IPON.HU Website Information

ipon.hu Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 3,396

Daily Page Views: 13,584

Income Per Day: $38

Estimated Value: $20,520

ipon.hu is registered under .HU top-level domain. Please check other sites in .HU zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by ATW Internet Kft.. See the full list of other websites hosted by ATW Internet Kft..

The highest website ipon.hu position in Alexa rank database was 12472 and the lowest rank position was 953502. Current position of ipon.hu in Alexa rank database is 369493.

Desktop speed score of ipon.hu (87/100) is better than the results of 84.39% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.

Mobile usability score of ipon.hu (99/100) is better than the results of 79.46% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of ipon.hu (54/100) is better than the results of 41.82% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


ipon.hu Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

ipon.hu whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

% Whois server 3.0 serving the hu ccTLD

domain: ipon.hu
record created: 2004-12-07 12:41:29
Tovabbi adatokert ld.:
For further data see:

ipon.hu server information

Servers Location

ipon.hu desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-12-11

Desktop Speed Good

ipon.hu Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 6Reduce server response time

In our test, your server responded in 0.84 seconds.

priority - 4Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-231191.js?sv=6 (60 seconds)
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-P2BZSG7 (15 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/_/sdk.js (20 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js (20 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/signals/config/171311…3426?v=2.9.14&r=stable (20 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/plugins/ua/ec.js (60 minutes)
https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion_async.js (60 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 2Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking script resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


priority - 1Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 7.5KiB (19% reduction).

Minifying https://ipon.hu/ could save 7.5KiB (19% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 674B (39% reduction).

Minifying https://connect.facebook.net/_/sdk.js could save 674B (39% reduction) after compression.

ipon.hu Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources78
Number of Hosts21
Static Resources46
JavaScript Resources23
CSS Resources3

ipon.hu mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-05-22

Mobile Speed Bad

ipon.hu Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 40Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 9 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 34Avoid landing page redirects

Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

Avoid landing page redirects for the following chain of redirected URLs.


priority - 13Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://m.ipon.hu/bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/css/bootstrap-overwrite.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/css/style.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/css/swiper-overwrite.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/js/script.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/Swiper-3.3.1/css/swiper.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/Swiper-3.3.1/js/swiper.min.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/alertify.js-1.0.10/css/alertify.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/alertify.js-1.0.10/js/alertify.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/fancyBox-2.1.5/jquery.fancybox.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/fancyBox-2.1.5/jquery.fancybox.pack.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/font-awesome-4.6.3/css/font-awesome.css (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/moment.js-2.15.2/moment.min.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/noUiSlider-9.0.0/nouislider.js (expiration not specified)
https://m.ipon.hu/libs/noUiSlider-9.0.0/nouislider.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-PXLKB9 (15 minutes)
https://connect.facebook.net/hu_HU/sdk.js (20 minutes)
https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js (2 hours)

priority - 4Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 35.3KiB (26% reduction).

Compressing https://m.ipon.hu/images/logo.svg could save 35.3KiB (26% reduction).

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 12.6KiB (35% reduction).

Minifying https://m.ipon.hu/libs/noUiSlider-9.0.0/nouislider.js could save 7.7KiB (48% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://m.ipon.hu/libs/moment.js-2.15.2/moment.min.js could save 4.9KiB (25% reduction) after compression.

ipon.hu Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources58
Number of Hosts14
Static Resources40
JavaScript Resources13
CSS Resources9

ipon.hu mobile page usability

Last tested: 2017-05-22

Mobile Usability Good

ipon.hu Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 1Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a href="/hirek" class="w50p pull-left active">Hírek</a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/csoport" class="w50p pull-right">Termékek</a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/elemzesek/muk…upunktura/3164" class="w50p pull-left separator-right">61</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="/archivum" class="w50p pull-right">Archívum</a> is close to 2 other tap targets.

ipon.hu HTML validation


Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.

Line: 7 Column: 5 - 110
"...=no"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"> <..."

Attribute “:is-prefixbox-enabled” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1664 Column: 25 - 73
"... <search-input default-type="" :is-prefixbox-enabled="false" :keyword-limit="2" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:keyword-limit” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1664 Column: 25 - 73
"... <search-input default-type="" :is-prefixbox-enabled="false" :keyword-limit="2" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “@focus” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “@keyup” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “@keyup.13” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “:style” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1675 Column: 33 - 62
"... <span class="search-bar__input__delete" :style="{display: clearDisplay}" @click="clearKeyword()"> ..."

