OPENTABLE.IT Website Information Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 905

Daily Page Views: 1,810

Income Per Day: $6

Estimated Value: $1,440 is registered under .IT top-level domain. Please check other sites in .IT zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by OPENTABLE-AS - Opentable, Inc., US. See the full list of other websites hosted by OPENTABLE-AS - Opentable, Inc., US.

The highest website position in Alexa rank database was 129732 and the lowest rank position was 941566. Current position of in Alexa rank database is 792343.

Desktop speed of is unknown.

Mobile usability score of is unknown.

Mobile speed of is unknown.

Advertisement Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. whois

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Status: ok
Signed: no
Created: 2006-05-12 00:00:00
Last Update: 2021-04-09 00:55:42
Expire Date: 2022-03-24

Organization: PTS Privacy & Trustee Services GmbH
Address: Neunkircher-Str. 43
Created: 2013-01-10 11:58:06
Last Update: 2019-05-17 15:31:32

Admin Contact
Name: Zell
Organization: PTS Privacy & Trustee Services GmbH
Address: Neunkircher-Str. 43
Created: 2013-01-10 11:58:06
Last Update: 2019-05-17 15:31:32

Technical Contacts
Name: hidden
Organization: hidden

Organization: Key-Systems GmbH

Nameservers server information

Servers Location HTML validation


A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”.

Line: 1 Column: 38 - 108
""><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=8; IE=7; IE=EDGE"><title..."

A “link” element with a “sizes” attribute must have a “rel” attribute that contains the value “icon” or the value “apple-touch-icon”.

Line: 1 Column: 939 - 1103
"...128x128"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="152x152" href="//"/><link ..." Line: 1 Column: 1104 - 1268
"...sed.png"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href="//"/><link ..." Line: 1 Column: 1269 - 1433
"...sed.png"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="120x120" href="//"/><link ..." Line: 1 Column: 1434 - 1598
"...sed.png"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="//"/><link ..." Line: 1 Column: 1599 - 1759
"...sed.png"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="76x76" href="//"/><link ..." Line: 1 Column: 1760 - 1920
"...sed.png"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="//"/><link ..."

Bad value “expires” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 29 Column: 1 - 41
"...81815" /> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /> <meta..."

Bad value “cache-control” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 30 Column: 1 - 54
"...nt="0" /> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" /> <meta..."

Bad value “pragma” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 31 Column: 1 - 47
"...cache" /> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 36 Column: 100 - 106
"...ontainer"><style>.icon-..." Line: 162 Column: 751 - 757
"...</section><style>.foote..." Line: 162 Column: 2111 - 2117

Element “a” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 36 Column: 13086 - 13171
"...-li"></li><a href="#" data-target="hamburger-pane" class="top-bar-nav-link js-toggle-hamburger"><i cla..." Line: 36 Column: 13328 - 13413
"...-li"></li><a href="#" data-target="hamburger-pane" class="top-bar-nav-link js-toggle-hamburger"><i cla..." Line: 36 Column: 13586 - 13742
"...edium-up"><a href="/my/registerpopup?;srs=1" id="mobile_nav_sign_up" class="menu-list-link menu-list-link-primary">Iscriv..." Line: 36 Column: 13756 - 13924
"...riviti</a><a href="/my/loginpopup?;srs=1" id="mobile_nav_sign_in" title="Accedi" class="menu-list-link menu-list-link-primary">Accedi..."

Element “a” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “aria-checked”, “role”.

Line: 36 Column: 14981 - 15129
"...ançais</a><a aria-selected="true" href="" data-lang="it" class="js-languages-list__link menu-list-link selected ">Italia..." Line: 36 Column: 18033 - 18181
"...ançais</a><a aria-selected="true" href="" data-lang="it" class="js-languages-list__link menu-list-link selected ">Italia..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “oc-component” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 73 Column: 1009 - 1015
""/><style>@media (min..." Line: 90 Column: 96217 - 96358
"..."1.0.14"><style type="text/css" data-styled-components="hywdXB izmsBp fkezLY gcAOnA fiijQq fKcTQa kBRLqC rKMKH" data-styled-components-is-local="true">/* sc-c..." Line: 121 Column: 7563 - 7725
"..."1.0.19"><style type="text/css" data-styled-components="kWPzVY oiElw hZoWUJ kwZiVU kDWZjM ixJuOx cUNhLh cwHjeV fAUYSH gtRpPh hpxysX" data-styled-components-is-local="true">/* sc-c..."

