ONREPEAT.STORE Website Information

onrepeat.store Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 0

Daily Page Views: 0

Income Per Day: $0

Estimated Value: $9

This website is located in Canada and is using following IP address See the complete list of popular websites hosted in Canada.

onrepeat.store is registered under .STORE top-level domain. Please check other sites in .STORE zone.

Website onrepeat.store is using the following name servers:

  • ns1.globaldomainserver.net
  • ns2.globaldomainserver.net
  • ns3.globaldomainserver.net
  • ns4.globaldomainserver.net

and is probably hosted by CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US. See the full list of other websites hosted by CLOUDFLARENET - Cloudflare, Inc., US.

The highest website onrepeat.store position in Alexa rank database was 925993 and the lowest rank position was 999813. Current position of onrepeat.store in Alexa rank database is below 1 million.

Desktop speed of onrepeat.store is unknown.

Mobile usability score of onrepeat.store is unknown.

Mobile speed of onrepeat.store is unknown.


onrepeat.store Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

onrepeat.store whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

onrepeat.store domain is not supported

onrepeat.store server information

Servers Location

onrepeat.store HTML validation


CSS: “container-type”: Property “container-type” doesn't exist.

Line: 990 Column: 19 - 29
"...ner-type: inline-size; co..." Line: 1231 Column: 33 - 43
"...ner-type: inline-size)) or ..." Line: 1321 Column: 33 - 43
"...ner-type: inline-size)) or ..."

CSS: “container-name”: Property “container-name” doesn't exist.

Line: 991 Column: 19 - 21
"...ner-name: dcc; wi..."

CSS: Unrecognized at-rule “@container”

Line: 1091 Column: 1 - 10
"...rtant; } @container dcc (..." Line: 1111 Column: 1 - 10
"...); } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1131 Column: 1 - 10
"...); } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1151 Column: 1 - 10
"...); } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1171 Column: 1 - 10
"...); } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1281 Column: 1 - 10
"... 8px; } @container dcc (..." Line: 1287 Column: 1 - 10
"...x; } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1293 Column: 1 - 10
"...x; } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1299 Column: 1 - 10
"...x; } } @container dcc (..." Line: 1305 Column: 1 - 10
"...x; } } @container dcc (..."

CSS: Parse Error.

Line: 1191 Column: - 68
"...:nth-of-type(6)) { justify-c..." Line: 1196 Column: 70 - 98
"...-type(6)) .wallet-cart-button-container { w..." Line: 1201 Column: 100 - 110
"...container:first-child { m..." Line: 1204 Column: 70 - 88
"...-type(6)) .wallet-cart-button { w..." Line: 1311 Column: 100 - 110
"...container:first-child { m..." Line: 1331 Column: 1088 - 1098
"...lumns:not(.no-padding,.no-p..." Line: 1331 Column: - 1176
"...ding-right:1rem}@media (min-wi..." Line: 1331 Column: 1217 - 1227
"...lumns:not(.no-padding,.no-p..." Line: 1331 Column: - 1309
"...ng-right:1.5rem}}@media (min-w..."

CSS: “container-type”: Parse Error.

Line: 1251 Column: 2 - 8
"...al); } } #shopi..." Line: 1325 Column: - 2
"...top: 8px; } } </style> <scri..."

CSS: “font-display”: Property “font-display” doesn't exist.

Line: 1331 Column: 643 - 646
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1331 Column: 822 - 825
"...t-display:swap}p a,p..." Line: 1331 Column: 3847 - 3850
"...t-display:swap;posit..." Line: 1331 Column: 5830 - 5833
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1331 Column: 6552 - 6555
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 620 - 623
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 799 - 802
"...t-display:swap}p a,p..." Line: 1332 Column: 1374 - 1377
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 2096 - 2099
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 6141 - 6144
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 6436 - 6439
"...t-display:swap;margi..." Line: 1332 Column: 7269 - 7272
"...t-display:swap}.reco..." Line: 1332 Column: 7453 - 7456
"...t-display:swap}.reco..." Line: 1332 Column: 7638 - 7641
"...t-display:swap;font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 7815 - 7818

CSS: “min-height”: Unknown dimension.