Attribute “@click” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1675 Column: 33 - 62
"... <span class="search-bar__input__delete" :style="{display: clearDisplay}" @click="clearKeyword()"> ..." Line: 1685 Column: 25 - 47
"... <div class="search-bar__dd" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..." Line: 1701 Column: 69 - 64
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('shop')}" @click="select('shop')"> ..." Line: 1708 Column: 69 - 68
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('magazine')}" @click="select('magazine')"> ..." Line: 1715 Column: 69 - 65
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('forum')}" @click="select('forum')"> ..." Line: 1722 Column: 69 - 60
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('')}" @click="select('')"> ..." Line: 1805 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1819 Column: 37 - 90
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__article-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1876 Column: 37 - 87
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__shop-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 3500 Column: 53 - 157
"... <span class="basket-card__quantity-button button button--default js-spinner-down" @click="spinnerDown()"> ..." Line: 3511 Column: 53 - 153
"... <span class="basket-card__quantity-button button button--default js-spinner-up" @click="spinnerUp()"> ..." Line: 3627 Column: 57 - 161
"... <span class="basket-card__quantity-button button button--default js-spinner-down" @click="spinnerDown()"> ..." Line: 3638 Column: 57 - 157
"... <span class="basket-card__quantity-button button button--default js-spinner-up" @click="spinnerUp()"> ..." Line: 3931 Column: 29 - 70
"... <button v-if="alert.isClosable" @click="close()" class="button button--link close"> ..." Line: 4150 Column: 37 - 118
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/148/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4166 Column: 37 - 118
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/133/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4182 Column: 37 - 134
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/149/click" target="_blank" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4198 Column: 37 - 118
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/130/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4214 Column: 37 - 134
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/152/click" target="_blank" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4230 Column: 37 - 118
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/146/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4246 Column: 37 - 117
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/98/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4262 Column: 37 - 117
"... <a @click="open()" href="/banner/92/click" class="home-promo-card__overlay-link"></a> ..." Line: 4342 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4373 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4410 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4440 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4477 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4507 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4544 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4574 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4611 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4641 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4678 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4708 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4745 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4775 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4814 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4844 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4881 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4911 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4949 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4979 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5016 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5046 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5083 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5113 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5152 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5182 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5219 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5249 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5287 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5317 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5354 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5384 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5421 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5451 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5490 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5520 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5557 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5587 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5625 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5655 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5692 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5722 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5759 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5789 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5813 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/uj-moderalasi-lehetosegen-dolgozik-a-twitter" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5830 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/nem-dolgozzak-halalra-magukat-a-nintendo-alkalmazottai" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5847 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/mar-egy-eve-kiszivargott-az-apex-legends-palyaja" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5864 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/datumot-kapott-a-rambo-v" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5881 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/mitol-fugg-a-szinlatasunk" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5898 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/atszabhato-lett-a-galaxyk-bixby-gombja" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5915 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/ujabb-nokia-kapott-android-9-0-frissitest-1" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5932 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/10-millional-jar-a-horizon-zero-dawn" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5949 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/borderlands-3-bejelentest-kaphatunk-hamarosan" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5966 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/sotet-zonak-a-the-division-2-ben" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5983 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/igy-nyomozunk-a-the-sinking-city-ben" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6000 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/nagyon-veres-lesz-az-az-folytatasa" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6017 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/aprilisban-uj-infok-a-star-wars-jedi-fallen-orderrol" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6034 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/szeptembertol-forog-a-james-gunn-fele-suicide-squad" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6051 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/demot-kapott-a-mutant-year-zero" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6068 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/felujitott-modern-warfare-jar-a-playstation-plus-elofizetoknek" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6085 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/aprilisban-jon-az-ace-attorney-trilogia" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6102 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/ma-kezdi-az-insight-a-furast" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6185 Column: 17 - 97
"... <span @click="prevSlide()" class="home-slider__button home-slider__button--left"> ..." Line: 6188 Column: 17 - 98
"... <span @click="nextSlide()" class="home-slider__button home-slider__button--right"> ..." Line: 6216 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6246 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6319 Column: 49 - 47
"... <div class="select-input__dropdown" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..." Line: 6322 Column: 77 - 133
"... <li class="select-input__item" @click="select('valaha')"> ..." Line: 6330 Column: 77 - 139
"... <li class="select-input__item" @click="select('elmult-evben')"> ..." Line: 6338 Column: 77 - 142
"... <li class="select-input__item" @click="select('elmult-honapban')"> ..." Line: 6346 Column: 77 - 139
"... <li class="select-input__item" @click="select('elmult-heten')"> ..."

Attribute “:class” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1685 Column: 25 - 47
"... <div class="search-bar__dd" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..." Line: 1701 Column: 69 - 64
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('shop')}" @click="select('shop')"> ..." Line: 1708 Column: 69 - 68
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('magazine')}" @click="select('magazine')"> ..." Line: 1715 Column: 69 - 65
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('forum')}" @click="select('forum')"> ..." Line: 1722 Column: 69 - 60
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('')}" @click="select('')"> ..." Line: 3463 Column: 49 - 116
"... <span class="basket-card__available" :class="{'is-available': isStock, 'not-available': !isStock}"> ..." Line: 3482 Column: 57 - 76
"... <i class="action-link__state material-icon--favorite material-icon is-saved js-state--saved" :class="{'is-active': isFavorite}" title="Elmentve"></i> ..." Line: 3485 Column: 57 - 76
"... <i class="action-link__state material-icon--favorite_border material-icon js-state--not-saved" :class="{'is-active': !isFavorite}" title="Elmentem"></i> ..." Line: 3487 Column: 57 - 98
"... <span class="basket-card__favorite-text action-link__state js-state--not-saved" :class="{'is-active': !isFavorite}"> ..." Line: 3609 Column: 53 - 120
"... <span class="basket-card__available" :class="{'is-available': isStock, 'not-available': !isStock}"> ..." Line: 3927 Column: 25 - 37
"... <div v-if="isVisible" class="alert alert-dismissible alert-with-button alert-fullsize" :class="[alert.isCenter ? 'alert-text-center' : '', alert.style]" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4319 Column: 5 - 70
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--lg" :class="{'article-card--lg--with-rating': content.rate}"> ..." Line: 4325 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4328 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4358 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4393 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4396 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4426 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4460 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4463 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4493 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4527 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4530 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4560 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4594 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4597 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4627 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4661 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4664 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4694 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4728 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4731 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4761 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4797 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4800 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4830 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4864 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4867 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4897 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4932 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4935 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4965 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4999 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5002 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5032 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5066 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5069 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5099 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5135 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5138 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5168 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5202 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5205 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5235 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5270 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5273 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5303 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5337 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5340 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5370 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5404 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5407 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5437 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5473 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5476 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5506 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5540 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5543 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5573 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5608 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5611 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5641 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5675 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5678 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5708 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5742 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5745 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5775 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 6205 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 6208 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6232 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 6319 Column: 49 - 47
"... <div class="select-input__dropdown" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..."

