pcgames.de Website Information
Daily Unique Visits: 71,823
Daily Page Views: 430,938
Income Per Day: $862
Estimated Value: $620,640
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Website pcgames.de is using the following name servers:
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The highest website pcgames.de position in Alexa rank database was 19635 and the lowest rank position was 21725. Current position of pcgames.de in Alexa rank database is 19969.
Desktop speed score of pcgames.de (81/100) is better than the results of 71.91% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.
Mobile usability score of pcgames.de (65/100) is better than the results of 13.11% of other sites and means that the page is not mobile-friendly.
Mobile speed score of pcgames.de (68/100) is better than the results of 72.32% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.
pcgames.de Alexa Rank
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.
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Status: connect
pcgames.de server information
Servers Location
pcgames.de desktop page speed rank
Last tested: 2016-07-09
pcgames.de Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary
priority - 10Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 12 blocking script resources and 4 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript:
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:
priority - 7Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 60.3KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/227x170/2016/07/…-games_b2teaser_43.jpg could save 6.5KiB (74% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/227x170/2010/05/…ot_440_b2teaser_43.jpg could save 4.5KiB (72% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/227x170/2016/07/…--pcgh_b2teaser_43.jpg could save 4.2KiB (71% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://www.pcgames.de/static/gfx/header_logo_big.png could save 1.9KiB (96% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/static/gfx/header/logo_gw.png could save 1.2KiB (44% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/bcommon/gfx/logos/footer/white/24.png could save 1.1KiB (48% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://stats.computecmedia.de/1.gif?b_pcg_Homepage…2F%2Fwww.pcgames.de%2F could save 726B (89% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/237x133/2013/06/…games_b2teaser_169.jpg could save 623B (18% reduction).
priority - 3Leverage browser caching
Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.
Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:
https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js (30 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dac/1076.1/1189515/p805961.js (60 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dt/common/DAC.js (60 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dt/common/postscribe.js (60 minutes)
http://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)
https://script.ioam.de/iam.js (2 hours)
priority - 1Minify HTML
Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.
Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 8.8KiB (18% reduction).
priority - 0Minify CSS
Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.
Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.6KiB (15% reduction).
priority - 0Minify JavaScript
Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.
Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 533B (12% reduction).
pcgames.de Desktop Resource Breakdown
Total Resources | 159 |
Number of Hosts | 13 |
Static Resources | 129 |
JavaScript Resources | 30 |
CSS Resources | 4 |
pcgames.de mobile page speed rank
Last tested: 2019-12-04
pcgames.de Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary
priority - 40Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Your page has 12 blocking script resources and 4 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.
Remove render-blocking JavaScript:
Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:
priority - 5Leverage browser caching
Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.
Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:
https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js (30 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dac/1076.1/1189515/p805961.js (60 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dt/common/DAC.js (60 minutes)
http://aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de/dt/common/postscribe.js (60 minutes)
http://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)
https://script.ioam.de/iam.js (2 hours)
priority - 1Optimize images
Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.
Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 5.5KiB (49% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/static/gfx/header/logo_gw.png could save 1.2KiB (44% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/bcommon/gfx/logos/footer/white/24.png could save 1.1KiB (48% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://stats.computecmedia.de/1.gif?b_pcg_Homepage…2F%2Fwww.pcgames.de%2F could save 726B (89% reduction).
Losslessly compressing http://www.pcgames.de/screenshots/237x133/2013/06/…games_b2teaser_169.jpg could save 623B (18% reduction).
priority - 1Minify HTML
Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.
Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 9.1KiB (18% reduction).
priority - 0Minify CSS
Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.
Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.6KiB (15% reduction).
priority - 0Minify JavaScript
Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.
Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 533B (12% reduction).
pcgames.de Mobile Resource Breakdown
Total Resources | 159 |
Number of Hosts | 13 |
Static Resources | 129 |
JavaScript Resources | 30 |
CSS Resources | 4 |
pcgames.de mobile page usability
Last tested: 2019-12-04
pcgames.de Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary
priority - 50Size content to viewport
The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.
