KENH14.VN Kênh tin tức giải trí - Xã hội - Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 60,917

Daily Page Views: 365,502

Income Per Day: $731

Estimated Value: $526,320

This website is located in Viet Nam and is using following IP address See the complete list of popular websites hosted in Viet Nam. is registered under .VN top-level domain. Please check other sites in .VN zone.

Website is using the following name servers:


and is probably hosted by VNPT-AS-VN VNPT Corp, VN. See the full list of other websites hosted by VNPT-AS-VN VNPT Corp, VN.

The highest website position in Alexa rank database was 23476 and the lowest rank position was 25541. Current position of in Alexa rank database is 23544.

Desktop speed score of (63/100) is better than the results of 39.87% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of (69/100) is better than the results of 74.36% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.

Advertisement Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. whois

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Servers Location desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2016-06-12

Desktop Speed Bad
63/100 Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 30Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (expiration not specified) (60 seconds) (60 seconds) (60 seconds) (60 seconds)…zid=2427&n=0,984&loc=0 (60 seconds) (60 seconds)…&p=ssp&zid=877&loc=113 (60 seconds)…p=adx&zid=9984&loc=113 (60 seconds)…p=adx&zid=9985&loc=113 (60 seconds)…1&zid=1033&p=cpc&loc=0 (60 seconds)…1&zid=1401&p=cpc&loc=0 (60 seconds)…4672&p=adxecom&loc=113 (60 seconds) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes) (30 minutes) (30 minutes) (2 hours) (2 hours)

priority - 20Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 10 blocking script resources and 5 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

priority - 11Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 110.4KiB (51% reduction).

Losslessly compressing…crop-1465655296547.jpg could save 63.7KiB (88% reduction).
Compressing and resizing…crop-1465700034422.jpg could save 8.5KiB (81% reduction).
Losslessly compressing…crop-1465718626636.JPG could save 6.9KiB (19% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 4.5KiB (87% reduction).
Losslessly compressing…20160612congiapav1.jpg could save 4.1KiB (11% reduction).
Losslessly compressing…crop-1465662311365.jpg could save 4KiB (33% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 2.7KiB (59% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 2.6KiB (96% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 2.6KiB (95% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 2.3KiB (71% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 1.1KiB (19% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 1KiB (24% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 971B (50% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 885B (71% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 865B (89% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 854B (89% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 811B (79% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 707B (21% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 707B (21% reduction).
Losslessly compressing could save 707B (21% reduction).

priority - 0Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 4.1KiB (17% reduction).

Minifying could save 1.5KiB (33% reduction) after compression.
Minifying could save 950B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying could save 950B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying could save 744B (11% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 569B (11% reduction).

Minifying could save 569B (11% reduction) after compression. Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources171
Number of Hosts29
Static Resources134
JavaScript Resources76
CSS Resources5 mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-06-02

Mobile Speed Medium
69/100 Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 32Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:

priority - 11Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 104.1KiB (37% reduction).

Compressing…crop-1496002770860.jpg could save 26KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1494790420075.jpg could save 10.4KiB (37% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496326377937.jpg could save 9.6KiB (35% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496386460026.jpg could save 9KiB (92% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496207039515.jpg could save 6.5KiB (33% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496259645688.jpg could save 6.4KiB (34% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496385279189.jpg could save 6.1KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496365477326.jpg could save 5.4KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496390485058.jpg could save 3.6KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496417186249.jpg could save 3.6KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496423450259.jpg could save 3.5KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing could save 2.8KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing…crop-1496394770505.png could save 2.6KiB (56% reduction).
Compressing could save 2.3KiB (40% reduction).
Compressing could save 2.2KiB (90% reduction).
Compressing could save 1.6KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing could save 991B (81% reduction).
Compressing could save 874B (87% reduction).
Compressing could save 849B (85% reduction).

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (expiration not specified) (2 hours) Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources90
Number of Hosts13
Static Resources73
JavaScript Resources34
CSS Resources1 mobile page usability

Last tested: 2017-06-02

Mobile Usability Good
99/100 Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 0Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a href="http://m.kenh1…i-hang-anh.chn" class="k14topic-logo"></a> is close to 1 other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="/top-big-bang-…2080922009.chn" class="post-ava open-popup"></a> is close to 1 other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="/top-big-bang-…2080922009.chn" class="open-popup">T.O.P (Big Ban…sử dụng cần sa</a> is close to 1 other tap targets. HTML validation


Using the “meta” element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead.

Line: 6 Column: 87 - 137
"...=UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv="content-language" content="vi" /><title..."

Bad value “handheld” for attribute “media” on element “link”: Deprecated media type “handheld”. For guidance, see the Media Types section in the current Media Queries specification.

Line: 9 Column: 1 - 69
"" /> <link rel="alternate" media="handheld" href="" /> ..."

Bad value “audience” for attribute “http-equiv” on element “meta”.