Attribute “@click.prevent” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1768 Column: 25 - 70
"... <a href="#" class="search-bar__result-link" @click.prevent="redirectToSearch(keyword)"> ..." Line: 1779 Column: 25 - 73
"... <a href="#" class="search-bar__result-link" @click.prevent="redirectToSearch(suggestion)"> ..." Line: 3435 Column: 21 - 93
"... <a href="#" class="basket__delete-all-link" @click.prevent="clearCart()"> ..." Line: 3479 Column: 53 - 81
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card__favorite-link action-link--toggle js-basket-card-save-link" @click.prevent="toggle()"> ..." Line: 3520 Column: 41 - 114
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card__remove" @click.prevent="removeFromCart()"> ..." Line: 3530 Column: 49 - 113
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card__gift__image-link" @click.prevent> ..." Line: 3538 Column: 49 - 119
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card__title-link js-truncate" @click.prevent> ..." Line: 3580 Column: 41 - 76
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card--removed__title-link" @click.prevent="restoreToCart()"> ..." Line: 3649 Column: 45 - 81
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card__remove" @click.prevent="removeFromCart()"> ..." Line: 3732 Column: 41 - 76
"... <a href="#" class="basket-card--removed__title-link" @click.prevent="restoreToCart()"> ..." Line: 3830 Column: 13 - 147
"... <a href="#" @click.prevent="submit()" class="button button--secondary button--lg checkout-login__button--continue button--icon--right js-checkout-login__continue-button"> ..." Line: 6129 Column: 25 - 121
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory()" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6139 Column: 29 - 135
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('it-vilag')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6148 Column: 29 - 134
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('hardver')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6157 Column: 29 - 135
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('tudomany')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6166 Column: 29 - 132
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('jatek')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6175 Column: 29 - 134
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('film-tv')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..."

Attribute “:href” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1789 Column: 25 - 87
"... <a :href="groupShowUrl(group)" class="search-bar__result-link"> ..." Line: 1805 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1819 Column: 37 - 90
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__article-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1840 Column: 37 - 105
"... <a :href="item.url" class="search-bar__forum-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1876 Column: 37 - 87
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__shop-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 3451 Column: 45 - 109
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 3456 Column: 45 - 121
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__title-link js-truncate"> ..." Line: 3547 Column: 49 - 136
"... <a :href="showUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__gift__image-link" target="_blank"> ..." Line: 3558 Column: 49 - 142
"... <a :href="showUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__title-link js-truncate" target="_blank"> ..." Line: 3572 Column: 41 - 114
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card--removed__title-link"> ..." Line: 3594 Column: 49 - 121
"... <a :href="showUrl(primaryChild.product)" class="basket-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 3599 Column: 49 - 133
"... <a :href="showUrl(primaryChild.product)" class="basket-card__title-link js-truncate"> ..." Line: 3657 Column: 57 - 121
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 3666 Column: 61 - 143
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__item__title-link js-truncate"> ..." Line: 3683 Column: 57 - 122
"... <a :href="showUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 3689 Column: 305 - 388
"... <a :href="showUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__item__title-link js-truncate"> ..." Line: 3724 Column: 41 - 114
"... <a :href="showUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card--removed__title-link"> ..." Line: 4336 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4342 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4373 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4404 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4410 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4440 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4471 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4477 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4507 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4538 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4544 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4574 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4605 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4611 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4641 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4672 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4678 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4708 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4739 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4745 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4775 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4808 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4814 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4844 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4875 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4881 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4911 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4943 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4949 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4979 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5010 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5016 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5046 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5077 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5083 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5113 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5146 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5152 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5182 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5213 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5219 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5249 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5281 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5287 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5317 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5348 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5354 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5384 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5415 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5421 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5451 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5484 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5490 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5520 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5551 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5557 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5587 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5619 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5625 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5655 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5686 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5692 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5722 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5753 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5759 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5789 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6216 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6246 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6389 Column: 1 - 64
"...}} </div> <a :href="topic.showUrl" class="forum-list__item__overlay-link"> {..."

Attribute “:src” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1806 Column: 37 - 112
"... <img :src="item.imagePath" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 1869 Column: 37 - 123
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3452 Column: 49 - 131
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3531 Column: 53 - 142
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__gift__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3548 Column: 53 - 142
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__gift__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3595 Column: 53 - 143
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(primaryChild.product)" class="basket-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3658 Column: 61 - 143
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item.product)" class="basket-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3684 Column: 61 - 144
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(child.product)" class="basket-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4326 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4394 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4461 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4528 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4595 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4662 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4729 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4798 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4865 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4933 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5000 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5067 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5136 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5203 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5271 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5338 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5405 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5474 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5541 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5609 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5676 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5743 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6206 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..."

Attribute “:key” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 3446 Column: 25 - 72
"... <cart-product-card v-if="item.type !== 2" :key="item.id" :item="item" inline-template> ..." Line: 3526 Column: 37 - 67
"... <div v-for="child in item.children" :key="child.id" class="basket-card__gift"> ..." Line: 3589 Column: 25 - 73
"... <cart-pc-build-card v-else :key="item.id" :item="item" inline-template> ..." Line: 3681 Column: 49 - 79
"... <div v-for="child in item.children" :key="child.id" class="basket-card__item"> ..." Line: 6192 Column: 21 - 123
"... <div v-for="content in data.contents" :key="content.id" class="home-slider__item u-content-card-hover"> ..."