The page content is 1,280 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 411 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:
<input type="search" class="searchField tt-hint">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<input id="searchVal" type="search" name="strSearch" class="searchField tt-input">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span>Schau in</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span>die aktuelle</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/covers/100x13…r_Extended.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="appFrame">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/covers/100x13…r_Enriched.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span>Schau in</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span>die aktuelle</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
falls outside the viewport.The element
<button class="showLogin fontIcon">Login</button>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<button class="colorDefaultA showRegistry">Registrieren</button>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://forum.pcgames.de">258 User online</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Tipps/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Tipps</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Videos/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Videos</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Kino_und_Co/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Magazin</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://forum.pcgames.de/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Forum</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Technik/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Technik</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Filme/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Filme</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="fontIcon facebook">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="fontIcon twitter">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="fontIcon googleplus">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="fontIcon youtube">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.pcg…Games-1182153/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">PS4-Spiele 2016</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.pcg…Liste-1182321/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">PC-Spiele 2016</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.pcg…6-Spiel-56986/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Civilization 6</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.pcg…3-Spiel-55615/" class="navPoint fontI…arrowDropdown">Dark Souls 3</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="#">Mehr</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/static/gfx/header/logo_gw.png" class="logoImg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="smartphoneHintContent">Zur Mobil-Seite</div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="smartphoneHintRemove fontIcon">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="module topFrameEddie"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/1…tion_Thumb.jpg" class="photo">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="oheadline">retro-test</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span>red dead redem…ist es so toll</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/2…2teaser_43.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">14</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h3 class="itemTitle">Red Dead Redem…ärie-Abenteuer</h3>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:43 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/2…2teaser_43.png">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">45</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h3 class="itemTitle">Keyseller: Wie…Wirklichkeit?</h3>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/2…2teaser_43.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">5</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h3 class="itemTitle">AMD RX 480 - L…chnik und mehr</h3>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/2…2teaser_43.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h3 class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1:…fos und Bilder</h3>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>14:49 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/4…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">16</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Härteprobe:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Spiele-Thema-…achen-1201119/" class="fadeOutLayerH">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Unterschiedlic…esto spaßiger!</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Welche Untersc…fik-Vergleich.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">6</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon GO:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Pokemon-GO-Sp…eiche-1201125/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Beim Spielen v…in einem See.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">8</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">PES 2017: 60 F…gere Auflösung</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Pro-Evolution…x-One-1201133/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Auf welchem Sy…ieser Meldung.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div id="dm_conative_container" class="noskimwords no…late_small_pic"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">12</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Steam: Spieler…d aufzustellen</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Steam-Softwar…ekord-1201139/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Um einen neuen…immte Methode.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/4…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">5</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">AMD RX 480 - L…chnik und mehr</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Hardware-Them…laris-1200698/" class="fadeOutLayerH">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Wir haben viel…Kritikpunkte?</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">4</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">G2A: Key-Hande…Keyseller ein</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Spielemarkt-T…r-ein-1201156/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Der Key-Handel…r von Keys ein</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Demon's Souls:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Demons-Souls-…glich-1201153/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">From Softwares…en Entwickler.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">27</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Unsere Synchronisationskultur</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Kino-Thema-13…ultur-1201059/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">John McClane,…nchronisation.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Civilization 6…eo vorgestellt</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">01:57</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Star Trek: Bey…igen Kinostart</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">00:30</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Battlefield 1…Alpha im Video</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">03:34</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">WoW: Lasst in…ei Begleitern!</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">12:56</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">14</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redem…im Retro-Test:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Red-Dead-Rede…teuer-1201065/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Red Dead Redem…r Games lohnt.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">20</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Overwatch: Der…um ...? (NSFW)</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Overwatch-Spi…oller-1200953/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Die Popularitä…zard-Shooters.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/4…teaser_169.png">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon GO:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Pokemon-GO-Sp…-sich-1201135/" class="fadeOutLayerH">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Wann startet P…me zu beheben.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1:…fos und Bilder</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…ilder-1201052/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Battlefield 1…d vielem mehr!</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Doom: BFG aus…Knarre (Video)</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Doom-2016-Spi…ucker-1201129/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Die BFG - bess…ussehen könnte</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Playstation Plus</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/PlayStation-P…d-ihr-1200686/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Mit PlayStatio…Online.Dienst?