IANS.IN Indo-Asian News Service

ians.in Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 6,821

Daily Page Views: 34,105

Income Per Day: $85

Estimated Value: $51,000

This website is located in India and is using following IP address See the complete list of popular websites hosted in India.

ians.in is registered under .IN top-level domain. Please check other sites in .IN zone.

Website ians.in is using the following name servers:

  • ns2.ians.in
  • ns3.ians.in
  • ns4.ians.in
  • ns1.ians.in

and is probably hosted by AMAZON-02 - Amazon.com, Inc., US. See the full list of other websites hosted by AMAZON-02 - Amazon.com, Inc., US.

The highest website ians.in position in Alexa rank database was 110156 and the lowest rank position was 201882. Current position of ians.in in Alexa rank database is 199748.

Desktop speed score of ians.in (10/100) is better than the results of 1.51% of other sites and shows that the page desktop performance can be improved.

Mobile usability score of ians.in (94/100) is better than the results of 36.81% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of ians.in (45/100) is better than the results of 25.64% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is poor and can be improved.


ians.in Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users.

ians.in whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

ians.in server information

Servers Location

ians.in desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-12-04

Desktop Speed Bad

ians.in Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 427Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 4.1MiB (79% reduction).

Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/20point-new-1.jpg could save 1.7MiB (93% reduction).
Compressing and resizing could save 697.8KiB (97% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/KhabarAD-eng.png could save 469.7KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-1.png could save 181.3KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing and resizing could save 179KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing and resizing could save 153.6KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/eyeonpak.jpg could save 136.8KiB (97% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/NewAds/ndmc.jpg could save 116.9KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing could save 98.7KiB (79% reduction).
Compressing…idambaram's%20bail.jpg could save 84.8KiB (28% reduction).
Compressing…g%20in%20Bollywood.jpg could save 49KiB (26% reduction).
Compressing could save 42.4KiB (24% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/Mahapawarplay.png could save 29.6KiB (80% reduction).
Compressing and resizing could save 26.8KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/Parliament.png could save 26.7KiB (78% reduction).
Compressing and resizing could save 20.6KiB (79% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/Twitterspeak.png could save 19.5KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/whatshot.jpg could save 13.9KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…9d8bf502e5d8a554_m.jpg could save 13.4KiB (70% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/Powertv.png could save 13.1KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/images/ians_default_image.jpg could save 12.9KiB (75% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-2.png could save 12.2KiB (61% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…86d0a9d1f830915a_m.jpg could save 7.7KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1079666561/ianslogo_normal.jpg could save 6.3KiB (89% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/dailymotion-logo.png could save 6KiB (90% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/dailymotion-1.png could save 4.8KiB (90% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/photo.png could save 3.5KiB (31% reduction).
Compressing https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EK9UKjQUUAA20Bb?format=jpg&name=240x240 could save 3.3KiB (36% reduction).
Compressing https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EK9Q0M_U8AACfiA?format=jpg&name=240x240 could save 3.2KiB (23% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…s/right-utube-icon.jpg could save 2.8KiB (59% reduction).
Compressing and resizing http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-2-3.png could save 2.7KiB (94% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/logo.png could save 2.6KiB (15% reduction).
Compressing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/modi-img-mobile.jpg could save 2.5KiB (11% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/business-Wire.jpg could save 1.8KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/black-youtube.png could save 1.7KiB (13% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/ians_hindi_black_logo.jpg could save 1.5KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/ians_photo_black_logo.jpg could save 1.4KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/pr_newswire.jpg could save 1.4KiB (40% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/khabarfilmy.jpg could save 1.4KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/IANSlife.jpg could save 1.4KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/ians_video_black_logo.jpg could save 1.3KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/cricketfanatic.jpg could save 1.3KiB (42% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/ians_bc_black_logo.jpg could save 1.2KiB (43% reduction).
Compressing http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…stagram-icon-right.jpg could save 1.2KiB (18% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/ians_black_logo.jpg could save 1.1KiB (41% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/subscribe-ians.png could save 796B (50% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/magnifier.gif could save 168B (33% reduction).

