PCHELA.NEWS Website Information

pchela.news Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 1,135

Daily Page Views: 2,270

Income Per Day: $7

Estimated Value: $1,680

pchela.news is registered under .NEWS top-level domain. Please check other sites in .NEWS zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by LLC "CloudSol". See the full list of other websites hosted by LLC "CloudSol".

The highest website pchela.news position in Alexa rank database was 16327 and the lowest rank position was 994495. Current position of pchela.news in Alexa rank database is 631798.

Desktop speed of pchela.news is unknown.

Mobile usability score of pchela.news is unknown.

Mobile speed of pchela.news is unknown.


pchela.news Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

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WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

pchela.news domain is not supported

pchela.news server information

Servers Location

pchela.news HTML validation


The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 4 Column: 1281 - 1312
"...ounter --><script type="text/javascript" > (..." Line: 19 Column: 38 - 68
"...counter--><script type="text/javascript"> ne..." Line: 26 Column: 63 - 93
"...ounter --><script type="text/javascript"> var..." Line: 43 Column: 36 - 135
"...></script><script async type="text/javascript" src="https://vk.com/js/api/share.js?93" charset="windows-1251"></scri..." Line: 4417 Column: - 27817
"......" Line: 4462 Column: 482 - 512
"...-3"></div><script type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 4512 Column: 601 - 683
"...0e"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=ru"></scri..."

The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 36 Column: - 695
"...ss="logo logo--christmas"><a c..." Line: 4417 Column: - 659
"...ck__media-nav--video" id="dayV..." Line: 4487 Column: - 122
"...op__link-icon--tw"></i>Twitter..." Line: 4487 Column: - 2590
"...ss="logo logo--footer"><a clas..."

The “charset” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete.

Line: 43 Column: 36 - 135
"...></script><script async type="text/javascript" src="https://vk.com/js/api/share.js?93" charset="windows-1251"></scri..."

The first occurrence of ID “dayVideo” was here.

Line: 275 Column: 840 - 891
"... дня</div><div class="main-block__media-slider" id="dayVideo"><div c..." Line: 275 Column: 840 - 891
"... дня</div><div class="main-block__media-slider" id="dayVideo"><div c..."

The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 4495 Column: 121 - 221
"...="_blank"><img src="//counter.yadro.ru/logo?44.1"title="LiveInternet"alt="" border="0" width="31" height="31"/></a><!..."


Bad start tag in “div” in “head”.

Line: 14 Column: 21 - 25
"...<noscript><div><img s..."

Stray end tag “noscript”.

Line: 14 Column: 129 - 139
"..." /></div></noscript><!-- /..."

Stray end tag “head”.

Line: 36 Column: 207 - 213
"...ounter --></head><body>..."

Start tag “body” seen but an element of the same type was already open.

Line: 36 Column: 214 - 219

End tag “nav” seen, but there were open elements.

Line: 36 Column: 1717 - 1722
"...ы</a></li></nav><div c..."

Unclosed element “ul”.

Line: 36 Column: 839 - 865
"...main-nav"><ul class="main-nav__list"><li cl..."

Attribute “action” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 36 Column: 1775 - 1823
"...="search"><div class="search__form" action="" method="get"><div c..."

Attribute “method” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 36 Column: 1775 - 1823
"...="search"><div class="search__form" action="" method="get"><div c..."

No “li” element in scope but a “li” end tag seen.

Line: 40 Column: 263 - 267
"...и</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 404 - 408
"...д</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 550 - 554
"...я</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 689 - 693
"...о</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 830 - 834
"...т</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 975 - 979
"...и</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 1116 - 1120
"...о</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 40 Column: 1265 - 1269
"...ы</a></li></li></ul><..." Line: 4486 Column: 551 - 555
"...д</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 697 - 701
"...я</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 836 - 840
"...о</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 977 - 981
"...т</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 1122 - 1126
"...и</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 1263 - 1267
"...о</a></li></li><li cl..." Line: 4486 Column: 1412 - 1416

The only allowed value for the “charset” attribute for the “script” element is “utf-8”. (But the attribute is not needed and should be omitted altogether.)

Line: 43 Column: 36 - 135
"...></script><script async type="text/javascript" src="https://vk.com/js/api/share.js?93" charset="windows-1251"></scri..."

Bad value “Сегодня 18:00” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 44 Column: 475 - 529
"...5"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 18:00">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4417 Column: 26765 - 26819
"...5"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 18:00">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 17:42” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 46 Column: 428 - 482
"...4"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:42">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4417 Column: 27308 - 27362
"...</a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:42">Сегодня 17:4..."

Bad value “Сегодня 13:46” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 48 Column: 660 - 717
"...-info"><time class="news-top__new-date" datetime="Сегодня 13:46">Сегодня 1..." Line: 55 Column: 682 - 739
"...-info"><time class="news-top__new-date" datetime="Сегодня 13:46">Сегодня 1..." Line: 1660 Column: 152 - 209
"...new-info"><time class="news-top__new-date" datetime="Сегодня 13:46">Сегодн..."

End tag “div” seen, but there were open elements.

