OLTV.CZ Website Information

oltv.cz Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 8,382

Daily Page Views: 41,910

Income Per Day: $105

Estimated Value: $63,000

oltv.cz is registered under .CZ top-level domain. Please check other sites in .CZ zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by SuperNetwork s.r.o.. See the full list of other websites hosted by SuperNetwork s.r.o..

The highest website oltv.cz position in Alexa rank database was 34175 and the lowest rank position was 982649. Current position of oltv.cz in Alexa rank database is 162543.

Desktop speed score of oltv.cz (49/100) is better than the results of 22.8% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of oltv.cz (65/100) means that the page is not mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of oltv.cz (40/100) shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


oltv.cz Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

oltv.cz whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

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oltv.cz server information

Servers Location

oltv.cz desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-04-07

Desktop Speed Bad

oltv.cz Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 54Reduce server response time

priority - 26Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://www.oltv.cz/data/webcam/namesti18-04-27_22-05-46-03.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/4315/192587953.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5231/256563987.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5245/258063693.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5310/262005667.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5341/263839404.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5347/264200105.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5350/264383685.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5352/264585869.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5362/264841574.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5366/265560443.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5376/266253033.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5379/266274726.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5383/266459346.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5384/266643779.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5385/266645786.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5386/266828526.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5387/266829035.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5383/266459346.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5384/266643779.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5387/266829035.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/630x354/videa/5386/266828526.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/brand/nsc20170112.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/esmedia-2016.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/ico-play.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/kaspar-jan.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-esmedia.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-zzip.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jcarousel.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.corner.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.timers.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.vimeo.api.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/lightbox.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/bg-header-brand-segment.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/ico-header-nahrajvideo.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/ico-header-webkamera.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/item-nadpis.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/logo-darkbg.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu1.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu2.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu3.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu6-2012.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/rss.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/twitter2015.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/weather/12.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/weather/7.png (expiration not specified)
https://m.addthisedge.com/live/boost/ra-4ed35d0c77…_ate.track.config_resp (60 seconds)
https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-131967.js?sv=5 (60 seconds)
https://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js (10 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/cs_CZ/all.js (20 minutes)
https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js (60 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 20Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 190.4KiB (43% reduction).

Compressing and resizing https://www.oltv.cz/data/webcam/namesti18-04-27_22-05-46-03.jpg could save 63.5KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/brand/nsc20170112.jpg could save 51.5KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/630x354/videa/5386/266828526.jpg could save 25KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5384/266643779.jpg could save 4.9KiB (35% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5387/266829035.jpg could save 3.6KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/197x100/videa/5383/266459346.jpg could save 3.5KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/kaspar-jan.jpg could save 3KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5310/262005667.jpg could save 2.2KiB (39% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5384/266643779.jpg could save 2.1KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5379/266274726.jpg could save 2.1KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5245/258063693.jpg could save 1.9KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5350/264383685.jpg could save 1.8KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5366/265560443.jpg could save 1.7KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5352/264585869.jpg could save 1.7KiB (35% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5385/266645786.jpg could save 1.7KiB (36% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5231/256563987.jpg could save 1.6KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5383/266459346.jpg could save 1.6KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5376/266253033.jpg could save 1.5KiB (35% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5387/266829035.jpg could save 1.5KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5386/266828526.jpg could save 1.4KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5362/264841574.jpg could save 1.4KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5341/263839404.jpg could save 1.3KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/5347/264200105.jpg could save 1.2KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu6-2012.png could save 1.1KiB (53% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/rss.gif could save 1KiB (73% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/4315/192587953.jpg could save 953B (23% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/bg-header-brand-segment.png could save 868B (89% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/ico-play.png could save 840B (68% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/ico-header-webkamera.png could save 789B (63% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/ico-header-nahrajvideo.png could save 745B (55% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-zzip.png could save 729B (30% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/twitter2015.gif could save 561B (13% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/item-nadpis.png could save 477B (30% reduction).
Compressing https://scontent.flux1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p5…253a5b049f&oe=5B938833 could save 476B (17% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-esmedia.png could save 406B (14% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/weather/7.png could save 157B (15% reduction).

priority - 14Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 7 blocking script resources and 2 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 8.7KiB (53% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jcarousel.js could save 4.4KiB (99% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/lightbox.js could save 1.6KiB (38% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.vimeo.api.js could save 1.1KiB (48% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.corner.js could save 1.1KiB (33% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.timers.js could save 337B (30% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/script-20161026.js?v=20170112 could save 192B (25% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 1.2KiB (14% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/ could save 1.2KiB (14% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 1KiB (14% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/css/styles-20170522.css?f=1511432399 could save 1KiB (14% reduction) after compression.

