column: 267 - 291
"... top</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2208 Column: 220 - 236
"...0s-girl/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2208 Column: 262 - 286
"...orts</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2236 Column: 219 - 235
"...boy-bye/"><div class="txt">V Neck..." Line: 2236 Column: 262 - 286
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2264 Column: 346 - 362
"...-hoodie/"><div class="txt">Simple..." Line: 2264 Column: 388 - 412
"...odie</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2300 Column: 336 - 352
"...-jacket/"><div class="txt">Shiny ..." Line: 2300 Column: 378 - 402
"...cket</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2338 Column: 339 - 355
"...for-men/"><div class="txt">Casual..." Line: 2338 Column: 384 - 408
"... men</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2366 Column: 348 - 364
"...glasses/"><div class="txt">Retro ..." Line: 2366 Column: 392 - 416
"...sses</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2394 Column: 319 - 335
"...n-shoes/"><div class="txt">Casual..." Line: 2394 Column: 360 - 384
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2422 Column: 321 - 337
"...shoes-2/"><div class="txt">Casual..." Line: 2422 Column: 362 - 386
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2463 Column: 450 - 466
"...-hoodie/"><div class="txt">Solid ..." Line: 2463 Column: 498 - 522
"...odie</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2491 Column: 440 - 456
"...-jacket/"><div class="txt">Must h..." Line: 2491 Column: 479 - 503
"...cket</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2519 Column: 444 - 460
"...t-shirt/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2519 Column: 486 - 510
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2547 Column: 446 - 462
"...shirt-2/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2547 Column: 488 - 512
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2585 Column: 446 - 462
"...t-shirt/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2585 Column: 490 - 514
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2621 Column: 330 - 346
"...f-shirt/"><div class="txt">Runnin..." Line: 2621 Column: 376 - 400
"...hirt</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2649 Column: 346 - 362
"...d-purse/"><div class="txt">Colorf..." Line: 2649 Column: 388 - 412
"...urse</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2677 Column: 441 - 457
"...oodie-2/"><div class="txt">Custom..." Line: 2677 Column: 488 - 512
"...odie</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2710 Column: 322 - 338
"...s-shoes/"><div class="txt">White ..." Line: 2710 Column: 366 - 390
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2738 Column: 342 - 358
"...eggings/"><div class="txt">Fancy ..." Line: 2738 Column: 386 - 410
"...ings</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2774 Column: 344 - 360
"...gings-2/"><div class="txt">Fancy ..." Line: 2774 Column: 388 - 412
"...ings</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2802 Column: 437 - 453
"...hoodies/"><div class="txt">Organi..." Line: 2802 Column: 482 - 506
"...dies</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2833 Column: 363 - 379
"...product/"><div class="txt">This i..." Line: 2833 Column: 428 - 452
"...duct</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2854 Column: 365 - 381
"...oduct-2/"><div class="txt">This i..." Line: 2854 Column: 430 - 454
"...duct</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2882 Column: 449 - 465
"...d-shoes/"><div class="txt">Custom..." Line: 2882 Column: 492 - 516
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2918 Column: 422 - 438
"...y-shoes/"><div class="txt">Comfy ..." Line: 2918 Column: 465 - 489
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2951 Column: 440 - 456
"...-outfit/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 2951 Column: 485 - 509
"...tfit</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 2979 Column: 332 - 348
"...t-shoes/"><div class="txt">Trendy..." Line: 2979 Column: 372 - 396
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3007 Column: 343 - 359
"...-outfit/"><div class="txt">Stylis..." Line: 3007 Column: 388 - 412
"...tfit</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3035 Column: 439 - 455
"...-hoodie/"><div class="txt">Custom..." Line: 3035 Column: 486 - 510
"...odie</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3081 Column: 319 - 335
"...s-shoes/"><div class="txt">Urban ..." Line: 3081 Column: 360 - 384
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3109 Column: 321 - 337
"...shoes-2/"><div class="txt">Urban ..." Line: 3109 Column: 362 - 386
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3137 Column: 445 - 461
"...hoodies/"><div class="txt">Custom..." Line: 3137 Column: 488 - 512
"...dies</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..." Line: 3165 Column: 431 - 447
"...y-shoes/"><div class="txt">Unique..." Line: 3165 Column: 473 - 497
"...hoes</div><div class="mask to-top"><div c..."

Duplicate ID “skin_social_profiles-3”.

Line: 1817 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 1970 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2128 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2281 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2444 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2602 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2755 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 2899 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..." Line: 3062 Column: 34 - 125
"...-content"><section id="skin_social_profiles-3" class="widget skin-widget-social-profiles content-pad"> <h..."

quvn.in similar domains

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quvn.in Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.