Line: 15 Column: 257 - 304
"" /><meta http-equiv="audience" content="General" /><meta ..."

Stray end tag “head”.

Line: 163 Column: 1 - 7
"...</script> </head> <scr..."

Duplicate ID “admzone490”.

Line: 170 Column: 1 - 21
".../script> <div id="admzone490"></div>..."

Start tag “body” seen but an element of the same type was already open.

Line: 178 Column: 1 - 6
"...ript> <body> ..."

Bad value “0” for attribute “type” on element “a”: Subtype missing.

Line: 742 Column: 9 - 241
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810133809855.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" type="0" class="klwfnl-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 759 Column: 9 - 255
"...> <a href="/de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-vua-suc-khong-kho-20200810133124167.chn" title="Đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020: Dễ hơn đề minh hoạ" type="0" class="klwfnr-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 787 Column: 21 - 459
"... <a href="/mc-viet-phong-lai-gap-bien-bi-dao-lai-status-goi-gil-le-la-thang-nay-toc-tien-phan-no-chi-trich-phat-ngon-miet-thi-huong-giang-20200810130440261.chn" title="MC Việt Phong lại gặp biến: Bị đ&#224;o lại status gọi Gil L&#234; l&#224; &quot;thằng n&#224;y&quot;, T&#243;c Ti&#234;n phẫn nộ chỉ tr&#237;ch ph&#225;t ng&#244;n miệt thị Hương Giang" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 811 Column: 21 - 293
"... <a href="/nu-hanh-khach-viet-nam-duong-tinh-voi-sars-cov-2-khi-den-nhat-ban-20200810153113198.chn" title="Nữ h&#224;nh kh&#225;ch Việt Nam dương t&#237;nh với SARS-CoV-2 khi đến Nhật Bản" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 823 Column: 21 - 315
"... <a href="/nam-sinh-ngu-quen-duoc-csgt-den-nha-dap-cua-cho-di-thi-do-dien-thoai-het-pin-2020080903385123.chn" title="Nam sinh ngủ qu&#234;n được CSGT đến nh&#224; ph&#225; cửa chở đi thi: Do điện thoại hết pin" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 835 Column: 21 - 424
"... <a href="/huong-giang-matt-liu-co-nhung-moi-tinh-can-nhieu-ca-su-chap-nhan-va-thau-hieu-chu-khong-chi-la-tinh-yeu-20200810070625261.chn" title="T&#236;nh y&#234;u của Hương Giang v&#224; Matt Liu khiến tất cả tin rằng: Đến một ng&#224;y, ai đ&#243; sẽ xuất hiện v&#224; y&#234;u ta v&#236; ch&#237;nh bản th&#226;n ta" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 847 Column: 21 - 294
"... <a href="/them-2-benh-nhan-tu-vong-vi-benh-ly-nen-va-mac-covid-19-2020081009075948.chn" title="Bệnh nh&#226;n 33 tuổi v&#224; 47 tuổi tử vong v&#236; bệnh l&#253; nền v&#224; mắc Covid-19" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 859 Column: 21 - 454
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" title="Tranh c&#227;i nảy lửa nam MC n&#243;i về Hương Giang: &quot;Nam chuyển giới th&#224;nh nữ m&#224; chỉ bảo phụ nữ c&#225;ch giữ đ&#224;n &#244;ng th&#236; hơi sai v&#224; kỳ kỳ&quot;" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2418 Column: 25 - 499
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn'> ..." Line: 2461 Column: 25 - 531
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn'> ..." Line: 2504 Column: 25 - 382
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn'> ..." Line: 2547 Column: 25 - 335
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn'> ..." Line: 2590 Column: 25 - 344
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn'> ..." Line: 2708 Column: 25 - 353
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n H&#243;a tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810081141136" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn'> ..." Line: 2751 Column: 25 - 362
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 m&#244;n Vật l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082220448" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn'> ..." Line: 2798 Column: 25 - 474
"... <a href="/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn" title="Đ&#224;o lại clip cũ Heechul &amp;quot;ti&#234;n tri&amp;quot; được trước drama, sớm nh&#236;n ra bộ mặt thật của Jimin, Seolhyun (AOA)?" newsid="20200810083310745" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn'> ..." Line: 2841 Column: 25 - 504
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn'> ..." Line: 2884 Column: 25 - 537
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn'> ..."