Attribute “:item” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 3446 Column: 25 - 72
"... <cart-product-card v-if="item.type !== 2" :key="item.id" :item="item" inline-template> ..." Line: 3589 Column: 25 - 73
"... <cart-pc-build-card v-else :key="item.id" :item="item" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:id” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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"... <product-toggle-favorite :id="item.product.id" :default-is-favorite="isFavorite" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:default-is-favorite” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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"... <product-toggle-favorite :id="item.product.id" :default-is-favorite="isFavorite" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:alerts” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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"... <alert :alerts="[]" inline-template> ..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

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"... <section class="home-section home-section--shop-categories"> ..." Line: 4102 Column: 13 - 60
"... <section class="home-slider home-slider--promo"> ..." Line: 6119 Column: 5 - 59
"...late> <section class="home-slider home-slider--test" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “:banner” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:148,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Asus gamer noti 0thm&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;0% THM&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;ASUS Gamer Notik&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/asus-gamer-notebook&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:1}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4155 Column: 37 - 407
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:133,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia RTX Laptopok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Nvidia RTX&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Laptopok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-rtx-notebook&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:2}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4171 Column: 37 - 412
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:149,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Nvidia Geforce&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;GTX 1660 Ti&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-gtx-1660-ti&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:3}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4187 Column: 37 - 442
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:130,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Asus B2B monitorok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Asus&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;\u00dczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/kereses\/shop?keyword=Asus+B2B+monitorok&amp;ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:4}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4203 Column: 37 - 459
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:152,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;G\u00e9p\u00f6sszerak\u00f3_ben\u00e9z\u0151_1&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;G\u00e9p\u00f6sszerak\u00f3&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;L\u00e1ssuk hogyan has\u00edt!&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/youtu.be\/zvsXZv7pxc0&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:5}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4219 Column: 37 - 415
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:146,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Samsung Galaxy S10&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Galaxy S10&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/samsung-galaxy-s10?ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:6}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4235 Column: 37 - 443
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:98,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG \u00fczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;\u00dczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/kereses\/shop?keyword=Samsung+B2B+monitorok&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:7}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4251 Column: 37 - 445
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:92,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia - Geforce Fortnite Bundle&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot; Nvidia&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Geforce Fortnite Bundle&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-fortnite-bundle?ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:8}" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:content” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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"... <content-card :content="{&quot;id&quot;:49639,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;A Microsoft k\u00f6zelebb hozza egym\u00e1shoz a PC-t \u00e9s az Xbox-ot&quot;,&quot;slug&quot;:&quot;a-microsoft-kozelebb-hozza-egymashoz-a-pc-t-es-az-xbox-ot&quot;,&quot;publishedAt&quot;:&quot;2019-03-01T14:30:00+01:00&quot;,&quot;category&quot;:&quot;hardver&quot;,&quot;translatedCategory&quot;:&quot;Hardver&quot;,&quot;imagePath&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/media.icdn.hu\/content\/common\/5c790ccf4949dxbox-win10.jpg&quot;,&quot;hasVideo&quot;:false,&quot;commentCount&quot;:2}" position="main" inline-template> <..." Line: 4654 Column: 1 - 551
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"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 5922 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 5939 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 5956 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 5973 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 5990 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6007 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6024 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6041 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6058 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6075 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6092 Column: 13 - 73
"... <content-card :content="{}" position="quick" inline-template> ..." Line: 6198 Column: 1 - 85
"... <content-card :content="content" position="content-slider.test.data" inline-template> <..."

Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.

Line: 4319 Column: 5 - 70
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--lg" :class="{'article-card--lg--with-rating': content.rate}"> ..." Line: 4388 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4455 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4522 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4589 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4656 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4723 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4792 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4859 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4927 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 4994 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5061 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5130 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5197 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5265 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5332 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5399 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5468 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5535 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5603 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5670 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 5737 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--standard" > ..." Line: 6200 Column: 5 - 14
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--title-on-image" > ..."


Using the “meta” element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead.

Line: 8 Column: 5 - 53
"...e=0"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="hu"> <..."

