polymetaal.nl Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 841

Daily Page Views: 1,682

Income Per Day: $5

Estimated Value: $1,200

polymetaal.nl is registered under .NL top-level domain. Please check other sites in .NL zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by Hoasted B.V.. See the full list of other websites hosted by Hoasted B.V..

The highest website polymetaal.nl position in Alexa rank database was 65155 and the lowest rank position was 999672. Current position of polymetaal.nl in Alexa rank database is 853191.

Desktop speed score of polymetaal.nl (85/100) is better than the results of 80% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.

Mobile usability score of polymetaal.nl (67/100) is better than the results of 18.73% of other sites and means that the page is not mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of polymetaal.nl (65/100) is better than the results of 66.06% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


polymetaal.nl Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

polymetaal.nl whois

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Domain name: polymetaal.nl
Status: active

Weesperstraat 61
1018VN Amsterdam

Hofplein 20
3032AC Rotterdam

Abuse Contact:

Creation Date: 1998-01-28

Updated Date: 2020-04-29


Domain nameservers:

Record maintained by: SIDN BV

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polymetaal.nl server information

Servers Location

polymetaal.nl desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-03-04

Desktop Speed Good

polymetaal.nl Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 8Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 5 blocking script resources and 6 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 3Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 3Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 26.6KiB (36% reduction).

Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-zeef-uk.png could save 1.1KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-hoog-uk.png could save 1KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_beguin-de.png could save 1KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-zeef-uk.png could save 1KiB (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-hoog-uk.png could save 1,002B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-litho-uk.png could save 975B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-litho-uk.png could save 974B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-diep-uk.png could save 962B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_oude-boeken-uk.png could save 944B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-diep-uk.png could save 911B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_boek-nieuw-uk.png could save 904B (32% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_non-toxic-uk.png could save 879B (35% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_gebruikt-uk.png could save 869B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_forum-nl.png could save 850B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-mono-uk.png could save 845B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_papier-uk.png could save 835B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-papiermaken-uk.png could save 825B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-mono-uk.png could save 820B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_grondstoffe…-druktechnieken-uk.png could save 766B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/info-resellers.gif could save 741B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/algemeen/logo-polymetaal-65x70.jpg could save 673B (29% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_workshop-petra-tolboom-uk.png could save 651B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_magazijn-bezoek-verkoop-uk.png could save 648B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_reseller-uk.png could save 648B (26% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_transportkosten-methodes-uk.png could save 610B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_favorieten-uk.png could save 590B (44% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mijn-mandje-uk.png could save 579B (39% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/delivery-schedule.gif could save 567B (28% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_andere-mat-uk.png could save 505B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_over-polymetaal-uk.png could save 474B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/social-icons-mini.gif could save 425B (19% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/favourites.png could save 353B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_privacy-uk.png could save 352B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/searchplus.png could save 348B (35% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/search.png could save 328B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/add2basket.png could save 312B (31% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_verkoop-voorwaarden-uk.png could save 311B (52% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_contact-uk.png could save 287B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_home-uk.png could save 271B (50% reduction).

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://services.shopfactory.com/exchange_rates/v6.js (expiration not specified)
https://timecheck.shopfactory.com/ping/v7ping.js?t…ents/&lmd=43527.957396 (5 minutes)

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 2.2KiB (20% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/website.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 859B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/global-respo…e.css?lmd=43527.954931 could save 417B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/global.css?lmd=43527.954931 could save 369B (29% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/pa_10-paai_1.css could save 289B (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/index1.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 170B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/index2.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 165B (28% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.7KiB (15% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_minicart.html?lmd=43527.544444 could save 283B (15% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/extra.html could save 251B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_index1.html could save 225B (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_switchlang.html could save 199B (13% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_search.html?lmd=43527.954861 could save 191B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_login.html?lmd=43527.544444 could save 182B (30% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/cload.html could save 148B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/dynamic.html could save 125B (45% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/lang.html?lmd=39534.731944 could save 114B (32% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 974B (42% reduction).

Compressing https://services.shopfactory.com/exchange_rates/v6.js could save 974B (42% reduction).

priority - 0Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 915B (18% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/init.js could save 529B (17% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_dynamic_js.js could save 156B (29% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/shared_files/jquery.zoom-min.js could save 116B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/date.js?lmd=25862364 could save 114B (35% reduction) after compression.

polymetaal.nl Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources87
Number of Hosts4
Static Resources70
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources6

polymetaal.nl mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-03-04

Mobile Speed Medium

polymetaal.nl Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 32Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 5 blocking script resources and 6 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 10Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 8Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 50% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.
Click to see the screenshot with only the HTML response:

priority - 3Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 26.6KiB (36% reduction).

Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-zeef-uk.png could save 1.1KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-hoog-uk.png could save 1KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_beguin-de.png could save 1KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-zeef-uk.png could save 1KiB (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-hoog-uk.png could save 1,002B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-litho-uk.png could save 975B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-litho-uk.png could save 974B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-diep-uk.png could save 962B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_oude-boeken-uk.png could save 944B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-diep-uk.png could save 911B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_boek-nieuw-uk.png could save 904B (32% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_non-toxic-uk.png could save 879B (35% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_gebruikt-uk.png could save 869B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_forum-nl.png could save 850B (36% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_app-mono-uk.png could save 845B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_papier-uk.png could save 835B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-papiermaken-uk.png could save 825B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mat-mono-uk.png could save 820B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_grondstoffe…-druktechnieken-uk.png could save 766B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/info-resellers.gif could save 741B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/algemeen/logo-polymetaal-65x70.jpg could save 673B (29% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_workshop-petra-tolboom-uk.png could save 651B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_magazijn-bezoek-verkoop-uk.png could save 648B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_reseller-uk.png could save 648B (26% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_transportkosten-methodes-uk.png could save 610B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_favorieten-uk.png could save 590B (44% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_mijn-mandje-uk.png could save 579B (39% reduction).
Compressing https://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/delivery-schedule.gif could save 567B (28% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_andere-mat-uk.png could save 505B (46% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_over-polymetaal-uk.png could save 474B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/social-icons-mini.gif could save 425B (19% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/favourites.png could save 353B (33% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_privacy-uk.png could save 352B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/searchplus.png could save 348B (35% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/search.png could save 328B (34% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/add2basket.png could save 312B (31% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_verkoop-voorwaarden-uk.png could save 311B (52% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_contact-uk.png could save 287B (49% reduction).
Compressing https://polymetaal.nl/contents/media/k_home-uk.png could save 271B (50% reduction).

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://services.shopfactory.com/exchange_rates/v6.js (expiration not specified)
https://timecheck.shopfactory.com/ping/v7ping.js?t…ents/&lmd=43527.957396 (5 minutes)

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 2.2KiB (20% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/website.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 859B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/global-respo…e.css?lmd=43527.954931 could save 417B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/global.css?lmd=43527.954931 could save 369B (29% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/pa_10-paai_1.css could save 289B (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/index1.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 170B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/styles/index2.css?lmd=43527.543889 could save 165B (28% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.7KiB (15% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_minicart.html?lmd=43527.544444 could save 283B (15% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/extra.html could save 251B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_index1.html could save 225B (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_switchlang.html could save 199B (13% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/en-uk/load_search.html?lmd=43527.954861 could save 191B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_login.html?lmd=43527.544444 could save 182B (30% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/cload.html could save 148B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/dynamic.html could save 125B (45% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/lang.html?lmd=39534.731944 could save 114B (32% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 974B (42% reduction).

Compressing https://services.shopfactory.com/exchange_rates/v6.js could save 974B (42% reduction).

priority - 0Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 915B (18% reduction).

Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/init.js could save 529B (17% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/load_dynamic_js.js could save 156B (29% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/shared_files/jquery.zoom-min.js could save 116B (12% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://polymetaal.nl/contents/date.js?lmd=25862364 could save 114B (35% reduction) after compression.

polymetaal.nl Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources88
Number of Hosts4
Static Resources71
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources6

polymetaal.nl mobile page usability

Last tested: 2019-03-04

Mobile Usability Medium

polymetaal.nl Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 50Size content to viewport

The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.

The page content is 980 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 412 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:

