O2.PL o2 - Serce Internetu

o2.pl Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 40,801

Daily Page Views: 244,806

Income Per Day: $490

Estimated Value: $352,800

o2.pl is registered under .PL top-level domain. Please check other sites in .PL zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by Wirtualna Polska S.A.. See the full list of other websites hosted by Wirtualna Polska S.A..

The highest website o2.pl position in Alexa rank database was 27443 and the lowest rank position was 49054. Current position of o2.pl in Alexa rank database is 35152.

Desktop speed score of o2.pl (69/100) is better than the results of 49.24% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of o2.pl (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of o2.pl (50/100) is better than the results of 33.92% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


o2.pl Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

o2.pl whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

request limit exceeded

o2.pl server information

Servers Location

o2.pl desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-04-28

Desktop Speed Medium

o2.pl Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 16Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 158.7KiB (48% reduction).

Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/668x445/d.wpimg.pl/1715301506--2022726984/policja.jpg could save 33.5KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/356x238/d.wpimg.pl/1172746374-1…-uchodzcy-festiwal.jpg could save 23.5KiB (50% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/356x238/d.wpimg.pl/2020129655-251605432/aktorka.jpg could save 17.4KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/356x238/d.wpimg.pl/175723947--1431823755/bikini.jpg could save 11KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1620123563-1504384061/maraton.jpg could save 7.5KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/967068180-1561867684/blizniaczki.jpg could save 6KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/549489371-324518893/cwiczenia-sen.jpg could save 5.6KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1891944430-1…lotniskowiec-okret.JPG could save 5.5KiB (50% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1129729765-1…misiewicz-piotrkow.jpg could save 5.4KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1783636888-1017582510/mozg.jpg could save 5.3KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1113259712--713429713/zajawka-o2.jpeg could save 5.2KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/1663303367-80…port-miniatury-do.jpeg could save 4.1KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/1252582401--4…mport-miniatury-do.jpg could save 4KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/2077089828--2…port-miniatury-do.jpeg could save 3.5KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/1199569896--1…port-miniatury-do.jpeg could save 3.5KiB (47% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/2112047739--1…mport-miniatury-do.png could save 3.4KiB (47% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1654406120-667543077/gajda.jpg could save 3.3KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/132x89/d.wpimg.pl/268541600--19…mport-miniatury-do.jpg could save 2.6KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/115x115/d.wpimg.pl/1870667575-1…0476/przetakiewicz.jpg could save 2.6KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/176x117/d.wpimg.pl/1749681311--…/rakieta-minuteman.jpg could save 2.3KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/115x115/d.wpimg.pl/1638587521-3…onislaw-komorowski.jpg could save 2.3KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing https://owabgxis.wp.pl/Uk0vQm94LzIwMTctMDQvcnAvMTE…lyb3draS0xMzJ4ODkuanBn could save 1.3KiB (34% reduction).

priority - 14Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 3 blocking script resources and 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 7Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 5Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://api.o2.pl/auth/settings (expiration not specified)
https://api.o2.pl/stat/v1/viewers/quiz (expiration not specified)
https://fntajkb.wp.pl/Z2FmLmpzP3Jlc3BvbnNlVmVyc2lv…Zsc3RhdGlkPWYmYmN2PTI= (expiration not specified)
https://open.fm/api/api-ext/v2/channels/109/medium.json (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/desktop.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/desktop.js (expiration not specified)
https://a.wpimg.pl/a/i/stg/wpjslib-core.js (5 minutes)
https://adv.wp.pl/RM/Box/c/b/inline/inline-o2_gaf.js (15 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/pl_PL/sdk.js (20 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 4Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 2% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.