Attribute “init-sapo-type” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 742 Column: 9 - 241
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810133809855.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" type="0" class="klwfnl-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 759 Column: 9 - 255
"...> <a href="/de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-vua-suc-khong-kho-20200810133124167.chn" title="Đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020: Dễ hơn đề minh hoạ" type="0" class="klwfnr-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 787 Column: 21 - 459
"... <a href="/mc-viet-phong-lai-gap-bien-bi-dao-lai-status-goi-gil-le-la-thang-nay-toc-tien-phan-no-chi-trich-phat-ngon-miet-thi-huong-giang-20200810130440261.chn" title="MC Việt Phong lại gặp biến: Bị đ&#224;o lại status gọi Gil L&#234; l&#224; &quot;thằng n&#224;y&quot;, T&#243;c Ti&#234;n phẫn nộ chỉ tr&#237;ch ph&#225;t ng&#244;n miệt thị Hương Giang" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 799 Column: 21 - 364
"... <a href="/thi-sinh-buoc-vao-mon-thi-cuoi-cung-mon-kho-nhat-trong-ky-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810132152777.chn" title="Hoan h&#244;! 900.000 th&#237; sinh đ&#227; ho&#224;n th&#224;nh kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 đặc biệt nhất lịch sử!" type="10" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 811 Column: 21 - 293
"... <a href="/nu-hanh-khach-viet-nam-duong-tinh-voi-sars-cov-2-khi-den-nhat-ban-20200810153113198.chn" title="Nữ h&#224;nh kh&#225;ch Việt Nam dương t&#237;nh với SARS-CoV-2 khi đến Nhật Bản" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 823 Column: 21 - 315
"... <a href="/nam-sinh-ngu-quen-duoc-csgt-den-nha-dap-cua-cho-di-thi-do-dien-thoai-het-pin-2020080903385123.chn" title="Nam sinh ngủ qu&#234;n được CSGT đến nh&#224; ph&#225; cửa chở đi thi: Do điện thoại hết pin" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 835 Column: 21 - 424
"... <a href="/huong-giang-matt-liu-co-nhung-moi-tinh-can-nhieu-ca-su-chap-nhan-va-thau-hieu-chu-khong-chi-la-tinh-yeu-20200810070625261.chn" title="T&#236;nh y&#234;u của Hương Giang v&#224; Matt Liu khiến tất cả tin rằng: Đến một ng&#224;y, ai đ&#243; sẽ xuất hiện v&#224; y&#234;u ta v&#236; ch&#237;nh bản th&#226;n ta" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 847 Column: 21 - 294
"... <a href="/them-2-benh-nhan-tu-vong-vi-benh-ly-nen-va-mac-covid-19-2020081009075948.chn" title="Bệnh nh&#226;n 33 tuổi v&#224; 47 tuổi tử vong v&#236; bệnh l&#253; nền v&#224; mắc Covid-19" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 859 Column: 21 - 454
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" title="Tranh c&#227;i nảy lửa nam MC n&#243;i về Hương Giang: &quot;Nam chuyển giới th&#224;nh nữ m&#224; chỉ bảo phụ nữ c&#225;ch giữ đ&#224;n &#244;ng th&#236; hơi sai v&#224; kỳ kỳ&quot;" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1176 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1201 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1226 Column: 37 - 313
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2410 Column: 25 - 277
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2453 Column: 25 - 275
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2496 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2539 Column: 25 - 207
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2582 Column: 25 - 196
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2700 Column: 25 - 213
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n H&#243;a tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810081141136" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2743 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 m&#244;n Vật l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082220448" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2790 Column: 25 - 262
"... <a href="/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#224;o lại clip cũ Heechul &amp;quot;ti&#234;n tri&amp;quot; được trước drama, sớm nh&#236;n ra bộ mặt thật của Jimin, Seolhyun (AOA)?" newsid="20200810083310745" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2833 Column: 25 - 276
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2876 Column: 25 - 287
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..."