The element <img id="I" src="../contents/me…ogo-uk_001.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <span id="MiniCartDesignImage1" class="LayoutObject"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <span id="LD_CHECKOUT_SH…OBJECTFRAGMENT">Checkout</span> falls outside the viewport.
The element <span id="LD_MYBASKET-OBJECTFRAGMENT">My cart</span> falls outside the viewport.
The element <span id="LD_ITEMS-OBJECTFRAGMENT">Items</span> falls outside the viewport.
The element <span id="MiniCartTotalItemsQuantity" class="MiniCartTotalItemsQuantity">0</span> falls outside the viewport.
The element <input id="phrase" type="text" name="phrase" class="GC48 SearchTextField"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ISearchButtonImage" src="../contents/media/search.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ISearchPlusButtonImage" src="../contents/me…searchplus.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img src="../contents/me…flag_en-uk.gif"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD-6" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID-6" src="../contents/me…-mandje-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD-6" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD-9" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID-9" src="../contents/me…contact-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD-9" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD-10" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID-10" src="../contents/me…orieten-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD-10" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD851" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID851" src="../contents/me…tolboom-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD851" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD852" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID852" src="../contents/me…ethodes-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD852" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1LeftD1096" class="GC28 idx1Left"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img id="ID1096" src="../contents/me…verkoop-uk.png" class="responsive"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <td id="idx1RightD1096" class="GC28 idx1Right"></td> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>This is the ne…etaal website.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>Link to the &quot;old&quot; site:</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img src="https://www.po…taal-65x70.jpg"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <img src="https://www.po…-resellers.gif"> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font></font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <b>Important to read !!!</b> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>-You do NOT pa…ering process.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>-We check your…hould pay now.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>-You do not ha…ly afterwards.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>-This also app…sport company.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>Some features…olymetaal site</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>The most impor…t, world wide)</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>During check-o…ove the order.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>If you have se…r development)</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>Some customers…r development)</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>The new site s…r development)</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <b>You do not pay…yment request.</b> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>We want to be…fter delivery.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <b>All prices exclude 21% VAT.</b> falls outside the viewport.
The element <font>VAT only appli…uropean Union.</font> falls outside the viewport.
The element <p></p> falls outside the viewport.

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a id="SearchButton-.ID" href="JavaScript:var…search_all();}" class="SearchButton"></a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="../contents/en-uk/index.html">Sitemap</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

polymetaal.nl HTML validation


Attribute “xmlns:sf” not allowed here.

Line: 2 Column: 16 - 37
"...type html> <html xmlns:sf lang="nl" dir="ltr" > <head..."

A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”.

Line: 5 Column: 1 - 53
"...utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10" /> <meta..."

Bad value “expires” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 9 Column: 1 - 41
"...:text" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /> <meta..."

Attribute “border” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.

Line: 65 Column: 1 - 253
"...entBody"> <iframe name="extra" id="extra" src="contents/extra.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;overflow:hidden;left:50%;top:50%;display:none;width:5px;height:5px;" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..." Line: 153 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index1frame" id="index1frame" src="contents/nl/load_index1.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..." Line: 167 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index2frame" id="index2frame" src="contents/nl/load_index2.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..."

Attribute “unselectable” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.

Line: 65 Column: 1 - 253
"...entBody"> <iframe name="extra" id="extra" src="contents/extra.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;overflow:hidden;left:50%;top:50%;display:none;width:5px;height:5px;" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..." Line: 153 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index1frame" id="index1frame" src="contents/nl/load_index1.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..." Line: 167 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index2frame" id="index2frame" src="contents/nl/load_index2.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 65 Column: 1 - 253
"...entBody"> <iframe name="extra" id="extra" src="contents/extra.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;overflow:hidden;left:50%;top:50%;display:none;width:5px;height:5px;" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..." Line: 153 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index1frame" id="index1frame" src="contents/nl/load_index1.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..." Line: 167 Column: 1 - 182
"...r"></div> <iframe name="index2frame" id="index2frame" src="contents/nl/load_index2.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;"></ifra..."

The “allowtransparency” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 65 Column: 1 - 253
"...entBody"> <iframe name="extra" id="extra" src="contents/extra.html" width="5" height="5" frameborder="0" border="0" unselectable="on" style="position:absolute;z-index:0;overflow:hidden;left:50%;top:50%;display:none;width:5px;height:5px;" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 66 Column: 1 - 23
"...</iframe> <style type="text/css"> </sty..." Line: 448 Column: 1 - 23
"...v> </div> <style type="text/css"> #AppL..."

The “name” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use the “id” attribute instead.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..." Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..."

The “hspace” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..." Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..."

The “vspace” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..." Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..."

The “align” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..." Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..." Line: 261 Column: 242 - 353
"...ace=Arial><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/delivery-schedule.gif" width=86 align=bottom height=54></FONT..." Line: 265 Column: 17 - 129
"...gn=center><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/algemeen/logo-polymetaal-65x70.jpg" width=70 align=bottom height=65> <P al..." Line: 266 Column: 115 - 224
"...et=_blank><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/info-resellers.gif" width=131 align=bottom height=24></A> <..."

Duplicate ID “I”.

Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 145 Column: 1 - 23
"...v> </div> <style type="text/css">input...." Line: 172 Column: 1 - 23
"...ent-HC1"> <style type="text/css"> .soci..." Line: 296 Column: 1 - 23
"...</script> <style type="text/css"> .Prod..." Line: 315 Column: 1 - 64
"...v> </div> <style type="text/css" id="for-SideBar_R" title="for-SideBar_R"> #Page..." Line: 338 Column: 1 - 23
"...hide();"> <style type="text/css"> .ddSi..."

