CORITIBA.COM.BR Website Information Website Information

Daily Unique Visits: 3,917

Daily Page Views: 15,668

Income Per Day: $44

Estimated Value: $23,760 is registered under .BR top-level domain. Please check other sites in .BR zone.

No name server records were found.

and is probably hosted by WINOV SOLU\195\135\195\149ES EM TECNOLOGIA SA, BR. See the full list of other websites hosted by WINOV SOLU\195\135\195\149ES EM TECNOLOGIA SA, BR.

The highest website position in Alexa rank database was 14190 and the lowest rank position was 999927. Current position of in Alexa rank database is 320393.

Desktop speed score of (99/100) is better than the results of 97.03% of other sites and shows that the page is performing great on desktop computers.

Mobile usability score of (89/100) is better than the results of 31.01% of other sites and means that the page is mobile-friendly.

Mobile speed score of (98/100) is better than the results of 95.71% of other sites and shows that the landing page performance on mobile devices is excellent.

Advertisement Alexa Rank

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users. whois

WHOIS gives you the ability to lookup any generic domains to find out the registered domain holder. WHOIS database are provided for information purposes only. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.

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Servers Location desktop page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-08-12

Desktop Speed Good
99/100 Desktop Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (expiration not specified)

priority - 0Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 996B (1% reduction).

Losslessly compressing could save 996B (1% reduction). Desktop Resource Breakdown

Total Resources2
Number of Hosts1
Static Resources1 mobile page speed rank

Last tested: 2019-08-11

Mobile Speed Good
98/100 Mobile Speed Test Quick Summary

priority - 1Leverage browser caching

Setting an expiry date or a maximum age in the HTTP headers for static resources instructs the browser to load previously downloaded resources from local disk rather than over the network.

Leverage browser caching for the following cacheable resources: (expiration not specified)

priority - 0Optimize images

Properly formatting and compressing images can save many bytes of data.

Optimize the following images to reduce their size by 996B (1% reduction).

Losslessly compressing could save 996B (1% reduction). Mobile Resource Breakdown

Total Resources2
Number of Hosts1
Static Resources1 mobile page usability

Last tested: 2019-08-11

Mobile Usability Good
89/100 Mobile Usability Test Quick Summary

priority - 10Configure the viewport

Your page does not have a viewport specified. This causes mobile devices to render your page as it would appear on a desktop browser, scaling it down to fit on a mobile screen. Configure a viewport to allow your page to render properly on all devices. HTML validation


Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.

Line: 1 Column: 1 - 8
"...<script>var lo..."

Stray doctype.

Line: 1 Column: 42 - 162
"...</script> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html..."

Stray start tag “html”.

Line: 2 Column: 1 - 43
"...nal.dtd"> <html xmlns=""> <hea..."

Start tag “head” seen but an element of the same type was already open.

Line: 4 Column: 1 - 6
".../xhtml"> <head> ..."

Attribute “posicao” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 518 Column: 5 - 69
"... <div id="idioma_selecionado" title="Alterar Idioma" posicao="f"> ..."

An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.