Element “icon” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 90 Column: 1241 - 1264
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 2162 - 2185
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 3083 - 3106
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 4004 - 4027
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 4925 - 4948
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 6874 - 6897
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 7795 - 7818
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 8716 - 8739
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 9637 - 9660
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 10558 - 10581
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 12550 - 12573
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 13471 - 13494
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 14392 - 14415
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 15313 - 15336
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 16570 - 16593
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 18213 - 18236
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 19134 - 19157
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 20055 - 20078
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 20976 - 20999
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 21897 - 21920
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 23921 - 23944
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 24842 - 24865
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 25763 - 25786
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 26684 - 26707
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 27605 - 27628
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 29597 - 29620
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 30518 - 30541
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 31439 - 31462
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 32360 - 32383
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 33281 - 33304
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 35289 - 35312
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 36210 - 36233
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 37131 - 37154
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 38052 - 38075
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 38973 - 38996
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 41044 - 41067
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 41965 - 41988
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 42886 - 42909
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 43807 - 43830
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 44728 - 44751
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 46704 - 46727
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 47625 - 47648
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 48546 - 48569
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 49467 - 49490
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 50388 - 50411
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 52391 - 52414
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 53312 - 53335
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 54233 - 54256
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 55154 - 55177
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 56075 - 56098
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 58056 - 58079
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 58977 - 59000
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 59898 - 59921
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 60819 - 60842
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 61740 - 61763
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 63371 - 63394
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 64292 - 64315
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 65213 - 65236
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 66134 - 66157
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 67055 - 67078
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 69162 - 69185
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 70083 - 70106
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 71004 - 71027
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 71925 - 71948
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 73276 - 73299
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 74954 - 74977
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 75875 - 75898
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 76796 - 76819
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 77717 - 77740
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 78638 - 78661
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 80607 - 80630
"...4e5a981b"><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 81528 - 81551
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 82449 - 82472
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 83370 - 83393
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..." Line: 90 Column: 84291 - 84314
"></icon><icon class="_068830be"><svg w..."

Duplicate ID “Page-1”.

Line: 90 Column: 2320 - 2397
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 3241 - 3318
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 4162 - 4239
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 5088 - 5165
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 7032 - 7109
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 7953 - 8030
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 8874 - 8951
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 9795 - 9872
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 10721 - 10798
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 12708 - 12785
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 13629 - 13706
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 14550 - 14627
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 15476 - 15553
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 16731 - 16808
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 18371 - 18448
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 19292 - 19369
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 20213 - 20290
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 21134 - 21211
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 22060 - 22137
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 24079 - 24156
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 25000 - 25077
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 25921 - 25998
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 26842 - 26919
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 27768 - 27845
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 29755 - 29832
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 30676 - 30753
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 31597 - 31674
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 32518 - 32595
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 33444 - 33521
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 35447 - 35524
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 36368 - 36445
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 37289 - 37366
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 38210 - 38287
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 39141 - 39218
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 41202 - 41279
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 42123 - 42200
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 43044 - 43121
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 43965 - 44042
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 44891 - 44968
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 46862 - 46939
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 47783 - 47860
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 48704 - 48781
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 49625 - 49702
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 50548 - 50625
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 52549 - 52626
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 53470 - 53547
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 54391 - 54468
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 55312 - 55389
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 56238 - 56315
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 58214 - 58291
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 59135 - 59212
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 60056 - 60133
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 60977 - 61054
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 61901 - 61978
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 63529 - 63606
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 64450 - 64527
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 65371 - 65448
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 66292 - 66369
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 67223 - 67300
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 69320 - 69397
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 70241 - 70318
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 71162 - 71239
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 72093 - 72170
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 73437 - 73514
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 75112 - 75189
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 76033 - 76110
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 76954 - 77031
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 77875 - 77952
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 78801 - 78878
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 80765 - 80842
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 81686 - 81763
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 82607 - 82684
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 83528 - 83605
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g ..." Line: 90 Column: 84452 - 84529
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..."

Duplicate ID “star-full”.

Line: 90 Column: 2398 - 2450
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 3319 - 3371
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 4240 - 4292
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 7110 - 7162
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 8031 - 8083
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 8952 - 9004
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 9873 - 9925
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 12786 - 12838
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 13707 - 13759
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 14628 - 14680
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 18449 - 18501
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 19370 - 19422
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Duplicate ID “Star_8_”.