</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1:…s in der Alpha</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…dgets-1201099/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Wir stellen eu…fügung stehen.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Civilization 6:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Civilization-…ailer-1201140/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Ein weiteres V…nen aus Civ 6.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">9</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Skyrim: Endera…gehende Magier</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/The-Elder-Scr…agier-1201066/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Enderal als Ma…chen Einstieg.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/4…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…Video-1201029/" class="fadeOutLayerH">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Ein YouTube-Vi…erzeit bieten.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Gamescom 2016:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/gamescom-Even…nde-1-1201064/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Ihr wollt scho…2x5 Wildcards!</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Über 2 Meter g…Megaprozessor</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Kurioses-Them…-Euro-1201027/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Verrücktes Bau…lo ausgegeben.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon Sonne und Mond</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Pokemon-Sonne…schau-1200855/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Pokémon Sonne…hen erweitert.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">FIFA 17: Erste…die Standards</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/FIFA-17-Spiel…ailer-1200969/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">EA hat einen n…n des Kickers.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Steam-Deals zum Wochenende</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Steam-Softwar…ziert-1201009/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Bei Steam sind…rt erhältlich.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Red-Dead-Rede…-Xbox-1201037/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Red Dead Redem…osen Download.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1:…Alpha im Video</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…Video-1201056/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">In Battlefield…sed Alpha vor.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1:…-Alpha-Arsenal</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…Alpha-1201026/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Alle Waffen un…r Closed Beta!</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h2 class="kasten_dunkel_header">Top-Videos</h2>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Battlefield 1:…um vs. Minimum</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">02:43</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Star Trek: Bey…igen Kinostart</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">00:30</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/screenshots/3…teaser_169.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a class="jsLinksHD">Doom: BFG aus…Knarre (Video)</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="videoTime">03:21</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="articleTickerHead"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Keyseller-Repo…Wirklichkeit?</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">45</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">AMD RX 480 - L…chnik und mehr</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">5</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon GO:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">6</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 7 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Civilization 6:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 6 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">FIFA 17: Trail…deos des Tages</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">119</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 6 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="updatedArticle">Updated</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platform">BFD</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_tipp">Tipp</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">The Division:…ll ich kaufen?</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 6 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">World of Warships:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 6 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="red">•••</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="red">•••</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="red">•••</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="red">•••</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">133</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Das habt Ihr h…auf PCGames.de</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Albion Online:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Härteprobe:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">16</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Film & Fun:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platform">PCGH</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Faszination Wa…e keine Chance</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 4 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">GTA 5:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1 Closed Alpha</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Conjuring 2:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">G2A:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">4</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">F1 2016:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Demon's Souls:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Paragon:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Das Keyboard 5Q</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Blu-ray & DVD:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div id="wad_rectangle" class="wadtag innerCo…reloadableGPT"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="articleTickerHead"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Ben Hur:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 36 m</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Steam:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">12</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 m</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 14 m</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Star Trek: Beyond:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 14 m</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Civilization 6:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 42 m</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">PES 2017:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">8</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Dirt Rally:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Playstation Plus</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Captain Fantastic:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 1 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon GO:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Doom:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Final Fantasy 15:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 2 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon Sonne und Mond</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">WoW:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 3 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Blood Father:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time class="timeago">vor 5 h</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Im Kino:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div class="daysepparator_date">Freitag, 08.07.2016</div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>12:57 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">World of Warcraft:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>12:31 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Über 2 Meter g…Megaprozessor</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>12:10 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Steam-Deals zum Wochenende</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>11:10 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Fallout 4:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>08:35 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="topflag">TOP</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">No Man's Sky</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">33</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>22:22 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Unsere Synchronisationskultur</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">27</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>19:45 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Project