priority - 53Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:…g%20in%20Bollywood.jpg (expiration not specified)…idambaram's%20bail.jpg (expiration not specified) (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…81da3ffebcf2d30f_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…9e86287f87d59581_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…38f7138b6ab6db01_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…c09a45152da786ce_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…582325a187b389fc_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…820895e016d4ab2b_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…5851105692201150_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…6bfa63db21977a56_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…9d8bf502e5d8a554_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…6c624ad09cd28eee_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…e1f0138bb95022e7_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…86d0a9d1f830915a_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…0bdf98c3e232b510_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…d9ed567783acad27_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…9e2fb113c92c96d4_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…b7445763f6c3c57f_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…9784a173127e50b4_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…5496775842e9d0ed_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…923a2920c17e528a_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…5fd40dd5336c7784_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…51cebee573601754_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…7dc1b340cf7d726f_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/IANS_NEWS_PHO…61e42923e071d6e8_m.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/images/ians_default_image.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/js/jquery.declarativeToggle.js (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…Vector-Design-Icon.png (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/animate.css (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/contentslider.css (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…tentslider.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/crawler.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…some-animation.min.css (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…s/font-awesome.min.css (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…stagram-icon-right.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…-3.0.0.min.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…easing.min.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/marquee.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/modi-img-mobile.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…s/right-utube-icon.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…jquery.min.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/weather/lazysizes.min.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/css/carouseller.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/js/carouseller.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/css/YouTubePopUp.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/20point-new-1.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-1.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-2-3.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/IANSlife-AD-2.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/IANSlife.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/KhabarAD-eng.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/Mahapawarplay.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/NewAds/ndmc.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/Parliament.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/Powertv.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/Twitterspeak.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/black-youtube.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/business-Wire.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/cricketfanatic.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/dailymotion-1.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/dailymotion-logo.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/eyeonpak.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/ians_bc_black_logo.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/ians_black_logo.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/ians_hindi_black_logo.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/ians_photo_black_logo.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/ians_video_black_logo.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/iconQuickJobSearch.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/khabarfilmy.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/logo.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/magnifier.gif (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/pr_newswire.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/subscribe-ians.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/tweets.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/images/whatshot.jpg (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/YouTubePopUp.jquery.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/classie.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/jquery-3.0.0.min.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/mobile-menu.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/js/smart-menu.js (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/bootstrap.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/bootstrap.min.js.download (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/component.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/ians.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/mobile-menu.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/photo.png (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/responsive.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/rotating-menu.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/smart-menu.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/style.css (expiration not specified)
http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/win-main.css (expiration not specified)
http://s10.histats.com/js15.js (expiration not specified)
https://pd.sharethis.com/pd/dtscout (expiration not specified)
https://pebed.dm-event.net/ (expiration not specified)
https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com/timeline/profile…800&with_replies=false (5 minutes)
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/Intersection…tersection-observer.js (5 minutes)
https://syndication.twitter.com/settings (10 minutes)
https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js (15 minutes)
https://s0.2mdn.net/instream/video/client.js (15 minutes)
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js (30 minutes)
https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js (50 minutes)
https://t.sharethis.com/1/d/t.dhj?cid=c010&cls=C&r…3oG8oAAAATQineAw%3D%3D (60 minutes)
https://speedtest.dailymotion.com/latencies.js (6 hours)

priority - 23Reduce server response time

In our test, your server responded in 2.5 seconds.

priority - 2Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 1 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 1Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 11.8KiB (36% reduction).

Minifying http://ians.in/ could save 11.8KiB (36% reduction) after compression.

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 11.5KiB (45% reduction).

Minifying https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/Intersection…tersection-observer.js could save 3.5KiB (56% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/js/classie.js could save 2.1KiB (81% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…tentslider.js.download could save 1.4KiB (41% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/js/jquery.easing.1.3.js could save 1.1KiB (58% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/marquee.js.download could save 925B (44% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://e.dtscout.com/e/?v=1a&pid=5200&site=1&l=http%3A%2F%2Fians.in%2F&j= could save 715B (26% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/js/YouTubePopUp.jquery.js could save 351B (37% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…easing.min.js.download could save 294B (32% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/js/carouseller.js could save 283B (25% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://pd.sharethis.com/pd/dtscout could save 209B (19% reduction).
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/js/jquery.declarativeToggle.js could save 184B (40% reduction) after compression.
Minifying https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lozad/dist/lozad.min.js could save 161B (14% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/js/smart-menu.js could save 124B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_…jquery.min.js.download could save 114B (20% reduction) after compression.

priority - 1Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 10.9KiB (20% reduction).

Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/ians.css could save 2.9KiB (30% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/bootstrap.css could save 1.9KiB (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/responsive.css could save 1.6KiB (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/component.css could save 1.4KiB (25% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/win-main.css could save 679B (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/style.css could save 584B (24% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/css/YouTubePopUp.css could save 421B (40% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/smart-menu.css could save 347B (23% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/mobile-menu.css could save 344B (15% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/Basic-Responsive/css/carouseller.css could save 326B (31% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://d3uzu3w6dhx4vx.cloudfront.net/updated-ians_files/contentslider.css could save 252B (35% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/updated-ians_files/rotating-menu.css could save 151B (12% reduction) after compression.

priority - 0Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 3.2KiB (58% reduction).

Compressing http://e.dtscout.com/e/?v=1a&pid=5200&site=1&l=http%3A%2F%2Fians.in%2F&j= could save 1.6KiB (59% reduction).
Compressing https://public-prod-dspcookiematching.dmxleo.com/l…0&reader_gdpr_consent= could save 1KiB (58% reduction).
Compressing https://pd.sharethis.com/pd/dtscout could save 619B (55% reduction).

ians.in Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources230
Number of Hosts42
Static Resources145
JavaScript Resources49
CSS Resources18

ians.in mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2017-11-30

Mobile Speed Bad

ians.in Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 40Enable compression

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can reduce the number of bytes sent over the network.