oltv.cz Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources94
Number of Hosts22
Static Resources76
JavaScript Resources32
CSS Resources5

oltv.cz mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-12-26

Mobile Speed Bad

oltv.cz Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 48Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 8 blocking script resources and 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 47Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js (expiration not specified)
https://s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/data/webcam/namesti15-10-03_08-29-45-33.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/1176/111614620.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/1778/111628382.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/213/112561591.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/2343/112562770.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/2377/112563253.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/2395/112563210.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/2426/112563436.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/253/112563250.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/272/113190912.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/2766/121804497.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3102/127695084.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3154/129353377.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3159/129522268.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3174/130181836.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3215/132067459.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3265/134698199.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3328/137804354.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3344/138285243.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3365/139561668.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3370/139789019.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3377/139924538.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3379/140157398.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3391/140777013.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3393/140899329.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3396/141047868.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3398/141142381.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3399/141150574.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/100x58/videa/3400/141155899.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/105x58/videa/3396/141047868.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/105x58/videa/3397/141142137.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/105x58/videa/3398/141142381.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/630x354/videa/3399/141150574.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/ico-play.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-esmedia.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-zzip.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jcarousel.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.corner.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.timers.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.vimeo.api.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/lightbox.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/js/script-20130118.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/bg-dalsi-kanaly_small1.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/bg-dalsi-kanaly_small1_cb.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/bg-dalsi-kanaly_small2_cb.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/header.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/item-nadpis.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/logo-darkbg.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu1.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu2.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu3.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu4.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu6-2012.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/rss.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/topmenu-2015.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/twitter2015.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/weather/1.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.oltv.cz/pics/weather/10.png (expiration not specified)
https://connect.facebook.net/cs_CZ/all.js (20 minutes)
https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js (2 hours)
https://img.youtube.com/vi/d116oAY87nA/default.jpg (6 hours)

priority - 26Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 20Reduce server response time

priority - 11Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 105.5KiB (52% reduction).

Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/font/museo500-webfont.ttf could save 53.1KiB (52% reduction).
Compressing https://www.oltv.cz/font/museo700-webfont.ttf could save 52.4KiB (52% reduction).

priority - 9Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 68.2KiB (48% reduction).

Compressing and resizing https://www.oltv.cz/data/webcam/namesti15-10-03_08-29-45-33.jpg could save 57.7KiB (93% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/logo-darkbg.png could save 2KiB (38% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images-crop/630x354/videa/3399/141150574.jpg could save 1.8KiB (3% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/twitter2015.gif could save 1.2KiB (30% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-zzip.png could save 1.2KiB (48% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/rss.gif could save 996B (71% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/ico-play.png could save 945B (76% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/menu6-2012.png could save 917B (43% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/pics/topmenu-2015.png could save 855B (22% reduction).
Losslessly compressing https://www.oltv.cz/images/logo-esmedia.png could save 731B (46% reduction).

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 5.9KiB (5% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/lightbox.js could save 1.6KiB (38% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/ys/r/hmCewcwEJO8.js could save 1.1KiB (2% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.vimeo.api.js could save 1.1KiB (48% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/js/jquery.corner.js could save 1.1KiB (33% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/yD/r/3Y7MvGTPx8r.js could save 1,010B (3% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 946B (12% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/ could save 946B (12% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 568B (9% reduction).

Minifying https://www.oltv.cz/css/styles-20130118.css?f=1441186798 could save 568B (9% reduction) after compression.

oltv.cz Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources113
Number of Hosts19
Static Resources97
JavaScript Resources25
CSS Resources4

oltv.cz mobile page usability

Last tested: 2019-12-26

Mobile Usability Medium

oltv.cz Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 39Use legible font sizes

The following text on your page renders in a way that may be difficult for some of your visitors to read. Use legible font sizes to provide a better user experience.

The following text fragments have a small font size. Increase the font size to make them more legible.

ZPRÁVY renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

KULTURA renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

SPORT renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

ZAJÍMAVOSTI renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

KANÁLY renders only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

WEBKAMERA renders only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

NEJSLEDOVANĚJŠÍ renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

KANÁLY renders only 5 pixels tall (15 CSS pixels).

počet zobrazení and 7 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

4 464 035 and 7 others render only 7 pixels tall (20 CSS pixels).

Dobré místo pro život and 7 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

Domácí výhra o…ckých hokej... and 18 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

« zpět renders only 4 pixels tall (13 CSS pixels).

další » renders only 4 pixels tall (13 CSS pixels).

3.10.2015 and 1 others render only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

4.10.2015 and 1 others render only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

. Přejeme vše nejlepší! and 1 others render only 6 pixels tall (18 CSS pixels).

Bohumil renders only 6 pixels tall (18 CSS pixels).

Olomoucká tele…Úvodní strana renders only 4 pixels tall (13 CSS pixels).

To se mi líbí renders only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

2,4 tis. renders only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

Prohlédněte si podzimní Floru renders only 7 pixels tall (19 CSS pixels).

Jízdní kolo a…Tradičně j... and 5 others render only 4 pixels tall (13 CSS pixels).

Flora Olomouc and 3 others render only 4 pixels tall (13 CSS pixels).

Zhlédnuto: 50x and 1 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

videoblogy osobností and 19 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

Líbí (100%) renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

Nelíbí (0%) renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

Webkamera renders only 6 pixels tall (18 CSS pixels).

