GAMESTORE.COM.KW Website Information Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 966

Daily Page Views: 1,932

Income Per Day: $6

Estimated Value: $1,440 is registered under .KW top-level domain. Please check other sites in .KW zone.

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and is probably hosted by GOOGLE-PRIVATE-CLOUD - Google LLC, US. See the full list of other websites hosted by GOOGLE-PRIVATE-CLOUD - Google LLC, US.

The highest website position in Alexa rank database was 28747 and the lowest rank position was 985830. Current position of in Alexa rank database is 742254.

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Advertisement Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. whois

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Servers Location HTML validation


A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”.

Line: 22 Column: 17 - 79
"... <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"/> ..."

Element “script” must not have attribute “defer” unless attribute “src” is also specified.

Line: 108 Column: 13 - 123
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" data-src="/web/content/60508-6afa801/1/web.assets_common_lazy.js"></scri..." Line: 115 Column: 13 - 125
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" data-src="/web/content/60509-1632800/1/web.assets_frontend_lazy.js"></scri..."

Text not allowed in element “ul” in this context.

Line: 488 Column: - 60
"...r you</li> <li> ..." Line: 495 Column: 29 - 41
"...i>Now</li>             </ul> ..."

Duplicate ID “login”.

Line: 647 Column: 21 - 148
"... <input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="form-control" autofocus="autofocus" required="required" autocapitalize="off"/> ..." Line: 675 Column: 17 - 160
"... <input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="form-control form-control-sm" autofocus="autofocus" autocapitalize="off" required="required"/> ..."

A document must not include more than one “autofocus” attribute.

Line: 647 Column: 21 - 148
"... <input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="form-control" autofocus="autofocus" required="required" autocapitalize="off"/> ..." Line: 675 Column: 17 - 160
"... <input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="form-control form-control-sm" autofocus="autofocus" autocapitalize="off" required="required"/> ..."

Duplicate ID “password”.

Line: 685 Column: 17 - 127
"... <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="form-control form-control-sm" required="required"/> ..."

An element with “role=menuitem” must be contained in, or owned by, an element with “role=menubar” or “role=menu”.

Line: 815 Column: 9 - 60
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/" class="nav-link active"> ..." Line: 829 Column: 9 - 58
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/shop" class="nav-link "> ..." Line: 1310 Column: 9 - 62
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/livechat" class="nav-link "> ..." Line: 1324 Column: 9 - 63
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/contactus" class="nav-link "> ..." Line: 1338 Column: 9 - 58
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/shop" class="nav-link "> ..." Line: 1352 Column: 9 - 64
"...> <a role="menuitem" href="/eid-offers" class="nav-link "> ..."

Element “section” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 980 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 987 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 994 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1001 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1020 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1027 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1034 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1041 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1060 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1067 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1074 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1081 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1091 Column: 559 - 567
"...PC</a><ul><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 751 - 759
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 939 - 947
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 1121 - 1129
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 1863 - 1871
"...ts</a><ul><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 2049 - 2057
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 2258 - 2266
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1102 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1109 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1117 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1390 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1395 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1400 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1405 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1410 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1795 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1800 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1805 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1810 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1815 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1820 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1829 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1834 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1839 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1844 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1849 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1858 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1863 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1873 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1878 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..."

Bad value “tel: 22944477” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in scheme data: space is not allowed.

Line: 1429 Column: 29 - 75
"... <a class="te_ver_add_ept" href="tel: 22944477"> ..." Line: 1753 Column: 41 - 64
"... <a href="tel: 22944477"> ..."

Bad value “mailto:” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in scheme data: space is not allowed.

Line: 1435 Column: 29 - 89
"... <a class="te_ver_add_ept" href="mailto:"> ..." Line: 1761 Column: 41 - 78
"... <a href="mailto:"> ..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 1632 Column: 15 - 250
"... <img class="img img-fluid" src="/web/image/63191/NS%20Console%20Lite%20Limited%20Edition%20Zacian%20and%20Zamazenta%20-%20Limited%20Edition%20+%20Pokemon%20SWORD%20NTSC" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip869230"/> ..." Line: 1642 Column: 15 - 251
"... <img class="img img-fluid" src="/web/image/63190/NS%20Console%20Lite%20Limited%20Edition%20Zacian%20and%20Zamazenta%20-%20Limited%20Edition%20+%20Pokemon%20Shield%20NTSC" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip122322"/> ..."