Enable compression for the following resources to reduce their transfer size by 390.6KiB (73% reduction).

Compressing http://ians.in/css/animate.css could save 62.8KiB (93% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js could save 61.2KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/ could save 60.5KiB (74% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/jquery-3.0.0.min.js could save 55KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/ians.css could save 31.2KiB (77% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/jssor.slider-23.1.0.min.js could save 28.8KiB (60% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/responsive.css could save 22.6KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/font-awesome.min.css could save 21.8KiB (77% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/font-awesome-animation.min.css could save 16.1KiB (89% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/smart-menu.css could save 6.9KiB (84% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/mobile-menu.css could save 6.9KiB (75% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/component.css could save 6.6KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/jquery.easing.min.js could save 3.3KiB (78% reduction).
Compressing http://e.dtscout.com/e/?v=1a&pid=5200&site=1&l=http%3A%2F%2Fians.in%2F&j= could save 2.8KiB (61% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/mobile-menu.js could save 1.3KiB (70% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/scrolla.jquery.min.js could save 1KiB (65% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/css/contentslider.css could save 1KiB (58% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/js/jquery.declarativeToggle.js could save 671B (58% reduction).

priority - 40Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content

Your page has 8 blocking script resources and 12 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.

Remove render-blocking JavaScript:


Use asynchronous versions of the following scripts:


Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:


priority - 37Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 358.1KiB (65% reduction).

Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Pol-2.jpg could save 43.3KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Int-2.jpg could save 42.2KiB (81% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Gen-1.jpg could save 40.3KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Gen-2.jpg could save 38.8KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Int-1.jpg could save 36.9KiB (81% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Pol-1.jpg could save 35.9KiB (82% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Cin-1.jpg could save 32.9KiB (83% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/PHOTO_UPLOADER/Zuma/Cin-2.JPG could save 20.8KiB (76% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/bollywood.jpg could save 4.5KiB (68% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/mobile.jpg could save 4.3KiB (57% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/73-_0u5URyA/hqdefault.jpg?c…Qvj5vFVEmAlGWffL0zgn0c could save 4.3KiB (29% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/video.jpg could save 4.2KiB (59% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/90vRGBUjGuM/hqdefault.jpg?c…DsmWFEPgmthAE9YSHKE9ak could save 4KiB (29% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/photo.jpg could save 4KiB (63% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/hindi.jpg could save 3.9KiB (67% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/consultancy.jpg could save 3.8KiB (50% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lV2bz-pENg4/hqdefault.jpg?c…yJhDkWEle6qEEMz8xesKSs could save 3.6KiB (29% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tRjy4YqRUdM/hqdefault.jpg?c…ZZ6LUu0udn2NcFqW5KfErk could save 3.5KiB (23% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kaXMpw-fxgM/hqdefault.jpg?c…8WxSWD2TwSM4p0SMcG77dU could save 3.4KiB (25% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xSOggYvE5a4/hqdefault.jpg?c…gDiYxVQZXk4uZ2PZOGG6nQ could save 3.2KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/logos/publishing.jpg could save 3.1KiB (52% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z3uxeXIkLJk/hqdefault.jpg?c…VmEcUbjgGH-rc8qMLA-03c could save 3.1KiB (27% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BqijReRYCS4/hqdefault.jpg?c…974xjo33i4ka1J_0wZwtgc could save 2.8KiB (32% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/IITF2017.jpg could save 2.8KiB (23% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ur_JZ9sjH98/hqdefault.jpg?c…iho0r1bTt6A9HdkdckRlxQ could save 2.5KiB (30% reduction).
Compressing https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aEQ3AmZN73s/hqdefault.jpg?c…LMXduHa38aiW8AajeUpkkc could save 2.2KiB (28% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/li-logo.png could save 1.1KiB (46% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/bar.png could save 976B (57% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/arrow_down.png could save 897B (82% reduction).
Compressing http://ians.in/images/watermark.png could save 770B (30% reduction).

priority - 9Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources:

http://s10.histats.com/js15.js (expiration not specified)
https://n-cdn.areyouahuman.com/play/ZQp6LCe0OO3LeZ…27A230C&AYAH_F1=Lotame (10 minutes)
https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js (30 minutes)
https://apis.google.com/js/rpc:shindig_random.js?onload=init (30 minutes)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/73-_0u5URyA/hqdefault.jpg?c…Qvj5vFVEmAlGWffL0zgn0c (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/90vRGBUjGuM/hqdefault.jpg?c…DsmWFEPgmthAE9YSHKE9ak (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BqijReRYCS4/hqdefault.jpg?c…974xjo33i4ka1J_0wZwtgc (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aEQ3AmZN73s/hqdefault.jpg?c…LMXduHa38aiW8AajeUpkkc (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kaXMpw-fxgM/hqdefault.jpg?c…8WxSWD2TwSM4p0SMcG77dU (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lV2bz-pENg4/hqdefault.jpg?c…yJhDkWEle6qEEMz8xesKSs (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tRjy4YqRUdM/hqdefault.jpg?c…ZZ6LUu0udn2NcFqW5KfErk (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ur_JZ9sjH98/hqdefault.jpg?c…iho0r1bTt6A9HdkdckRlxQ (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xSOggYvE5a4/hqdefault.jpg?c…gDiYxVQZXk4uZ2PZOGG6nQ (2 hours)
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z3uxeXIkLJk/hqdefault.jpg?c…VmEcUbjgGH-rc8qMLA-03c (2 hours)

priority - 4Minify CSS

Compacting CSS code can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify CSS for the following resources to reduce their size by 34.4KiB (19% reduction).

