iitism.ac.in Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 3,861

Daily Page Views: 15,444

Income Per Day: $43

Estimated Value: $23,220

iitism.ac.in is registered under .IN top-level domain. Please check other sites in .IN zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by NUCDN - NuCDN LLC, US. See the full list of other websites hosted by NUCDN - NuCDN LLC, US.

The highest website iitism.ac.in position in Alexa rank database was 12494 and the lowest rank position was 895617. Current position of iitism.ac.in in Alexa rank database is 325014.

Desktop speed score of iitism.ac.in (5/100) is better than the results of 0.65% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of iitism.ac.in (86/100) is better than the results of 27.73% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of iitism.ac.in (0/100) shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


iitism.ac.in Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

iitism.ac.in whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

iitism.ac.in server information

Servers Location

iitism.ac.in desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2018-05-29

Desktop Speed Bad

iitism.ac.in Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 475Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 4.5MiB (68% reduction).

Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/dt-address.jpg could save 3.8MiB (70% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/CSR-3.jpg could save 553.2KiB (71% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/11.jpg could save 46.7KiB (59% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/8.jpg could save 33.9KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/16.jpg could save 31.2KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/15.jpg could save 17.9KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/17-mess.png could save 13.3KiB (23% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/12.jpg could save 13.3KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/7.jpg could save 11.6KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/9.jpg could save 8.8KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing and resizing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/twitter.jpg could save 4.8KiB (91% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/6.jpg could save 4.4KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing and resizing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/fb.jpg could save 2.8KiB (83% reduction).

priority - 82Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 802KiB (81% reduction).

Compressing https://iitism.ac.in/ could save 344.5KiB (88% reduction).
Compressing https://iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css could save 99.1KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css could save 99.1KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js could save 58.4KiB (64% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js could save 55.7KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…s/jquery.dataTables.js could save 53KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js could save 35.5KiB (74% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css could save 23.4KiB (77% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…otstrap-datepicker.css could save 15.2KiB (87% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css could save 10.1KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css could save 3.7KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js could save 2.8KiB (81% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css could save 1.2KiB (63% reduction).

priority - 19Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 189.4KiB (49% reduction).

Minifying https://iitism.ac.in/ could save 189.4KiB (49% reduction).

priority - 16Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…otstrap-datepicker.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…s/jquery.dataTables.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/fb.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/ismlogo.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/twitter.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/10.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/11.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/12.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/13.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/14.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/15.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/16.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/17-mess.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/6.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/7.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/8.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/9.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/CSR-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/CSR-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/CSR-3.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/dt-address.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/new.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css (expiration not specified)

priority - 14Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 4Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 40.6KiB (34% reduction).

Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js could save 24KiB (35% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js could save 15.1KiB (32% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js could save 1.5KiB (44% reduction).

priority - 1Reduce server response time

priority - 1Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 6.6KiB (33% reduction).

Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css could save 5.2KiB (39% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css could save 764B (16% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css could save 683B (36% reduction).

iitism.ac.in Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources38
Number of Hosts2
Static Resources32
JavaScript Resources5
CSS Resources7

iitism.ac.in mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2018-07-21

Mobile Speed Bad

iitism.ac.in Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 1264Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 12.1MiB (41% reduction).

Compressing and resizing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-3.jpg could save 4.5MiB (98% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/swp-1.jpg could save 3.2MiB (71% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/penman-1.jpg could save 978.6KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-3.jpg could save 954.6KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-1.jpg could save 948.6KiB (18% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-2.jpg could save 842.4KiB (17% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-1.jpg could save 370.3KiB (20% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-2.jpg could save 262.7KiB (20% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/16-1.jpg could save 51.9KiB (48% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/8.jpg could save 33.9KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/17-mess.png could save 13.3KiB (23% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/12.jpg could save 13.3KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/7.jpg could save 11.6KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/9.jpg could save 8.8KiB (38% reduction).
Compressing and resizing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/twitter.jpg could save 4.8KiB (91% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/6.jpg could save 4.4KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing and resizing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/fb.jpg could save 2.8KiB (83% reduction).

priority - 84Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 825.2KiB (81% reduction).

Compressing https://iitism.ac.in/ could save 367.7KiB (88% reduction).
Compressing https://iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css could save 99.1KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css could save 99.1KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js could save 58.4KiB (64% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js could save 55.7KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…s/jquery.dataTables.js could save 53KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js could save 35.5KiB (74% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css could save 23.4KiB (77% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…otstrap-datepicker.css could save 15.2KiB (87% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css could save 10.1KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css could save 3.7KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js could save 2.8KiB (81% reduction).
Compressing https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css could save 1.2KiB (63% reduction).

priority - 56Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 24Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

https://iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…otstrap-datepicker.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…s/jquery.dataTables.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/fb.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/ismlogo.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/twitter.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/10.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/12.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/16-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/17-mess.png (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/6.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/7.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/8.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/9.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/convocation-2018-3.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/new.gif (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/penman-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/swp-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-2.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/images/yoga-2018-3.jpg (expiration not specified)
https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css (expiration not specified)

priority - 21Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 201.3KiB (49% reduction).