Duplicate attribute “class”.

Line: 191 Column: - 90
"...="_blank" class="google-buzz-b..."

The “font” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 249 Column: 60 - 76
"...tion-D-2"><FONT face=Arial> <CENT..." Line: 255 Column: 17 - 33
"...gn=center><FONT face=Arial></FONT..." Line: 256 Column: 9 - 25
"...> <CENTER><FONT face=Arial> <TABL..." Line: 261 Column: 17 - 33
"...gn=center><FONT face=Arial>Welkom..." Line: 261 Column: 73 - 97
"...BR></FONT><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>17 jul..." Line: 261 Column: 217 - 241
"...et=_blank><FONT size=-1 face=Arial><IMG s..." Line: 263 Column: 17 - 55
"...gn=center><FONT color=#ff0000 size=+1 face=Arial>Dit is..." Line: 263 Column: 96 - 112
"...te.</FONT><FONT face=Arial><BR>De..." Line: 263 Column: 481 - 497
"...et=_blank><FONT face=Arial>Link n..." Line: 263 Column: 531 - 547
".../FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> </FON..." Line: 266 Column: 276 - 292
"...></CENTER><FONT face=Arial> <CENT..." Line: 272 Column: 17 - 41
"...gn=center><FONT size=-1 face=Arial></..." Line: 273 Column: 9 - 33
"...> <CENTER><FONT size=-1 face=Arial></FONT..." Line: 273 Column: 56 - 80
"...;</CENTER><FONT size=-1 face=Arial> <CENT..." Line: 279 Column: 18 - 48
"...gn=center><FONT color=#ff0000 face=Arial>Belang..." Line: 280 Column: 4 - 42
"...></H1> <P><FONT color=#336666 size=+1 face=Arial>-U bet..." Line: 281 Column: 4 - 42
".../FONT> <P><FONT color=#336666 size=+1 face=Arial>-Wij k..." Line: 282 Column: 4 - 42
".../FONT> <P><FONT color=#336666 size=+1 face=Arial>-U hoe..." Line: 283 Column: 4 - 42
".../FONT> <P><FONT color=#336666 size=+1 face=Arial>-Dat g..." Line: 284 Column: 17 - 41
"...gn=center><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>Een aa..." Line: 286 Column: 5 - 29
"... <UL> <LI><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>Het be..." Line: 287 Column: 5 - 29
"...FONT> <LI><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>Tijden..." Line: 288 Column: 5 - 29
"...FONT> <LI><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>Als u ..." Line: 289 Column: 5 - 29
"...FONT> <LI><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>S..." Line: 290 Column: 5 - 29
"...FONT> <LI><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>De nie..." Line: 291 Column: 5 - 43
"...FONT> <LI><FONT color=#ff0000 size=-1 face=Arial><STRON..." Line: 291 Column: 78 - 116
"...NG></FONT><FONT color=#ff3300 size=-1 face=Arial><B>nie..." Line: 291 Column: 217 - 241
".../B></FONT><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>. We w..." Line: 292 Column: 5 - 43
"...FONT> <LI><FONT color=#ff0000 size=-1 face=Arial><B>All..." Line: 292 Column: 89 - 113
".../B></FONT><FONT size=-1 face=Arial>. BTW ..."

Element “center” not allowed as child of element “font” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 250 Column: 1 - 8
"...ce=Arial> <CENTER> <TABL..."

The “center” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 250 Column: 1 - 8
"...ce=Arial> <CENTER> <TABL..." Line: 256 Column: 1 - 8
"...l></FONT> <CENTER><FONT ..." Line: 267 Column: 1 - 8
"...ce=Arial> <CENTER> <TABL..." Line: 273 Column: 1 - 8
"...l></FONT> <CENTER><FONT ..." Line: 274 Column: 1 - 8
"...ce=Arial> <CENTER> <TABL..."

The “width” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 251 Column: 1 - 26
"... <CENTER> <TABLE width=750 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 257 Column: 1 - 54
"...ce=Arial> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 268 Column: 1 - 54
"... <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 275 Column: 1 - 42
"... <CENTER> <TABLE width=741 bgColor=#ffffff border=1> <TBOD..."

The “border” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 251 Column: 1 - 26
"... <CENTER> <TABLE width=750 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 257 Column: 1 - 54
"...ce=Arial> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 268 Column: 1 - 54
"... <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 275 Column: 1 - 42
"... <CENTER> <TABLE width=741 bgColor=#ffffff border=1> <TBOD..."