Scorpio</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>19:15 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_tipp">Tipp</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Skyrim:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">9</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>18:45 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Pokémon GO:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>18:30 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Rise of the Tomb Raider:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>18:15 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Warframe:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>18:05 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>18:00 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platform">PCGH</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="itemTitle">Battlefield 1…r Closed Alpha</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>17:40 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Rocket League:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>17:30 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_tipp">Tipp</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>17:20 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Steam Summer Sale</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>17:20 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>17:00 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">System Shock:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:55 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_tipp">Tipp</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:43 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">GameDeck VR:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:40 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Richard Garriott:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:20 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Assassin's Creed</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">1</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:20 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Gamescom 2016:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:05 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_tipp">Tipp</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redemption:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:05 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Game Deck VR</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">6</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>16:00 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">PC Games Podcast 345</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:45 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Evolve Free2Play:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">4</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:43 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="articleType at_test">Test</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Red Dead Redem…im Retro-Test:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">14</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:30 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1,…'s Sky, Resi 4</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:15 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Star Citizen:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:07 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Corvus Cora</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">x</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<time>15:00 Uhr</time>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="platforms"></span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Herr der Ringe Online:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://www.pcgames.de/News/" class="button colorPale">Alle News</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<div id="wad_rectangle_2" class="wadtag innerCo…reloadableGPT"></div>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">6</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Game Deck VR</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Kickstarter-E…nchen-1201062/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Das Entwickler…ieren möchten.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">2</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">World of Warcraft:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/World-of-Warc…-gold-1201016/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Mit einem offe…Gold betrogen.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">0</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Project Scorpio</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Xbox-One-Proj…nsolen-264559/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Spiele, Techni…r können soll!</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">33</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">No Man's Sky</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/No-Mans-Sky-S…chert-1200984/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Hello Games ha…kannt gegeben.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="commentAmount">3</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span class="highlightHeadline">Battlefield 1:</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="/Battlefield-1…laert-1200997/" class="fadeOutLayerV">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<span id="introField">Was bringen Wa…srüstung frei.</span>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/tsimg/501603/…_300x150px.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/tsimg/505272/…10_Version.gif">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<h2 id="heftappHeadline" class="moduleHeadline">In der aktuellen Ausgabe</h2>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<img src="/covers/111x15…r_Extended.jpg">
falls outside the viewport.The element
<strong>Die neue Ausga…on ca. 10 Euro</strong>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://shop.co…testen-10.html" class="button colorPale">Miniabo für nur 7,90 €</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
<a href="http://shop.co…s/einzelhefte/" class="button colorPale">jetzt kaufen</a>
falls outside the viewport.The element
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falls outside the viewport.The element
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<span class="highlightHeadline">Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir:</span>
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<span class="highlightHeadline">GTA 5:</span>
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<span class="highlightHeadline">Saints Row IV:</span>
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<span class="highlightHeadline">GTA 5:</span>
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<span class="highlightHeadline">Schade um die schöne Grafik!</span>
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<h3 class="title-headline">Neuer Gaming R…ner 1200-1300€</h3>
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<h3 class="title-headline">AMD RX 480 - L…chnik und mehr</h3>
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<a href="http://forum.p….php?p=9989426">"Mit den neuen…ein Problem...</a>
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<h3 class="title-headline">Brexit und die…ele-Entwickler</h3>
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<a href="http://forum.p….php?p=9989424">Das der britis…hat ist so...</a>
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<h3 class="title-headline">Unsere Synchro…nds Hass-Liebe</h3>
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<a href="http://forum.p….php?p=9989417">Man sollte übr…Filmen etc....</a>
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<h3 class="title-headline">Captain Fantas…iggo Mortensen</h3>
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<h3 class="title-headline">Streit um PS4:…le zu gelangen</h3>
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<a href="http://forum.p….php?p=9989415">btw. auch auf…scheinen......</a>
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<h3 class="title-headline">PES 2017: 60 F…gere Auflösung</h3>
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<span class="itemTitle">Grafikkarten T…Radeon [April]</span>
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<span class="itemTitle">Radeon RX 480:…Asus gesichtet</span>
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is close to 7 other tap targets.pcgames.de HTML validation
Bad value “cleartype” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.
"...width"> <meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on"> <met..."
A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”.
"...t=utf-8"/><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="requiresActiveX=true"/><meta ..."
Bad value “Content-Style-Type” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.
"...eX=true"/><meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"><meta ..."
Bad value “Expires” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.
"...text/css"><meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0"/><link ..."
Attribute “ident_id” not allowed on element “div” at this point.