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"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 25131 - 25734
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 26052 - 26655
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 26973 - 27576
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 29886 - 30489
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 30807 - 31410
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 31728 - 32331
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 32649 - 33252
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 35578 - 36181
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 36499 - 37102
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 37420 - 38023
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 38341 - 38944
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 41333 - 41936
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 42254 - 42857
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 43175 - 43778
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 44096 - 44699
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 46993 - 47596
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 47914 - 48517
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 48835 - 49438
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 49756 - 50359
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 52680 - 53283
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 53601 - 54204
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 54522 - 55125
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 55443 - 56046
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 58345 - 58948
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 59266 - 59869
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 60187 - 60790
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 61108 - 61711
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 63660 - 64263
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 64581 - 65184
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></pa..." Line: 90 Column: 65502 - 66105
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 66423 - 67026
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 69451 - 70054
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 70372 - 70975
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 71293 - 71896
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 75243 - 75846
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 76164 - 76767
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 77085 - 77688
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 78006 - 78609
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 80896 - 81499
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 81817 - 82420
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 82738 - 83341
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 83659 - 84262
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..."

Duplicate ID “star-quarter”.

Line: 90 Column: 10799 - 10839
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 15554 - 15594
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 22138 - 22178
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 27846 - 27886
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 33522 - 33562
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 44969 - 45009
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 56316 - 56356
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 78879 - 78919
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..."

Duplicate ID “Star_1_”.

Line: 90 Column: 10840 - 11458
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 15595 - 16213
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 22179 - 22797
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 27887 - 28505
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 33563 - 34181
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 45010 - 45628
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 56357 - 56975
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 78920 - 79538
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..."

Duplicate ID “Shape”.

Line: 90 Column: 11466 - 11786
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 16221 - 16541
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 22805 - 23125
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 28513 - 28833
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 34189 - 34509
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 39891 - 40295
"...1"></path><path d="M5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 3.6429193e-16,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L8,13.383 L10,14.478 L10,3.931 L8.219,0.125 C8.177,0.042 8.104,0 8,0 C7.937,0 7.864,0.042 7.781,0.125 L5.465,5.14 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 45636 - 45956
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 51290 - 51643
"...1"></path><path d="M7.781,0.125 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L8,13.383 L8,0 C7.937,0 7.864,0.042 7.781,0.125 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 56983 - 57303
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 67973 - 68377
"...1"></path><path d="M5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 3.6429193e-16,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L8,13.383 L10,14.478 L10,3.931 L8.219,0.125 C8.177,0.042 8.104,0 8,0 C7.937,0 7.864,0.042 7.781,0.125 L5.465,5.14 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 72843 - 73247
"...1"></path><path d="M5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 3.6429193e-16,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L8,13.383 L10,14.478 L10,3.931 L8.219,0.125 C8.177,0.042 8.104,0 8,0 C7.937,0 7.864,0.042 7.781,0.125 L5.465,5.14 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 79546 - 79866
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..."

Duplicate ID “star-empty”.

Line: 90 Column: 61979 - 62032
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 73515 - 73568
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 84530 - 84583
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..."

Duplicate ID “Star”.

Line: 90 Column: 62033 - 62633
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 73569 - 74169
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 84584 - 85184
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..."

Duplicate ID “star-threequarter”.

Line: 90 Column: 67301 - 67346
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-threequarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 72171 - 72216
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-threequarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..."

Duplicate ID “Star_4_”.

Line: 90 Column: 67347 - 67965
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_4_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 72217 - 72835
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_4_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..."

Element “li” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 121 Column: 3808 - 3835
"...k-grid-4"><li class="locations-group"><ul cl..." Line: 121 Column: 4658 - 4685
"...</ul></li><li class="locations-group"><ul cl..." Line: 121 Column: 5468 - 5495
"...</ul></li><li class="locations-group"><ul cl..." Line: 121 Column: 6302 - 6329
"...</ul></li><li class="locations-group"><ul cl..." Line: 162 Column: 402 - 429
"...k-grid-4"><li class="locations-group"><ul cl..."

Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.