OLOMOUC - Horn…ravské divadlo renders only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

interval obnovení 10s renders only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

NEJAKTUÁLNĚJŠÍ VIDEA renders only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

Bobr Cup pomůž…u Matýskovi... and 2 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

Partnerská videa a zajímavosti and 5 others render only 6 pixels tall (16 CSS pixels).

další » and 2 others render only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

Hráči na akci…Sigma Olomouc and 29 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

zhlédnuto: 120549x and 14 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

archív » renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

zhlédnuto: 6015x and 3 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

Tuto kravatu j…balista Kroupa and 2 others render only 5 pixels tall (14 CSS pixels).

Olomoucký kraj…Ale není tomu… and 2 others render only 4 pixels tall (11 CSS pixels).

OLTV.cz renders only 6 pixels tall (18 CSS pixels).

2.477 To se mi líbí renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

Tato stránka se mi líbí and 1 others render only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

Buďte první me…rým se to líbí renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).
naše rubriky: renders only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).
Webdesign, red…IA Interactive and 11 others render only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).
| and 7 others render only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).
Orgánem dohled…izní vysílání. and 4 others render only 4 pixels tall (12 CSS pixels).

priority - 10Configure the viewport

Your page does not have a viewport specified. This causes mobile devices to render your page as it would appear on a desktop browser, scaling it down to fit on a mobile screen. Configure a viewport to allow your page to render properly on all devices.

priority - 4Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a href="/zpravy.html">Zprávy</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/kultura.html">Kultura</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/radio-hana/be…anal-3159.html">počet zobrazen…pro Ranou péči</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="#" class="disable dalsi_…led-horizontal">« zpět</a> is close to 2 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="#" class="dalsi_kanaly j…ext-horizontal">další »</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <input id="co" type="text" name="co" class="itext"> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <input type="submit" name="ok" class="isubmit"> is close to 2 other tap targets.

The tap target <html id="facebook" class="">FacebookTo se…4 tis.2,4 tis.</html> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/profil-oltv.html">oltv</a> and 3 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/kultura.html">kultura</a> and 15 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="#" class="fr">Nelíbí (0%)</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://oltv.c…poutak-300x300"></a> is close to 2 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://oltv.c…poutak-300x300" class="img"></a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://oltv.c…poutak-300x300">Lukáš Hejlík:…bí rozmanitost</a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <img src="https://fbcdn-…8894dc1ba4b91c" class="_1drn _-s img"> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://www.fa…ok.com/oltv.cz" class="_1drp _5lv6">OLTV.cz</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://www.fa…om/jiri.zais.9" class="link"></a> and 4 others are close to other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="/vsechna-videa.html">vše</a> and 6 others are close to other tap targets.

priority - 3Size content to viewport

The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.

The page content is 989 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 980 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:

The element <a href="#" class="dalsi_kanaly j…ext-horizontal">další »</a> falls outside the viewport.

oltv.cz HTML validation


Attribute “follow” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 214 Column: 4 - 140
".../div> <a href="http://www.zzip.cz" target="_blank" style="float: left;" title="Televizní studio ZZIP, s.r.o. - Olomoucká televize zzip" follow> <..." Line: 217 Column: 4 - 134
"... </a> <a href="http://www.esmedia.cz" target="_blank" style="float: left;" title="weby, eshopy na míru, ppc a facebook marketing" follow> <..."

Saw “<!--” within a comment. Probable cause: Nested comment (not allowed).

Line: 262 Column: - 5
"...></script> <!-- OLTV-HP-BIG --..."

Bad element name “fb:like-box”: Code point “U+003A” is not allowed

Line: 365 Column: 5 - 173
"...ript> <fb:like-box href="https://www.facebook.com/oltv.cz" width="300" height="260" show_faces="true" border_color="#333333" stream="false" colorscheme="dark" header="false"></fb:l..."

End tag “br”.

Line: 391 Column: 1 - 5
"...mouc</a> </br></br><..." Line: 391 Column: 6 - 10
".../a> </br></br></br> ..." Line: 391 Column: 11 - 15
"...</br></br></br> ..."

End tag for “body” seen, but there were unclosed elements.

Line: 475 Column: 1 - 7
"...noscript> </body> </htm..."

Unclosed element “div”.

Line: 178 Column: 1 - 17
"...> </div> <div id="plocha"><div i..."


The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 262 Column: - 5
"...></script> <!-- OLTV-HP-BIG --..."

Element name “fb:like-box” cannot be represented as XML 1.0.

Line: 365 Column: 5 - 173
"...ript> <fb:like-box href="https://www.facebook.com/oltv.cz" width="300" height="260" show_faces="true" border_color="#333333" stream="false" colorscheme="dark" header="false"></fb:l..."

This document appears to be written in Czech. Consider adding “lang="cs"” (or variant) to the “html” start tag.

Line: 2 Column: 16 - 6
"...TYPE html> <html> <head..."

oltv.cz similar domains

Similar domains:

oltv.cz Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.