Minifying https://iitism.ac.in/ could save 201.3KiB (49% reduction).

priority - 4Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 40.6KiB (34% reduction).

Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/bootstrap.js could save 24KiB (35% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/js/p…ootstrap-datepicker.js could save 15.1KiB (32% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/js/change_color.js could save 1.5KiB (44% reduction).

priority - 1Reduce server response time

priority - 1Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 6.6KiB (33% reduction).

Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/mystyle.css could save 5.2KiB (39% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/core/adminLTE/css/…taTables.bootstrap.css could save 764B (16% reduction).
Minifying https://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/css/style.css could save 683B (36% reduction).

iitism.ac.in Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources38
Number of Hosts2
Static Resources32
JavaScript Resources5
CSS Resources7

iitism.ac.in mobile page usability

Last tested: 2018-07-21

Mobile Usability Good

iitism.ac.in Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 13Size content to viewport

The page content is too wide for the viewport, forcing the user to scroll horizontally. Size the page content to the viewport to provide a better user experience.

The page content is 765 CSS pixels wide, but the viewport is only 412 CSS pixels wide. The following elements fall outside the viewport:

The element <span>Prof. Rajiv Sh…(ISM), Dhanbad</span> falls outside the viewport.
The element <b>Seminar</b> falls outside the viewport.
The element <b>Other Info</b> falls outside the viewport.
The element <p id="scroll1">Dr.Saravanan P…ns Dr. Pichiah</p> falls outside the viewport.
The element <hr> falls outside the viewport.
The element <p id="scroll1">Dr. D. P. Mish…th June, 2018.</p> falls outside the viewport.
The element <div id="fmenu" class="row">Achievements…ate Email Link</div> falls outside the viewport.
The element <div id="copy_footer" class="col-lg-12 col-…m-12 col-xs-12">Copyright © In…ines ) Dhanbad</div> falls outside the viewport.

priority - 2Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <a id="sizeUp">A+</a> and 8 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a id="green" href="#"> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a id="blue" href="#"> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a id="gray" href="#"> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="https://www.ii…/index.php/iss" class="bottomLink">IIT (ISM) Student Society(ISS)</a> and 7 others are close to other tap targets.

iitism.ac.in HTML validation


No space between attributes.

Line: 70 Column: - 60
"...; height:10px;"href="http://ii..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 70 Column: 88 - 159
"...m.ac.in/"><img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/assets/img/ismlogo.png" id="ismlogo"/></a> ..." Line: 440 Column: 17 - 68
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/csm1.jpg" > ..." Line: 447 Column: 17 - 67
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/csm2.jpg"> ..." Line: 454 Column: 17 - 67
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/mou.jpg" > ..." Line: 461 Column: 17 - 65
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/5.jpg" > ..." Line: 468 Column: 17 - 64
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/6.jpg"> ..." Line: 475 Column: 17 - 65
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/7.jpg" > ..." Line: 482 Column: 17 - 65
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/8.jpg" > ..." Line: 489 Column: 17 - 65
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/9.jpg" > ..." Line: 496 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/10.jpg" > ..." Line: 503 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/11.jpg" > ..." Line: 510 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/12.jpg" > ..." Line: 517 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/13.jpg" > ..." Line: 524 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/14.jpg" > ..." Line: 531 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/15.jpg" > ..." Line: 538 Column: 17 - 66
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/16.jpg" > ..." Line: 545 Column: 17 - 71
"... <img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/17-mess.png" > ..." Line: 1032 Column: 39 - 89
"... <span><img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/new.gif" ></span..." Line: 1038 Column: 39 - 89
"... <span><img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/new.gif" ></span..." Line: 1075 Column: 39 - 89
"... <span><img src="http://www.iitism.ac.in/images/new.gif" ></span..."

Saw “<!--” within a comment. Probable cause: Nested comment (not allowed).