Attribute “v-modal-trigger” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 233 Column: 53 - 166
"... <a href="#" class="site-sub-nav__link site-sub-nav__link--has-icon" v-modal-trigger="{id: 'profile-login-popup'}"> ..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 234 Column: 33 - 103
"... <img src="/images/user-icon.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="site-sub-nav__icon"> ..." Line: 264 Column: 29 - 74
"... <img src="/images/logo-text.svg?4y9b9lvi41" /> ..." Line: 1806 Column: 37 - 112
"... <img :src="item.imagePath" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 1869 Column: 37 - 123
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 1936 Column: 29 - 100
"... <img src="/images/cart-icon.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="site-nav__cart-icon"> ..." Line: 1948 Column: 29 - 104
"... <img src="/images/user-icon.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="mobile-menu__login-icon"> ..." Line: 3900 Column: 13 - 106
"... <img src="/images/facebook-icon-white.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="button__icon button__icon--left"> ..." Line: 3943 Column: 29 - 150
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5d676867540.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3956 Column: 29 - 161
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5c3f01ed8cde3uj-proci-menu.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3969 Column: 29 - 151
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5d330b7dc161.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3982 Column: 29 - 151
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5dcb71302439.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 3995 Column: 29 - 151
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5ddb9328a463.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4008 Column: 29 - 152
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5c7e944791416.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4021 Column: 29 - 152
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5b9b5d9961e254055.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4034 Column: 29 - 153
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5c17ab1b7d33d14683.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4047 Column: 29 - 154
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5c3f03a2575d1iphone.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4060 Column: 29 - 177
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/group/common/5c1b9a287235e5bae203641d0114-szepsegapolas.png" class="home-shop-categories__card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4144 Column: 41 - 180
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c6edf10df463asus-gamer-notebook-0thm-740x400px.jpg" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4160 Column: 41 - 180
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c51834fd6779geforce-rtx-laptops-banner-740x400.png" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4176 Column: 41 - 160
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c7034943556f740x400-banner.png" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4192 Column: 41 - 174
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c50360d125a4asus-b2b-monitor-2-740x400px.jpg" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4208 Column: 41 - 176
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c7938c51dcffgeposszerako1-benezo-740x400px.jpg" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4224 Column: 41 - 170
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c6dbf949159asamsung-beyond-740x400px.jpg" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4240 Column: 41 - 178
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c0fe24071ca1samsung-uzleti-monitor-740x400px.jpg" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4256 Column: 41 - 169
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/banner/common/5c00401aa9227fortnite-bundle-740x400.png" class="home-promo-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4326 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4394 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4461 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4528 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4595 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4662 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4729 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4798 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4865 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4933 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5000 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5067 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5136 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5203 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5271 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5338 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5405 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5474 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5541 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5609 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5676 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5743 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5809 Column: 29 - 154
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c7923be6b200twitter-ban-speech-gray.png" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5826 Column: 29 - 139
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c79176ec9416miyamoto.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5843 Column: 29 - 135
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78ff555c799apex.png" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5860 Column: 29 - 136
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c79088a01a68rambo.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5877 Column: 29 - 137
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78f7dd69cc8colors.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5894 Column: 29 - 137
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78efc1ce00ebutton.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5911 Column: 29 - 135
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78d4e83e679n31p.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5928 Column: 29 - 138
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78f382d3b9chorizon.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5945 Column: 29 - 142
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78f49558e48borderlands.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5962 Column: 29 - 138
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c78233aac362divlogo.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5979 Column: 29 - 142
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c7820ae13e42sinkinglogo.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5996 Column: 29 - 138
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c780ad6a8d6ejessica.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6013 Column: 29 - 137
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c7805646330eswlogo.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6030 Column: 29 - 136
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c780fa6b157fgunn2.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6047 Column: 29 - 149
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c780174e74a9mutantyearzerologo.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6064 Column: 29 - 139
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c77ce91d05f8psn-nagy.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6081 Column: 29 - 137
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c77a73c401e9aceatt.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6098 Column: 29 - 139
"... <img src="https://media.icdn.hu/content/common/5c77aaafe857ainsight1.jpg" class="latest-news__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6131 Column: 33 - 127
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-everytest-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6141 Column: 37 - 126
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-tech-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6150 Column: 37 - 129
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-hardver-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6159 Column: 37 - 130
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-tudomany-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6168 Column: 37 - 127
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-jatek-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6177 Column: 37 - 128
"... <img src="/images/forum-icon-tvfilm-blue.svg?4y9b9lvi41" class="home-category-subnav__icon"> ..." Line: 6206 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..."

Attribute “v-model” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..." Line: 1742 Column: 29 - 98
"... <input v-model="isInInactive" type="checkbox" class="control__input"/> ..." Line: 1751 Column: 29 - 101
"... <input v-model="isInDescription" type="checkbox" class="control__input"/> ..." Line: 3807 Column: 33 - 62
"... <input v-model="selected" type="radio" name="checkouttype" value="new-user" class="control__input"> ..." Line: 3820 Column: 33 - 62
"... <input v-model="selected" type="radio" name="checkouttype" value="guest" class="control__input"> ..."

Attribute “@focus” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “@keyup” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “@keyup.13” not allowed on element “input” at this point.

Line: 1672 Column: 33 - 67
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Keresés..." class="search-bar__input js-search-bar__input" v-model="keyword" @focus="focus()" @keyup="search()" @keyup.13="searchByEnter()"> ..."

Attribute “:style” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1675 Column: 33 - 62
"... <span class="search-bar__input__delete" :style="{display: clearDisplay}" @click="clearKeyword()"> ..."

Attribute “@click” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1675 Column: 33 - 62
"... <span class="search-bar__input__delete" :style="{display: clearDisplay}" @click="clearKeyword()"> ..." Line: 6185 Column: 17 - 97
"... <span @click="prevSlide()" class="home-slider__button home-slider__button--left"> ..." Line: 6188 Column: 17 - 98
"... <span @click="nextSlide()" class="home-slider__button home-slider__button--right"> ..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1685 Column: 25 - 47
"... <div class="search-bar__dd" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..." Line: 4325 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4328 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4358 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4393 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4396 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4426 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4460 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4463 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4493 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4527 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4530 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4560 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4594 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4597 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4627 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4661 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4664 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4694 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4728 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4731 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4761 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4797 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4800 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4830 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4864 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4867 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4897 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4932 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 4935 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4965 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 4999 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5002 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5032 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5066 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5069 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5099 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5135 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5138 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5168 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5202 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5205 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5235 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5270 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5273 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5303 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5337 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5340 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5370 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5404 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5407 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5437 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5473 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5476 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5506 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5540 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5543 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5573 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5608 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5611 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5641 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5675 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5678 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5708 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 5742 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 5745 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5775 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 6205 Column: 13 - 80
"... <div class="article-card__image-wrap" :class="{'article-card__image-wrap--video': content.hasVideo}"> ..." Line: 6208 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6232 Column: 29 - 115
"... <div :class="percentClass" class="c100 percentage-circle percentage-circle--24 percentage-circle--20@mobile"> ..." Line: 6319 Column: 49 - 47
"... <div class="select-input__dropdown" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..."

Attribute “@click” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1685 Column: 25 - 47
"... <div class="search-bar__dd" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..." Line: 6319 Column: 49 - 47
"... <div class="select-input__dropdown" :class="{'is-open': isOpened}" @click="toggle()"> ..."