Line: 1331 Column: 3945 - 3950
"...n-height: 100dvh){body..." Line: 1331 Column: 3969 - 3974

CSS: “font-stretch”: “"Expanded"” is not a “font-stretch” value.

Line: 1331 Column: 5848 - 5857
"...t-stretch:"Expanded"}@medi..." Line: 1331 Column: 6570 - 6579
"...t-stretch:"Expanded";line-..." Line: 1332 Column: 1392 - 1401
"...t-stretch:"Expanded"}@medi..." Line: 1332 Column: 2114 - 2123
"...t-stretch:"Expanded";line-..." Line: 1332 Column: 6159 - 6168
"...t-stretch:"Expanded"}.prod..." Line: 1332 Column: 6412 - 6421
"...t-stretch:"Expanded";font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 7429 - 7438
"...t-stretch:"Expanded";font-..." Line: 1332 Column: 7656 - 7665
"...t-stretch:"Expanded"}.reco..." Line: 1332 Column: 7833 - 7842

Attribute “x-data” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1585 Column: 1 - 51
"... </svg> <div x-data="{openMenu: false, openSubmenu: null}"> <head..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “header” at this point.

Line: 1586 Column: 1 - 225
"...: null}"> <header class="border-solid border-0 border-b-keyline dark:border-b-dark-keyline z-[100] bg-bg dark:bg-dark-bg fixed top-[var(--announcement-height)] left-0 w-full flex" :class="{'h-full has-active-menu': openMenu === true}"> <b..."

Attribute “@click” not allowed on element “button” at this point.

Line: 1588 Column: 3 - 276
"...rue}"> <button @click="openMenu = !openMenu" role="button" aria-label="Open menu" tabindex="0" id="hamburger" class="w-[1.75rem] h-[1.125rem] absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] -translate-y-1/2 left-6 cursor-pointer select-none duration-100 transition-colors lg:hidden"> <..." Line: 1595 Column: 194 - 382
"...g:w-auto"><button @click="openSubmenu = openSubmenu === 1 ? null : 1" class="uppercase flex gap-1 items-center lg:h-full hover:text-red duration-100 transition-colors py-4 lg:py-0 display-700 -mr-2"><span>..." Line: 1609 Column: 122 - 310
"...g:w-auto"><button @click="openSubmenu = openSubmenu === 3 ? null : 3" class="uppercase flex gap-1 items-center lg:h-full hover:text-red duration-100 transition-colors py-4 lg:py-0 display-700 -mr-2"><span>..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “button” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1589 Column: 5 - 200
"...den"> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'top-1/2 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -rotate-45':openMenu, 'top-0':!openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 1590 Column: 5 - 158
".../div> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'h-0 opacity-0':openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 1591 Column: 5 - 176
".../div> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'top-1/2 rotate-45':openMenu, 'top-full':!openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 4234 Column: 2 - 31
"...arance"> <div class="appearance-light"><svg c..." Line: 4237 Column: 2 - 30
"... </div> <div class="appearance-dark"><svg c..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “nav” at this point.

Line: 1594 Column: 3 - 270
"...utton> <nav id="primary-menu" class="hidden z-10 absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] lg:pl-6 lg:translate-y-[calc(-50%_+_1px)] body-700 text-lg h-full" :class="{'!flex !top-20 px-6 w-full':openMenu, 'lg:!block':!openMenu}" @keydown.window.escape="openMenu = false"> <..."

Attribute “@keydown.window.escape” not allowed on element “nav” at this point.

Line: 1594 Column: 3 - 270
"...utton> <nav id="primary-menu" class="hidden z-10 absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] lg:pl-6 lg:translate-y-[calc(-50%_+_1px)] body-700 text-lg h-full" :class="{'!flex !top-20 px-6 w-full':openMenu, 'lg:!block':!openMenu}" @keydown.window.escape="openMenu = false"> <..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1595 Column: 402 - 487
"...ic</span> <span class="transition-all duration-100" :class="{'-scale-y-100': openSubmenu == 1}"><svg c..." Line: 1609 Column: 332 - 417
"...by</span> <span class="transition-all duration-100" :class="{'-scale-y-100': openSubmenu == 3}"><svg c..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “ul” at this point.