Minifying http://ians.in/css/animate.css could save 12.6KiB (19% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/ians.css could save 8KiB (20% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/responsive.css could save 5.7KiB (21% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/bootstrap.css could save 2KiB (11% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/css/smart-menu.css could save 1.9KiB (23% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/component.css could save 1.6KiB (19% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/mobile-menu.css could save 1.4KiB (16% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/css/win-main.css could save 678B (18% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/css/contentslider.css could save 672B (39% reduction).

priority - 3Reduce server response time

priority - 2Minify HTML

Compacting HTML code, including any inline JavaScript and CSS contained in it, can save many bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify HTML for the following resources to reduce their size by 18.9KiB (24% reduction).

Minifying http://ians.in/ could save 18.9KiB (24% reduction).

priority - 1Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save many bytes of data and speed up downloading, parsing, and execution time.

Minify JavaScript for the following resources to reduce their size by 6.8KiB (42% reduction).

Minifying http://ians.in/js/classie.js could save 2.1KiB (81% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://ians.in/js/jquery.easing.min.js could save 1.9KiB (47% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/js/contentslider.js could save 1.4KiB (41% reduction) after compression.
Minifying http://e.dtscout.com/e/?v=1a&pid=5200&site=1&l=http%3A%2F%2Fians.in%2F&j= could save 715B (16% reduction).
Minifying http://ians.in/js/scrolla.jquery.min.js could save 669B (41% reduction).

ians.in Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources127
Number of Hosts24
Static Resources92
JavaScript Resources34
CSS Resources16

ians.in mobile page usability

Last tested: 2017-11-30

Mobile Usability Good

ians.in Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 5Size tap targets appropriately

Some of the links/buttons on your webpage may be too small for a user to easily tap on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user experience.

The following tap targets are close to other nearby tap targets and may need additional spacing around them.

The tap target <button id="ambfabars"></button> is close to 1 other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="index.php?para…ews/C-1-962959">GES calls for…eurs (Roundup)</a> and 13 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="#" class="currentpage">1</a> and 1 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a>2</a> and 11 others are close to other tap targets.

The tap target <a href="index.php?para…rytype=special">Next-Gen A-330…ing capability</a> and 13 others are close to other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="index.php?para…tegory/139/139" class="">National</a> and 10 others are close to other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="index.php">Home</a> is close to 1 other tap targets.
The tap target <a href="index.php?para…ommon/about_us">About Us</a> and 7 others are close to other tap targets.

ians.in HTML validation


Almost standards mode doctype. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.

Line: 15 Column: 1 - 121
"... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html..."

Stray end tag “meta”.

Line: 20 Column: 1 - 7
"...X/pmgs="> </meta> <meta..." Line: 22 Column: 1 - 7
"... Asia, "> </meta> <meta..."

Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.

Line: 112 Column: 1 - 7
".../script> </head> <body..."

Attribute “http-equiv” not allowed on element “meta” at this point.

Line: 141 Column: 5 - 70
"...der"> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <!--..."

Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “itemprop”, “property”.

Line: 141 Column: 5 - 70
"...der"> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <!--..."

A document must not include more than one “meta” element with a “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “content-type”.