Attribute “init-sapo-value” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

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"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810133809855.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" type="0" class="klwfnl-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 759 Column: 9 - 255
"...> <a href="/de-thi-tieng-anh-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-vua-suc-khong-kho-20200810133124167.chn" title="Đề thi tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020: Dễ hơn đề minh hoạ" type="0" class="klwfnr-thumb" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 787 Column: 21 - 459
"... <a href="/mc-viet-phong-lai-gap-bien-bi-dao-lai-status-goi-gil-le-la-thang-nay-toc-tien-phan-no-chi-trich-phat-ngon-miet-thi-huong-giang-20200810130440261.chn" title="MC Việt Phong lại gặp biến: Bị đ&#224;o lại status gọi Gil L&#234; l&#224; &quot;thằng n&#224;y&quot;, T&#243;c Ti&#234;n phẫn nộ chỉ tr&#237;ch ph&#225;t ng&#244;n miệt thị Hương Giang" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 799 Column: 21 - 364
"... <a href="/thi-sinh-buoc-vao-mon-thi-cuoi-cung-mon-kho-nhat-trong-ky-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810132152777.chn" title="Hoan h&#244;! 900.000 th&#237; sinh đ&#227; ho&#224;n th&#224;nh kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 đặc biệt nhất lịch sử!" type="10" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 811 Column: 21 - 293
"... <a href="/nu-hanh-khach-viet-nam-duong-tinh-voi-sars-cov-2-khi-den-nhat-ban-20200810153113198.chn" title="Nữ h&#224;nh kh&#225;ch Việt Nam dương t&#237;nh với SARS-CoV-2 khi đến Nhật Bản" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 823 Column: 21 - 315
"... <a href="/nam-sinh-ngu-quen-duoc-csgt-den-nha-dap-cua-cho-di-thi-do-dien-thoai-het-pin-2020080903385123.chn" title="Nam sinh ngủ qu&#234;n được CSGT đến nh&#224; ph&#225; cửa chở đi thi: Do điện thoại hết pin" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 835 Column: 21 - 424
"... <a href="/huong-giang-matt-liu-co-nhung-moi-tinh-can-nhieu-ca-su-chap-nhan-va-thau-hieu-chu-khong-chi-la-tinh-yeu-20200810070625261.chn" title="T&#236;nh y&#234;u của Hương Giang v&#224; Matt Liu khiến tất cả tin rằng: Đến một ng&#224;y, ai đ&#243; sẽ xuất hiện v&#224; y&#234;u ta v&#236; ch&#237;nh bản th&#226;n ta" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 847 Column: 21 - 294
"... <a href="/them-2-benh-nhan-tu-vong-vi-benh-ly-nen-va-mac-covid-19-2020081009075948.chn" title="Bệnh nh&#226;n 33 tuổi v&#224; 47 tuổi tử vong v&#236; bệnh l&#253; nền v&#224; mắc Covid-19" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 859 Column: 21 - 454
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" title="Tranh c&#227;i nảy lửa nam MC n&#243;i về Hương Giang: &quot;Nam chuyển giới th&#224;nh nữ m&#224; chỉ bảo phụ nữ c&#225;ch giữ đ&#224;n &#244;ng th&#236; hơi sai v&#224; kỳ kỳ&quot;" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1176 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1201 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1226 Column: 37 - 313
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2410 Column: 25 - 277
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2453 Column: 25 - 275
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2496 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2539 Column: 25 - 207
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2582 Column: 25 - 196
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2700 Column: 25 - 213
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n H&#243;a tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810081141136" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2743 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 m&#244;n Vật l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082220448" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2790 Column: 25 - 262
"... <a href="/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#224;o lại clip cũ Heechul &amp;quot;ti&#234;n tri&amp;quot; được trước drama, sớm nh&#236;n ra bộ mặt thật của Jimin, Seolhyun (AOA)?" newsid="20200810083310745" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2833 Column: 25 - 276
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2876 Column: 25 - 287
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..."

Bad value “newstype ” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “newstype” is not a registered keyword.

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"... <a href="/mc-viet-phong-lai-gap-bien-bi-dao-lai-status-goi-gil-le-la-thang-nay-toc-tien-phan-no-chi-trich-phat-ngon-miet-thi-huong-giang-20200810130440261.chn" title="MC Việt Phong lại gặp biến: Bị đ&#224;o lại status gọi Gil L&#234; l&#224; &quot;thằng n&#224;y&quot;, T&#243;c Ti&#234;n phẫn nộ chỉ tr&#237;ch ph&#225;t ng&#244;n miệt thị Hương Giang" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 799 Column: 21 - 364
"... <a href="/thi-sinh-buoc-vao-mon-thi-cuoi-cung-mon-kho-nhat-trong-ky-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810132152777.chn" title="Hoan h&#244;! 900.000 th&#237; sinh đ&#227; ho&#224;n th&#224;nh kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 đặc biệt nhất lịch sử!" type="10" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 811 Column: 21 - 293
"... <a href="/nu-hanh-khach-viet-nam-duong-tinh-voi-sars-cov-2-khi-den-nhat-ban-20200810153113198.chn" title="Nữ h&#224;nh kh&#225;ch Việt Nam dương t&#237;nh với SARS-CoV-2 khi đến Nhật Bản" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 823 Column: 21 - 315
"... <a href="/nam-sinh-ngu-quen-duoc-csgt-den-nha-dap-cua-cho-di-thi-do-dien-thoai-het-pin-2020080903385123.chn" title="Nam sinh ngủ qu&#234;n được CSGT đến nh&#224; ph&#225; cửa chở đi thi: Do điện thoại hết pin" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 835 Column: 21 - 424
"... <a href="/huong-giang-matt-liu-co-nhung-moi-tinh-can-nhieu-ca-su-chap-nhan-va-thau-hieu-chu-khong-chi-la-tinh-yeu-20200810070625261.chn" title="T&#236;nh y&#234;u của Hương Giang v&#224; Matt Liu khiến tất cả tin rằng: Đến một ng&#224;y, ai đ&#243; sẽ xuất hiện v&#224; y&#234;u ta v&#236; ch&#237;nh bản th&#226;n ta" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 847 Column: 21 - 294
"... <a href="/them-2-benh-nhan-tu-vong-vi-benh-ly-nen-va-mac-covid-19-2020081009075948.chn" title="Bệnh nh&#226;n 33 tuổi v&#224; 47 tuổi tử vong v&#236; bệnh l&#253; nền v&#224; mắc Covid-19" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 859 Column: 21 - 454
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" title="Tranh c&#227;i nảy lửa nam MC n&#243;i về Hương Giang: &quot;Nam chuyển giới th&#224;nh nữ m&#224; chỉ bảo phụ nữ c&#225;ch giữ đ&#224;n &#244;ng th&#236; hơi sai v&#224; kỳ kỳ&quot;" type="0" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2410 Column: 25 - 277
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2453 Column: 25 - 275
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2496 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2539 Column: 25 - 207
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2582 Column: 25 - 196
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2700 Column: 25 - 213
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n H&#243;a tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810081141136" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2743 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 m&#244;n Vật l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082220448" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2790 Column: 25 - 262
"... <a href="/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#224;o lại clip cũ Heechul &amp;quot;ti&#234;n tri&amp;quot; được trước drama, sớm nh&#236;n ra bộ mặt thật của Jimin, Seolhyun (AOA)?" newsid="20200810083310745" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2833 Column: 25 - 276
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2876 Column: 25 - 287
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