Line: 1597 Column: 11 - 312
"... <ul class="h-0 opacity-0 overflow-hidden pointer-events-none duration-200 ease-out transition-all lg:absolute lg:w-[100vw] lg:top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] lg:left-0 flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:gap-[1.5em] px-3 lg:px-5" :class="{ 'h-auto opacity-100 pointer-events-auto': openSubmenu == 1}"><li cl..." Line: 1611 Column: 11 - 312
"... <ul class="h-0 opacity-0 overflow-hidden pointer-events-none duration-200 ease-out transition-all lg:absolute lg:w-[100vw] lg:top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] lg:left-0 flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:gap-[1.5em] px-3 lg:px-5" :class="{ 'h-auto opacity-100 pointer-events-auto': openSubmenu == 3}"><li cl..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1652 Column: 3 - 437
"... </nav> <div class="w-[100vw] opacity-0 h-0 duration-200 ease-out transition-all absolute top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] left-0 bg-[var(--transparent-bg)] before:flood-fill before:backdrop-blur-lg before:backdrop-saturate-150 border-solid border-0 border-t-keyline dark:border-t-dark-keyline hidden" :class="{ 'lg:block z-2 opacity-100 h-[60px] pointer-events-auto border-b-keyline dark:border-b-dark-keyline': openSubmenu !== null}"></div>..." Line: 1655 Column: 1 - 248
".../header> <div class="header-spacer bg-bg dark:bg-dark-bg transition-all duration-200 ease-out h-[calc(var(--announcement-height)_+_var(--header-height))]" :class="{'h-[calc(var(--announcement-height)_+_var(--header-height)_+_59px)]': openSubmenu !== null}"></div>..."

No space between attributes.

Line: 1663 Column: - 70
"...earch" name="q"role="combobox"..." Line: 4113 Column: - 35
"...apitalize="off"required ..."

Bad value “combobox” for attribute “role” on element “input”.

Line: 1673 Column: 7 - 30
"... <input aria-label="Search" tabindex="-1" type="search" name="q"role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="predictive-search-results-list" aria-controls="predictive-search-results-list" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Search"/> ..."

Attribute “aria-expanded” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1673 Column: 7 - 30
"... <input aria-label="Search" tabindex="-1" type="search" name="q"role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="predictive-search-results-list" aria-controls="predictive-search-results-list" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Search"/> ..."

Attribute “autocorrect” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1673 Column: 7 - 30
"... <input aria-label="Search" tabindex="-1" type="search" name="q"role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="predictive-search-results-list" aria-controls="predictive-search-results-list" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Search"/> ..." Line: 4114 Column: 11 - 14
"... <input aria-label="Your email address" id="NewsletterForm--footer" type="email" name="email" value="" aria-required="true" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off"required /> ..."

Bad value “presentation” for attribute “role” on element “svg”.

Line: 1679 Column: 11 - 143
"... <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="spinner" viewBox="0 0 66 66" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> ..." Line: 4158 Column: 127 - 238
"...l__link" ><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-twitter-x" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path ..." Line: 4161 Column: 134 - 242
"...l__link" ><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-facebook" viewBox="0 0 18 18"> <pa..." Line: 4167 Column: 138 - 247
"...l__link" ><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-instagram" viewBox="0 0 18 18"> <pa..." Line: 4177 Column: 137 - 247
"...l__link" ><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-snapchat" viewBox="0 0 392 386"> <pa..." Line: 4183 Column: 149 - 257
"...l__link" ><svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-youtube" viewBox="0 0 100 70"> <pa..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “section” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1722 Column: 116 - 135
"... section"><style data-shopify>.secti..." Line: 2893 Column: 1 - 7
"...lock--> <style> #shop..."

CSS: “overflow”: “clip” is not a “overflow” value.