Attribute “v-if” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1686 Column: 61 - 132
"... <span v-if="isSelected('shop')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1689 Column: 61 - 136
"... <span v-if="isSelected('magazine')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1692 Column: 61 - 133
"... <span v-if="isSelected('forum')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1695 Column: 61 - 128
"... <span v-if="isSelected('')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6285 Column: 53 - 121
"... <span v-if="isSelected('valaha')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6293 Column: 53 - 127
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-evben')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6301 Column: 53 - 130
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-honapban')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6309 Column: 53 - 127
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-heten')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6410 Column: 53 - 119
"... <span v-if="isSelected('mind')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6418 Column: 53 - 122
"... <span v-if="isSelected('magazin')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “v-cloak” not allowed on element “span” at this point.

Line: 1686 Column: 61 - 132
"... <span v-if="isSelected('shop')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1689 Column: 61 - 136
"... <span v-if="isSelected('magazine')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1692 Column: 61 - 133
"... <span v-if="isSelected('forum')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1695 Column: 61 - 128
"... <span v-if="isSelected('')" class="search-bar__dd-selected" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6285 Column: 53 - 121
"... <span v-if="isSelected('valaha')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6293 Column: 53 - 127
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-evben')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6301 Column: 53 - 130
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-honapban')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6309 Column: 53 - 127
"... <span v-if="isSelected('elmult-heten')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6410 Column: 53 - 119
"... <span v-if="isSelected('mind')" class="select-input__text" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1701 Column: 69 - 64
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('shop')}" @click="select('shop')"> ..." Line: 1708 Column: 69 - 68
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('magazine')}" @click="select('magazine')"> ..." Line: 1715 Column: 69 - 65
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('forum')}" @click="select('forum')"> ..." Line: 1722 Column: 69 - 60
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('')}" @click="select('')"> ..."

Attribute “@click” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1701 Column: 69 - 64
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('shop')}" @click="select('shop')"> ..." Line: 1708 Column: 69 - 68
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('magazine')}" @click="select('magazine')"> ..." Line: 1715 Column: 69 - 65
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('forum')}" @click="select('forum')"> ..." Line: 1722 Column: 69 - 60
"... <li class="search-bar__dd-item" :class="{'is-selected': isSelected('')}" @click="select('')"> ..."

Attribute “v-if” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1737 Column: 9 - 68
"...> <div v-if="isType('', 'shop')" class="search-options-panel"> ..." Line: 1795 Column: 13 - 76
"... <div v-if="isType('magazine')" class="search-bar__result-cards"> ..." Line: 1881 Column: 33 - 99
"... <div v-if="!item.grossPrice" class="search-bar__shop__price-block"> ..." Line: 3427 Column: 13 - 57
"... <div v-if="data.items.length" class="basket"> ..." Line: 3742 Column: 21 - 100
"... <div class="basket__free-delivery" v-if="data.requiredItemCountForFreeDelivery"> ..." Line: 4345 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4351 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4413 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4419 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4480 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4486 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4547 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4553 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4614 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4620 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4681 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4687 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4748 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4754 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4817 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4823 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4884 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4890 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 4952 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4958 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5019 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5025 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5086 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5092 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5155 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5161 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5222 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5228 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5290 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5296 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5357 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5363 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5424 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5430 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5493 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5499 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5560 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5566 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5628 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5634 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5695 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5701 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 5762 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5768 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..." Line: 6128 Column: 25 - 115
"... <div v-if="!category" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6138 Column: 29 - 133
"... <div v-if="category === 'it-vilag'" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6147 Column: 29 - 132
"... <div v-if="category === 'hardver'" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6156 Column: 29 - 133
"... <div v-if="category === 'tudomany'" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6165 Column: 29 - 130
"... <div v-if="category === 'jatek'" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6174 Column: 29 - 132
"... <div v-if="category === 'film-tv'" class="home-category-subnav__active-marker js-subnav__active-marker"></div>..." Line: 6219 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6225 Column: 21 - 74
"... <div v-if="content.rate" class="article-card__rating"> ..."

Attribute “v-for” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1765 Column: 21 - 92
"... <li v-for="keyword in data.searches" class="search-bar__result" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1776 Column: 21 - 98
"... <li v-for="suggestion in data.suggestions" class="search-bar__result" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1788 Column: 21 - 80
"... <li v-for="group in data.groups" class="search-bar__result"> ..." Line: 1800 Column: 21 - 102
"... <li v-for="item in data.items" class="search-bar__result-card-list__item" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1836 Column: 21 - 136
"... <li v-for="item in data.items" class="search-bar__result-card-list__item search-bar__result-card-list__item--forum"> ..." Line: 1863 Column: 21 - 138
"... <li v-for="item in data.items" class="search-bar__result-card-list__item search-bar__result-card-list__item--product"> ..."

Attribute “v-cloak” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1765 Column: 21 - 92
"... <li v-for="keyword in data.searches" class="search-bar__result" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1776 Column: 21 - 98
"... <li v-for="suggestion in data.suggestions" class="search-bar__result" v-cloak> ..." Line: 1800 Column: 21 - 102
"... <li v-for="item in data.items" class="search-bar__result-card-list__item" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “@click.prevent” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1768 Column: 25 - 70
"... <a href="#" class="search-bar__result-link" @click.prevent="redirectToSearch(keyword)"> ..." Line: 1779 Column: 25 - 73
"... <a href="#" class="search-bar__result-link" @click.prevent="redirectToSearch(suggestion)"> ..." Line: 3435 Column: 21 - 93
"... <a href="#" class="basket__delete-all-link" @click.prevent="clearCart()"> ..." Line: 3830 Column: 13 - 147
"... <a href="#" @click.prevent="submit()" class="button button--secondary button--lg checkout-login__button--continue button--icon--right js-checkout-login__continue-button"> ..." Line: 6129 Column: 25 - 121
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory()" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6139 Column: 29 - 135
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('it-vilag')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6148 Column: 29 - 134
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('hardver')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6157 Column: 29 - 135
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('tudomany')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6166 Column: 29 - 132
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('jatek')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..." Line: 6175 Column: 29 - 134
"... <a @click.prevent="switchCategory('film-tv')" href="#" class="home-category-subnav__link js-subnav__link"> ..."