"... <div class="logoBig" ident_id="-1198"> ..." Line: 256 Column: 17 - 60
"... <div class="magazineFrame" ident_id="-1197"> ..." Line: 317 Column: 9 - 52
"...> <div class="platformBlock" ident_id="-1195"> ..." Line: 974 Column: 9 - 59
"...> <div id="header4" class="header4" ident_id="-1344"> ..." Line: 1148 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m82" id="modul_box_861972" ident_id="582810" > <..." Line: 1214 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861986" ident_id="192688" > <..." Line: 1278 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862031" ident_id="192690" > <..." Line: 1344 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862030" ident_id="192692" > <..." Line: 1407 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861984" ident_id="192698" > <..." Line: 1458 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861983" ident_id="192700" > <..." Line: 1509 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861985" ident_id="192696" > <..." Line: 1564 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861982" ident_id="196389" > <..." Line: 1624 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861981" ident_id="206543" > <..." Line: 1675 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861988" ident_id="207759" > <..." Line: 1726 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861989" ident_id="207912" > <..." Line: 1777 Column: 4 - 71
"... <div class="droppedul m8" id="modul_box_861990" ident_id="195360" > <..." Line: 1891 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_861975" ident_id="500892" > <..." Line: 1915 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861991" ident_id="155546" > <..." Line: 1966 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861992" ident_id="155548" > <..." Line: 2019 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861993" ident_id="180915" > <..." Line: 2077 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861994" ident_id="180923" > <..." Line: 2128 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861995" ident_id="221869" > <..." Line: 2179 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861996" ident_id="221871" > <..." Line: 2234 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861980" ident_id="231969" > <..." Line: 2285 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861979" ident_id="295224" > <..." Line: 2338 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861977" ident_id="295228" > <..." Line: 2391 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861997" ident_id="221867" > <..." Line: 2449 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861976" ident_id="295230" > <..." Line: 2514 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861978" ident_id="295226" > <..." Line: 2565 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861998" ident_id="295222" > <..." Line: 2620 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862000" ident_id="160793" > <..." Line: 2673 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_861999" ident_id="160814" > <..." Line: 2724 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862001" ident_id="424867" > <..." Line: 2779 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862002" ident_id="424869" > <..." Line: 2830 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862003" ident_id="424871" > <..." Line: 2889 Column: 4 - 71
"... <div class="droppedul m8" id="modul_box_862007" ident_id="274812" > <..." Line: 2945 Column: 4 - 71
"... <div class="droppedul m1" id="modul_box_862006" ident_id="215830" > <..." Line: 3648 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_862004" ident_id="500619" > <..." Line: 3681 Column: 4 - 71
"... <div class="droppedul m1" id="modul_box_862005" ident_id="216395" > <..." Line: 5168 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862018" ident_id="432926" > <..." Line: 5223 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862017" ident_id="442182" > <..." Line: 5274 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862020" ident_id="458798" > <..." Line: 5329 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862016" ident_id="473116" > <..." Line: 5380 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862021" ident_id="474756" > <..." Line: 5431 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862015" ident_id="678094" > <..." Line: 5488 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862014" ident_id="678096" > <..." Line: 5539 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862013" ident_id="678098" > <..." Line: 5600 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862012" ident_id="678100" > <..." Line: 5651 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862011" ident_id="678102" > <..." Line: 5706 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862010" ident_id="678104" > <..." Line: 5759 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_862019" ident_id="194637" > <..." Line: 5787 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862027" ident_id="678024" > <..." Line: 5803 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_862022" ident_id="585751" > <..." Line: 5830 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_862023" ident_id="585619" > <..." Line: 5863 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m20" id="modul_box_862026" ident_id="432868" > <..." Line: 5879 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m22" id="modul_box_862024" ident_id="188002" > <..." Line: 5920 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m31" id="modul_box_862025" ident_id="194427" > <..." Line: 5960 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m27" id="modul_box_861973" ident_id="196459" > <..." Line: 6085 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m27" id="modul_box_862009" ident_id="157736" > <..." Line: 6224 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m27" id="modul_box_862008" ident_id="166367" > <..." Line: 6357 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m27" id="modul_box_862029" ident_id="180178" > <..." Line: 6490 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m25" id="modul_box_861974" ident_id="180381" > <..." Line: 6773 Column: 4 - 72
"... <div class="droppedul m29" id="modul_box_862028" ident_id="156182" > <..."
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
"...BigInner"><img src="/static/gfx/header_logo_big.png" border="0"></a> ..." Line: 313 Column: 17 - 96
"... <img src="/static/gfx/header_logo_small.png" width="141" height="51" border="0"> ..." Line: 7492 Column: 15 - 112
"... <img src="/common/saturn/2017/satun-gamescom-katalog-2017-135x200px.gif" style="display: inline;"> ..."