o2.pl Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources102
Number of Hosts36
Static Resources34
JavaScript Resources32
CSS Resources1

o2.pl mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-04-27

Mobile Speed Bad

o2.pl Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 56Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 3 blocking script resources and 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 26Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 10Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://fntajkb.wp.pl/Z2FmLmpzP3Jlc3BvbnNlVmVyc2lv…lsZV9vMl94MTcmYmN2PTI= (expiration not specified)
https://fntajkb.wp.pl/Z2FmLmpzP3Jlc3BvbnNlVmVyc2lv…N0eXBlPWluZGV4JmJjdj0y (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/13326f253e09db48d40d91aadac2e4dd.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/2b2505beb6d49e4b6e2e545b6c54af19.woff2 (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/mobile.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/static/mobile.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/v1/grid/2 (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/v1/grid/3 (expiration not specified)
https://www.o2.pl/v1/grid/4 (expiration not specified)
https://a.wpimg.pl/a/i/stg/wpjslib-core.js (5 minutes)
https://adv.wp.pl/RM/Box/c/b/inline/inline-o2_mobile.js (15 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/pl_PL/sdk.js (20 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 9Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 88.2KiB (48% reduction).

Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/408x275/d.wpimg.pl/2058408589-1…03076/dziewczynki.jpeg could save 30.6KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/408x275/d.wpimg.pl/1626695309-778345208/zajawka-o2.jpeg could save 11.7KiB (47% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/408x275/d.wpimg.pl/1749681311--…/rakieta-minuteman.jpg could save 8.7KiB (49% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/220x147/d.wpimg.pl/1779206996--374961553/smaki-zycia.jpg could save 8.5KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/204x137/d.wpimg.pl/2004328283--2079873391/znaki.png could save 8.4KiB (50% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/204x137/d.wpimg.pl/385416438--9…831/jimena-sanchez.jpg could save 8.2KiB (47% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/204x137/d.wpimg.pl/227295611-1607853301/kupa.jpg could save 5.8KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/96x64/d.wpimg.pl/1848368467-286…tnisko-w-bagdadzie.jpg could save 1.7KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/96x64/d.wpimg.pl/608308020-146505406/mri.png could save 1.7KiB (44% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/96x64/d.wpimg.pl/1611118857--60…uro-ochrony-rzadu.jpeg could save 1.5KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing https://i.wpimg.pl/96x64/d.wpimg.pl/1626695309-778345208/zajawka-o2.jpeg could save 1.4KiB (45% reduction).

priority - 8Prioritize visible content

Your page requires additional network round trips to render the above-the-fold content. For best performance, reduce the amount of HTML needed to render above-the-fold content.

The entire HTML response was not sufficient to render the above-the-fold content. This usually indicates that additional resources, loaded after HTML parsing, were required to render above-the-fold content. Prioritize visible content that is needed for rendering above-the-fold by including it directly in the HTML response.

Only about 12% of the final above-the-fold content could be rendered with the full HTML response.

o2.pl Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources81
Number of Hosts32
Static Resources24
JavaScript Resources23
CSS Resources1

o2.pl mobile page usability

Last tested: 2017-04-27

Mobile Usability Good

o2.pl Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a href="http://onas.wp.pl">O nas</a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.

o2.pl HTML validation


Bad value “Cache-Control” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 1 Column: 113 - 164
"..."IE=Edge"><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"><meta ..."

Bad value “Pragma” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 1 Column: 165 - 209
"...no-cache"><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><title..."

A document must not include more than one “meta” element with its “name” attribute set to the value “description”.

Line: 268 Column: 2340 - 2489
"...iejsze."/><meta data-react-helmet="true" name="description" content="o2 to serce internetu, bijące w rytm tego, co najciekawsze, najgorętsze i najważniejsze."/><meta ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 276 Column: 1053 - 1059