Line: 141 Column: 5 - 70
"...der"> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <!--..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 146 Column: 104 - 132
"...ndex.php"><img src="images/logo.png" /></a> <..." Line: 609 Column: 113 - 144
"...Service."><img src="images/li-logo.png" /></a></..." Line: 1060 Column: 276 - 455
"...n false;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_GU1-c6p7O4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLB2yHxcc1Y29U8-NCoO_cmvU6CmGQ' /> <img ..." Line: 1060 Column: 458 - 517
"...mGQ' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <..." Line: 1060 Column: 899 - 1078
"... false;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_MBKss4Sn7Y/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLBL83mo_xe5WYq2-UiqQT6kty4jQw' /> <img s..." Line: 1060 Column: 1081 - 1140
"...Qw' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <b..." Line: 1060 Column: 1520 - 1699
"...false;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/F_RqTBHIgzQ/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLD4lOweMK3e4PmnICEhbhjaAosayg' /> <img sr..." Line: 1060 Column: 1702 - 1761
"...g' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br..." Line: 1060 Column: 2114 - 2293
"...alse;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dlWvRvPMmQY/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLCxiF9DoaabD0W07rpoyxTPcr0yqQ' /> <img src..." Line: 1060 Column: 2296 - 2355
"...' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br>..." Line: 1060 Column: 2727 - 2906
"...lse;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mmFbq_Jtc7E/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLDB8J0xeUf_cPmmLgITzNG-cfb4bQ' /> <img src=..." Line: 1060 Column: 2909 - 2968
"... /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><..." Line: 1060 Column: 3338 - 3517
"...se;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0KBSVy5T-rc/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLDwAdLcaAv71UsmyhQamScZWbj0Kw' /> <img src="..." Line: 1060 Column: 3520 - 3579
".../> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a..." Line: 1060 Column: 3948 - 4142
"...e;"><img style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EA0V-ivUpRw/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=gj6Od2Z8md7nC5mXlAgvTAs0lXM' /> <img src="images/..." Line: 1060 Column: 4145 - 4204
"...g src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img s..." Line: 1060 Column: 4571 - 4750
"...g style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IFn3z25rxbg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLAf0u3I3okL3hrgGd7_y_eXth9E9w' /> <img src="images/w..." Line: 1060 Column: 4753 - 4812
"... src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img sr..." Line: 1060 Column: 5192 - 5371
"... style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1aCqNfwIcuM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLCn9JAbxKPXdJM5Z_PjmJVHRSC6qg' /> <img src="images/wa..." Line: 1060 Column: 5374 - 5433
"...src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img src..." Line: 1060 Column: 5801 - 5980
"...style='width:100%; height:175px;' src='https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LRhNmxr5E_E/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEWCMQBEG5IWvKriqkDCQgBFQAAiEIYAQ==&rs=AOn4CLBLMQ6gjbVo0kHdS0EkrkdYGv8-pg' /> <img src="images/wat..." Line: 1060 Column: 5983 - 6042
"...rc="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img src=..." Line: 1101 Column: 133 - 159
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/ians.jpg"/></a> <..." Line: 1102 Column: 120 - 148
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/photo.jpg""/> </a><..." Line: 1103 Column: 118 - 145
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/video.jpg"/> </a><..." Line: 1104 Column: 130 - 157
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/hindi.jpg"/> </a><..." Line: 1105 Column: 114 - 146
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/multimedia.png"/> </a><..." Line: 1201 Column: 130 - 169
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/ians.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 223 - 262
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/hindi.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 323 - 366
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/bollywood.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 419 - 459
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/photo.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 513 - 552
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/video.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 611 - 656
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/publishing.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 720 - 760
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/mobile.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 820 - 865
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/consultancy.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 917 - 955
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/live.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..."

Element “div” not allowed as child of element “label” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 154 Column: 7 - 43
"...n"> <div class="spinner diagonal part-1"></div>..." Line: 155 Column: 7 - 38
"...iv> <div class="spinner horizontal"></div>..." Line: 156 Column: 7 - 43
"...iv> <div class="spinner diagonal part-2"></div>..."

Element “title” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 242 Column: 13 - 19
"... <title> ..."

The “font” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 263 Column: 12 - 26
"... <b><font size='1'>Last u..."

Bad value “tooltip” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “tooltip” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 299 Column: 1 - 152
"...u"> <li> <a title="Facebook" rel="tooltip" href="https://www.facebook.com/IndoAsianNewsService" target="_blank" class="btn btn-facebook" data-placement="left"> <i cl..." Line: 305 Column: 1 - 135
"...li> <li> <a title="Twitter" rel="tooltip" href="https://twitter.com/ians_india" target="_blank" class="btn btn-twitter" data-placement="left"> <i cl..." Line: 317 Column: 1 - 142
"... <li> <a title="Youtube" rel="tooltip" href="https://www.youtube.com/user/iansindia" target="_blank" class="btn btn-google" data-placement="left"> <i cl..." Line: 323 Column: 1 - 134
"...li> <li> <a title="Subscribe" rel="tooltip" href="index.php?param=subscribe" target="_blank" class="btn btn-subscribe" data-placement="left"> <i cl..." Line: 328 Column: 1 - 116
".../li> <li> <a title="Site Map" rel="tooltip" href="sitemap.php" target="_blank" class="btn btn-sitemap" data-placement="left"> <i cl..."

Duplicate ID “ajaxSearch_form”.

Line: 491 Column: 5 - 129
"...sk" > <form id="ajaxSearch_form" name="frmsrch" action="index.php?param=search/result" method="post" onSubmit="return validate();"> ..."

Element “input” is missing required attribute “alt”.

Line: 494 Column: 7 - 100
"... > <input type="image" src="images/magnifier.gif" class="magnifier" title="Click here to Search"> <..."

Duplicate ID “st-trigger-effects”.

Line: 594 Column: 8 - 51
"..."> <div id="st-trigger-effects" class="column"> ..."

Stray end tag “div”.

Line: 710 Column: 3 - 8
"... --> </div> <di..."

Element “h1” not allowed as child of element “a” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 750 Column: 88 - 91
"...topstory"><h1>Top St..."