Attribute “ident_id” not allowed on element “ul” at this point.
"... <ul class="mainMenu" ident_id="-1343"> ..." Line: 812 Column: 9 - 49
"... <ul class="socialBlock" ident_id="-1196"> ..."
Attribute “ident_id” not allowed on element “li” at this point.
"... <li id="mainItem_0" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1200"> ..." Line: 464 Column: 9 - 70
"... <li id="mainItem_1" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1201"> ..." Line: 524 Column: 9 - 70
"... <li id="mainItem_2" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1202"> ..." Line: 584 Column: 9 - 70
"... <li id="mainItem_3" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1203"> ..." Line: 614 Column: 9 - 70
"... <li id="mainItem_4" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1204"> ..." Line: 679 Column: 9 - 70
"... <li id="mainItem_5" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1205"> ..." Line: 701 Column: 9 - 78
"... <li id="mainItem_6" class="mainNaviDefault navi_sft" ident_id="-1223"> ..." Line: 727 Column: 9 - 77
"... <li id="mainItem_7" class="mainNaviDefault navi_ws" ident_id="-1224"> ..." Line: 979 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_0" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1433"> ..." Line: 985 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_1" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1431"> ..." Line: 991 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_2" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1430"> ..." Line: 997 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_3" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1329"> ..." Line: 1003 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_4" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1328"> ..." Line: 1009 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_5" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1332"> ..." Line: 1015 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_6" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1361"> ..." Line: 1021 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_7" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1432"> ..." Line: 1027 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_8" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1419"> ..." Line: 1033 Column: 25 - 86
"... <li id="mainItem_9" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1416"> ..." Line: 1039 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_10" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1418"> ..." Line: 1045 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_11" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1406"> ..." Line: 1051 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_12" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1403"> ..." Line: 1057 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_13" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1296"> ..." Line: 1063 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_14" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1353"> ..." Line: 1069 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_15" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1396"> ..." Line: 1075 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_16" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1394"> ..." Line: 1081 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_17" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1297"> ..." Line: 1087 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_18" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1405"> ..." Line: 1093 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_19" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1402"> ..." Line: 1099 Column: 25 - 87
"... <li id="mainItem_20" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1306"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_0”.
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 620 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 685 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 707 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 733 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_1”.
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 624 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 689 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 711 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 737 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_3”.
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 632 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 719 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 745 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_4”.
"... <li id="content_4" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 636 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_4" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_5”.
"... <li id="content_5" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 640 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_5" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_2”.
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 693 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 715 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 741 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Duplicate ID “content_6”.
"... <li id="content_6" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
Element “div” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
"... <div id="loginBtnFrame2" class="loginBtnFrame inactive"> ..." Line: 1880 Column: 14 - 39
"... <div style="clear: both;"></div>..." Line: 2934 Column: 14 - 39
"... <div style="clear: both;"></div>..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_0”.
"... <li id="mainItem_0" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1433"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_1”.
"... <li id="mainItem_1" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1431"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_2”.
"... <li id="mainItem_2" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1430"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_3”.
"... <li id="mainItem_3" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1329"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_4”.
"... <li id="mainItem_4" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1328"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_5”.
"... <li id="mainItem_5" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1332"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_6”.
"... <li id="mainItem_6" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1361"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_7”.
"... <li id="mainItem_7" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1432"> ..."
Duplicate ID “mainItem_8”.
"... <li id="mainItem_8" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1419"> ..."
Attribute “modultyp” not allowed on element “div” at this point.