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 281 Column: 25 - 3024
"...id="root"><style data-styled="bLouBQ sNyvt iGnULh lcChmk gBiJMp ewODTq fLsaLk kschPP dRXDqB eQKgWD beCOpG ifHEQZ hQCBbe fXtttt dHwncT fgkwWo dlFFqt kQrZbe gZkdLc erWBcT fUhtsb bSoOai kwfxwB htZzTP jyJbCo dSLCTd cWfomf fChWRn bcJvzk gSnrrl bmaDM bhBfrw dokYvc kmbGQp giqfXK ezUgLK fdhEtb kOIukB hIsxSr ffVwft fRzGmE fgIQZM lluxFZ hansis ieyOoF cjZjBZ gxSgJJ hDVJLQ hPlGEw hwOoUX jqaekY fTlKMK hoQFQf OISVh ezNNxm hsBbv cQpEGX qcaSK cyzGex jbUeFM cKizoy Eqijw gsSQeP hmDATB jjgwRP oqGdE kJvXQh cbIKMB hkQApq konMos CoYvc jUslso jQLHZQ jRmJDC mEEdM bZXPsm ioUNHT hVkxkj KRVCl hMlzpJ bzOAXA bdqwLY hqIeMg gbDGeP iDPltN foyQxc ioXrmt cwvGww cSlDbP hzmZLj hOUyLp jWipXg bPfjxN gauBuu eyTSaP bojhYZ iZwSll jiFPty WTxID MiiTF hteVOG lZnyC cLotTS hNSUTE eeEGkS gSjYDu xGcVn dREtNb fShqOV bSUWBA fIUopy jWbdhc eFxLaM lcXRdZ cTebuO hjBkgp ihxMtY jEJyIW bsckSI oxYbL iWJgmb gPnUuh fAajKC dWLdLq dpfFRz ftuJVv kwVdob caBZGU kimuan eTaTlc gxTgzw bhjqpL ebqlbL fTRpEX ibfoIH iqxMYR eHqTAC hoZkCv gQkmGc ePcWQy OSTAi ikfRIc etmVJl KhwzU kkAdCO JkeEX gIowNW AMjnR dcgKnD bpdqxh bBKbiy cWUvhJ euFpkL kMvqUq iHFCGs bUgHAO eCioqw dBCmeB iTPGdW hxMFDR bXKsFc gxZGYU eNFpIH hLEhej dYqPhj dMnJnE kRkzqB frCmfH dGhrwr jMOXfM djjzGx dBrxUA fzemOl BXFkt rSVmt iZYmlb lbigZZ hRWwAQ bwWZdO tegwa dzSqpc jsJZtS iXqrej jQWRmr edxfsl eNiprF eiSVEn fcZEpQ gWYePv eagdjT fbVRoo gSWHra jyxYLt jxrmtR coGaoe LFWDp cwzKwe dckPPs cIhVFi cgifyX cTiNTy kErlzP bhzKYz eOJcLS hbmLRx cqmlGT fJLcla gkGNoM eMgcQc byIeOU lbApbP buhrMD cBJgVH hRvSYT iNNeCR dLkGby hkuqhw fkYUOL eOpJUa fotPIw dAplGv eKuJln ehwwYB kXhzEy djhsLw jEvtyg eFHLdW brLeWR BSYBz ewlShY iMgxQL fMAjuu eEPQNB mMBjB iAuJMh bjaRPg dSzoas gCrBls fqFtaC jLSTFy jRZuRX iXaAek jvCeGf cbrPYa dDviGT clFkcT iZgRDK kbmnrq iVdAOm gIiCOY dprGIs kSzyuH jRPjz bGfaXr ZphkD btPiFI elPGqC cyjcWW gomxUo jKPGbl dmPoAV iNEIw Baciv beYelz cyImWb euMzRs izORmz cRVrSv egzpjm ekMjUt VhyId bhQFJI lgISQR bXoGLk daUhxN hOQGe rWZYd xYAIe cxliaQ iQwetF dskaLM bWoINw rmVCb jcAnJD hGNQCc eHnlCB dyofoT dULYcp kUmqqH OkYef jYgoxK iQYIHb lgPyhk gnHShV cCgHCy hubHYg cUHKBS jxdxrX bVBmoz eOhonx UdRpx cRBOcv eQTSlE fAhEEH ckHAEA dcbubp bcdXIf biietg knOaxL jjXFwL dmmjnq cuNSt dyjsgo kgfTHc jycSXV bZxass ksTmSC PaTzg eqonSm gbqWls iNlMtc RiCxb dOKRuD jMsbeh iTINAZ ffFwRB lkadpV cyeOIE jiOFzn dxVnPj fEnchm ggDWon fCcTVG fdeOZV keNvGp iZXBIa gdbhEs cqwphg fsWLlt gVHIMF gxXpYC jAKZjR iuhyuN dmRYAI hioQSN ioTUvQ jaiXLf cZCbbM dgpLmH kWwohz hCiFLI kykkMI eeErtE itVWIO idXrXA hGczpK kbsBix jXijFA dZHJs heTkEf dJzSSu jmwrAF gVMfmz fRkIZR itAffJ eDicuk ihMBov gMMMVs djtXbf fepTNU dceePE gaTSuY eKxiA jwXQww cUyXbw gbtMiz cZGzzD GKSdT eCvKwU fovSxN iBaRsH gHKJui fHjKNS gKzyPj jXIlMc ceINNf jBWFMO jcissn cBQjRI buuIhm dLnjEV etQAIe ghJeMS eGDKeH gXkYJb bMOElS kOlusf iBVeQl gciGpB lmivKG fyutMo cfelXg eDFFqM bJaPov jsxynA gjeBKm cOOZva cnEcKw jUySQf dPqCIA iRhKwG jRRuYd gaNuqZ gIuRuN grCoLX dpnUuE efJnFp ffmRfC iJhtmd AGGyI gSlwCf NGfKm kyoueG jdzCQZ cGNsdE hMfiyU eKodET CMilo" data-styled-version="4.4.1"> /* sc..."