End tag “strong” violates nesting rules.

Line: 758 Column: 236 - 244
"...ome (Lead)</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 627 - 635
"...ttarakhand</strong></a><l..." Line: 758 Column: 828 - 836
"... (Roundup)</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 1221 - 1229
"... (Roundup)</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 1639 - 1647
"...Babri case</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 2033 - 2041
"...ation plan</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 2444 - 2452
"...ted (Lead)</strong></a><s..." Line: 758 Column: 2835 - 2843
"...en Samman'</strong></a><l..." Line: 758 Column: 3036 - 3044
"...d services</strong></a><l..." Line: 758 Column: 3242 - 3250
"...stic waste</strong></a><l..." Line: 758 Column: 3451 - 3459
"...hey saw it</strong></a><l..." Line: 758 Column: 3651 - 3659
"...ons (Lead)</strong></a> ..." Line: 775 Column: 190 - 198
"...t assembly</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 642 - 650
"...al devices</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 1142 - 1150
"... President</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 1703 - 1711
"...en Samman'</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 2182 - 2190
"... pollution</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 2714 - 2722
"...s' working</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 3228 - 3236
"...ce station</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 3669 - 3677
"...d services</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 4131 - 4139
"...stic waste</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 4716 - 4724
"...hey saw it</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 5356 - 5364
"...al network</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 5817 - 5825
"...ennis meet</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 6265 - 6273
"...CFO Bansal</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 6741 - 6749
"...ons (Lead)</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 7237 - 7245
"... lakh each</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 7779 - 7787
"...ash (Lead)</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 8209 - 8217
"...pal sacked</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 8793 - 8801
"... ISL clash</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 9241 - 9249
"...mis (Lead)</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 9935 - 9943
"...20% (Lead)</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 10678 - 10686
"...t launched</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 11342 - 11350
"...t Tigor EV</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 11776 - 11784
"... in Bengal</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 12266 - 12274
"... UP (Lead)</strong></a>&n..." Line: 775 Column: 13019 - 13027
"...CR (Lead)</strong></a>&n..."

No “a” element in scope but a “a” end tag seen.

Line: 758 Column: 245 - 248
"...)</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 636 - 639
"...d</strong></a><li cl..." Line: 758 Column: 837 - 840
"...)</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 1230 - 1233
"...)</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 1648 - 1651
"...e</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 2042 - 2045
"...n</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 2453 - 2456
"...)</strong></a><span ..." Line: 758 Column: 2844 - 2847
"...'</strong></a><li cl..." Line: 758 Column: 3045 - 3048
"...s</strong></a><li cl..." Line: 758 Column: 3251 - 3254
"...e</strong></a><li cl..." Line: 758 Column: 3460 - 3463
"...t</strong></a><li cl..." Line: 758 Column: 3660 - 3663
"...)</strong></a> </l..." Line: 775 Column: 199 - 202
"...y</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 651 - 654
"...s</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 1151 - 1154
"...t</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 1712 - 1715
"...'</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 2191 - 2194
"...n</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 2723 - 2726
"...g</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 3237 - 3240
"...n</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 3678 - 3681
"...s</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 4140 - 4143
"...e</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 4725 - 4728
"...t</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 5365 - 5368
"...k</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 5826 - 5829
"...t</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 6274 - 6277
"...l</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 6750 - 6753
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 7246 - 7249
"...h</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 7788 - 7791
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 8218 - 8221
"...d</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 8802 - 8805
"...h</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 9250 - 9253
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 9944 - 9947
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 10687 - 10690
"...d</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 11351 - 11354
"...V</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 11785 - 11788
"...l</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 12275 - 12278
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 775 Column: 13028 - 13031
"...)</strong></a>&nbsp;..." Line: 926 Column: 86 - 89
"... Life</h3></a> <div ..."

Bad value “20px” for attribute “width” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.

Line: 758 Column: 274 - 430
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 758 Column: 866 - 1022
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 758 Column: 1259 - 1415
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 758 Column: 1677 - 1833
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 758 Column: 2071 - 2227
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 758 Column: 2482 - 2638
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 775 Column: 9324 - 9480
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 775 Column: 10018 - 10174
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 775 Column: 10761 - 10917
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 775 Column: 12349 - 12505
"...datetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span..." Line: 914 Column: 177 - 328
"...atetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/green-camera-icon.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span>..." Line: 914 Column: 513 - 669
"...tetime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span><..." Line: 914 Column: 866 - 1022
"...etime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span></..." Line: 914 Column: 1338 - 1494
"...ime'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span></li..." Line: 914 Column: 1720 - 1876
"...me'><img width='20px' style='-webkit-user-select: none;border: 0px;' src='images/1411578377_social_1-20.png' alt='IANS Photo Service' title='IANS Photo Service'></span></li>..."

Element “h1” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 766 Column: 23 - 26

Text not allowed in element “ul” in this context.