Line: 111 Column: - 10
".../tr> <!-- <tr> ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 165 Column: 19 - 25
"...</script> <style> #nav..." Line: 395 Column: 1 - 7
"...s:4px;'> <style> .caro..." Line: 595 Column: 1 - 7
"... <style> ul { ..." Line: 987 Column: 1 - 23
"... <style type="text/css"> #m..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 191 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 193 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 195 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 200 Column: 146 - 166
"...5</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 201 Column: 146 - 166
"...4</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 204 Column: 43 - 63
"... </li> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 207 Column: 146 - 166
"...5</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 208 Column: 146 - 166
"...4</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 209 Column: 150 - 170
"...></li> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 213 Column: 35 - 55
"... </li> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 215 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 218 Column: 155 - 175
"... </a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 221 Column: 34 - 54
"... </li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 222 Column: 162 - 182
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 229 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 239 Column: 144 - 164
"...s</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 240 Column: 109 - 129
"....</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 241 Column: 105 - 125
"....</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 242 Column: 115 - 135
"...h</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 243 Column: 103 - 123
"...A</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 244 Column: 105 - 125
"....</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 253 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 255 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 258 Column: 34 - 54
"... </li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 260 Column: 8 - 28
"...i> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 262 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 266 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 268 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 270 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 272 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 274 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 276 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 279 Column: 34 - 54
"... </li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 283 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 284 Column: 157 - 177
"...n</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 285 Column: 151 - 171
"...n</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 286 Column: 154 - 174
"...n</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 288 Column: 156 - 176
"...n</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 289 Column: 160 - 180
"...n</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 290 Column: 154 - 174
"...e</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 293 Column: 34 - 54
"... </li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 301 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 303 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 305 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 307 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 309 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 311 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 319 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 329 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 331 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 333 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 334 Column: 158 - 178
"...y</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 340 Column: 34 - 54
"... </li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 344 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 346 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 348 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 350 Column: 37 - 57
"... <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 354 Column: 8 - 28
"...i> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 358 Column: 109 - 129
"...8</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 359 Column: 137 - 157
"...7</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 360 Column: 109 - 129
"...6</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 361 Column: 136 - 156
"...5</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 362 Column: 136 - 156
"...4</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 363 Column: 136 - 156
"...3</a></li><div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 367 Column: 8 - 28
"...i> <div class="divider"></div>..." Line: 374 Column: 29 - 49
"... <div class="divider"></div>..."

Element “marquee” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 576 Column: 4 - 124
"...link"> <marquee behavior="scrool" direction="alternative" scrollamount="3" onMouseOver="this.stop()" onMouseOut="this.start()" ><a sty..."

No “p” element in scope but a “p” end tag seen.

Line: 651 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 656 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 661 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 667 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 673 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 678 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 684 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 690 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 705 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 714 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 722 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 730 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 738 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 746 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 754 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 762 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 770 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 779 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 787 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 795 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 803 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 811 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 819 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 835 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 844 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 853 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 862 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 871 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 880 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 893 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 900 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 907 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 914 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 921 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 928 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 942 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 948 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 955 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 961 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..." Line: 968 Column: 37 - 40
"... </p> ..."

Duplicate ID “scroll1”.

Line: 654 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 659 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 664 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 670 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 676 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 681 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 687 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 702 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 711 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 720 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 728 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 736 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 744 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 752 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 760 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 768 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 776 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 785 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 793 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 801 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 809 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 817 Column: 35 - 50
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 832 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 841 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><..." Line: 850 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 859 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 868 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 877 Column: 34 - 49
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 890 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 897 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 904 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 911 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 918 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 925 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 939 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 946 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 952 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 959 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 965 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..."

The “width” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1154 Column: 33 - 62
"... <tr> <td width="25" align="center">Sl.No...." Line: 1155 Column: 74 - 62
"...l.No.</td> <td width="25" align="center">Title<..." Line: 1157 Column: 73 - 62
"...Title</td> <td width="25" align="center"> Path<..."

The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1154 Column: 33 - 62
"... <tr> <td width="25" align="center">Sl.No...." Line: 1155 Column: 74 - 62
"...l.No.</td> <td width="25" align="center">Title<..." Line: 1157 Column: 73 - 62
"...Title</td> <td width="25" align="center"> Path<..."

Start tag “h4” seen in “table”.

Line: 1160 Column: 33 - 28
"... </thead> <h4>List o..."

Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.

Line: 1160 Column: 33 - 28
"... </thead> <h4>List o..."


The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 111 Column: - 10
".../tr> <!-- <tr> ..."

Empty heading.

Line: 442 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 449 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 456 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 463 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 470 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 477 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 484 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 491 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 498 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 505 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 512 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 519 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 526 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 533 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 540 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 547 Column: 19 - 22
"... <h4></h4> ..." Line: 1150 Column: 21 - 44
"... <h2 class="page-header"></h2> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “scroll1” was here.

Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..." Line: 650 Column: 37 - 52
"... <li><p id="scroll1"><span ..."

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