CSS: “-webkit-undefined”: Parse Error.

Line: 313 Column: 69 - 85
"...;top:-6px;-webkit-undefined;-ms-f..." Line: 313 Column: 187 - 203
"...top:-12px;-webkit-undefined;-ms-f..." Line: 313 Column: 304 - 320

CSS: “-ms-flex-undefined”: Parse Error.

Line: 313 Column: 87 - 104
"...undefined;-ms-flex-undefined;undef..." Line: 313 Column: 205 - 222
"...undefined;-ms-flex-undefined;undef..." Line: 313 Column: 322 - 339

CSS: “undefined”: Parse Error.

Line: 313 Column: 106 - 114
"...undefined;undefined;}.cZG..." Line: 313 Column: 224 - 232
"...undefined;undefined;}.GKS..." Line: 313 Column: 341 - 349
"...undefined;undefined;} /* ..."

CSS: “height”: only “0” can be a “unit”. You must put a unit after your number.

Line: 477 Column: 28 - 30

CSS: “stroke-linecap”: “flat” is not a “stroke-linecap” value.

Line: 589 Column: 50 - 53

Element “input” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 945 Column: 720 - 782
"...0 ebqlbL"><input type="checkbox" id="mail-menu" class="si591v-5 ibfoIH"/><li da..." Line: 945 Column: 5331 - 5393
"...></a></li><input type="checkbox" id="more-menu" class="si591v-5 ibfoIH"/><li da..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “label” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 945 Column: 918 - 945
"...3 hoZkCv"><div class="si591v-2 KhwzU"><svg w..." Line: 945 Column: 5529 - 5556
"...3 hoZkCv"><div class="si591v-2 KhwzU"><svg w..."

Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.

Line: 945 Column: 8126 - 8175
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 969 Column: 3176 - 3225
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 977 Column: 2688 - 2739
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 3342 - 3393
"...0 ggDWon"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 3991 - 4042
"...0 ggDWon"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 4890 - 4941
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 6244 - 6295
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 7611 - 7662
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 977 Column: 9124 - 9175
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 985 Column: 5018 - 5067
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 993 Column: 139 - 188
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 1009 Column: 705 - 756
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1009 Column: 1433 - 1484
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1020 Column: 637 - 688
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1020 Column: 1261 - 1312
"...0 ggDWon"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1020 Column: 1896 - 1947
"...0 ggDWon"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1020 Column: 2755 - 2806
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1020 Column: 5598 - 5649
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 462 - 513
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 2632 - 2683
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 3824 - 3875
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 4579 - 4630
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 5315 - 5366
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 7314 - 7365
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 9750 - 9801
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 10434 - 10485
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 11149 - 11200
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 12488 - 12539
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 15677 - 15728
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 18094 - 18145
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 18821 - 18872
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 20143 - 20194
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 22575 - 22626
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 24342 - 24393
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 25882 - 25933
"...1 jiOFzn"><img alt="" class="sc-4pfk9r-1 sc-4pfk9r-2 fdeOZV"/></div>..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 945 Column: 8126 - 8175
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 969 Column: 3176 - 3225
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 985 Column: 5018 - 5067
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 993 Column: 139 - 188
"...iZTVtcWd"><img role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/><div s..." Line: 1028 Column: 2961 - 3056
"...iZTVtcWd"><img src="https://www.o2.pl/f/2/adPlaceholder.png" role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 5752 - 5847
"...iZTVtcWd"><img src="https://www.o2.pl/f/2/adPlaceholder.png" role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/></div>..." Line: 1028 Column: 26792 - 26887
"...iZTVtcWd"><img src="https://www.o2.pl/f/2/adPlaceholder.png" role="presentation" class="d8m8mn-0 fgIQZM"/></div>..."