Bad value “100%” for attribute “width” on element “iframe”: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

Bad value “100%” for attribute “height” on element “iframe”: Expected a digit but saw “%” instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

Bad value “ St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &width=100%&hl=en&t=&z=14&ie=UTF8&iwloc=&output=embed” for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

The “marginheight” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

The “marginwidth” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 1744 Column: 45 - 332
"... <iframe width="100%" height="100%" id="gmap_canvas" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" St, Al Rehab Complex, Shop 6 Hawalli Kuwait &amp;width=100%&amp;hl=en&amp;t=&amp;z=14&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=&amp;output=embed"></ifra..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1746 Column: 41 - 47
"... <style>.mapou..."

Attribute “disabled” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 1898 Column: 53 - 170
"... <a role="button" href="#" class="btn btn-success js_subscribed_btn d-none o_default_snippet_text" disabled="disabled">Thanks..."

A slash was not immediately followed by “>”.

Line: 2026 Column: - 164
"...50 50;" {" Line: 2026 Column: - 165
"...0 50;" {" Line: 2026 Column: - 176
"...p://" Line: 2026 Column: - 180
"}..." Line: 2026 Column: - 185

Attribute “{http:” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “xml” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “1998” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “namespace}space” not allowed on element “svg” at this point.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

The “aria-describedby” attribute must point to an element in the same document.