Attribute “v-if” not allowed on element “h3” at this point.

Line: 1784 Column: 17 - 79
"... <h3 v-if="isType('', 'shop')" class="search-bar__result-title"> ..."

Attribute “v-if” not allowed on element “ul” at this point.

Line: 1787 Column: 17 - 69
"... <ul v-if="hasGroups" class="search-bar__result-list"> ..."

Attribute “:href” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1789 Column: 25 - 87
"... <a :href="groupShowUrl(group)" class="search-bar__result-link"> ..." Line: 1805 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1819 Column: 37 - 90
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__article-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1840 Column: 37 - 105
"... <a :href="item.url" class="search-bar__forum-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1876 Column: 37 - 87
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__shop-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 4336 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4342 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4373 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4404 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4410 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4440 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4471 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4477 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4507 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4538 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4544 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4574 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4605 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4611 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4641 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4672 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4678 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4708 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4739 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4745 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4775 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4808 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4814 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4844 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4875 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4881 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4911 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4943 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4949 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4979 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5010 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5016 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5046 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5077 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5083 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5113 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5146 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5152 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5182 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5213 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5219 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5249 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5281 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5287 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5317 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5348 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5354 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5384 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5415 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5421 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5451 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5484 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5490 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5520 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5551 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5557 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5587 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5619 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5625 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5655 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5686 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5692 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5722 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5753 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5759 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5789 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6216 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6246 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6389 Column: 1 - 64
"...}} </div> <a :href="topic.showUrl" class="forum-list__item__overlay-link"> {..."

Attribute “@click” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1805 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1819 Column: 37 - 90
"... <a :href="magazineUrl(item.slug)" @click="openContent(item)" class="search-bar__article-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 33 - 79
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image-link"> ..." Line: 1876 Column: 37 - 87
"... <a :href="showUrl(item)" @click="openProduct(item)" class="search-bar__shop-link js-truncate__text"> ..." Line: 4342 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4373 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4410 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4440 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4477 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4507 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4544 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4574 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4611 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4641 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4678 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4708 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4745 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4775 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4814 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4844 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4881 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4911 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 4949 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4979 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5016 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5046 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5083 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5113 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5152 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5182 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5219 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5249 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5287 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5317 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5354 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5384 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5421 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5451 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5490 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5520 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5557 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5587 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5625 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5655 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5692 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5722 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5759 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5789 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5813 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/uj-moderalasi-lehetosegen-dolgozik-a-twitter" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5830 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/nem-dolgozzak-halalra-magukat-a-nintendo-alkalmazottai" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5847 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/mar-egy-eve-kiszivargott-az-apex-legends-palyaja" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5864 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/datumot-kapott-a-rambo-v" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5881 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/mitol-fugg-a-szinlatasunk" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5898 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/atszabhato-lett-a-galaxyk-bixby-gombja" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5915 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/ujabb-nokia-kapott-android-9-0-frissitest-1" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5932 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/10-millional-jar-a-horizon-zero-dawn" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5949 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/borderlands-3-bejelentest-kaphatunk-hamarosan" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5966 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/sotet-zonak-a-the-division-2-ben" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 5983 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/igy-nyomozunk-a-the-sinking-city-ben" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6000 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/nagyon-veres-lesz-az-az-folytatasa" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6017 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/aprilisban-uj-infok-a-star-wars-jedi-fallen-orderrol" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6034 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/szeptembertol-forog-a-james-gunn-fele-suicide-squad" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6051 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/demot-kapott-a-mutant-year-zero" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6068 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/felujitott-modern-warfare-jar-a-playstation-plus-elofizetoknek" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6085 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/aprilisban-jon-az-ace-attorney-trilogia" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6102 Column: 41 - 40
"... <a href="/magazin/cikk/ma-kezdi-az-insight-a-furast" class="latest-news__overlay-link" @click="open()"> ..." Line: 6216 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6246 Column: 9 - 28
"... <a class="article-card__overlay-link" :href="showUrl" @click="open()"> ..."

Attribute “:src” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 1806 Column: 37 - 112
"... <img :src="item.imagePath" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 1869 Column: 37 - 123
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4326 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4394 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4461 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4528 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4595 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4662 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4729 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4798 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4865 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4933 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5000 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5067 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5136 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5203 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5271 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5338 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5405 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5474 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5541 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5609 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5676 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5743 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6206 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..."

Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.

Line: 1806 Column: 37 - 112
"... <img :src="item.imagePath" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 1869 Column: 37 - 123
"... <img :src="firstPictureUrl(item)" class="search-bar__result-card__image image-contain"> ..." Line: 4326 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4394 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4461 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4528 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4595 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4662 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4729 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4798 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4865 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 4933 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5000 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5067 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5136 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5203 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5271 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5338 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5405 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5474 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5541 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5609 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5676 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 5743 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..." Line: 6206 Column: 17 - 84
"... <img :src="content.imagePath" class="article-card__image image-fit"> ..."

Attribute “v-else-if” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1831 Column: 13 - 78
"... <div v-else-if="isType('forum')" class="search-bar__result-cards"> ..." Line: 1858 Column: 13 - 81
"... <div v-else-if="isType('', 'shop')" class="search-bar__result-cards"> ..." Line: 1886 Column: 33 - 105
"... <div v-else-if="hasDiscount(item)" class="search-bar__shop__price-block"> ..."

Attribute “v-else” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1897 Column: 33 - 82
"... <div v-else class="search-bar__shop__price-block"> ..." Line: 3770 Column: 13 - 53
"... <div v-else class="basket basket--empty"> ..."

