OSIAD.ORG.TR Website Information

osiad.org.tr Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 0

Daily Page Views: 0

Income Per Day: $0

Estimated Value: $9

osiad.org.tr is registered under .TR top-level domain. Please check other sites in .TR zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by Aerotek Bilisim Sanayi ve Ticaret AS. See the full list of other websites hosted by Aerotek Bilisim Sanayi ve Ticaret AS.

The highest website osiad.org.tr position in Alexa rank database was 106871 and the lowest rank position was 851501. Current position of osiad.org.tr in Alexa rank database is below 1 million.

Desktop speed of osiad.org.tr is unknown.

Mobile usability score of osiad.org.tr is unknown.

Mobile speed of osiad.org.tr is unknown.


osiad.org.tr Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

osiad.org.tr whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

** Domain Name: osiad.org.tr
Frozen Status: -
Transfer Status: The domain is LOCKED to transfer.

** Registrant:
Osiad Ostim Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği
Hidden upon user request
Hidden upon user request
Hidden upon user request
Hidden upon user request

** Registrar:
NIC Handle : nbt147-metu

35040 İzmir Türkiye
Phone : 90-850-2008899-
Fax : 90-850-2008898-

** Domain Servers:

** Additional Info:
Created on..............: 1997-Sep-21.
Expires on..............: 2023-Sep-20.

** Whois Server:
Last Update Time: 2023-08-15T20:17:05+03:00

osiad.org.tr server information

Servers Location

osiad.org.tr HTML validation


Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.

Line: 11 Column: 3 - 109
"...utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <!-..."

The “banner” role is unnecessary for element “header”.

Line: 42 Column: 5 - 50
"...==--> <header role="banner" class="header header_3"> ..."

The “navigation” role is unnecessary for element “nav”.

Line: 152 Column: 13 - 63
"... <nav role="navigation" class="main_menu menu_var2"> ..."

The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 2092 Column: 3 - 59
"...script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/loginkontrol.js"></scri..." Line: 2094 Column: 1 - 31
"...</script> <script type="text/javascript"> $.coo..."


The “align” attribute on the “div” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 137 Column: 13 - 58
"... <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-2" align="center"> ..." Line: 208 Column: 9 - 155
"...> <div id="layerslider" align="center" style="width: 75%; height: 400px; margin-top:20px !important; margin-bottom:20px !important; margin:0 auto;"> ..." Line: 435 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 455 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 475 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 495 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 515 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 537 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 557 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 577 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 602 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 622 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 642 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 662 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 682 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 703 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 723 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 745 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 765 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 785 Column: 19 - 95
"... <div class="scale_image_container col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4" align="center"> ..." Line: 829 Column: 23 - 68
"... <div class="img_position_left" align="center"> ..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 139 Column: 17 - 45
"... <img src="/images/logo.png" ></a> ..." Line: 318 Column: 138 - 226
"...tik2(17)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_6099359393.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 322 Column: 168 - 256
"...tik2(16)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_3426172137.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 326 Column: 147 - 235
"...tik2(15)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_7181054950.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 330 Column: 15 - 103
"... <img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_7431299090.jpg"> ..." Line: 334 Column: 133 - 221
"...tik2(13)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_2637597919.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 338 Column: 139 - 227
"...mtik2(8)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20130416_2855798602.JPG"></a> ..." Line: 349 Column: 134 - 222
"...tik2(14)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191101_1879541278.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 353 Column: 136 - 224
"...tik2(12)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_7974206805.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 357 Column: 138 - 226
"...tik2(11)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_3703119159.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 361 Column: 128 - 215
"...mtik2(9)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_900079608.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 365 Column: 138 - 226
"...mtik2(7)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_4701654315.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 369 Column: 130 - 218
"...mtik2(4)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_2668268085.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 373 Column: 163 - 251
"...mtik2(3)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20121121_9204370379.png"></a> ..." Line: 385 Column: 143 - 231
"...tik2(21)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20200716_4980432391.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 389 Column: 133 - 221
"...tik2(20)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20200131_5539972186.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 393 Column: 136 - 224
"...tik2(19)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_7130243182.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 397 Column: 138 - 226
"...tik2(18)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_1612817645.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 401 Column: 131 - 219
"...tik2(17)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_5552942157.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 405 Column: 128 - 216
"...tik2(15)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_4031640887.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 409 Column: 138 - 226
"...tik2(14)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_1952173114.jpg"></a> ..." Line: 413 Column: 145 - 233
"...mtik2(8)"><img src="http://www.osiad.org.tr/kullanici-dosyalari/reklamlar/20191017_6727716327.jpg"></a> ..."

CSS: “slidedirection”: Property “slidedirection” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “slidedelay”: Property “slidedelay” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..."

CSS: “durationin”: Property “durationin” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “durationout”: Property “durationout” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “easingin”: Property “easingin” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “easingout”: Property “easingout” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “delayin”: Property “delayin” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “delayout”: Property “delayout” doesn't exist.

Line: 210 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 218 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 226 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 234 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 242 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 250 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 258 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 266 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 274 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 282 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 290 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 298 Column: 11 - 201
"... <div class="ls-layer slide1" style="slidedirection: top; slidedelay: 8000; durationin: 1500; durationout: 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout: easeInOutQuint; delayin: 0; delayout: 0;"> <img ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “slideoutdirection”: Property “slideoutdirection” doesn't exist.

Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

CSS: “showuntil”: Property “showuntil” doesn't exist.

Line: 211 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 219 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 227 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 235 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 243 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 251 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 259 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 267 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 275 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 283 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 291 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..." Line: 299 Column: 13 - 279
"... <div class="ls-s4 slide-text1" style="position: absolute; top:95%; right: 0; slidedirection : bottom; slideoutdirection : top; durationin : 1500; durationout : 1500; easingin: easeInOutQuint; easingout : easeInOutQuint; delayin : 0; delayout : 100; showuntil : 0;"> ..."

Bad value “/kullanici-dosyalari/file/REKLAM SÖZLEŞMESİ WEB-OSİAD.xls” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in path segment: space is not allowed.

Line: 373 Column: 15 - 162
"... <a href="/kullanici-dosyalari/file/REKLAM SÖZLEŞMESİ WEB-OSİAD.xls" target="_blank" class="m_top_50 d_block" rel="nofollow" onClick="reklamtik2(3)"><img s..."

No “p” element in scope but a “p” end tag seen.

Line: 874 Column: 1 - 4
"...ng></p> </p> </div..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 928 Column: 19 - 186
"... <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NeZN2-qPSkM" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></ifra..."

The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.

Line: 94 Column: 31 - 52
"... <label for="username">Kullan..." Line: 102 Column: 95 - 119
"...value="1"><label for="checkbox_10">Beni H..."

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