Bad value “vertical” for attribute “type” on element “a”: Subtype missing.

Line: 961 Column: 262 - 615
"...6 iTINAZ"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541506923858049&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541506577385089&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1001&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="1" href="/informacje/wypadek-andrzeja-dudy-nad-baltykiem-musiala-pomoc-lodz-sop-6541502225353696a"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 1590 - 1935
"...6 iTINAZ"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541483825891457&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541483218442369&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1001&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="2" href="/informacje/posel-na-wakacjach-grecja-tansza-niz-polskie-morze-6541468368579520a"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 3860 - 4227
"...0 dgpLmH"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541537078384769&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541525392270977&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="1" href="/informacje/weszli-do-domu-a-tam-niezwykle-czym-zajmowal-sie-28-latek-6541513649916896a"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 4756 - 5129
"...0 kWwohz"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541519700088449&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541519510660737&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="2" href="/sport/malgorzata-rozenek-podziwiala-wschod-slonca-te-widoki-zapieraly-dech-6541514403564512a"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 7368 - 7739
"...0 hCiFLI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541501948479105&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541499095967361&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;2&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="3" href="/informacje/niezwykla-scena-na-bialorusi-ludzie-zaczeli-bic-milicji-brawo-6541485007367136a"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 9003 - 9311
"...0 kykkMI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541249077061249&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541247818270337&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;3&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="4" href="/quiz/6541197399910017/start"><div c..." Line: 961 Column: 9876 - 10267
"...0 eeErtE"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541181634005121&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541160749885057&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;4&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="5" href="/informacje/stracili-wszystko-kim-dzong-un-przyjechal-do-zniszczonej-wioski-luksusowym-suv-em-6541151965912000a"><div c..." Line: 977 Column: 4429 - 4802
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541208677938817&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541206928582273&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;6&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="7" href="/informacje/polki-sprowadzono-do-roli-prostytutek-domy-publiczne-dla-esesmanow-w-warszawie-6540593226914784a"><div c..." Line: 977 Column: 5791 - 6156
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541103697684097&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541101394176129&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;7&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="8" href="/informacje/koronawirus-ponury-rekord-jedna-czwarta-ofiar-pochodzi-z-jednego-kraju-6541096331025344a"><div c..." Line: 977 Column: 7113 - 7474
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541196360898177&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541193500952193&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;8&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="9" href="/informacje/uwazaj-na-plazy-mozesz-za-to-dostac-mandat-pytamy-polakow-o-zdanie-6540926574853056a"><div c..." Line: 977 Column: 8674 - 9036
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541239770876033&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541239579006593&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1002&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;9&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="10" href="/informacje/wielka-bitwa-na-plazy-lataly-parasole-ludzie-okladali-sie-lezakami-6541183436028864a"><div c..." Line: 1009 Column: 264 - 617
"...6 iTINAZ"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541263412865153&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541263181096577&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="1" href="/plotki/simon-cowell-mial-wypadek-juror-x-factora-ma-zlamany-kregoslup-6541246948092896a"><div c..." Line: 1009 Column: 968 - 1345
"...6 iTINAZ"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541481089980033&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541480532736129&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="2" href="/plotki/beata-pawlikowska-musiala-wejsc-na-dach-swojego-domu-dwa-dni-wczesniej-dostala-telefon-6541475448642528a"><div c..." Line: 1020 Column: 2314 - 2667
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541493710334081&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541493385332353&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;2&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="3" href="/informacje/ludzki-wlos-tepi-stal-naukowcy-byli-w-szoku-gdy-to-odkryli-6541475494099936a"><div c..." Line: 1020 Column: 5135 - 5510
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541211263768705&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541211034335361&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;3&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="4" href="/informacje/dolnoslaskie-znalazl-portfel-z-pieniedzmi-i-dokumentami-teraz-grozi-mu-wiezienie-6541195458005952a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 1356 - 1701