Line: 770 Column: 513 - 514
"...7</a></li>..<a st..." Line: 783 Column: 513 - 514
"...7</a></li>..<a st..."

Element “a” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 770 Column: 515 - 568
".../a></li>..<a style='cursor:pointer' onclick='loadpaging(34,0)'>34</a>..." Line: 770 Column: 575 - 629
"...0)'>34</a><a style='cursor:pointer' onclick='loadpaging(35,0)' >35</a>..." Line: 783 Column: 515 - 568
".../a></li>..<a style='cursor:pointer' onclick='loadpaging(34,0)'>34</a>..." Line: 783 Column: 575 - 629
"...0)'>34</a><a style='cursor:pointer' onclick='loadpaging(35,0)' >35</a>..."

No “p” element in scope but a “p” end tag seen.

Line: 776 Column: 1 - 4
"...NCR.</p> </p> <..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 796 Column: 1 - 23
"...h"></div> <style type="text/css"> .img..."

End tag “h3” seen, but there were open elements.

Line: 926 Column: 81 - 85
"...>IANS Life</h3></a> <..."

Unclosed element “a”.

Line: 926 Column: 26 - 71
"... color10"><a href="index.php?param=storytype/ians-life">IANS L..."

Saw “<!--” within a comment. Probable cause: Nested comment (not allowed).

Line: 1009 Column: - 5
".../a> </div> <!-- freephotos sec..."

Bad value “vidbox 425 350” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “vidbox” is not a registered keyword.

Line: 1060 Column: 86 - 275
"...i...</div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GU1-c6p7O4" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Shah Rukh's team in South Africa T20 league" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img s..." Line: 1060 Column: 691 - 898
"......</div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MBKss4Sn7Y" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Gautam Gambhir slams Kashmiri separatist for lauding Pakistan" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img st..." Line: 1060 Column: 1314 - 1519
".....</div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_RqTBHIgzQ" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="When Alia-Karan-Sonam-Jacqueline united, they partied hard!" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img sty..." Line: 1060 Column: 1935 - 2113
"....</div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlWvRvPMmQY" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Varun KILLS Prabhas like Katappa" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img styl..." Line: 1060 Column: 2529 - 2726
"...</div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmFbq_Jtc7E" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Mubarakan Trailer | Meet Anil Kapoor's CRAZY family" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style..." Line: 1060 Column: 3142 - 3337
".../div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KBSVy5T-rc" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Main Ghanta kuch hu Nawaz ke saamne: Tiger Shroff" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style=..." Line: 1060 Column: 3753 - 3947
"...div><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA0V-ivUpRw" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="SRK-Anushka | Mini trail 3 | Jab Harry Met Sejal" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style='..." Line: 1060 Column: 4378 - 4570
"...href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFn3z25rxbg" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Saif REACTS on daughter Saras Bollywood Debut" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style='width:1..." Line: 1060 Column: 4986 - 5191
"...ref="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aCqNfwIcuM" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="Saif Ali khans HUMOROUS Side - you cant afford to MISS IIFA" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style='width:10..." Line: 1060 Column: 5607 - 5800
"...ef="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRhNmxr5E_E" class="bla-2" rel="vidbox 425 350" title="SRK agreed for cameo before I could ask: Salman" onclick="Videobox.init.bind(this); return false;"><img style='width:100..."

Bad value “210px” for attribute “width” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.

Line: 1060 Column: 531 - 593
"... <br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a><..." Line: 1060 Column: 1154 - 1216
"... <br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></..." Line: 1060 Column: 1775 - 1837
"...<br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></d..." Line: 1060 Column: 2369 - 2431
"...br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></di..." Line: 1060 Column: 2982 - 3044
"...r><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div..." Line: 1060 Column: 3593 - 3655
"...><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div>..." Line: 1060 Column: 4218 - 4280
"...g src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div cl..." Line: 1060 Column: 4826 - 4888
"... src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div cla..." Line: 1060 Column: 5447 - 5509
"...src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div clas..." Line: 1060 Column: 6056 - 6118
"...rc="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div></div> <sc..."

Bad value “19px” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “p” instead.

Line: 1060 Column: 531 - 593
"... <br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a><..." Line: 1060 Column: 1154 - 1216
"... <br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></..." Line: 1060 Column: 1775 - 1837
"...<br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></d..." Line: 1060 Column: 2369 - 2431
"...br><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></di..." Line: 1060 Column: 2982 - 3044
"...r><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div..." Line: 1060 Column: 3593 - 3655
"...><a><img src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div>..." Line: 1060 Column: 4218 - 4280
"...g src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div cl..." Line: 1060 Column: 4826 - 4888
"... src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div cla..." Line: 1060 Column: 5447 - 5509
"...src="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div><div clas..." Line: 1060 Column: 6056 - 6118
"...rc="images/bar.png" alt="" width='210px' height='19px'/> </a></div></div> <sc..."

No space between attributes.

Line: 1102 Column: - 146
"...ogos/photo.jpg""/> </a></div> ..."

Saw “"” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: “=” missing immediately before.