Line: 974 Column: 29 - 271
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37453/ps%20icon.png?access_token=2f3d9a09-4351-4f51-a600-007a079add2d" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip614217"> ..." Line: 978 Column: 25 - 154
"... <a class="te_menu_ctg_main" href="/shop/category/playstation-126" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip93972">Playst..." Line: 990 Column: 41 - 202
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/playstation-playstation-4-ps4-consoles-144" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip315291">PS4 Co..." Line: 997 Column: 41 - 199
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/playstation-playstation-4-ps4-games-145" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip274316">PS4 Ga..." Line: 1004 Column: 41 - 205
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/playstation-playstation-4-ps4-accessories-141" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip484688">PS4 Ac..." Line: 1014 Column: 29 - 266
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37454/xbox.png?access_token=81473226-ec63-429e-a18c-972e32e5cc4e" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip355286"> ..." Line: 1018 Column: 25 - 148
"... <a class="te_menu_ctg_main" href="/shop/category/xbox-160" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip183480">xbox</..." Line: 1023 Column: 41 - 177
"... <a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/xbox-xbox-one-165" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip402918">Xbox 1..." Line: 1030 Column: 41 - 187
"... <a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/xbox-xbox-one-xb1-games-168" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip632323">Xbox 1..." Line: 1037 Column: 41 - 193
"... <a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/xbox-xbox-one-xb1-accessories-166" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip375557">Xbox 1..." Line: 1044 Column: 41 - 177
"... <a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/xbox-xbox-360-162" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip463466">Xbox 3..." Line: 1054 Column: 29 - 270
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37455/nintendo.png?access_token=ad0208bb-e242-4a98-b401-03270b6d513a" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip660665"> ..." Line: 1058 Column: 25 - 152
"... <a class="te_menu_ctg_main" href="/shop/category/nintendo-105" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip257798">Ninten..." Line: 1063 Column: 41 - 188
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/nintendo-nintendo-switch-109" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip476560">Ninten..." Line: 1070 Column: 41 - 185
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/nintendo-nintendo-wii-114" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip985922">Ninten..." Line: 1077 Column: 41 - 187
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/nintendo-nintendo-wii-u-117" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip500889">Ninten..." Line: 1084 Column: 41 - 182
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/nintendo-3ds-games-107" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip861500">3DS Ga..." Line: 1091 Column: 115 - 368
"...rder_div"><img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37456/Pc%20category%20Icon.png?access_token=d3c4d5f0-b1ff-4149-8ecf-526f7e5cc4db" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip507482"></div>..." Line: 1091 Column: 427 - 548
"...m-3 py-2"><a class="te_menu_ctg_main" href="/shop/category/pc-120" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip774423">PC</a>..." Line: 1091 Column: 575 - 714
"...on><li><p><a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/pc-pc-accessories-122" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip66879">PC Ace..." Line: 1091 Column: 767 - 904
"...on><li><p><a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/pc-pc-monitors-124" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip616828">PC Mon..." Line: 1091 Column: 955 - 1089
"...on><li><p><a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/pc-pc-games-123" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip648547">PC Gam..." Line: 1091 Column: 1137 - 1273
"...on><li><p><a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/pc-steam-cards-188" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip53430">Steam ..." Line: 1091 Column: 1431 - 1683
"...rder_div"><img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37457/standing-desk-4-512.png?access_token=2bf75d1f-a76d-43a9-8cbf-848ca88ace4f" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip507482"></div>..." Line: 1091 Column: 1742 - 1843
"...m-3 py-2"><a class="te_menu_ctg_main" href="#" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip774423">Gaming..." Line: 1091 Column: 1879 - 2013
"...on><li><p><a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/gaming-desk-101" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip616828">Gaming..." Line: 1091 Column: 2065 - 2221
"...on><li><p><a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/gaming-chairs-gaming-office-chairs-99" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip648547">Gaming..." Line: 1091 Column: 2274 - 2430
"...on><li><p><a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/shop/category/gaming-chairs-gaming-racing-chairs-100" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip53430">Racing..." Line: 1096 Column: 29 - 284
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 5" src="/web/image/37458/retro-games-icon-03-512.png?access_token=8cf6bb0e-6dc5-4113-9706-975570974648" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip57078"> ..." Line: 1112 Column: 41 - 182