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"... <div id='admzone31422'></div>..." Line: 888 Column: 33 - 55
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"...> </li> <div data-break-ad="vn1" style="height: 0px" id="adm_news_break"></div>..." Line: 1473 Column: 33 - 74
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Bad value “10” for attribute “type” on element “a”: Subtype missing.

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"... <a href="/thi-sinh-buoc-vao-mon-thi-cuoi-cung-mon-kho-nhat-trong-ky-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-20200810132152777.chn" title="Hoan h&#244;! 900.000 th&#237; sinh đ&#227; ho&#224;n th&#224;nh kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 đặc biệt nhất lịch sử!" type="10" class="klwfnswn-thumb" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..."

No space between attributes.

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"...99579760.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 942 Column: - 168
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"...08219095.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 1200 Column: - 239
"...34785817.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 1225 Column: - 193
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"...15974257.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 1800 Column: - 161
"...39115957.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 1843 Column: - 169
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"...25349118.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 1964 Column: - 158
"...73170130.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2030 Column: - 292
"... Hương Giang: "Nam chuyển giới..." Line: 2041 Column: - 252
"... Hương Giang: "Nam chuyển giới..." Line: 2087 Column: - 285
"... Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO ngư..." Line: 2098 Column: - 246
"... Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO ngư..." Line: 2194 Column: - 172
"...93430818.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2237 Column: - 184
"...28610404.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2280 Column: - 169
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"...11954668.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2538 Column: - 162
"...33526838.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2581 Column: - 249
"...08219095.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2699 Column: - 247
"...16159192.png")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2742 Column: - 158
"...00582888.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2789 Column: - 166
"...35192104.jpg")'class='kscliw-a..." Line: 2875 Column: - 177

Bad value “newstype” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “newstype” is not a registered keyword.

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"... <a href="/tay-dam-thep-mike-tyson-ha-do-van-ca-map-trong-tran-dau-dien-ra-duoi-day-bien-thua-nhan-toi-da-so-het-hon-20200810172147277.chn" style="background-image: url('')" class="kscliw-ava" rel="newstype" title="&quot;Tay đấm th&#233;p&quot; Mike Tyson &quot;hạ đo v&#225;n&quot; c&#225; mập trong trận đấu diễn ra dưới đ&#225;y biển, thừa nhận: T&#244;i đ&#227; sợ hết hồn" newsid="20200810172147277" newstype="" ></a> ..."