"... <div id="modul_1_861970_5_861972" modultyp="82" class="module destroyerMod"> ..." Line: 1212 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_5_861986" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1276 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_2_861987_5_862031" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1342 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861987_10_862030" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1405 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_15_861984" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1456 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_20_861983" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1507 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_25_861985" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1562 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_30_861982" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1622 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_35_861981" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1673 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_40_861988" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1724 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_45_861989" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1775 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_50_861990" modultyp="8" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1889 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_55_861975" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1913 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_60_861991" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 1964 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_65_861992" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2017 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_70_861993" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2075 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_75_861994" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2126 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_80_861995" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2177 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_85_861996" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2232 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_90_861980" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2283 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_95_861979" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2336 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_100_861977" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2389 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_105_861997" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2447 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_110_861976" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2512 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_115_861978" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2563 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_120_861998" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2618 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_125_862000" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2671 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_130_861999" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2722 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_135_862001" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2777 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_140_862002" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2828 Column: 9 - 80
"... <div id="modul_2_861967_145_862003" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2887 Column: 9 - 77
"... <div id="modul_2_861966_5_862007" modultyp="8" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 2943 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_2_861966_10_862006" modultyp="1" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 3646 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_2_861966_15_862004" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 3679 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_2_861966_20_862005" modultyp="1" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5166 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_5_862018" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5221 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_10_862017" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5272 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_15_862020" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5327 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_20_862016" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5378 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_25_862021" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5429 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_30_862015" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5486 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_35_862014" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5537 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_40_862013" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5598 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_45_862012" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5649 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_50_862011" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5704 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_55_862010" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5757 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861963_60_862019" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5785 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_5_862027" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5801 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_10_862022" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5828 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_15_862023" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5861 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_20_862026" modultyp="20" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5877 Column: 9 - 81
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_25_862024" modultyp="22" class="module rightMod"> ..." Line: 5918 Column: 9 - 79
"... <div id="modul_3_861962_30_862025" modultyp="31" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 5958 Column: 9 - 84
"... <div id="modul_4_861969_5_861973" modultyp="27" class="module destroyerMod"> ..." Line: 6083 Column: 9 - 84
"... <div id="modul_5_861964_5_862009" modultyp="27" class="module destroyerMod"> ..." Line: 6222 Column: 9 - 84
"... <div id="modul_6_861965_5_862008" modultyp="27" class="module destroyerMod"> ..." Line: 6355 Column: 9 - 84
"... <div id="modul_7_861960_5_862029" modultyp="27" class="module destroyerMod"> ..." Line: 6488 Column: 9 - 78
"... <div id="modul_8_861968_5_861974" modultyp="25" class="module allMod"> ..." Line: 6771 Column: 9 - 84
"... <div id="modul_9_861961_3_862028" modultyp="29" class="module destroyerMod"> ..."
Element “h3” not allowed as child of element “a” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1305 Column: 29 - 52
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1367 Column: 29 - 52
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1430 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1481 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1536 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1589 Column: 33 - 56
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1647 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1698 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1749 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1938 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 1991 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2042 Column: 33 - 56
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2100 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2151 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2206 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2257 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2310 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2363 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2414 Column: 33 - 56
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2486 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2537 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2592 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2645 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2696 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2751 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2802 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 2855 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5195 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5246 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5301 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5352 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5403 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5460 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5511 Column: 29 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5572 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5623 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5678 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5731 Column: 30 - 53
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 5995 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6024 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6053 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6125 Column: 14 - 37
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6157 Column: 14 - 37
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6193 Column: 14 - 37
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6259 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6292 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6325 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6396 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6429 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6458 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6805 Column: 13 - 36
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6840 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6871 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6900 Column: 15 - 38
"... <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6936 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6959 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 6982 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 7005 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 7028 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 7051 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..." Line: 7074 Column: 9 - 32
"...> <h3 class="headlineBox"> ..."
Duplicate ID “introField”.
"...me></span><span id="introField">Ein Mo..." Line: 1381 Column: 96 - 117
"...me></span><span id="introField">Nachde..." Line: 1437 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Im off..." Line: 1488 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Die We..." Line: 1543 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Angebl..." Line: 1603 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Das ch..." Line: 1654 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Im die..." Line: 1705 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Über F..." Line: 1756 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Im off..." Line: 1945 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">..." Line: 1998 Column: 128 - 149
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Dieses..." Line: 2056 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Wenn e..." Line: 2107 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Hearth..." Line: 2158 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">WIDESC..." Line: 2213 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">In ein..." Line: 2264 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Die Bl..." Line: 2317 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Vom Pl..." Line: 2370 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Remake..." Line: 2428 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Neuen ..." Line: 2493 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Das Te..." Line: 2544 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Das Te..." Line: 2599 Column: 128 - 149
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Ein Re..." Line: 2652 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Animal..." Line: 2703 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Der er..." Line: 2758 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Electr..." Line: 2809 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">IMGN.P..." Line: 2864 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Laut d..." Line: 5202 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Entwic..." Line: 5253 Column: 128 - 149
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Schaus..." Line: 5308 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Destin..." Line: 5359 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Bohemi..." Line: 5410 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Sony h..." Line: 5467 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Der En..." Line: 5518 Column: 128 - 149
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Karl S..." Line: 5579 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Kurz v..." Line: 5630 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Wie Ni..." Line: 5685 Column: 128 - 149
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Das En..." Line: 5738 Column: 143 - 164
"...sp;</span><span id="introField">Ein we..."