Line: 519 Column: 9 - 92
"...> <img src="Images/Site/pt-BR.png" border="0" style="display:none;" id="bandeirinha"/> ..." Line: 521 Column: 9 - 53
"... <img src="/Images/Site/drop_topo_seta.png" /> <..." Line: 590 Column: 13 - 69
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_face_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 593 Column: 10 - 69
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_twitter_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 596 Column: 10 - 71
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_instagram_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 599 Column: 10 - 70
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_you_tube_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 601 Column: 10 - 76
"... <img src="/Images/Site/drop_topo_seta.png" class="fa" posicao="f"/> ..." Line: 864 Column: 43 - 91
"...procurar"><img src="/Images/Site/icon_procurar_novo.jpg" />Procur..." Line: 1246 Column: 2 - 169
"...ais"> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_0" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> <i..." Line: 1247 Column: 2 - 169
";"/> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_1" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> <i..." Line: 1248 Column: 2 - 169
";"/> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_2" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> <i..." Line: 1249 Column: 2 - 169
";"/> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_3" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> <i..." Line: 1250 Column: 2 - 169
";"/> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_4" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> <i..." Line: 1251 Column: 2 - 168
";"/> <img src="" id="imgVitrine_5" style="max-width:636px; min-height:458px;display:none;"/> </d..." Line: 3506 Column: 72 - 189
""><img src="" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; width:280px;"></a> ..." Line: 3510 Column: 14 - 222
"... <img src="" width="50" height="50" onclick="audio_c_play();" class="audio_controle" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0;"> ..." Line: 3511 Column: 14 - 230
"... <img src="" width="40" height="40" onclick="audio_c_pause();" class="audio_controle" style="cursor:pointer; margin:6px 0 0 0;"> ..." Line: 3512 Column: 14 - 230
"... <img src="" width="40" height="40" onclick="document.getElementById('player_html5').volume += 0.1;" class="audio_controle" style="cursor:pointer; margin:6px 0 0 0;"> ..." Line: 3513 Column: 14 - 230
"... <img src="" width="40" height="40" onclick="document.getElementById('player_html5').volume -= 0.1;" class="audio_controle" style="cursor:pointer; margin:6px 0 0 0;"> ..." Line: 3521 Column: 14 - 233
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes estacao_selecionada" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3522 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3523 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3524 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3525 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3526 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..." Line: 3527 Column: 14 - 212
"... <img src="" onclick="audio_play(this, ';');" class="audio_estacoes" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0; border-radius:3px;"> ..."

Attribute “idioma-id” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 528 Column: 21 - 121
"... <a href="/" title="Portugu&#234;s" idioma-id ="1" onclick="mudaridioma('1')" class="escolher_idioma"> ..." Line: 533 Column: 21 - 118
"... <a href="/" title="Ingl&#234;s" idioma-id ="2" onclick="mudaridioma('2')" class="escolher_idioma"> ..." Line: 538 Column: 21 - 115
"... <a href="/" title="Espanhol" idioma-id ="3" onclick="mudaridioma('3')" class="escolher_idioma"> ..." Line: 543 Column: 21 - 112
"... <a href="/" title="Turco" idioma-id ="6" onclick="mudaridioma('6')" class="escolher_idioma"> ..." Line: 548 Column: 21 - 118
"... <a href="/" title="Alem&#227;o" idioma-id ="8" onclick="mudaridioma('8')" class="escolher_idioma"> ..."

Attribute “posicao” not allowed on element “img” at this point.

Line: 601 Column: 10 - 76
"... <img src="/Images/Site/drop_topo_seta.png" class="fa" posicao="f"/> ..."

Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 676 Column: 1 - 23
"... </div> <style type="text/css"> /..." Line: 3486 Column: 14 - 20
"... <style> ..."

The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 736 Column: 15 - 189
"... <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="190" height="29" scrolling=no id="socioEntradaIframe" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..." Line: 3127 Column: 13 - 163
"... <iframe name="videoYoutube" id="videoYoutube" width="290" height="195" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </ifr..."

The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 736 Column: 15 - 189
"... <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="190" height="29" scrolling=no id="socioEntradaIframe" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..."

The “allowtransparency” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 736 Column: 15 - 189
"... <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="190" height="29" scrolling=no id="socioEntradaIframe" allowtransparency="true"></ifra..."

Attribute “posicao” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 738 Column: 24 - 91
"... <li class="login" title="Acesso Restrito Área do Sócio" posicao="f">LOGIN<..." Line: 1378 Column: 29 - 75
"... <li class="c_posicao_0 " posicao="0" exibe="1"></..." Line: 1379 Column: 29 - 82
"... <li class="c_posicao_1 inativo" posicao="1" exibe="0"></li> ..." Line: 1380 Column: 29 - 82
"... <li class="c_posicao_2 inativo" posicao="2" exibe="0"></li> ..."