Line: 1734 Column: 5 - 67
"...ing"> <div class="image-container" style="z-index: -1;overflow:clip"> <div ..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 1735 Column: 21 - 165
"...="rellax"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0555/5827/5363/files/2800_X_1000.jpg?v=1732646309" style="width: 100%; height: auto; display: block"></div>..."

Bad value “calc(100vw / 2), (min-width: 744px) calc(100vw / 3), (min-width: 1024px) calc(100vw / 4), (min-width: 1600px) calc(100vw / 5)” for attribute “sizes” on element “img”: Expected media condition before “calc(100vw / 2)” at “calc(100vw / 2),”.

Line: 1756 Column: - 1151
"......" Line: 1813 Column: - 1152
"......" Line: 1870 Column: - 1178
"......" Line: 1927 Column: - 1169
"......" Line: 1986 Column: - 1202
"......" Line: 2043 Column: - 1150
"......" Line: 2100 Column: - 1265
"......" Line: 2159 Column: - 1180
"......" Line: 2218 Column: - 1041
"......" Line: 2277 Column: - 1359
"......" Line: 2359 Column: - 971
"......" Line: 2416 Column: - 1091
"......" Line: 2471 Column: - 1000
"......" Line: 2528 Column: - 1580
"......" Line: 2583 Column: - 1653
"......" Line: 2638 Column: - 1075
"......" Line: 2661 Column: - 991
"......" Line: 2716 Column: - 1162
"......" Line: 2771 Column: - 1599
"......" Line: 2826 Column: - 1923
"......" Line: 2908 Column: - 1156
"......" Line: 2967 Column: - 1234
"......" Line: 3018 Column: - 917
"......" Line: 3077 Column: - 977
"......" Line: 3136 Column: - 997
"......" Line: 3195 Column: - 1031
"......" Line: 3254 Column: - 1000
"......" Line: 3313 Column: - 1133
"......" Line: 3368 Column: - 948
"......" Line: 3423 Column: - 982
"......" Line: 3509 Column: - 1011
"......" Line: 3562 Column: - 1212
"......" Line: 3615 Column: - 1022
"......" Line: 3668 Column: - 969
"......" Line: 3721 Column: - 1182
"......" Line: 3774 Column: - 1199
"......" Line: 3827 Column: - 1367
"......" Line: 3880 Column: - 1441
"......" Line: 3933 Column: - 1055
"......" Line: 3986 Column: - 1030