Line: 48 Column: 776 - 781
"...istic"></div><h5 class..." Line: 55 Column: 798 - 803
"...istic"></div><h5 class..." Line: 60 Column: 308 - 313
"...tatistic"></div><h3 cl..." Line: 65 Column: 304 - 309
"...tatistic"></div><h3 cl..." Line: 70 Column: 304 - 309
"...tatistic"></div><h3 cl..." Line: 1660 Column: 491 - 496
"...</span --></div><h5 cl..." Line: 1665 Column: 531 - 536
"...</span --></div><h3 cl..." Line: 1670 Column: 527 - 532
"...</span --></div><h3 cl..." Line: 1675 Column: 527 - 532
"...</span --></div><h3 cl..."

Unclosed element “span”.

Line: 48 Column: 738 - 775
"...</time><span class="news-top__new-statistic"></div><h5..." Line: 55 Column: 760 - 797
"...</time><span class="news-top__new-statistic"></div><h5..." Line: 60 Column: 269 - 307
"...:25</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"></div>..." Line: 65 Column: 265 - 303
"...:58</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"></div>..." Line: 70 Column: 265 - 303
"...:47</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"></div>..." Line: 1660 Column: 230 - 267
"...:46</time><span class="news-top__new-statistic"><!--sv..." Line: 1665 Column: 268 - 306
"...:25</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"><!--sv..." Line: 1670 Column: 264 - 302
"...:58</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"><!--sv..." Line: 1675 Column: 264 - 302
"...:47</time><span class="news-top__item-statistic"><!--sv..."

Bad value “Сегодня 17:28” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 51 Column: 258 - 312
"...3"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:28">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4434 Column: 198 - 252
"...3"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:28">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 17:22” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 53 Column: 419 - 473
"...2"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:22">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4436 Column: 420 - 474
"...2"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 17:22">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 11:25” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 60 Column: 190 - 248
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Сегодня 11:25">Сегодн..." Line: 1665 Column: 189 - 247
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Сегодня 11:25">Сегодн..."

Bad value “Вчера 20:58” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 65 Column: 190 - 246
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Вчера 20:58">Вчера ..." Line: 1670 Column: 189 - 245
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Вчера 20:58">Вчера ..."

Bad value “Вчера 10:47” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 70 Column: 190 - 246
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Вчера 10:47">Вчера ..." Line: 1675 Column: 189 - 245
"...tem-info"><time class="news-top__item-date" datetime="Вчера 10:47">Вчера ..."

Stray end tag “strong”.

Line: 75 Column: 20 - 28
"... Автор: </strong>Татьян..." Line: 75 Column: 45 - 53
"...а Тихонова</strong></div>..." Line: 284 Column: 19 - 27
"... Автор: </strong>Ирина ..." Line: 284 Column: 60 - 68
"...ар Насыров</strong></div>..." Line: 1716 Column: 19 - 27
"... Автор: </strong>Татьян..." Line: 1716 Column: 44 - 52
"...а Тихонова</strong></div>..." Line: 2026 Column: 17 - 25
"... Автор: </strong>Ирина ..." Line: 2026 Column: 58 - 66
"...ар Насыров</strong></div>..." Line: 3359 Column: 17 - 25
"... Автор: </strong>Ирина ..." Line: 3359 Column: 58 - 66
"...ар Насыров</strong></div>..."

No space between attributes.

Line: 75 Column: - 259
"...34-md-cNuz.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 75 Column: - 326
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 75 Column: - 391
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 75 Column: - 552
"...34-md-cNuz.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 285 Column: - 226
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 285 Column: - 293
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 285 Column: - 358
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 285 Column: - 531
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 1716 Column: - 258
"...34-md-cNuz.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 1716 Column: - 325
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 1716 Column: - 390
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 1716 Column: - 551
"...34-md-cNuz.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 2027 Column: - 224
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 2027 Column: - 291
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 2027 Column: - 356
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 2027 Column: - 529
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 3360 Column: - 224
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 3360 Column: - 291
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 3360 Column: - 356
"...="javascript:;"target="_blank"..." Line: 3360 Column: - 529
"...aidar-oiRm.jpg"target="_blank"..." Line: 4495 Column: - 105
"...ernet.ru/click"target="_blank"..." Line: 4495 Column: - 160
"...o.ru/logo?44.1"title="LiveInte..." Line: 4495 Column: - 180
"...="LiveInternet"alt="" border="..."

Bad value “Сегодня 15:53” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1610 Column: 1049 - 1103
"...1"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 15:53">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4438 Column: 414 - 468
"...1"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 15:53">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 15:46” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1611 Column: 430 - 484
"...0"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 15:46">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4440 Column: 431 - 485
"...0"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 15:46">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 14:08” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1612 Column: 416 - 470
"...9"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 14:08">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4442 Column: 417 - 471
"...9"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 14:08">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 13:31” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1613 Column: 413 - 467
"...7"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 13:31">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4444 Column: 414 - 468
"...7"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 13:31">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “29 июля” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1615 Column: 214 - 262
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="29 июля">29 июл..." Line: 1679 Column: 212 - 260
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="29 июля">29 июл..."