"...8 cBQjRI"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541222120306305&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541222067472513&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;5&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="6" href="/sport/polska-siatkarka-zachwyca-figura-nad-morzem-liguryjskim-6541212297219008a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 6016 - 6383
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541288003733121&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541286622840449&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;6&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="7" href="/sport/to-zdjecie-zapiera-dech-dominika-grosicka-wyglada-zachwycajaco-6541283745061856a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 9293 - 9662
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541463601797249&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541462623643777&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;7&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="8" href="/informacje/dramat-w-swietokrzyskiem-stratowal-go-byk-24-latek-nie-zyje-6541455844535264a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 9995 - 10303
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6540887674971777&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6540887306459265&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1007&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="9" href="/quiz/6540884002109057/start"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 10669 - 11061
"...0 idXrXA"><a href="https://www.pudelek.pl/dramat-marzeny-rogalskiej-spadla-z-hamaka-podczas-pytania-na-sniadanie-6541516266085344a" class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541524189702273&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541524189702273&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1006&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;0&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="10"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 12009 - 12400
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541238216779905&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541237832362113&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;8&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="11" href="/informacje/protesty-po-aresztowaniu-margot-poslanka-znalazla-bulwersujacy-list-pod-drzwiami-6541217735785440a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 14969 - 15329
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541199791175297&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541199199311489&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;9&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="12" href="/sport/anna-lewandowska-tanczy-na-tiktoku-do-wakacyjnego-hitu-6541178417548224a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 17654 - 17963
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6540151112676993&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6540147777717889&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1007&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="13" href="/quiz/6540134093805185/start"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 18340 - 18733
"...0 idXrXA"><a href="https://www.pudelek.pl/joanna-racewicz-dostala-mandat-na-randce-i-oddala-go-chlopakowi-zdjecia-6541491833783937g" class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541510672103553&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541510672103553&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1006&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="14"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 19674 - 20055
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541220720223873&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541220488779393&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;10&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="15" href="/sport/gwiazda-brazylijskiej-pilki-po-pieciu-miesiacach-opusci-areszt-w-paragwaju-6541205765561312a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 22114 - 22487
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541212623071361&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541212364310145&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;11&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="16" href="/informacje/rozpedzony-tir-z-poteznym-ladunkiem-na-s8-kierowca-byl-pijany-6541204747865024a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 23858 - 24254
"...0 idXrXA"><a class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541294607042177&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541293484161153&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1003&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;12&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="17" href="/informacje/wysadza-most-w-pilchowicach-dla-filmowej-zabawy-jest-pismo-do-mateusza-morawieckiego-6541290073005024a"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 25401 - 25794
"...0 idXrXA"><a href="https://www.pudelek.pl/michal-wisniewski-dostanie-wlasny-program-chce-poprowadzic-sniadaniowke-6541465389829088a" class="tgmdxj-4 ffFwRB r9fu73-1 hGczpK " data-st-clk="{&quot;teaserId&quot;:&quot;6541478724568705&quot;,&quot;baseTeaserId&quot;:&quot;6541478724568705&quot;,&quot;sgcat&quot;:&quot;1006&quot;,&quot;sgcatidx&quot;:&quot;2&quot;}" type="vertical" data-index-section="18"><div c..."

Attribute “direction” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 977 Column: 219 - 266
"...ews/1009"><div direction="143deg" class="jvhvck-0 dceePE"></div>..." Line: 985 Column: 153 - 200
"...lse/1005"><div direction="151deg" class="jvhvck-0 gaTSuY"></div>..." Line: 1009 Column: 3616 - 3663
"...pes/1011"><div direction="143deg" class="jvhvck-0 dceePE"></div>..."