Bad value “100%” for attribute “width” on element “iframe”: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead.
"...sWidget"> <iframe src="http://www.makinggames.biz/jobwidget/?anz=7&l=de" style="border:0px none;" name="MakingGamesJobsWidget" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="600" width="100%"></ifram..."
The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"...sWidget"> <iframe src="http://www.makinggames.biz/jobwidget/?anz=7&l=de" style="border:0px none;" name="MakingGamesJobsWidget" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="600" width="100%"></ifram..."
The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"...sWidget"> <iframe src="http://www.makinggames.biz/jobwidget/?anz=7&l=de" style="border:0px none;" name="MakingGamesJobsWidget" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="600" width="100%"></ifram..."
The “marginheight” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"...sWidget"> <iframe src="http://www.makinggames.biz/jobwidget/?anz=7&l=de" style="border:0px none;" name="MakingGamesJobsWidget" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="600" width="100%"></ifram..."
The “marginwidth” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"...sWidget"> <iframe src="http://www.makinggames.biz/jobwidget/?anz=7&l=de" style="border:0px none;" name="MakingGamesJobsWidget" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="600" width="100%"></ifram..."
The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"... <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbo..."
The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"... <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbo..."
The “border” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
"... <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbo..."
Row 2 of a row group established by a “tbody” element has no cells beginning on it.
"...tr> <tr> </tr> </tb..."
Element “div” not allowed as child of element “a” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
"... <div class="smallRating">89<spa..." Line: 6143 Column: 49 - 73
"... <div class="smallRating">-</div..." Line: 6175 Column: 49 - 73
"... <div class="smallRating">88<spa..."
The text content of element “script” was not in the required format: Expected space, tab, newline, or slash but found “{” instead.
"...ang: 'de'}</script> ..."
The “itemprop” attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.
"...tent="0"/><link itemprop="url" href="http://www.pcgames.de/"/><meta ..."
The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.
"...ript> <a name="top"></a> ..." Line: 2948 Column: 18 - 35
"... <a name="pageTop"></a> ..." Line: 3684 Column: 18 - 35
"... <a name="pageTop"></a> ..."
The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.
"...BigInner"><img src="/static/gfx/header_logo_big.png" border="0"></a> ..." Line: 313 Column: 17 - 96
"... <img src="/static/gfx/header_logo_small.png" width="141" height="51" border="0"> ..." Line: 1107 Column: 22 - 108
"... <img class="logoImg" src="/static/gfx/header/logo_gw.png" border="0" alt="Games World"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_0” was here.
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 432 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 432 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 432 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 432 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_0" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_1” was here.
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 436 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 436 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 436 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 436 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_1" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_3” was here.
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 444 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 444 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 444 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_3" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_4” was here.
"... <li id="content_4" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 448 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_4" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_5” was here.
"... <li id="content_5" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 452 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_5" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_2” was here.
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 440 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 440 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..." Line: 440 Column: 33 - 94
"... <li id="content_2" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “content_6” was here.
"... <li id="content_6" class="menuContent mainNaviDefaultSubMenu"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_0” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_0" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1200"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_1” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_1" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1201"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_2” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_2" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1202"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_3” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_3" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1203"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_4” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_4" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1204"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_5” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_5" class="mainNaviDefault " ident_id="-1205"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_6” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_6" class="mainNaviDefault navi_sft" ident_id="-1223"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_7” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_7" class="mainNaviDefault navi_ws" ident_id="-1224"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “mainItem_8” was here.
"... <li id="mainItem_8" class="mainNaviCollection"> ..."
The first occurrence of ID “introField” was here.
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..." Line: 1251 Column: 131 - 152
"...me></span><span id="introField">Auch a..."
The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
"... <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> ..." Line: 5150 Column: 29 - 81
"... <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> ..."
A table row was 0 columns wide, which is less than the column count established by the first row (1).
"...tr> <tr> </tr> </tb..."
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