Attribute “href” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1759 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Harry Styles" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-harry-styles"> ..." Line: 1761 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 1763 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 1765 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 1816 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Harry Styles" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-harry-styles"> ..." Line: 1818 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 1820 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 1822 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 1873 Column: 149 - 251
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Nas" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-nas"> ..." Line: 1875 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 1877 Column: 15 - 132
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rap/Hip-Hop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rap-hip-hop"> ..." Line: 1879 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 1930 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Foo Fighters" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-foo-fighters"> ..." Line: 1932 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 1934 Column: 15 - 140
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Metal/Hard Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-metal-hard-rock"> ..." Line: 1936 Column: 15 - 118
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rock"> ..." Line: 1938 Column: 15 - 144
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_RCA Records Label" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rca-records-label"> ..." Line: 1989 Column: 149 - 267
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Lauryn Hill" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lauryn-hill"> ..." Line: 1991 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 1993 Column: 15 - 127
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_R&B/Soul" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-r-b-soul"> ..." Line: 1995 Column: 15 - 128
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Ruffhouse" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-ruffhouse"> ..." Line: 2046 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Travis Scott" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-travis-scott"> ..." Line: 2048 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2050 Column: 15 - 132
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rap/Hip-Hop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rap-hip-hop"> ..." Line: 2052 Column: 15 - 172
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Cactus Jack / Epic / Grand Hustle" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-cactus-jack-epic-grand-hustle"> ..." Line: 2103 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Tyler" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-tyler"> ..." Line: 2105 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2107 Column: 15 - 132
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rap/Hip-Hop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rap-hip-hop"> ..." Line: 2109 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 2111 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/The Creator" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-the-creator"> ..." Line: 2162 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Tyler" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-tyler"> ..." Line: 2164 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2166 Column: 15 - 132
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rap/Hip-Hop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rap-hip-hop"> ..." Line: 2168 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 2170 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/The Creator" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-the-creator"> ..." Line: 2221 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_AC/DC" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-ac-dc"> ..." Line: 2223 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2225 Column: 15 - 140
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Metal/Hard Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-metal-hard-rock"> ..." Line: 2227 Column: 15 - 118
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rock"> ..." Line: 2229 Column: 15 - 118
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Epic" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-epic"> ..." Line: 2280 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Jimi Hendrix" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-jimi-hendrix"> ..." Line: 2282 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2284 Column: 15 - 118
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rock"> ..." Line: 2286 Column: 15 - 144
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Legacy Recordings" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-legacy-recordings"> ..." Line: 2362 Column: 149 - 251
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_JLS" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-jls"> ..." Line: 2364 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2366 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 2368 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/NEW RELEASE" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-new-release"> ..." Line: 2419 Column: 149 - 257
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Halsey" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-halsey"> ..." Line: 2421 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2423 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 2474 Column: 149 - 261
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Doja Cat" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-doja-cat"> ..." Line: 2476 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2478 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 2480 Column: 15 - 127
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_R&B/Soul" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-r-b-soul"> ..." Line: 2531 Column: 149 - 271
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Rag'n'Bone Man" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-ragnbone-man"> ..." Line: 2533 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2535 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 2586 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Mariah Carey" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-mariah-carey"> ..." Line: 2588 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2590 Column: 15 - 140
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia/Legacy" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia-legacy"> ..." Line: 2641 Column: 149 - 259
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_ROSALÍA" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rosalia"> ..." Line: 2643 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2645 Column: 15 - 128
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Latin Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-latin-pop"> ..." Line: 2647 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 2664 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Leon Bridges" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-leon-bridges"> ..." Line: 2666 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2668 Column: 15 - 117
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_R&B" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-r-b"> ..." Line: 2719 Column: 149 - 257
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Halsey" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-halsey"> ..." Line: 2721 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_CD" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-cd"> ..." Line: 2723 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 2774 Column: 149 - 285
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Bring Me The Horizon" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-bring-me-the-horizon"> ..." Line: 2776 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 2778 Column: 15 - 144
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_RCA Records Label" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rca-records-label"> ..." Line: 2829 Column: 149 - 271
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Rag'n'Bone Man" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-ragnbone-man"> ..." Line: 2831 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_CD" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-cd"> ..." Line: 2833 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 2835 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Packshot" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-packshot"> ..." Line: 2911 Column: 149 - 267
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Central Cee" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-central-cee"> ..." Line: 2913 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_CD" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-cd"> ..." Line: 2915 Column: 15 - 132
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rap/Hip-Hop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rap-hip-hop"> ..." Line: 2917 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Packshot" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-packshot"> ..." Line: 2919 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 2970 Column: 149 - 254
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3021 Column: 149 - 271
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Louis Dunford" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-louis-dunford"> ..." Line: 3023 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3025 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_RCA" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rca"> ..." Line: 3027 Column: 15 - 144
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_RCA Records Label" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rca-records-label"> ..." Line: 3029 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3080 Column: 149 - 265
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Tate McRae" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-tate-mcrae"> ..." Line: 3082 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3084 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 3086 Column: 15 - 166
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Ministry of Sound Recordings" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-ministry-of-sound-recordings"> ..." Line: 3088 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3139 Column: 149 - 263
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Biig Piig" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-biig-piig"> ..." Line: 3141 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3143 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Pop" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-pop"> ..." Line: 3145 Column: 15 - 116
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_RCA" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rca"> ..." Line: 3147 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3198 Column: 149 - 253
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Wham" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-wham"> ..." Line: 3200 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3202 Column: 15 - 128
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Christmas" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-christmas"> ..." Line: 3204 Column: 15 - 136
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Sony Music CG" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-sony-music-cg"> ..." Line: 3206 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3257 Column: 149 - 269
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Mariah Carey" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-mariah-carey"> ..." Line: 3259 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3261 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Vinyl" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-vinyl"> ..." Line: 3263 Column: 15 - 128
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Christmas" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-christmas"> ..." Line: 3265 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3316 Column: 149 - 275
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Bradley Simpson" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-bradley-simpson"> ..." Line: 3318 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3320 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3371 Column: 149 - 279
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Jean-Michel Jarre" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-jean-michel-jarre"> ..." Line: 3373 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3375 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3426 Column: 149 - 289
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Manic Street Preachers" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-manic-street-preachers"> ..." Line: 3428 Column: 15 - 115
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_LP" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lp"> ..." Line: 3430 Column: 15 - 144
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Alternative/Indie" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-alternative-indie"> ..." Line: 3432 Column: 15 - 118
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Genre_Rock" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-rock"> ..." Line: 3434 Column: 15 - 126
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Label_Columbia" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-columbia"> ..." Line: 3436 Column: 15 - 120
"... </div><div href="/tagged/PREORDER" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-preorder"> ..." Line: 3512 Column: 149 - 263
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Lil Nas X" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-lil-nas-x"> ..." Line: 3514 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3565 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_J Hus" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-j-hus"> ..." Line: 3567 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3618 Column: 149 - 283
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Nothing But Thieves" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-nothing-but-thieves">..." Line: 3620 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3671 Column: 149 - 273
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_George Michael" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-george-michael"> ..." Line: 3673 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3724 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_J Hus" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-j-hus"> ..." Line: 3726 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3777 Column: 149 - 255
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_J Hus" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-j-hus"> ..." Line: 3779 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3830 Column: 149 - 267
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_George Ezra" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-george-ezra"> ..." Line: 3832 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3883 Column: 149 - 267
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_George Ezra" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-george-ezra"> ..." Line: 3885 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3936 Column: 149 - 283
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Nothing But Thieves" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-nothing-but-thieves"> ..." Line: 3938 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..." Line: 3989 Column: 149 - 283
"...-size-xs"><div href="/tagged/Artist_Nothing But Thieves" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-nothing-but-thieves"> ..." Line: 3991 Column: 15 - 121
"... </div><div href="/tagged/Format_Merch" class="relative -top-1 pointer-events-auto product-tag product-tag-merch"> ..."

Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.

Line: 3195 Column: - 1028
"......" Line: 3197 Column: - 225
"...e Picture Disc)" /> </no..."

Attribute “zoetrope” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 3195 Column: - 1031
"......" Line: 3197 Column: 9 - 228
"...> <img width="100" height="100" class="pointer-events-none" loading="lazy" src="//www.onrepeat.store/cdn/shop/files/lc-zoe.png?v=1731573583" alt="Wham! – Last Christmas (40th Anniversary EP) (12" Zoetrope Picture Disc)" /> ..."

Attribute “picture” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 3195 Column: - 1031
"......" Line: 3197 Column: 9 - 228
"...> <img width="100" height="100" class="pointer-events-none" loading="lazy" src="//www.onrepeat.store/cdn/shop/files/lc-zoe.png?v=1731573583" alt="Wham! – Last Christmas (40th Anniversary EP) (12" Zoetrope Picture Disc)" /> ..."

Attribute “disc)"” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 3195 Column: - 1031
"......" Line: 3197 Column: 9 - 228
"...> <img width="100" height="100" class="pointer-events-none" loading="lazy" src="//www.onrepeat.store/cdn/shop/files/lc-zoe.png?v=1731573583" alt="Wham! – Last Christmas (40th Anniversary EP) (12" Zoetrope Picture Disc)" /> ..."

Attribute “placeholder” not allowed on element “select” at this point.

Line: 4120 Column: 11 - 103
"... <select placeholder="Country" name="country" class="cursor-default block !py-5 !px-4 !pl-24"></sele..."

End tag “svg” did not match the name of the current open element (“path”).