Attribute “exibe” not allowed on element “li” at this point.

Line: 1378 Column: 29 - 75
"... <li class="c_posicao_0 " posicao="0" exibe="1"></..." Line: 1379 Column: 29 - 82
"... <li class="c_posicao_1 inativo" posicao="1" exibe="0"></li> ..." Line: 1380 Column: 29 - 82
"... <li class="c_posicao_2 inativo" posicao="2" exibe="0"></li> ..."

Attribute “name” not allowed on element “div” at this point.

Line: 1421 Column: 1 - 53
"...</script> <div id="atualizaJogosTopo" name="atualizaJogosTopo"> <ul ..."

Element “img” not allowed as child of element “ul” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)

Line: 1424 Column: 5 - 207
"...gos"> <img onclick="mudarJogo(348,0);" id="jogos_seta_esq" src="" alt="Anterior" style="float:left; margin-left:8px; margin-top:45px; cursor:pointer;"/> <..." Line: 1432 Column: 5 - 208
"...</li> <img onclick="mudarJogo(348,1);" id="jogos_seta_dir" src="" alt="Próximo" style="float:right; margin-left:15px; margin-top:45px; cursor:pointer;"/> ..."

Duplicate ID “destaque1”.

Line: 1615 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1666 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1714 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1764 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..."

Duplicate ID “destaque2”.

Line: 1626 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1677 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1725 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1774 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..."

Duplicate ID “destaque3”.

Line: 1637 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1687 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1736 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1784 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..."

Duplicate ID “destaque4”.

Line: 1648 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1697 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1747 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1795 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..."

Duplicate ID “destaque5”.

Line: 1655 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1704 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1754 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1802 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..."

Duplicate attribute “class”.

Line: 1861 Column: - 172
"...iba Mais" class="saiba_mais" s..." Line: 1924 Column: - 168
"...iba Mais" class="saiba_mais" /..." Line: 2961 Column: - 172
"...iba Mais" class="saiba_mais" /..."

Duplicate ID “busca”.

Line: 2029 Column: 25 - 81
"... <input type="hidden" name="busca" id="busca" value="1" /> ..."

The “cellpadding” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 2031 Column: 25 - 100
"... <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left:-4px;"> ..." Line: 3647 Column: 5 - 43
"... <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..."

The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 2031 Column: 25 - 100
"... <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left:-4px;"> ..." Line: 3647 Column: 5 - 43
"... <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> ..."

The “border” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 2031 Column: 25 - 100
"... <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left:-4px;"> ..."

The “align” attribute on the “td” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 2033 Column: 34 - 51
"... <tr> <td align="right">Advers..." Line: 2615 Column: 37 - 51
"... <tr> <td align="right">Data</..." Line: 2736 Column: 38 - 51
"... <tr> <td align="right">Tipo C..." Line: 2769 Column: 38 - 51
"... <tr> <td align="right">Local<..." Line: 3661 Column: 17 - 50
"... <tr> <td class="quatro" align="center">1 ..." Line: 3665 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3667 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3671 Column: 17 - 57
"... <tr> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">2 ..." Line: 3675 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3677 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3681 Column: 17 - 50
"... <tr> <td class="quatro" align="center">3 ..." Line: 3685 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3687 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3691 Column: 17 - 57
"... <tr> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">4 ..." Line: 3695 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3697 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3701 Column: 17 - 48
"... <tr> <td class="coxa" align="center">5 ..." Line: 3705 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td class="coxa" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3707 Column: 22 - 48
"... </td> <td class="coxa" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3711 Column: 17 - 57
"... <tr> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">6 ..." Line: 3715 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3717 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3721 Column: 17 - 50
"... <tr> <td class="quatro" align="center">7 ..." Line: 3725 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3727 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3731 Column: 17 - 57
"... <tr> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">8 ..." Line: 3735 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3737 Column: 22 - 57
"... </td> <td class="quatro_listra" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3741 Column: 17 - 50
"... <tr> <td class="quatro" align="center">9 ..." Line: 3745 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..." Line: 3747 Column: 22 - 50
"... </td> <td class="quatro" align="center">0 ..."