"... <a class="nav-link te_menu_sub" href="/shop/category/gaming-merchandise-103" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip900829">Mercha..." Line: 1120 Column: 41 - 163
"... <a class="te_menu_sub nav-link" href="/brand/paladone-34" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip698386">Palado..." Line: 1157 Column: 41 - 284
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 4" src="/web/image/37385/Turtle%20Beach?access_token=9e0e2c9f-9d46-4a45-bd1d-b38047ce9c4d" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip239446"> ..." Line: 1161 Column: 37 - 151
"... <a href="/brand/turtle-beach-51" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip812207">TURTLE..." Line: 1185 Column: 37 - 146
"... <a href="/brand/enhance-14" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip688496">ENHANC..." Line: 1197 Column: 37 - 143
"... <a href="/brand/ducky-12" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip19249">DUCKY<..." Line: 1209 Column: 37 - 142
"... <a href="/brand/astro-4" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip83780">ASTRO<..." Line: 1217 Column: 41 - 284
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 4" src="/web/image/37375/Nintendo10.png?access_token=cc32d0a2-cf23-4288-8d96-b4d8d5121e7c" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip325182"> ..." Line: 1221 Column: 37 - 147
"... <a href="/brand/nintendo-30" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip962205">nINTEN..." Line: 1232 Column: 37 - 144
"... <a href="/brand/nacon-28" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip212248">NACON<..." Line: 1244 Column: 37 - 153
"... <a href="/brand/gtr-simulator-101" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip105653">GTR</a..." Line: 1256 Column: 37 - 146
"... <a href="/brand/e-blue-100" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip817175">E-BLUE..." Line: 1268 Column: 37 - 146
"... <a href="/brand/dxracer-13" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip433510">DXRACE..." Line: 1280 Column: 37 - 147
"... <a href="/brand/borangame-8" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip593872">BORANG..." Line: 1292 Column: 37 - 153
"... <a href="/brand/microsoft-xbox-27" class="nav-link" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip338786">XBOX</..." Line: 1300 Column: 62 - 325
"...ation-43"><img class="d-block img img-fluid img-responsive mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Mega Menus Style 4" src="/web/image/37374/Sony%20Playstation%20logo?access_token=afc4b8b0-6223-4078-bbda-b7b1686fcc04" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip377359" style=""></a> ..." Line: 1539 Column: 15 - 208
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/64340/doom%20banner.jpg" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1544 Column: 15 - 219
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/64339/nobel%20chair2%20%281%29.jpg" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1549 Column: 15 - 208
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/57657/nobel%20chair.jpg" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1554 Column: 15 - 214
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/43732/xbox%20cyber%20Punk.png" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1559 Column: 15 - 226
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/64468/nitro%20banner%20e250%20%282%29.jpg" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1564 Column: 15 - 219
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/37388/paladine%20%20banner%201.png" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1569 Column: 15 - 232
"... <img class="img img-responsive img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Slider Style 3" src="/web/image/40820/Nyko%20Nintendo%20Switch%20accessories%20" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip863516"/> ..." Line: 1587 Column: 9 - 178
"...> <img class="img-fluid d-block mx-auto" alt="Clarico-Full Image" src="/web/image/43797/Ps5%20banner.jpg" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip230781"/> ..." Line: 1632 Column: 15 - 250
"... <img class="img img-fluid" src="/web/image/63191/NS%20Console%20Lite%20Limited%20Edition%20Zacian%20and%20Zamazenta%20-%20Limited%20Edition%20+%20Pokemon%20SWORD%20NTSC" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip869230"/> ..." Line: 1636 Column: 13 - 106
"... <a href="/brand/glorious-18" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip249441">&nbsp;..." Line: 1642 Column: 15 - 251
"... <img class="img img-fluid" src="/web/image/63190/NS%20Console%20Lite%20Limited%20Edition%20Zacian%20and%20Zamazenta%20-%20Limited%20Edition%20+%20Pokemon%20Shield%20NTSC" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip122322"/> ..." Line: 1673 Column: 19 - 255
"... <img class="card-img-top img img-responsive te_feature_image" src="/web/image/64917/PDP%20NS%20Afterglow%20Wireless%20Deluxe%20Controller" alt="Clarico-3 Columns Style 5" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip744619"/> ..." Line: 1680 Column: 19 - 253
"... <img class="card-img-top img img-responsive te_feature_image" src="/web/image/64918/PS4%20Iron%20Man%20VR%20+%20Move%20Twin%20pack%20R2" alt="Clarico-3 Columns Style 5" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip733972"/> ..." Line: 1687 Column: 19 - 233
"... <img class="card-img-top img img-responsive te_feature_image" src="/web/image/64919/XB1%20Forza%20Horizon%204%20PAL" alt="Clarico-3 Columns Style 5" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip589282"/> ..." Line: 1797 Column: 33 - 109
"... <a href="#" data-original-title="" title="" aria-describedby="tooltip505553">Help</..."