Bad value “Вчера 17:12” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1618 Column: 214 - 266
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="Вчера 17:12">Вчера ..." Line: 1682 Column: 212 - 264
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="Вчера 17:12">Вчера ..."

Bad value “Вчера 14:55” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1621 Column: 211 - 263
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="Вчера 14:55">Вчера ..." Line: 1685 Column: 209 - 261
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="Вчера 14:55">Вчера ..."

Bad value “Сегодня 12:35” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1623 Column: 284 - 338
"...6"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 12:35">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4446 Column: 406 - 460
"...6"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 12:35">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 12:25” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1624 Column: 402 - 456
"...5"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 12:25">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4448 Column: 404 - 458
"...5"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 12:25">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 11:52” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1625 Column: 417 - 471
"...4"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 11:52">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4450 Column: 419 - 473
"...4"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 11:52">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 11:37” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1626 Column: 420 - 474
"...2"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 11:37">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4452 Column: 422 - 476
"...2"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 11:37">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “12 августа” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1628 Column: 210 - 261
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="12 августа">12 авг..." Line: 1688 Column: 210 - 261
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="12 августа">12 авг..."

Bad value “11 августа” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1631 Column: 213 - 264
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="11 августа">11 авг..." Line: 1634 Column: 212 - 263
"...ости</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="11 августа">11 авг..." Line: 1691 Column: 213 - 264
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="11 августа">11 авг..." Line: 1694 Column: 205 - 256
"...ty"></div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="11 августа">11 авг..."

Bad value “Сегодня 10:50” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1636 Column: 282 - 336
"...1"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 10:50">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4454 Column: 405 - 459
"...1"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 10:50">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 10:12” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1637 Column: 424 - 478
"...0"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 10:12">Сегодня 1..." Line: 4456 Column: 426 - 480
"...0"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 10:12">Сегодня 1..."

Bad value “Сегодня 9:29” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1638 Column: 416 - 469
"...9"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 9:29">Сегодня 9..." Line: 4458 Column: 418 - 471
"...9"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 9:29">Сегодня 9..."

Bad value “Сегодня 8:55” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1639 Column: 409 - 462
"...8"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 8:55">Сегодня 8..." Line: 4460 Column: 411 - 464
"...8"></a><time class="news-feed__date" datetime="Сегодня 8:55">Сегодня 8..."

Bad value “10 августа” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1641 Column: 212 - 263
"...ости</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="10 августа">10 авг..." Line: 1644 Column: 216 - 267
"...екты</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="10 августа">10 авг..." Line: 1697 Column: 205 - 256
"...ty"></div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="10 августа">10 авг..." Line: 1700 Column: 216 - 267
"...екты</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="10 августа">10 авг..."

Bad value “07 августа” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1647 Column: 216 - 267
"...екты</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="07 августа">07 авг..." Line: 1703 Column: 216 - 267
"...екты</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="07 августа">07 авг..."

Bad value “06 августа” for attribute “datetime” on element “time”: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format.

Line: 1650 Column: 210 - 261
"...ород</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..." Line: 1653 Column: 213 - 264
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..." Line: 1656 Column: 210 - 261
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..." Line: 1706 Column: 210 - 261
"...ород</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..." Line: 1709 Column: 213 - 264
"...огия</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..." Line: 1712 Column: 210 - 261
"...идео</div><time class="news-list__date" datetime="06 августа">06 авг..."

Duplicate ID “dayVideo”.

Line: 2017 Column: 260 - 311
"... дня</div><div class="main-block__media-slider" id="dayVideo"><div c..." Line: 3352 Column: 1075 - 1126
"...</div> --><div class="main-block__media-slider" id="dayVideo"><div c..."

Element “li” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 3352 Column: 979 - 1013
"...ео дня --><li class="main-block__media-item"><!-- <..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 4417 Column: 27671 - 27714
".../li><div id="R-A-355873-2" class="aside-banner"><!-- Yandex...."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “label” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 4510 Column: 98 - 128
"...--center"><div class="modal__label-wrap"><div c..." Line: 4510 Column: 269 - 299
"...l__label"><div class="modal__label-wrap"><div c..." Line: 4511 Column: 148 - 178
"...--center"><div class="modal__label-wrap"><div c..." Line: 4512 Column: 210 - 240
"...--center"><div class="modal__label-wrap"><div c..." Line: 4512 Column: 395 - 425
"...l__label"><div class="modal__label-wrap"><div c..." Line: 4512 Column: 494 - 513
"...div></div><div class="capcha"><div c..."

Attribute “placeholder” is only allowed when the input type is “email”, “number”, “password”, “search”, “tel”, “text”, or “url”.

Line: 4511 Column: 227 - 302
"...div></div><input class="modal__file-input" name="file" type="file" placeholder="test"><span ..."

Stray start tag “script”.

Line: 4512 Column: 1150 - 1222
"...></script></body><script src="/modules/system/assets/js/framework.combined-min.js"></scri..."

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pchela.news TRACEROUTE

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