Line: 165 Column: 277 - 295
"...Ricompense<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 406 - 424
"...ti privati<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 539 - 557
"...i Migliori<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 764 - 782
"...o di altri<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 907 - 925
"...>Chi siamo<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 980 - 998
"">Blog<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1071 - 1089
"...ra Con Noi<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1146 - 1164
"">Stampa<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1250 - 1268
"...Pubblicità<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1500 - 1518
"...le per iOS<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1695 - 1713
" Android<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1801 - 1819
"...filiazioni<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1985 - 2003
"...Contattaci<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2175 - 2193
"...e Supporto<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2376 - 2394
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2455 - 2473
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2534 - 2552
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2613 - 2631
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2700 - 2718
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2779 - 2797
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2858 - 2876
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2937 - 2955
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3016 - 3034
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3095 - 3113
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3180 - 3198
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3267 - 3285
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3346 - 3364
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3431 - 3449
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3709 - 3727
"...iù clienti<img class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 165 Column: 3850 - 3868
"...r Business<img class="hide"/></a><h..." Line: 171 Column: 7 - 39
".../g> </svg><img alt="twitter" class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 177 Column: 7 - 40
".../g> </svg><img alt="facebook" class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 183 Column: 7 - 38
".../g> </svg><img alt="google" class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 189 Column: 7 - 40
".../g> </svg><img alt="linkedin" class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 195 Column: 7 - 41
".../g> </svg><img alt="instagram" class="hide"/></a></..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 165 Column: 277 - 295
"...Ricompense<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 406 - 424
"...ti privati<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 539 - 557
"...i Migliori<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 764 - 782
"...o di altri<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 907 - 925
"...>Chi siamo<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 980 - 998
"">Blog<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1071 - 1089
"...ra Con Noi<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1146 - 1164
"">Stampa<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1250 - 1268
"...Pubblicità<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1500 - 1518
"...le per iOS<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1695 - 1713
" Android<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1801 - 1819
"...filiazioni<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 1985 - 2003
"...Contattaci<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2175 - 2193
"...e Supporto<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2376 - 2394
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2455 - 2473
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2534 - 2552
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2613 - 2631
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2700 - 2718
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2779 - 2797
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2858 - 2876
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 2937 - 2955
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3016 - 3034
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3095 - 3113
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3180 - 3198
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3267 - 3285
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3346 - 3364
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3431 - 3449
"<img class="hide"/></a></..." Line: 165 Column: 3709 - 3727
"...iù clienti<img class="hide"/></a><a..." Line: 165 Column: 3850 - 3868
"...r Business<img class="hide"/></a><h..."

Bad value “g+” for attribute “id” on element “path”: Not a valid XML 1.0 name.

Line: 180 Column: 13 - 1140
"... <path d="M143,103 C136.372583,103 131,97.627417 131,91 C131,84.372583 136.372583,79 143,79 C149.627417,79 155,84.372583 155,91 C155,97.627417 149.627417,103 143,103 Z M139.727279,89.9916175 L139.727279,91.9882499 L142.975475,91.9882499 C142.844581,92.8450987 141.993623,94.5006589 139.727279,94.5006589 C137.771846,94.5006589 136.176372,92.8534353 136.176372,90.8235294 C136.176372,88.7936235 137.771846,87.1463999 139.727279,87.1463999 C140.840026,87.1463999 141.584542,87.628903 142.010021,88.0448589 L143.564572,86.5223929 C142.566394,85.5740601 141.273632,85 139.727279,85 C136.560928,85 134,87.6039661 134,90.8235294 C134,94.0430927 136.560928,96.6470588 139.727279,96.6470588 C143.032724,96.6470588 145.225493,94.2843443 145.225493,90.9566236 C145.225493,90.5739412 145.184571,90.2827428 145.135449,89.9916175 L139.727279,89.9916175 Z M152,89.9916175 L150.363676,89.9916175 L150.363676,88.3277206 L148.727279,88.3277206 L148.727279,89.9916175 L147.090955,89.9916175 L147.090955,91.6554413 L148.727279,91.6554413 L148.727279,93.319265 L150.363676,93.319265 L150.363676,91.6554413 L152,91.6554413 L152,89.9916175 Z" id="g+"></path..."

Bad value “localhost” for attribute “crossorigin” on element “script”.

Line: 196 Column: 46 - 204
"...;</script><script async="async" src="//;c=teconsent&amp;js=bb&amp;noticeType=bb&amp;text=true" crossorigin="localhost"></scri..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 228 Column: 136 - 272
"...<noscript><iframe src="//" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></ifra..."

The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 228 Column: 136 - 272
"...<noscript><iframe src="//" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></ifra..."

The “marginheight” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 228 Column: 136 - 272
"...<noscript><iframe src="//" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></ifra..."

The “marginwidth” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 228 Column: 136 - 272
"...<noscript><iframe src="//" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></ifra..."

Attribute “display” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.

Line: 228 Column: 282 - 407
"...></iframe><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" display="none" visibility="hidden"></ifra..."

Attribute “visibility” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.

Line: 228 Column: 282 - 407
"...></iframe><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" display="none" visibility="hidden"></ifra..."


Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 36 Column: 15996 - 16055
"...lity-bar"><section class="top-bar-nav show-for-medium-up utility-bar"><ul><l..." Line: 36 Column: 18679 - 18726
"...</a></div><section class="top-bar-nav show-for-medium-up"><ul><l..." Line: 36 Column: 19970 - 20012
"...</a></div><section class="top-bar-nav new-hamburger"><ul><l..."

The first occurrence of ID “Page-1” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..." Line: 90 Column: 1399 - 1476
"...fs></defs><g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id=..."

The first occurrence of ID “star-full” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 1477 - 1529
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-full" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#DA3743"><path ..."

The first occurrence of ID “Star_8_” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 1530 - 2133
"..."#DA3743"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_8_"></path..."

The first occurrence of ID “star-quarter” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 5166 - 5206
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-quarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..."

The first occurrence of ID “Star_1_” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5207 - 5825
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_1_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..."

The first occurrence of ID “Shape” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 5833 - 6153
"...1"></path><path d="M6,3.982 L5.465,5.14 L0.209,5.924 C0.104,5.965 0.042,6.018 0.021,6.08 C-0.021,6.164 -7.97972799e-17,6.247 0.083,6.331 L3.869,10.217 L2.993,15.733 C2.951,15.817 2.983,15.89 3.087,15.952 C3.108,15.973 3.15,15.983 3.212,15.983 C3.274,15.983 3.316,15.973 3.337,15.952 L6,14.485 L6,3.982 Z" id="Shape" fill="#DA3743"></path..."

The first occurrence of ID “star-empty” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 16809 - 16862
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 16809 - 16862
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 16809 - 16862
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-empty" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#E1E1E1"><path ..."

The first occurrence of ID “Star” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 16863 - 17463
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 16863 - 17463
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 16863 - 17463
"..."#E1E1E1"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star"></path..."

The first occurrence of ID “star-threequarter” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 39219 - 39264
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-threequarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..." Line: 90 Column: 39219 - 39264
"..."evenodd"><g id="star-threequarter" fill-rule="nonzero"><path ..."

The first occurrence of ID “Star_4_” was here.

Line: 90 Column: 39265 - 39883
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_4_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..." Line: 90 Column: 39265 - 39883
"..."nonzero"><path d="M3.213,15.984 C3.15,15.984 3.109,15.974 3.088,15.953 C2.984,15.89 2.952,15.817 2.994,15.734 L3.87,10.218 L0.083,6.331 C-5.27355937e-16,6.247 -0.021,6.164 0.021,6.08 C0.042,6.017 0.104,5.965 0.209,5.923 L5.465,5.14 L7.781,0.125 C7.864,0.042 7.937,0 8,0 C8.104,0 8.177,0.042 8.219,0.125 L10.566,5.14 L15.792,5.924 C15.875,5.945 15.938,5.997 15.98,6.081 C16.021,6.164 16,6.247 15.917,6.331 L12.131,10.217 L13.038,15.733 C13.038,15.817 13.007,15.89 12.944,15.952 C12.84,16.015 12.756,16.015 12.694,15.952 L8,13.383 L3.338,15.953 C3.317,15.974 3.275,15.984 3.213,15.984 L3.213,15.984 Z" id="Star_4_" fill="#E1E1E1"></path..."

Text run is not in Unicode Normalization Form C.

Line: 226 Column: 197 - 413
"...-scripts">window.OT = window.OT || {}; window.OT.SRS = window.OT.SRS || {}; window.OT.SRS.calendarStartsSunday = false; window.OT.SRS.dateFormatJS = "d mmm yyyy"; window.OT.SRS.disableSignal = false; window.OT.SRS.exactTarget = false; window.OT.SRS.jsVersion = "1.1.152"; window.OT.SRS.location = "//"; window.OT.SRS.secure_domain = ""; window.OT.SRS.srsUrl = "//"; window.OT.SRS.timeFormatJS = "HH:mm"; = "Oggi"; window.OT.SRS.tomorrow = "Domani"; window.OT.SRS.datePickerLocalization = {"monthsFull":["gennaio","febbraio","marzo","aprile","maggio","giugno","luglio","agosto","settembre","ottobre","novembre","dicembre"],"monthsShort":["gen","feb","mar","apr","mag","giu","lug","ago","set","ott","nov","dic"],"weekdaysFull":["domenica","lunedì","martedì","mercoledì","giovedì","venerdì","sabato"],"weekdaysShort":["dom","lun","mar","mer","gio","ven","sab"],..."

Consider using the “h1” element as a top-level heading only (all “h1” elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools).

Line: 73 Column: 435 - 464
"...k-header"><h1 class="page-header-title">Trova ..." similar domains

Similar domains: Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source. TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.