The “itemprop” attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.

Line: 2000 Column: 25 - 46
"... <span itemprop="name">Game S..."


Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents.

Line: 23 Column: 17 - 103
"... <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"/> ..."

The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources.

Line: 94 Column: 17 - 47
"... <script type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 100 Column: 13 - 43
"... <script type="text/javascript"> ..." Line: 103 Column: 13 - 124
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src="/web/content/24658-ed746a2/1/web.assets_common_minimal_js.js"></scri..." Line: 104 Column: 13 - 125
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src="/web/content/1000-3a5eadd/1/web.assets_frontend_minimal_js.js"></scri..." Line: 108 Column: 13 - 123
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" data-src="/web/content/60508-6afa801/1/web.assets_common_lazy.js"></scri..." Line: 115 Column: 13 - 125
"... <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" data-src="/web/content/60509-1632800/1/web.assets_frontend_lazy.js"></scri..."

The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted.

Line: 123 Column: 17 - 39
"... <style type="text/css"> ..."

Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.

Line: 489 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section>|</sec..." Line: 493 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section>|</sec..." Line: 150 Column: 41 - 49
"... <section> ..." Line: 148 Column: 37 - 45
"... <section> ..." Line: 980 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 987 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 994 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1001 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 977 Column: 21 - 66
"... <section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2"> ..." Line: 971 Column: 17 - 60
"... <section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> ..." Line: 1020 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1027 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1034 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1041 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1017 Column: 21 - 66
"... <section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2"> ..." Line: 1011 Column: 17 - 60
"... <section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> ..." Line: 1060 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1067 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1074 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1081 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1057 Column: 21 - 66
"... <section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2"> ..." Line: 1051 Column: 17 - 60
"... <section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6"> ..." Line: 1091 Column: 559 - 567
"...PC</a><ul><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 751 - 759
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 939 - 947
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 1121 - 1129
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 381 - 426
"...div></div><section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2"><a cla..." Line: 1091 Column: 17 - 60
"... <section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6"><div c..." Line: 1091 Column: 1863 - 1871
"...ts</a><ul><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 2049 - 2057
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 2258 - 2266
"...</section><section><li><p..." Line: 1091 Column: 1696 - 1741
"...div></div><section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2"><a cla..." Line: 1091 Column: 1333 - 1376
"...</section><section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6"><div c..." Line: 1102 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section> ..." Line: 1109 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1117 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1099 Column: 21 - 75
"... <section class="py-lg-3 py-md-3 py-sm-3 py-2" style=""> ..." Line: 1093 Column: 17 - 69
"... <section class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 col-sm-6" style=""> ..." Line: 969 Column: 1 - 135
"... <section class="te_menu_style_5 container-fluid py-3 px-3 te_catalog_menu_main te_img_hide_small_devices" data-name="Style 5" style=""> ..." Line: 1155 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1160 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1153 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1167 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1172 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1165 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1179 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1184 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1177 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1191 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1196 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1189 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1203 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1208 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1201 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1215 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1220 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="col-12 py-3 te_icon_text text-center"> ..." Line: 1213 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1226 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1231 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1224 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1238 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1243 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1236 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1250 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1255 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1248 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1262 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1267 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1260 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1274 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1279 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1272 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1286 Column: 33 - 81
"... <section class="text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1291 Column: 33 - 86
"... <section class="py-3 text-center col-12 te_icon_text"> ..." Line: 1284 Column: 25 - 91
"... <section class="col-lg-2 te_menu_flip_box col-md-2 col-6 col-sm-3"> ..." Line: 1151 Column: 17 - 60
"... <section class="col-lg-9 align-self-center"> ..." Line: 1298 Column: 17 - 51
"... <section class="col-lg-3" style=""> ..." Line: 1149 Column: 1 - 132
"... <section class="te_menu_style_4 container-fluid te_icons_menu_main py-3 px-3 aos-init" data-name="Style 4" style="" data-aos="none"> ..." Line: 1376 Column: 17 - 25
"... <section> ..." Line: 1390 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1395 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1400 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1405 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1410 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1418 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1387 Column: 13 - 21
"... <section> ..." Line: 1386 Column: 17 - 25
"... <section> ..." Line: 1428 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1434 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1440 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1426 Column: 17 - 25
"... <section> ..." Line: 1458 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1463 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1466 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1469 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1472 Column: 29 - 37
"... <section> ..." Line: 1453 Column: 17 - 25
"... <section> ..." Line: 1384 Column: 9 - 55
"...> <section class="s_rating menu_vertical_option"> ..." Line: 1583 Column: 9 - 61
"...> <section class="t_img_hover_1 te_banner_img pb0 pt0"> ..." Line: 1582 Column: 7 - 45
"...iv> <section data-name="Full Image Banner"> ..." Line: 1590 Column: 9 - 61
"...> <section class="t_img_hover_1 te_banner_img pb0 pt0"> ..." Line: 1589 Column: 7 - 45
".../a> <section data-name="Full Image Banner"> ..." Line: 1593 Column: 7 - 58
"...on> <section class="te_brand_slider pt32 pb32" style=""></sect..." Line: 1629 Column: 13 - 102
"... <section class="t_img_hover_1 te_2col_s2_img te_img_effect5" style="text-align: center; "> ..." Line: 1634 Column: 13 - 102
"... <section class="t_img_hover_1 te_2col_s2_img te_img_effect5" style="text-align: center; "> ..." Line: 1639 Column: 13 - 73
"... <section class="te_img_effect5 t_img_hover_1 te_2col_s2_img"> ..." Line: 1644 Column: 13 - 73
"... <section class="te_img_effect5 t_img_hover_1 te_2col_s2_img"> ..." Line: 1626 Column: 7 - 53
"...iv> <section class="container" data-name="Style 2"> ..." Line: 1667 Column: 7 - 78
"...on> <section class="s_three_columns pt32 pb32" data-name="Style 5" style=""> ..." Line: 1767 Column: 37 - 75
"... <section class="te_footer_social_icon"> ..." Line: 1795 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1800 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1805 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1810 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1815 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1820 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1829 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1834 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1839 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1844 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1849 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1858 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1863 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1868 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1873 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1878 Column: 25 - 33
"... <section> ..." Line: 1782 Column: 29 - 54
"... <section class="col-lg-6"> ..." Line: 1905 Column: 33 - 68
"... <section class="te_footer_text_img"> ..." Line: 1725 Column: 17 - 51
"... <section class="s_text_block pt32"> ..." Line: 1965 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1970 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1975 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1980 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1985 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1990 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section> ..." Line: 1961 Column: 30 - 38
"... <section><section> ..." Line: 1961 Column: 21 - 29
"... <section><secti..." Line: 1998 Column: 21 - 63
"... <section class="te_copyright_add_language"> ..."

The “form” role is unnecessary for element “form”.

Line: 605 Column: 9 - 135
"... <form class="oe_login_form" role="form" method="post" onsubmit="this.action = this.action + location.hash" action="/web/login"> ..." Line: 639 Column: 9 - 94
"... <form class="oe_reset_password_form te_reset_password_form" role="form" method="post"> ..." Line: 668 Column: 9 - 103
"... <form class="oe_signup_form_ept oe_signup_form" role="form" method="post" action="/web/signup"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “login” was here.

Line: 611 Column: 17 - 165
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Email" name="login" id="login" required="required" autofocus="autofocus" autocapitalize="off" class="form-control "/> ..." Line: 611 Column: 17 - 165
"... <input type="text" placeholder="Email" name="login" id="login" required="required" autofocus="autofocus" autocapitalize="off" class="form-control "/> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “password” was here.

Line: 616 Column: 17 - 184
"... <input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" id="password" required="required" autocomplete="current-password" maxlength="4096" class="form-control "/> ..."

Attribute “{http:” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “1998” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..."

Attribute “namespace}space” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 2026 Column: 21 - 211
"... <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 24 30" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" {}space="preserve"> ..." similar domains

Similar domains: Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source. TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.