The “align” attribute on the “p” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 255 Column: 1 - 16
"...<TR> <TD> <P align=center><FONT ..." Line: 261 Column: 1 - 16
"...idth=120> <P align=center><FONT ..." Line: 263 Column: 1 - 16
"...=#ccffff> <P align=center><FONT ..." Line: 265 Column: 1 - 16
"...idth=135> <P align=center><IMG s..." Line: 266 Column: 1 - 15
"...eight=65> <P align=right><A hre..." Line: 272 Column: 1 - 16
"...=#ffffcc> <P align=center><FONT ..." Line: 284 Column: 1 - 16
"...R></FONT> <P align=center><FONT ..."

The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 257 Column: 1 - 54
"...ce=Arial> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 268 Column: 1 - 54
"... <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..."

The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 257 Column: 1 - 54
"...ce=Arial> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..." Line: 268 Column: 1 - 54
"... <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=745 border=0> <TBOD..."

The “bgcolor” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 260 Column: 5 - 30
"...BODY> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffffcc width=120> <P al..." Line: 262 Column: 375 - 20
"... </P></TD> <TD bgColor=#ccffff> <P al..." Line: 264 Column: 565 - 30
"...></P></TD> <TD bgColor=#ffffcc width=135> <P al..." Line: 271 Column: 5 - 20
"...BODY> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffffcc> <P al..."

The “width” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 260 Column: 5 - 30
"...BODY> <TR> <TD bgColor=#ffffcc width=120> <P al..." Line: 264 Column: 565 - 30
"...></P></TD> <TD bgColor=#ffffcc width=135> <P al..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 261 Column: 242 - 353
"...ace=Arial><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/delivery-schedule.gif" width=86 align=bottom height=54></FONT..." Line: 265 Column: 17 - 129
"...gn=center><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/algemeen/logo-polymetaal-65x70.jpg" width=70 align=bottom height=65> <P al..." Line: 266 Column: 115 - 224
"...et=_blank><IMG src="http://www.polymetaal.nl/imag-alg9/00-algemeen/info-resellers.gif" width=131 align=bottom height=24></A> <..."

The “bgcolor” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 275 Column: 1 - 42
"... <CENTER> <TABLE width=741 bgColor=#ffffff border=1> <TBOD..."

The “align” attribute on the “h1” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 279 Column: 1 - 17
"...<TR> <TD> <H1 align=center><FONT ..."

Bad value “Selecteer uw taal” for attribute “id” on element “option”: An ID must not contain whitespace.

Line: 438 Column: 1 - 41
"...value);"> <option value="0" id="Selecteer uw taal"></opti..."

Element “option” without attribute “label” must not be empty.

Line: 438 Column: 42 - 50
"... uw taal"></option> <opti..."


Attribute with the local name “xmlns:sf” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2 Column: 16 - 37
"...type html> <html xmlns:sf lang="nl" dir="ltr" > <head..."

The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..." Line: 130 Column: 1 - 236
"...title=""> <img width="515" height="79" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"> </a> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “I” was here.

Line: 123 Column: 1 - 224
"...title=""> <img width="320" src="contents/media/l_company-logo-nl_000.png" id="I" name="I" border="0" alt="" title="" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="" onmouseover="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true"></a></..."

The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.

Line: 188 Column: 1 - 83
"..."> <span> <a name="social-media" class="sm-facebook" target="_blank" title="Add to Facebook"><span>..." Line: 189 Column: 1 - 77
"...span></a> <a name="social-media" class="sm-twitter" target="_blank" title="Tweet this"><span>..." Line: 190 Column: 1 - 88
"...span></a> <a name="social-media" class="sm-myspace" target="_blank" title="Share this on MySpace"><span>..." Line: 191 Column: 1 - 175
"...span></a> <a name="social-media" class="sm-googlebuzz" title="Google Buzz It" target="_blank" class="google-buzz-button" href="http://www.google.com/buzz/post" data-button-style="link"><span>..." Line: 194 Column: 1 - 210
"...n> <span> <a name="social-media" class="sm-stumble" href="#" onclick="window.open('http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url='+encodeURIComponent(smURL)+'&title='+smTitle); return false;" title="Share this on Stumble Upon"><span>S..." Line: 195 Column: 1 - 174
"...span></a> <a name="social-media" class="sm-reddit" href="#" onclick="window.open('http://reddit.com/submit?url='+encodeURIComponent(smURL));return false;" title="Share this on Reddit"><span>..." Line: 196 Column: 1 - 75
"...span></a> <a name="social-media" class="sm-email" target="_blank" title="Email this"><span>..." Line: 235 Column: 1 - 26
"...v> </div> <a name="contentBookmark"></a> <..."

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Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.

polymetaal.nl TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.