Attribute “newsid” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1113 Column: 12 - 16
"... <a href="/tay-dam-thep-mike-tyson-ha-do-van-ca-map-trong-tran-dau-dien-ra-duoi-day-bien-thua-nhan-toi-da-so-het-hon-20200810172147277.chn" style="background-image: url('')" class="kscliw-ava" rel="newstype" title="&quot;Tay đấm th&#233;p&quot; Mike Tyson &quot;hạ đo v&#225;n&quot; c&#225; mập trong trận đấu diễn ra dưới đ&#225;y biển, thừa nhận: T&#244;i đ&#227; sợ hết hồn" newsid="20200810172147277" newstype="" ></a> ..." Line: 1120 Column: 38 - 398
""><a href="/tay-dam-thep-mike-tyson-ha-do-van-ca-map-trong-tran-dau-dien-ra-duoi-day-bien-thua-nhan-toi-da-so-het-hon-20200810172147277.chn" title="&quot;Tay đấm th&#233;p&quot; Mike Tyson &quot;hạ đo v&#225;n&quot; c&#225; mập trong trận đấu diễn ra dưới đ&#225;y biển, thừa nhận: T&#244;i đ&#227; sợ hết hồn" class="event-name-title" newsid="20200810172147277">"Tay đ..." Line: 1132 Column: 33 - 313
"... <a href="/dac-nhiem-campuchia-tung-pha-cui-cho-than-sau-lam-doi-thu-do-mau-guc-nga-e-che-20200810130406464.chn" title="Đặc nhiệm Campuchia tung pha c&#249;i chỏ “thần sầu” l&#224;m đối thủ đổ m&#225;u, gục ng&#227; &#234; chề" newsid="20200810130406464" class="readmore-news-link"> ..." Line: 1140 Column: 33 - 366
"... <a href="/lai-lenh-denh-tren-bien-cung-gia-dinh-kham-pha-mien-dat-moi-nhung-ronaldo-duong-nhu-van-chua-het-buon-20200810121547027.chn" title="Lại l&#234;nh đ&#234;nh tr&#234;n biển c&#249;ng gia đ&#236;nh kh&#225;m ph&#225; miền đất mới nhưng Ronaldo dường như vẫn chưa hết buồn" newsid="20200810121547027" class="readmore-news-link"> ..." Line: 1148 Column: 33 - 392
"... <a href="/vo-si-gay-choang-khi-ra-don-nhanh-toi-muc-mat-thuong-khong-theo-kip-toc-do-duoc-cho-vuot-ca-huyen-thoai-ly-tieu-long-20200810095816527.chn" title="V&#245; sĩ g&#226;y cho&#225;ng khi ra đ&#242;n nhanh tới mức mắt thường kh&#244;ng theo kịp, tốc độ được cho vượt cả huyền thoại L&#253; Tiểu Long" newsid="20200810095816527" class="readmore-news-link"> ..." Line: 1176 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1183 Column: 41 - 323
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn'> ..." Line: 1201 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1208 Column: 41 - 311
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn'> ..." Line: 1226 Column: 37 - 313
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1233 Column: 41 - 382
"... <a href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel='/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn'> ..." Line: 2410 Column: 25 - 277
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2418 Column: 25 - 499
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn'> ..." Line: 2453 Column: 25 - 275
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2461 Column: 25 - 531
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn'> ..." Line: 2496 Column: 25 - 216
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2504 Column: 25 - 382
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn'> ..." Line: 2539 Column: 25 - 207
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2547 Column: 25 - 335
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"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class='kscliw-ava' title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2841 Column: 25 - 504
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn'> ..." Line: 2876 Column: 25 - 287
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" rel="newstype " init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 2884 Column: 25 - 537
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn'> ..."

Named character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. (Or “&” should have been escaped as “&amp;”.)

Line: 1123 Column: - 77
"...Sport</a> &nbsp- <i class='kns..."

Attribute “total” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1171 Column: 29 - 135
"... <li class="knswli need-get-value-facebook need-get-value-facebook clearfix" total="0" rel="wrapt-newstype"> ..." Line: 1196 Column: 29 - 135
"... <li class="knswli need-get-value-facebook need-get-value-facebook clearfix" total="0" rel="wrapt-newstype"> ..." Line: 1221 Column: 29 - 135
"... <li class="knswli need-get-value-facebook need-get-value-facebook clearfix" total="0" rel="wrapt-newstype"> ..."

Bad value “7” for attribute “type” on element “a”: Subtype missing.

Line: 1176 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1201 Column: 37 - 270
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..." Line: 1226 Column: 37 - 313
"... <a type="7" style='background-image:url("")'class='kscliw-ava' href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel="" init-sapo-type="" init-sapo-value=""> ..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 1183 Column: 41 - 323
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi môn Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn'> ..." Line: 2590 Column: 25 - 344
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n Lịch sử tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020" newsid="20200810081141214" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn'> ..."

Bad value “20200810081141214” for attribute “rel” on element “span”: The string “20200810081141214” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1188 Column: 41 - 100
"... <span class="knswli-view item-view" rel="20200810081141214">0</spa..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “label”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1189 Column: 41 - 173
"... <label class="knswli-facebook item-fb" rel="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-lich-su-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141214.chn">0</lab..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 1208 Column: 41 - 311
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn" title="Đáp án đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Toán (tất cả mã đề)" newsid="20200809004737948" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn'> ..."

Bad value “20200809004737948” for attribute “rel” on element “span”: The string “20200809004737948” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1213 Column: 41 - 100
"... <span class="knswli-view item-view" rel="20200809004737948">0</spa..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “label”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1214 Column: 41 - 161
"... <label class="knswli-facebook item-fb" rel="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-toan-20200809004737948.chn">0</lab..."

Bad value “/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 1233 Column: 41 - 382
"... <a href="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn" title="Thật bất ngờ, Đen Vâu đoán trúng phóc đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 môn Văn!" newsid="2020080901325362" rel='/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn'> ..."