Line: 1102 Column: - 146
"...ogos/photo.jpg""/> </a></div> ..."

Attribute “"” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 1102 Column: 120 - 148
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/photo.jpg""/> </a><..."

The “align” attribute on the “div” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1198 Column: 11 - 78
"... <div id="logofooter_inner" class="logofooter_inner" align="center" > ..."

Named character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. (Or “&” should have been escaped as “&amp;”.)

Line: 1211 Column: - 10
"...br /> <p> &copy 2017 IANS Indi..."

Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.

Line: 1245 Column: - 92
"...ata-toggle-text"Read less" tit..." Line: 1245 Column: - 102
"...-text"Read less" title="Connec..."

“data-*” attribute names must be XML 1.0 4th ed. plus Namespaces NCNames.

Line: 1245 Column: 5 - 127
".../div> <small class="btn btn-sml btn-success" data-toggle-target="#example-1" data-toggle-text"Read less" title="Connect with us"><i cla..."

Attribute “less"” not allowed on element “small” at this point.

Line: 1245 Column: 5 - 127
".../div> <small class="btn btn-sml btn-success" data-toggle-target="#example-1" data-toggle-text"Read less" title="Connect with us"><i cla..."

End tag for “body” seen, but there were unclosed elements.

Line: 1397 Column: 1 - 7
"... Here--> </body> </htm..."

Unclosed element “div”.

Line: 712 Column: 5 - 21
"...ner"> <div class="row"> ..." Line: 711 Column: 3 - 25
"... </div> <div class="container"> <..."


The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 262 Column: 96 - 217
"...: none;"> <img src="images/logo.png" alt="IANS Logo" title="Welcome To IANS India's Largest Independent News Service." border="0" /> </a> ..." Line: 1060 Column: 458 - 517
"...mGQ' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <..." Line: 1060 Column: 1081 - 1140
"...Qw' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <b..." Line: 1060 Column: 1702 - 1761
"...g' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br..." Line: 1060 Column: 2296 - 2355
"...' /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br>..." Line: 1060 Column: 2909 - 2968
"... /> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><..." Line: 1060 Column: 3520 - 3579
".../> <img src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a..." Line: 1060 Column: 4145 - 4204
"...g src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img s..." Line: 1060 Column: 4753 - 4812
"... src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img sr..." Line: 1060 Column: 5374 - 5433
"...src="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img src..." Line: 1060 Column: 5983 - 6042
"...rc="images/watermark.png" class="imgA1" border="0" /></a> <br><a><img src=..." Line: 1201 Column: 130 - 169
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/ians.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 223 - 262
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/hindi.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 323 - 366
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/bollywood.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 419 - 459
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/photo.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 513 - 552
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/video.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 611 - 656
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/publishing.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 720 - 760
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/mobile.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 820 - 865
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/consultancy.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1201 Column: 917 - 955
"...="_blank"><img src='logos/live.jpg' border='0' /></a> <..." Line: 1219 Column: 60 - 154
"...="_blank"><img src="http://sstatic1.histats.com/0.gif?1688363&101" alt="counter statistics" border="0"></a></n..."

The first occurrence of ID “ajaxSearch_form” was here.

Line: 201 Column: 5 - 148
"...orm"> <form id="ajaxSearch_form" class="search_box" name="frmsrch" action="index.php?param=search/result" method="post" onSubmit="return validate();"> <i..."

The “navigation” role is unnecessary for element “nav”.

Line: 499 Column: 1 - 53
"...v> </div> <nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation"> ..."

Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.

Line: 535 Column: 6 - 31
"...bel> <article class="ac-small"> ..." Line: 547 Column: 6 - 31
"...bel> <article class="ac-small"> ..." Line: 558 Column: 6 - 31
"...bel> <article class="ac-small"> ..." Line: 568 Column: 6 - 31
"...bel> <article class="ac-small"> ..." Line: 580 Column: 6 - 31
"...bel> <article class="ac-small"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “st-trigger-effects” was here.

Line: 226 Column: 8 - 70
"..."> <div id="st-trigger-effects" class="column" title="Categories"> ..."

The document is not mappable to XML 1.0 due to two consecutive hyphens in a comment.

Line: 1005 Column: - 34
"...ction starts -- > <div class="..."

Attribute “"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1102 Column: 120 - 148
"...="_blank"><img src="logos/photo.jpg""/> </a><..."

Attribute “data-toggle-text"read” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1245 Column: 5 - 127
".../div> <small class="btn btn-sml btn-success" data-toggle-target="#example-1" data-toggle-text"Read less" title="Connect with us"><i cla..."

Attribute “less"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 1245 Column: 5 - 127
".../div> <small class="btn btn-sml btn-success" data-toggle-target="#example-1" data-toggle-text"Read less" title="Connect with us"><i cla..."

This document appears to be written in English. Consider adding “lang="en"” (or variant) to the “html” start tag.

Line: 16 Column: 122 - 6
"...onal.dtd"> <html> <head..."

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Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.