Line: 4163 Column: 1 - 6
"...h15.44z"> </svg> <span..." Line: 4170 Column: 1 - 6
"...00 2.1z"> </svg> <span..." Line: 4179 Column: 1 - 6
"...ntColor"> </svg> <span..." Line: 4185 Column: 1 - 6
"...ntColor"> </svg> <span..."

Element “stop” is missing required attribute “offset”.

Line: 4202 Column: 2404 - 2431
"...aceOnUse"><stop stop-color="#F89F20"/><stop ..." Line: 4202 Column: 2770 - 2797
"...aceOnUse"><stop stop-color="#F58720"/><stop ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 4308 Column: 3 - 9
"...script> <style> b,str..."

The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.

Line: 4103 Column: 11 - 38
"... <label for="contact[email]">Your e..."

The “aria-controls” attribute must point to an element in the same document.

Line: 1673 Column: 7 - 30
"... <input aria-label="Search" tabindex="-1" type="search" name="q"role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="predictive-search-results-list" aria-controls="predictive-search-results-list" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Search"/> ..."

The “aria-owns” attribute must point to an element in the same document.

Line: 1673 Column: 7 - 30
"... <input aria-label="Search" tabindex="-1" type="search" name="q"role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-owns="predictive-search-results-list" aria-controls="predictive-search-results-list" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" placeholder="Search"/> ..."


The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted.

Line: 1331 Column: 1 - 23
"...="all" /> <style type="text/css">body{f..."

Attribute “:class” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1586 Column: 1 - 225
"...: null}"> <header class="border-solid border-0 border-b-keyline dark:border-b-dark-keyline z-[100] bg-bg dark:bg-dark-bg fixed top-[var(--announcement-height)] left-0 w-full flex" :class="{'h-full has-active-menu': openMenu === true}"> <b..." Line: 1589 Column: 5 - 200
"...den"> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'top-1/2 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -rotate-45':openMenu, 'top-0':!openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 1590 Column: 5 - 158
".../div> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 top-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'h-0 opacity-0':openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 1591 Column: 5 - 176
".../div> <div class="w-[1.75rem] h-[3px] bg-current absolute left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 origin-center" :class="{'top-1/2 rotate-45':openMenu, 'top-full':!openMenu}"></div>..." Line: 1594 Column: 3 - 270
"...utton> <nav id="primary-menu" class="hidden z-10 absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] lg:pl-6 lg:translate-y-[calc(-50%_+_1px)] body-700 text-lg h-full" :class="{'!flex !top-20 px-6 w-full':openMenu, 'lg:!block':!openMenu}" @keydown.window.escape="openMenu = false"> <..." Line: 1595 Column: 402 - 487
"...ic</span> <span class="transition-all duration-100" :class="{'-scale-y-100': openSubmenu == 1}"><svg c..." Line: 1597 Column: 11 - 312
"... <ul class="h-0 opacity-0 overflow-hidden pointer-events-none duration-200 ease-out transition-all lg:absolute lg:w-[100vw] lg:top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] lg:left-0 flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:gap-[1.5em] px-3 lg:px-5" :class="{ 'h-auto opacity-100 pointer-events-auto': openSubmenu == 1}"><li cl..." Line: 1609 Column: 332 - 417
"...by</span> <span class="transition-all duration-100" :class="{'-scale-y-100': openSubmenu == 3}"><svg c..." Line: 1611 Column: 11 - 312
"... <ul class="h-0 opacity-0 overflow-hidden pointer-events-none duration-200 ease-out transition-all lg:absolute lg:w-[100vw] lg:top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] lg:left-0 flex flex-col lg:flex-row lg:gap-[1.5em] px-3 lg:px-5" :class="{ 'h-auto opacity-100 pointer-events-auto': openSubmenu == 3}"><li cl..." Line: 1652 Column: 3 - 437
"... </nav> <div class="w-[100vw] opacity-0 h-0 duration-200 ease-out transition-all absolute top-[calc(100%_-_var(--keyline-width))] left-0 bg-[var(--transparent-bg)] before:flood-fill before:backdrop-blur-lg before:backdrop-saturate-150 border-solid border-0 border-t-keyline dark:border-t-dark-keyline hidden" :class="{ 'lg:block z-2 opacity-100 h-[60px] pointer-events-auto border-b-keyline dark:border-b-dark-keyline': openSubmenu !== null}"></div>..." Line: 1655 Column: 1 - 248
".../header> <div class="header-spacer bg-bg dark:bg-dark-bg transition-all duration-200 ease-out h-[calc(var(--announcement-height)_+_var(--header-height))]" :class="{'h-[calc(var(--announcement-height)_+_var(--header-height)_+_59px)]': openSubmenu !== null}"></div>..."