Table cell spans past the end of its row group established by a “tbody” element; clipped to the end of the row group.

Line: 2934 Column: 37 - 64
"... <tr> <td colspan="2" rowspan="2"> ..."

Duplicate ID “trocaVideo”.

Line: 3154 Column: 25 - 165
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Cerim&#244;nia de posse" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3162 Column: 25 - 174
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Detalhes sobre o Paranaense 2018" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3171 Column: 25 - 188
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Coletiva - Diretoria administrativa - 05/12/17" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3179 Column: 25 - 220
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="#CHAxCFC - Coxa finaliza a prepara&#231;&#227;o para o &#250;ltimo jogo do ano" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3187 Column: 25 - 194
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Prepara&#231;&#227;o para o &#250;ltimo jogo de 2017" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3196 Column: 25 - 185
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Coritiba 1 x 2 S&#227;o Paulo - Gol do Coxa" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3204 Column: 25 - 180
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Câmera Coxa - Coritiba 1 x 0 Flamengo" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3212 Column: 25 - 174
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Coritiba x Flamengo - Recepção" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3221 Column: 25 - 181
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Marcelo Oliveira - Entrevista 150 jogos" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3229 Column: 25 - 163
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Jonas!" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3237 Column: 25 - 182
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Coritiba 1 x 1 Ponte Preta - Gol do Coxa" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..."

The element “input” must not appear as a descendant of the “a” element.

Line: 3259 Column: 13 - 86
"... <input type="button" value="VER TODOS V&#205;DEOS" class="todos_videos" /> ..." Line: 3464 Column: 9 - 79
"...> <input type="button" value="VER TODAS GALERIAS" class="todos_videos" /> <..."

Attribute “src” not allowed on element “a” at this point.

Line: 3506 Column: 14 - 71
"... <a target="_blank" src=""><img s..."

Quote “"” in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.

Line: 3589 Column: - 132
"...0" data-height:"240" data-show..." Line: 3589 Column: - 136
"...ata-height:"240" data-show-fac..."

Duplicate attribute “data-stream”.

Line: 3589 Column: - 172
"...ue" data-stream="true" data-he..."

“data-*” attribute names must be XML 1.0 4th ed. plus Namespaces NCNames.

Line: 3589 Column: 6 - 227
"> <div class="fb-like-box" data-stream="false" data-href="" data-width="290" data-height:"240" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="true" data-header="false" data-border-color="#FFFFFF"></div>..." Line: 3589 Column: 6 - 227
"> <div class="fb-like-box" data-stream="false" data-href="" data-width="290" data-height:"240" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="true" data-header="false" data-border-color="#FFFFFF"></div>..." Line: 3589 Column: 6 - 227
"> <div class="fb-like-box" data-stream="false" data-href="" data-width="290" data-height:"240" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="true" data-header="false" data-border-color="#FFFFFF"></div>..."

The “align” attribute on the “th” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Line: 3649 Column: 13 - 68
"... <tr> <th colspan="2" align="left" style="padding-left: 5px;"> ..." Line: 3652 Column: 18 - 31
"... </th> <th align="center"> ..." Line: 3655 Column: 18 - 31
"... </th> <th align="center"> ..."

The “for” attribute of the “label” element must refer to a non-hidden form control.

Line: 746 Column: 9 - 27
"...> <label for="socio">SÓCIO ..."


The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.