Bad value “2020080901325362” for attribute “rel” on element “span”: The string “2020080901325362” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1238 Column: 41 - 99
"... <span class="knswli-view item-view" rel="2020080901325362">0</spa..."

Bad value “/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “label”: The string “/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn” is not an absolute URL.

Line: 1239 Column: 41 - 189
"... <label class="knswli-facebook item-fb" rel="/that-bat-ngo-den-vau-doan-trung-phoc-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-van-2020080901325362.chn">0</lab..."

Bad value “noffolow” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “noffolow” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 1261 Column: 29 - 133
"... <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noffolow" title="Lá chắn virus Corona"> ..."

The element “label” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element.

Line: 2015 Column: 49 - 100
"... <label class="social-count" rel="20200810081141214"> ..." Line: 2034 Column: 49 - 100
"... <label class="social-count" rel="20200810005605886"> ..." Line: 2053 Column: 49 - 99
"... <label class="social-count" rel="2020080920525798"> ..." Line: 2072 Column: 49 - 100
"... <label class="social-count" rel="20200810133809855"> ..." Line: 2091 Column: 49 - 99
"... <label class="social-count" rel="2020080922593498"> ..."

Duplicate attribute “nữ”.

Line: 2030 Column: - 334
"... chỉ bảo phụ nữ cách giữ đàn ô..." Line: 2041 Column: - 294
"... chỉ bảo phụ nữ cách giữ đàn ô..."

Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.

Line: 2030 Column: - 372
"...ơi sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..." Line: 2030 Column: - 373
"...i sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..." Line: 2041 Column: - 332
"...ơi sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..." Line: 2041 Column: - 333
"...i sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..." Line: 2087 Column: - 290
"...về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Si..." Line: 2087 Column: - 333
"...ại luôn và ngay"> ..." Line: 2098 Column: - 251
"...về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Si..." Line: 2098 Column: - 294
"...ại luôn và ngay"> ..."

Bad value “true” for attribute “autoplay” on element “video”.

Line: 2411 Column: 25 - 318
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..." Line: 2497 Column: 25 - 362
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..." Line: 2834 Column: 25 - 312
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..."

Bad value “true” for attribute “loop” on element “video”.

Line: 2411 Column: 25 - 318
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..." Line: 2497 Column: 25 - 362
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..." Line: 2834 Column: 25 - 312
"... <video class='lozad-video' poster='' autoplay='true' muted='' loop='true' data-src=''></vide..."

Bad value “/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2418 Column: 25 - 499
"... <a href="/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn" title="Xu&#253;t xoa trước khoảnh khắc cầu h&#244;n ngọt ng&#224;o c&#225;ch đ&#226;y 6 năm của vợ chồng &amp;quot;mỹ nh&#226;n đẹp nhất Philippines&amp;quot;" newsid="20200810132557214" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/xuyt-xoa-truoc-khoanh-khac-cau-hon-ngot-ngao-cach-day-6-nam-cua-vo-chong-my-nhan-dep-nhat-philippines-20200810132557214.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2461 Column: 25 - 531
"... <a href="/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn" title="Hương Giang viết t&#226;m thư l&#234;n tiếng chuyện hẹn h&#242; Matt Liu v&#224; chuỗi drama, đưa ra quyết định để bảo vệ hạnh ph&#250;c lứa đ&#244;i" newsid="20200810123510714" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-viet-tam-thu-len-tieng-chuyen-hen-ho-matt-liu-va-chuoi-drama-dua-ra-quyet-dinh-de-bao-ve-hanh-phuc-lua-doi-20200810123510714.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2504 Column: 25 - 382
"... <a href="/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn" title="2 điều hết Đi&#234;n Th&#236; C&#243; Sao vẫn lấn cấn: Ủa rồi mẹ Seo Ye Ji bất tử hay sao?" newsid="20200809233900277" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/2-dieu-het-dien-thi-co-sao-van-lan-can-ua-roi-me-seo-ye-ji-bat-tu-hay-sao-20200809233900277.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2547 Column: 25 - 335
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 m&#244;n Địa l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082515323" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-2020-mon-dia-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082515323.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2708 Column: 25 - 353
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi m&#244;n H&#243;a tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810081141136" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-mon-hoa-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-24-ma-de-20200810081141136.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2751 Column: 25 - 362
"... <a href="/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn" title="Đ&#225;p &#225;n đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia 2020 m&#244;n Vật l&#253; (24 m&#227; đề)" newsid="20200810082220448" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dap-an-de-thi-tot-nghiep-thpt-quoc-gia-2020-mon-vat-ly-24-ma-de-20200810082220448.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2798 Column: 25 - 474
"... <a href="/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn" title="Đ&#224;o lại clip cũ Heechul &amp;quot;ti&#234;n tri&amp;quot; được trước drama, sớm nh&#236;n ra bộ mặt thật của Jimin, Seolhyun (AOA)?" newsid="20200810083310745" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/dao-lai-clip-cu-heechul-tien-tri-duoc-truoc-drama-som-nhin-ra-bo-mat-that-cua-jimin-seolhyun-aoa-20200810083310745.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2841 Column: 25 - 504
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi r&#245; Matt Liu về ồn &#224;o &amp;quot;Hi em&amp;quot;, CEO người Singapore đ&#225;p lại lu&#244;n v&#224; ngay" newsid="2020080922593498" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn'> ..."