Attribute “@click” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1588 Column: 3 - 276
"...rue}"> <button @click="openMenu = !openMenu" role="button" aria-label="Open menu" tabindex="0" id="hamburger" class="w-[1.75rem] h-[1.125rem] absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] -translate-y-1/2 left-6 cursor-pointer select-none duration-100 transition-colors lg:hidden"> <..." Line: 1595 Column: 194 - 382
"...g:w-auto"><button @click="openSubmenu = openSubmenu === 1 ? null : 1" class="uppercase flex gap-1 items-center lg:h-full hover:text-red duration-100 transition-colors py-4 lg:py-0 display-700 -mr-2"><span>..." Line: 1609 Column: 122 - 310
"...g:w-auto"><button @click="openSubmenu = openSubmenu === 3 ? null : 3" class="uppercase flex gap-1 items-center lg:h-full hover:text-red duration-100 transition-colors py-4 lg:py-0 display-700 -mr-2"><span>..."

The “button” role is unnecessary for element “button”.

Line: 1588 Column: 3 - 276
"...rue}"> <button @click="openMenu = !openMenu" role="button" aria-label="Open menu" tabindex="0" id="hamburger" class="w-[1.75rem] h-[1.125rem] absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] -translate-y-1/2 left-6 cursor-pointer select-none duration-100 transition-colors lg:hidden"> <..."

Attribute “@keydown.window.escape” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1594 Column: 3 - 270
"...utton> <nav id="primary-menu" class="hidden z-10 absolute top-[calc(var(--header-height)_/_2)] lg:pl-6 lg:translate-y-[calc(-50%_+_1px)] body-700 text-lg h-full" :class="{'!flex !top-20 px-6 w-full':openMenu, 'lg:!block':!openMenu}" @keydown.window.escape="openMenu = false"> <..."

The “main” role is unnecessary for element “main”.

Line: 1721 Column: 5 - 91
"...div> <main id="MainContent" class="content-for-layout focus-none" role="main" tabindex="-1"> ..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 1722 Column: 7 - 115
"...1"> <section id="shopify-section-template--14373333500195__custom_liquid_AjV898" class="shopify-section section"><style..." Line: 4049 Column: 11 - 138
"...</section><section id="shopify-section-template--14373333500195__collection-list" class="shopify-section section section-collection-list"> ..."

The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 2341 Column: - 19
".../div><!--.cta--wrapper--></div..." Line: 2890 Column: - 19
".../div><!--.cta--wrapper--></div..." Line: 3491 Column: - 19
".../div><!--.cta--wrapper-->..." Line: 4046 Column: - 19

Attribute “disc)"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 3195 Column: - 1031
"......" Line: 3197 Column: 9 - 228
"...> <img width="100" height="100" class="pointer-events-none" loading="lazy" src="//www.onrepeat.store/cdn/shop/files/lc-zoe.png?v=1731573583" alt="Wham! – Last Christmas (40th Anniversary EP) (12" Zoetrope Picture Disc)" /> ..."

The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 4053 Column: 1 - 31
"...t"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (func..."

The “list” role is unnecessary for element “ul”.

Line: 4157 Column: 42 - 158
"... mx-auto"><ul class="footer__list-social list-unstyled list-social flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-y-8 gap-x-12" role="list"><li cl..." Line: 4193 Column: 11 - 98
"... <ul class="list list-payment flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-x-5 gap-y-2" role="list"><li cl..."

onrepeat.store similar domains

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onrepeat.store Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.

onrepeat.store TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.