Line: 519 Column: 9 - 92
"...> <img src="Images/Site/pt-BR.png" border="0" style="display:none;" id="bandeirinha"/> ..." Line: 529 Column: 24 - 98
"... <img src="/Images/Site/band_brasil.jpg" alt="Portugu&#234;s" border="0" /> <span..." Line: 534 Column: 24 - 99
"... <img src="/Images/Site/band_reinoUnido.jpg" alt="Ingl&#234;s" border="0" /> <span..." Line: 539 Column: 24 - 93
"... <img src="/Images/Site/band_espanha.jpg" alt="Espanhol" border="0" /> <span..." Line: 544 Column: 24 - 90
"... <img src="/Images/Site/band_turquia.jpg" alt="Turco" border="0" /> <span..." Line: 549 Column: 24 - 95
"... <img src="/Images/Site/band_alemao.jpg" alt="Alem&#227;o" border="0" /> <span..." Line: 590 Column: 13 - 69
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_face_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 593 Column: 10 - 69
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_twitter_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 596 Column: 10 - 71
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_instagram_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 599 Column: 10 - 70
"... <img src="/Images/Site/icon_you_tube_front.png" border="0" /> ..." Line: 608 Column: 25 - 94
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconefacebook.png" alt="Facebook" border="0" /> ..." Line: 611 Column: 25 - 92
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconetwitter.png" alt="Twitter" border="0" /> ..." Line: 614 Column: 25 - 92
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconeyoutube.png" alt="YouTube" border="0" /> ..." Line: 617 Column: 25 - 95
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconepintrest.png" alt="Pinterest" border="0" /> ..." Line: 620 Column: 25 - 96
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconeinstagram.png" alt="Instagram" border="0" /> ..." Line: 623 Column: 25 - 96
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconegoogle_plus.png" alt="Google+" border="0" /> ..." Line: 626 Column: 25 - 87
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconevimeo.png" alt="Vine" border="0" /> ..." Line: 629 Column: 25 - 97
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconesoundsnap.png" alt="Soundcloud" border="0" /> ..." Line: 915 Column: 22 - 125
"... <img border="0" src="" alt="Menu Clube" /> ..." Line: 945 Column: 22 - 129
"... <img border="0" src="" alt="Menu Futebol" /> ..." Line: 969 Column: 22 - 131
"... <img border="0" src="" alt="Menu Negócios" /> ..." Line: 989 Column: 22 - 131
"... <img border="0" src="" alt="Menu Notícias" /> ..." Line: 1013 Column: 22 - 129
"... <img border="0" src="" alt="Menu Torcida" /> ..." Line: 1115 Column: 90 - 267
"...agem/76" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="160x600 Escudo Errado Não" /></a> ..." Line: 1122 Column: 31 - 209
"...enco/90" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Elenco - William Menezes" /></a> ..." Line: 1374 Column: 82 - 242
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Radio Coritiba" /></a><a..." Line: 1374 Column: 321 - 503
"...erience" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Coritiba Experience Genérico" /></a><a..." Line: 1374 Column: 569 - 753
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Movimento por um Futebol Melhor" /></a> ..." Line: 1386 Column: 124 - 287
"...18.html" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Coritiba Store" /></a> ..." Line: 1477 Column: 70 - 231
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Capa Adidas" /></a> ..." Line: 1825 Column: 61 - 220
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Caixa - Fullbanner" /></a> ..." Line: 2952 Column: 87 - 263
"...gem/191" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Vitrine - Coritiba Retribui" /></a> ..." Line: 3594 Column: 13 - 80
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconetwitter.png" alt="Twitter" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3597 Column: 13 - 80
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconeyoutube.png" alt="YouTube" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3600 Column: 13 - 83
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconepintrest.png" alt="Pinterest" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3603 Column: 13 - 84
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconeinstagram.png" alt="Instagram" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3606 Column: 13 - 84
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconegoogle_plus.png" alt="Google+" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3609 Column: 13 - 75
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconevimeo.png" alt="Vine" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3612 Column: 13 - 85
"... <img src="/Images/Site/iconesoundsnap.png" alt="Soundcloud" border="0" /> ..." Line: 3756 Column: 66 - 217
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Banner Loja" /></a><a..." Line: 3756 Column: 280 - 445
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Interno Escola Coxa" /></a><a..." Line: 3756 Column: 516 - 677
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Helenicos 320x90" /></a><a..." Line: 3756 Column: 741 - 913
"...eficios" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Clube de Beneficios 320x90" /></a><a..." Line: 3756 Column: 984 - 1147
"" ><img border="0" class="lazy" src="/images/erro.jpg" data-original="" alt="Crocodiles 320x90" /></a> ..." Line: 3808 Column: 9 - 185
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Caixa + Brasil" border="0" /> <..." Line: 3811 Column: 9 - 177
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Pro Tork" border="0" /> <..." Line: 3814 Column: 9 - 177
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Adidas" border="0" /> <..." Line: 3817 Column: 9 - 178
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Midway" border="0" /> <..." Line: 3820 Column: 9 - 178
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Brahma" border="0" /> <..." Line: 3823 Column: 9 - 183
"...> <img class="lazy" src="" data-original="" alt="Coritiba Store" border="0" /> <..."