Attribute “width” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 977 Column: 358 - 436
"...ewsa</div><div width="41px" height="47px" name="pillColored" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 gbtMiz"><svg v..." Line: 985 Column: 282 - 356
"...dnia</div><div width="33px" height="40px" name="thunder" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 cZGzzD"><svg v..." Line: 1009 Column: 3754 - 3827
"...arne</div><div width="62px" height="62px" name="cutlery" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 GKSdT"><svg v..."

Attribute “height” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 977 Column: 358 - 436
"...ewsa</div><div width="41px" height="47px" name="pillColored" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 gbtMiz"><svg v..." Line: 985 Column: 282 - 356
"...dnia</div><div width="33px" height="40px" name="thunder" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 cZGzzD"><svg v..." Line: 1009 Column: 3754 - 3827
"...arne</div><div width="62px" height="62px" name="cutlery" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 GKSdT"><svg v..."

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 977 Column: 358 - 436
"...ewsa</div><div width="41px" height="47px" name="pillColored" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 gbtMiz"><svg v..." Line: 985 Column: 282 - 356
"...dnia</div><div width="33px" height="40px" name="thunder" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 cZGzzD"><svg v..." Line: 1009 Column: 3754 - 3827
"...arne</div><div width="62px" height="62px" name="cutlery" class="sc-1lav2dq-0 GKSdT"><svg v..."

Bad value “/tag/Dawka dobrego newsa” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in path segment: space is not allowed.

Line: 977 Column: 4237 - 4308
"...1 ceINNf"><a class="lhe5cj-2 jBWFMO cHJldmVudENC" href="/tag/Dawka dobrego newsa">Więcej..."

Duplicate ID “a”.

Line: 977 Column: 7956 - 7986
"...efs><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h16v13H0z"></path..." Line: 1020 Column: 3103 - 3147
"...efs><defs><path id="a" d="M.134.158h1.907v2.438H.134z"></path..." Line: 1028 Column: 1842 - 1872
"...vQ"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 1028 Column: 6524 - 6554
"...vQ"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 1028 Column: 24687 - 24717
"...efs><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h16v13H0z"></path..."

Duplicate ID “b”.

Line: 977 Column: 8036 - 8060
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 1020 Column: 4433 - 4457
"...86 .123)"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 1028 Column: 1922 - 1946
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 1028 Column: 6604 - 6628
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 1028 Column: 24767 - 24791
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..."


The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 202 Column: 12 - 42
"...;</script><script type="text/javascript">window..."

Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.

Line: 268 Column: 2807 - 2894
"....o2.pl/"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"><meta ..."

The first occurrence of ID “a” was here.

Line: 961 Column: 2076 - 2106
"...SN"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 961 Column: 2076 - 2106
"...SN"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 961 Column: 2076 - 2106
"...SN"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 961 Column: 2076 - 2106
"...SN"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..." Line: 961 Column: 2076 - 2106
"...SN"><defs><path id="a" d="M0 0h14v11H0z"></path..."

The first occurrence of ID “b” was here.

Line: 961 Column: 2156 - 2180
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 961 Column: 2156 - 2180
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 961 Column: 2156 - 2180
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 961 Column: 2156 - 2180
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..." Line: 961 Column: 2156 - 2180
"..."evenodd"><mask id="b" fill="#fff"><use x..."

Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.

Line: 961 Column: 114 - 163
"...top/1002"><article class="sc-1k14ebx-3 sc-10rlrrn-6 dOKRuD"><div c..." Line: 1009 Column: 148 - 196
"...1 bJaPov"><article class="sc-1k14ebx-3 sc-328sny-2 jsxynA"><div c..." Line: 1028 Column: 5903 - 5939
"...-5 AGGyI"><article class="sc-1k14ebx-3 gSlwCf"><div c..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 961 Column: 22 - 113
"...div></div><section class="sc-1k14ebx-1 l5oas0-0 RiCxb sc-10rlrrn-0 iNlMtc" data-st-area="o2_top/1002"><artic..."

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Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.