Element “cart” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1929 Column: 21 - 42
"... <cart inline-template> ..."

Attribute “v-show” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 3426 Column: 9 - 63
"...> <div class="basket-offset" v-show="!isLoading" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “v-cloak” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 3426 Column: 9 - 63
"...> <div class="basket-offset" v-show="!isLoading" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4328 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4345 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4352 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4396 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4413 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4420 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4463 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4480 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4487 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4530 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4547 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4554 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4597 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4614 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4621 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4664 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4681 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4688 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4731 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4748 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4755 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4800 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4817 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4824 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4867 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4884 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4891 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4935 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4952 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4959 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5002 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5019 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5026 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5069 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5086 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5093 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5138 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5155 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5162 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5205 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5222 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5229 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5273 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5290 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5297 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5340 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5357 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5364 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5407 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5424 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5431 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5476 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5493 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5500 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5543 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5560 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5567 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5611 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5628 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5635 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5678 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5695 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5702 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5745 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5762 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5769 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6208 Column: 37 - 94
"... <div class="article-card__comment comment-count" :class="{'comment-count--empty': content.commentCount == 0}" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6219 Column: 13 - 84
"... <div v-if="content.lead" class="article-card__lead js-truncate" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6226 Column: 25 - 76
"... <div class="article-card__rating__rate-num" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6371 Column: 13 - 132
"... <div v-for="topic in data.topics" v-cloak class="forum-list__item forum-list--thread-sm__item u-forum-list__item-hover"> ..."

Attribute “v-for” not allowed on element “template” at this point.

Line: 3443 Column: 21 - 57
"... <template v-for="item in data.items"> ..."

Element “alert” not allowed as child of element “main” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 3923 Column: 21 - 56
"... <alert :alerts="[]" inline-template> ..."

Element “banner” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 4139 Column: 37 - 412
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:148,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Asus gamer noti 0thm&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;0% THM&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;ASUS Gamer Notik&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/asus-gamer-notebook&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:1}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4155 Column: 37 - 407
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:133,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia RTX Laptopok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Nvidia RTX&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Laptopok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-rtx-notebook&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:2}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4171 Column: 37 - 412
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:149,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Nvidia Geforce&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;GTX 1660 Ti&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-gtx-1660-ti&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:3}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4187 Column: 37 - 442
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:130,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Asus B2B monitorok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Asus&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;\u00dczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/kereses\/shop?keyword=Asus+B2B+monitorok&amp;ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:4}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4203 Column: 37 - 459
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:152,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;G\u00e9p\u00f6sszerak\u00f3_ben\u00e9z\u0151_1&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;G\u00e9p\u00f6sszerak\u00f3&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;L\u00e1ssuk hogyan has\u00edt!&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/youtu.be\/zvsXZv7pxc0&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:5}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4219 Column: 37 - 415
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:146,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Samsung Galaxy S10&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Galaxy S10&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/samsung-galaxy-s10?ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:6}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4235 Column: 37 - 443
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:98,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG \u00fczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;SAMSUNG&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;\u00dczleti monitorok&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/kereses\/shop?keyword=Samsung+B2B+monitorok&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:7}" inline-template> ..." Line: 4251 Column: 37 - 445
"... <banner :banner="{&quot;id&quot;:92,&quot;name&quot;:&quot;Nvidia - Geforce Fortnite Bundle&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot; Nvidia&quot;,&quot;subTitle&quot;:&quot;Geforce Fortnite Bundle&quot;,&quot;link&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/ipon.hu\/promo\/nvidia-fortnite-bundle?ref=banner&quot;,&quot;position&quot;:&quot;home.index.top-slider&quot;,&quot;locale&quot;:&quot;hu&quot;,&quot;index&quot;:8}" inline-template> ..."

Attribute “:class” not allowed on element “article” at this point.

Line: 4319 Column: 5 - 70
"...late> <article class="article-card article-card--lg" :class="{'article-card--lg--with-rating': content.rate}"> ..."

Attribute “v-cloak” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 4336 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4342 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4404 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4410 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4471 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4477 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4538 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4544 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4605 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4611 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4672 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4678 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4739 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4745 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4808 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4814 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4875 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4881 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4943 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 4949 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5010 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5016 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5077 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5083 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5146 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5152 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5213 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5219 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5281 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5287 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5348 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5354 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5415 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5421 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5484 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5490 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5551 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5557 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5619 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5625 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5686 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5692 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5753 Column: 21 - 82
"... <a :href="indexUrl" class="article-card__category-link category-label" v-cloak> ..." Line: 5759 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..." Line: 6216 Column: 25 - 39
"... <a class="article-card__title" :href="showUrl" @click="open()" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “v-cloak” not allowed on element “section” at this point.

Line: 6119 Column: 5 - 59
"...late> <section class="home-slider home-slider--test" v-cloak> ..."

Attribute “v-for” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 6121 Column: 13 - 77
"... <div v-for="i in data.contents.length" class="home-slider__item"> ..." Line: 6192 Column: 21 - 123
"... <div v-for="content in data.contents" :key="content.id" class="home-slider__item u-content-card-hover"> ..." Line: 6371 Column: 13 - 132
"... <div v-for="topic in data.topics" v-cloak class="forum-list__item forum-list--thread-sm__item u-forum-list__item-hover"> ..."

Attribute “:key” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 6192 Column: 21 - 123
"... <div v-for="content in data.contents" :key="content.id" class="home-slider__item u-content-card-hover"> ..."

Element “ul” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 6321 Column: 33 - 63
"... <ul class="select-input__list"> ..."

Too many messages.

Line: Column: -

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ipon.hu Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source.


Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.