Bad value “/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 2884 Column: 25 - 537
"... <a href="/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn" title="Mẹ của Matt Liu c&#243; bộ sưu tập t&#250;i hiệu chuẩn đại gia, xem chừng hợp cạ với &amp;quot;con d&#226;u tương lai&amp;quot; Hương Giang qu&#225; đi th&#244;i" newsid="20200809151638089" newstype="0" type="0" rel='/me-cua-matt-liu-co-bo-suu-tap-tui-hieu-chuan-dai-gia-xem-chung-hop-ca-voi-con-dau-tuong-lai-huong-giang-qua-di-thoi-20200809151638089.chn'> ..."

Duplicate ID “fb-root”.

Line: 3024 Column: 1 - 18
"...> </div> <div id="fb-root"></div>..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 3060 Column: 1 - 7
"...</script> <style> ...."

Stray start tag “style”.

Line: 3196 Column: 1 - 7
".../body> <style> /..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 3196 Column: 1 - 7
".../body> <style> /..."


The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 37 Column: 1 - 100
".../> <script async src="" type="text/javascript"></scri..." Line: 39 Column: 1 - 108
".../script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></scri..." Line: 40 Column: 1 - 97
"...</script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></scri..." Line: 94 Column: 1 - 78
"...ipt> <script async src="" type="text/javascript"></scri..." Line: 104 Column: 5 - 35
"...ript> <script type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 114 Column: 1 - 84
"...</script> <script async type="text/javascript" src="//"></scri..." Line: 165 Column: 1 - 31
"... </head> <script type="text/javascript"> (..." Line: 1469 Column: 1 - 103
"...</li> <script src="" type="text/javascript" async></scri..." Line: 2160 Column: 1 - 31
"... </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (..." Line: 3171 Column: 1 - 31
"... <script type="text/javascript"> v..."

The first occurrence of ID “admzone490” was here.

Line: 110 Column: 1 - 21
"> <div id="admzone490"></div>..."

Empty heading.

Line: 253 Column: 9 - 28
"...> <h1 class='logo fl'> ..." Line: 1271 Column: 29 - 54
"... <h4 id="PostDateTimeSpan"></h4> ..." Line: 2620 Column: 9 - 40
"...> <h3 class="knswli-object-title"> ..."

Attribute “kỳ""” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2030 Column: 37 - 374
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" class="koli-ava" newsid="20200810005605886" title="Tranh cãi nảy lửa nam MC nói về Hương Giang: "Nam chuyển giới thành nữ mà chỉ bảo phụ nữ cách giữ đàn ông thì hơi sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..." Line: 2041 Column: 41 - 334
"... <a href="/tranh-cai-nay-lua-mc-vtv-noi-ve-huong-giang-nam-chuyen-gioi-thanh-nu-ma-chi-bao-phu-nu-cach-giu-dan-ong-thi-hoi-sai-va-ky-ky-20200810005605886.chn" title="Tranh cãi nảy lửa nam MC nói về Hương Giang: "Nam chuyển giới thành nữ mà chỉ bảo phụ nữ cách giữ đàn ông thì hơi sai và kỳ kỳ""> ..."

Attribute “em",” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2087 Column: 37 - 334
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class="koli-ava" newsid="2020080922593498" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi rõ Matt Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Singapore đáp lại luôn và ngay"> ..." Line: 2098 Column: 41 - 295
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi rõ Matt Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Singapore đáp lại luôn và ngay"> ..."

Attribute “ngay"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2087 Column: 37 - 334
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" class="koli-ava" newsid="2020080922593498" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi rõ Matt Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Singapore đáp lại luôn và ngay"> ..." Line: 2098 Column: 41 - 295
"... <a href="/huong-giang-dang-clip-mat-doi-mat-hoi-ro-matt-liu-ve-on-ao-hi-em-ceo-nguoi-singapore-dap-lai-luon-va-ngay-2020080922593498.chn" title="Hương Giang đăng clip mặt đối mặt hỏi rõ Matt Liu về ồn ào "Hi em", CEO người Singapore đáp lại luôn và ngay"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “fb-root” was here.

Line: 188 Column: 5 - 22
"..."" /> <div id="fb-root"></div>..." similar domains

Similar domains: Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source. TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.