The first occurrence of ID “destaque1” was here.

Line: 1567 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1567 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1567 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..." Line: 1567 Column: 5 - 24
"...px;"> <div id="destaque1"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “destaque2” was here.

Line: 1578 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1578 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1578 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..." Line: 1578 Column: 5 - 24
"...e1--> <div id="destaque2"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “destaque3” was here.

Line: 1588 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1588 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1588 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..." Line: 1588 Column: 5 - 24
"...e2--> <div id="destaque3"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “destaque4” was here.

Line: 1598 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1598 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1598 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..." Line: 1598 Column: 5 - 24
"...e3--> <div id="destaque4"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “destaque5” was here.

Line: 1605 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1605 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1605 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..." Line: 1605 Column: 5 - 24
"...e4--> <div id="destaque5"> ..."

The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.

Line: 1923 Column: 18 - 137
"...IOSIDADES <a id="linkCuriosidades" name="linkCuriosidades" href="/curiosidades" title="Saiba Mais" style="text-decoration: none;"> <..."

The first occurrence of ID “busca” was here.

Line: 862 Column: 13 - 28
"... <div id="busca"> ..."

The first occurrence of ID “trocaVideo” was here.

Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3146 Column: 25 - 170
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Entrevista com Sandro Forner" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..."

The value of attribute “title” on element “a” from namespace “” is not in Unicode Normalization Form C.

Line: 3204 Column: 25 - 180
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Câmera Coxa - Coritiba 1 x 0 Flamengo" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..." Line: 3212 Column: 25 - 174
"... <a href="" target="videoYoutube" title="Coritiba x Flamengo - Recepção" id="trocaVideo" class="trocaVideo"> ..."

The value of attribute “alt” on element “img” from namespace “” is not in Unicode Normalization Form C.

Line: 3205 Column: 29 - 149
"... <img src="" alt="Câmera Coxa - Coritiba 1 x 0 Flamengo" width="60" height="45"/> ..." Line: 3213 Column: 29 - 143
"... <img src="" alt="Coritiba x Flamengo - Recepção" width="60" height="45"/> ..."

Text run is not in Unicode Normalization Form C.

Line: 3207 Column: 1 - 48
"... <p> Câmera Coxa ... ..."

Attribute “data-height:"240"” is not serializable as XML 1.0.

Line: 3589 Column: 6 - 227
"> <div class="fb-like-box" data-stream="false" data-href="" data-width="290" data-height:"240" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="true" data-header="false" data-border-color="#FFFFFF"></div>..." similar domains

Similar domains: Ping

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source. TRACEROUTE

Traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool for displaying the route (path) and measuring transit delays of packets across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The history of the route is recorded as the round-trip times of the packets received from each successive host (remote node) in the route (path); the sum of the mean times in each hop is a measure of the total time spent to establish the connection. Traceroute proceeds unless all (three) sent packets are lost more than twice, then the connection is lost and the route cannot be evaluated.